Swiss do the unthinkable: deny Muslims citizenship.

I think up until 1953 Islam was considered just that under the American Consitution ie. it was either outlawed or there were no provisions for it, seems like America should revert back to that policy.


Find your own link lazy bones.

Burden of proof is on you. Evidence, or shut it.

Is it all one-liners and pro-Islam stuff with you?

So without having looked through this entire thread, does she ever cite evidence of her claim?

She thinks there were never any Muslims in Spain.

Say no more.

Find your own link lazy bones.

Burden of proof is on you. Evidence, or shut it.

Is it all one-liners and pro-Islam stuff with you?

So without having looked through this entire thread, does she ever cite evidence of her claim?

She thinks there were never any Muslims in Spain.

Say no more.

I never commented that, like I never commented the other thing you said I did ie. "annihilating all non-believers"

I'm sure you'll attempt a subject change again, a repeat of the twice Christian deflection or perhaps another attempt at bringing anti-abortion stuff into the thread to say that people who are anti-abortion are just the same as Islamists.
Why are we so afraid to speak the truth? Saudi Arabia was and will be our enemy until we stop worrying about oil and political correctness. We didn't choose to make Islam the enemy, it's the other way 'round. We could have dealt with this better than attacking Iraq.


So when Harry S Truman stole Palestine from . at least, 1.3 million Muslims he was being.........friendly?

So when the US invaded Iraq in 1990 and remained there for 18 years , Americans were being .........friendly?

When Obama destroyed Syria the US was being .......friendly?

Mary , do the L stands for LAME?
lt stands for like. As in we agree. Any rational human being won't support the invasion of Iraq. Destabilized the area. We would have been better of with Saddam in power. Palestine was a recent creation by the brits. Please, all this imaginary sky beings bullshit doesn't excuse Muslim mass murders of westerners and gays and apostates. Please, do you support that? This religion is broken, it isn't bent.
The Left Globalists really flucked things up in Europe. You can't have Multiculturalism without assimilation. It's why Immigration has to be done legally and carefully.

Europe may not be able to fix the awful damage done by the Left Globalists. The only hope would be a mass exodus of the EU. Nations could then begin setting their own individual Immigration Policies. It's the only way they may be able to reverse the damage done.
The Left Globalists really flucked things up in Europe. You can't have Multiculturalism without assimilation. It's why Immigration has to be done legally and carefully.

Europe may not be able to fix the awful damage the Left Globalists have done. The only hope would be a mass exodus of the EU. Nations could then begin setting their own individual Immigration Policies. It's the only way they may be able to reverse the damage done.

This is what's going to happen, Patriotic Europeans most fundamental mission is the collapse of the EU and we'll win.

The Left Globalists are increasingly nervous, they know the opposition to them is now huge, the only way they can do this FORCED Multiculturalism is to just put the whole Continent under a Leftist Totalitarian Police State, but Patriotic Europeans already have a plan to destroy that also, always be 10 steps ahead and always have a Plan B and a Plan C and always have all your corners covered and also have small teams who are given the sole objective to infiltrate the Leftist camps and act exactly like them, in general Leftists are not that clever, their Pathological Altruism gets in the way of any logical thinking.

The garden variety Leftists are just useful tools, insects, and they can be lead by the nostrils, they illustrate this by hilariously backing The Establishment whilst equally hilariously thinking they're "Rebels" against EVERYTHING.
Why are we so afraid to speak the truth? Saudi Arabia was and will be our enemy until we stop worrying about oil and political correctness. We didn't choose to make Islam the enemy, it's the other way 'round. We could have dealt with this better than attacking Iraq.


So when Harry S Truman stole Palestine from . at least, 1.3 million Muslims he was being.........friendly?

So when the US invaded Iraq in 1990 and remained there for 18 years , Americans were being .........friendly?

When Obama destroyed Syria the US was being .......friendly?

Mary , do the L stands for LAME?
lt stands for like. As in we agree. Any rational human being won't support the invasion of Iraq. Destabilized the area. We would have been better of with Saddam in power. Palestine was a recent creation by the brits. Please, all this imaginary sky beings bullshit doesn't excuse Muslim mass murders of westerners and gays and apostates. Please, do you support that? This religion is broken, it isn't bent.


Hamburg Delenda Est
By John Galvin

Let me explain to you the most fundamental principle of American foreign policy: Any country where the people have unpronounceable names can be bombed by the US with impunity. For you Rockwell readers who are a little slow on the uptake, "impunity" means they aren't allowed to bomb us back. "We called no tag-backs." It hardly qualifies as impunity when they blow up our biggest buildings, now does it? They aren't playing by the rules.

Yep, the L stands for LAME
Why are we so afraid to speak the truth? Saudi Arabia was and will be our enemy until we stop worrying about oil and political correctness. We didn't choose to make Islam the enemy, it's the other way 'round. We could have dealt with this better than attacking Iraq.


So when Harry S Truman stole Palestine from . at least, 1.3 million Muslims he was being.........friendly?

So when the US invaded Iraq in 1990 and remained there for 18 years , Americans were being .........friendly?

