Swiss do the unthinkable: deny Muslims citizenship.

Why are we so afraid to speak the truth? Saudi Arabia was and will be our enemy until we stop worrying about oil and political correctness. We didn't choose to make Islam the enemy, it's the other way 'round. We could have dealt with this better than attacking Iraq.
A minority of Muslims believe in violent Jihad.
We need to join with the non-violent Muslims to defeat radical violent Jihadist.
It wouldn't. The Constitution doesn't require that we grant citizenship to immigrants who are the equivalent of an invading force seeking to overthrow our system of law.

You're right. If Congress passed a law that prohibited immigration permissions to current or former members of ISIS, that would be perfectly constitutional. Passing a law that simply bans immigration based on religion would not.
Agree and Let's ban guns for anyone on the no fly list..

Translation: Let's adopt totalitarian policies which enable unelected bureaucrats to put political enemies on secret lists in order to deny them their rights protected by The Constitution.
It is a new world that requires new strategies. There is due process for those who are on the no fly list incorrectly. They get off the list they get their right to own a gun. How many are on their incorrectly; very few?
How many felons that are not allowed to own a gun have been incorrectly convicted; many more than those on the no fly list incorrectly.
Due process requires a trial before your Constitutional rights can be revoked, numskull.

When will you Leftists and Progressives get you heads on straight? Constitutional Rights are FOR CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES! Where the hell does it say it included aliens - legal and illegal?
And another thing, perhaps Trump is right about Muslim Immigration .Thing is Saudi Arabia bans any religion other than Islam, and most other Muslim counties fine non Muslims, they call it a tax. When Arabia freely allows Christians, Buddhist, atheist or any other group, I will take the outrage over the Islamic religion exclusion seriously. Otherwise Islam is a bane on the world we are better off without.
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Why are we so afraid to speak the truth? Saudi Arabia was and will be our enemy until we stop worrying about oil and political correctness. We didn't choose to make Islam the enemy, it's the other way 'round. We could have dealt with this better than attacking Iraq.
A minority of Muslims believe in violent Jihad.
We need to join with the non-violent Muslims to defeat radical violent Jihadist.

We need peaceful Muslims to help find and root out the bad. We need government to do through background checks on any potential new immigrants.

We need to get rid of PC. When the Italian Mafia was big, our law enforcement went into the Italian communities, when the Irish Mafia was going strong we went into Irish communities.

We can't sit back and pretend it doesn't exist and we also can go after every Muslim.
No where in the OP or link was deportation mentioned, yeah I guess liars must lie and the liar would be you.

Did I say it was mentioned?

Where did you grow up? Did the sentences have meaning there?

Yep, that's why I called you on an implication that had no basis, you then called someone a liar based on that implication, which was a lie in itself. Carry on liar.

You don't understand English. Try harder.

Maybe you should try harder to write more coherent sentences and stop introducing subjects not included in the OP. Carry on liar.

It is not good to introduce subjects not included in an OP? Since when?

I stated a fact. It was in no way a lie. You made a false assumption and failed to understand the meaning of my words. Try harder, loser. You just keep losing.

You brought up deportation, since it had nothing to do with the thread it was irrelevant deflection. Typical of a lying regressive.
And another thing, perhaps Trump is right about Muslim Immigration .Thing is Saudi Arabia bans any religion other than Islam, and most other Muslim counties fine non Muslims, they call it a tax. When Arabia freely allows Christians, Buddhist, atheist or any other group, I will take the outrage over the Islamic religion exclusion seriously. Otherwise Islam is a bane on the world we are better off without.
I do not want to be like Saudi Arabia. if we become what we hate, what we hate wins.
The federal government can deny a visa or citizenship for any reason. The Bill of Rights doesn't apply.

Perhaps we need to send you to the school of logic and not being a flaming hypocrite.

That is seriously some of the scariest shit I have ever heard. The Bill of Rights always applies in the United States.


Anyone who says otherwise is a totalitarian statist piece of shit.
It's "unthinkable" to American immigration officials, but not to any American capable of understanding common sense:

Swiss Do the Unthinkable: Deny Muslims Citizenship

In a move which no doubt has American immigration officials baffled, the Swiss are denying citizenship to Muslim after Muslim for failing to integrate into their society.

In this latest case, two Muslim girls were denied citizenship because they refused to swim in a pool with boys present.

At last a country has shown a bit of common sense.:thup:

Immigrants to all countries must understand they have to conform at least to a large extent to the culture, expectations, laws and regulations of their new country .

This example should be followed by all Europe and indeed the whole world !:2up:
Why are we so afraid to speak the truth? Saudi Arabia was and will be our enemy until we stop worrying about oil and political correctness. We didn't choose to make Islam the enemy, it's the other way 'round. We could have dealt with this better than attacking Iraq.
A minority of Muslims believe in violent Jihad.
We need to join with the non-violent Muslims to defeat radical violent Jihadist.

We need peaceful Muslims to help find and root out the bad. We need government to do through background checks on any potential new immigrants.

We need to get rid of PC. When the Italian Mafia was big, our law enforcement went into the Italian communities, when the Irish Mafia was going strong we went into Irish communities.

We can't sit back and pretend it doesn't exist and we also can go after every Muslim.
After 9/11, I don't care. I think that it's the more the burden of ALL Muslims than anyone else. Why didn't the Good Muslims stop 9/11 attacks? And you know what? They didn't ...and the rest is bullshit. Even the fascist nazis , that hates Jews and love mass murder, never used suicide bombers or did what Muslim suicide cell suppository mass murders Muslims do . Muslims are a new factor in evil in the world.
Assimilation is the key to successful Immigration. And the Left Globalists botched that big time in Europe.

That is true. But assimilation is a two way street. Too many people nowadays are wrapped up in all the wrong false dichotomies. Too many conservatives don't want any change to ever happen, while too many liberals want tons of change but want to control the path. Nations assimilate too when they take in immigrants. The culture absorbs and retains the new elements and is effected. Liberals can't seem to get it through their heads that too much change too quickly always leads to problems.
That's exactly the problem. What sane person wants our nation to "assimilate" to their filthy despicable culture? There is nothing admirable or desirable about the culture these savages bring with them. Keeping it out of our country is one of the best arguments for closing down immigration.

Clearly my post was miles above your head. You also, ironically, prove exactly what I said about being afraid of all change whatsoever.
I think up until 1953 Islam was considered just that under the American Consitution ie. it was either outlawed or there were no provisions for it, seems like America should revert back to that policy.


Find your own link lazy bones.

Burden of proof is on you. Evidence, or shut it.

Is it all one-liners and pro-Islam stuff with you?

So without having looked through this entire thread, does she ever cite evidence of her claim?
The denials have nothing to do with the fact that people are Muslims. It has to do with assimilation. Non Mulsims are similarly denied citizenship when they cannot demonstrate that they have joined the community in which they live.

Please note that the people denied citizenship are not simply deported.

Liars must lie, right OP?
My nomination for Spin Doctoring Epic Fail of the week...
If you believe in the flying spaghetti monster. Great! Saudi Arabia created a religion out of whole cloth. And, you can't question the great and powerful oz, um I mean "Mohamed", you will love this bullshit religion. And the believers, they get to kill YOU because the wonder banana is their GOD. Muslims are NUTZ. Islam is insane and anyone that thinks it isn't is nuttier than a fruitcake.
I think up until 1953 Islam was considered just that under the American Consitution ie. it was either outlawed or there were no provisions for it, seems like America should revert back to that policy.


Find your own link lazy bones.

Burden of proof is on you. Evidence, or shut it.

Is it all one-liners and pro-Islam stuff with you?

So without having looked through this entire thread, does she ever cite evidence of her claim?

I would doubt it. I can't be bothered to look through the whole thread that has developed since. But as a general rule Lucy just doesn't back her statements up. Typically, because he's making it up.
I think up until 1953 Islam was considered just that under the American Consitution ie. it was either outlawed or there were no provisions for it, seems like America should revert back to that policy.


Find your own link lazy bones.

Burden of proof is on you. Evidence, or shut it.

Is it all one-liners and pro-Islam stuff with you?

So without having looked through this entire thread, does she ever cite evidence of her claim?

Hey EriktheCommie, I frequently provide many links to topics, in this thread I gave the relevant sections as numbered, that's good enough for your pro-Islamist Leftist ilk.

Find your own link lazy bones.

Burden of proof is on you. Evidence, or shut it.

Is it all one-liners and pro-Islam stuff with you?

So without having looked through this entire thread, does she ever cite evidence of her claim?

I would doubt it. I can't be bothered to look through the whole thread that has developed since. But as a general rule Lucy just doesn't back her statements up. Typically, because he's making it up.

Hey get the Gender right sugar pants.
You have to hand it to some folks here.

Jihadis have slaughtered hundreds over the last few weeks, they promise to continue to slaughter as many as they can as soon as they can, they would love to slaughter the children and grandchildren of every poster on this board, and we're still having this back-and-forth.

How a person can hold to such a position is inexplicable. Although this guy has a good theory:


Are you capable of defending Muslims who are not 'violent jihadis'?
It's amusing to see the morally sanctimonious RWnuts ridiculing Muslim girls in Switzerland for their desire to assert modesty.
Why are we so afraid to speak the truth? Saudi Arabia was and will be our enemy until we stop worrying about oil and political correctness. We didn't choose to make Islam the enemy, it's the other way 'round. We could have dealt with this better than attacking Iraq.


So when Harry S Truman stole Palestine from . at least, 1.3 million Muslims he was being.........friendly?

So when the US invaded Iraq in 1990 and remained there for 18 years , Americans were being .........friendly?

When Obama destroyed Syria the US was being .......friendly?

Mary , do the L stands for LAME?
I prefer a less restrictive form of "integration" - but as an American, that is what I'm used to. Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that. As long as our laws are obeyed, I'm fine with what people choose to do. But Switzerland is also a very small and homogenous nation - our culture isn't even the same from region to region. I'm not saying it's like NK or SA, but to me it would be stifling - no room for crazy dog ladies! :eek:

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.

I see your point, regarding Europe - but the immigrant experience isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can enrich a culture.

Where's the evidence for that? Whenever you have a country with more than one major ethnic group, you have the recipe for civil war.

It's enriched our country.

How? What's the evidence that we are better off from non Anglo-Saxon immigrants?


another white supremacist emerges from the closet.

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