When Obama destroyed Syria the US was being .......friendly?

Mary , do the L stands for LAME?
lt stands for like. As in we agree. Any rational human being won't support the invasion of Iraq. Destabilized the area. We would have been better of with Saddam in power. Palestine was a recent creation by the brits. Please, all this imaginary sky beings bullshit doesn't excuse Muslim mass murders of westerners and gays and apostates. Please, do you support that? This religion is broken, it isn't bent.


Hamburg Delenda Est
By John Galvin

Let me explain to you the most fundamental principle of American foreign policy: Any country where the people have unpronounceable names can be bombed by the US with impunity. For you Rockwell readers who are a little slow on the uptake, "impunity" means they aren't allowed to bomb us back. "We called no tag-backs." It hardly qualifies as impunity when they blow up our biggest buildings, now does it? They aren't playing by the rules.

Yep, the L stands for LAME

America needs proper leadership, the Neo-Conservatives need to be dismantled and America needs to act like it demands every nation acts EXCEPT America.

America continuously violates ALL International Law and various Geneva Conventions, and they only get away with this because they threaten and intimidate other nations. America also intimidates and threaten nations to remain Vassal's of Washington DC, they don't tolerate nations having their own foreign policy and they have no respect for nations sovereignty.

They feel they have a RIGHT to unilaterally put sanctions on any nation they wish and the intention is to destroy that nations economy, so they just submit to becoming a Puppet Vassal.

This situation cannot go on and it must be stopped, many people now think America is run by psychopaths, who in their quest to control the planet are prepared to begin WWIII.

So if America doesn't get proper leadership that can respect just being a part of the Community of Nations, then America is going to endanger all life on this planet, including it's own.
Swiss do the unthinkable: deny Muslims citizenship.

What's unthinkable about that?

Muslims have a long record of forcibly taking over and oppressing people in new countries they come to, killing those who resist.

I know, I know, there are lots of Muslims who don't do that - Muslims who are peaceable and even friendly. I know some Muslim people like that, and they are great people.

But I have almost never seen even the "great" Muslims denounce, ostracize, and prosecute the ones who take over other societies. If you don't resist and stop the violent, dominating ones, you are supporting them, at least passively. That's why it is so difficult to stop the violent ones - they remain hidden within the "peaceable" population of Muslims.

If there's any group who should be denied citizenship in another society, Muslims are a good choice.

Sorry, Muslims. You've made your bed.
Find your own link lazy bones.

Burden of proof is on you. Evidence, or shut it.

Is it all one-liners and pro-Islam stuff with you?

So without having looked through this entire thread, does she ever cite evidence of her claim?

She thinks there were never any Muslims in Spain.

Say no more.

I never commented that, like I never commented the other thing you said I did ie. "annihilating all non-believers"

So you now deny you said this:

" Islam has never been part of our Continent..."
The Swiss held a referendum way back in ?2010 on the building of new minarets on mosques. The result was something like 59% for a ban, and a ban was enacted.

I'm thankful I live in a country with religious freedom for all.
They have religious freedom. They have mosques to worship in, but they are no longer free to build minarets on them and to screech from them. That's a fair compromise, IMHO.

They should be allowed to practice their religion freely. Our Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and the freedom of expression. To start banning selected acts of their religion is wrong and unconstitutional. That isn't a road I want this country to go down.
They can practice their religion freely in the hell holes where they live. There is absolutely no reason to bring them here.
The Swiss held a referendum way back in ?2010 on the building of new minarets on mosques. The result was something like 59% for a ban, and a ban was enacted.

I'm thankful I live in a country with religious freedom for all.
They have religious freedom. They have mosques to worship in, but they are no longer free to build minarets on them and to screech from them. That's a fair compromise, IMHO.

They should be allowed to practice their religion freely. Our Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and the freedom of expression. To start banning selected acts of their religion is wrong and unconstitutional. That isn't a road I want this country to go down.
They can practice their religion freely in the hell holes where they live. There is absolutely no reason to bring them here.

They are already here and they are American citizens.
No where in the OP or link was deportation mentioned, yeah I guess liars must lie and the liar would be you.

Did I say it was mentioned?

Where did you grow up? Did the sentences have meaning there?

Yep, that's why I called you on an implication that had no basis, you then called someone a liar based on that implication, which was a lie in itself. Carry on liar.

You don't understand English. Try harder.

Maybe you should try harder to write more coherent sentences and stop introducing subjects not included in the OP. Carry on liar.

It is not good to introduce subjects not included in an OP? Since when?

I stated a fact. It was in no way a lie. You made a false assumption and failed to understand the meaning of my words. Try harder, loser. You just keep losing.

It's one of the rules of this section, douche bag. You're not allowed to derail a thread (change the subject).
The Swiss held a referendum way back in ?2010 on the building of new minarets on mosques. The result was something like 59% for a ban, and a ban was enacted.

I'm thankful I live in a country with religious freedom for all.
They have religious freedom. They have mosques to worship in, but they are no longer free to build minarets on them and to screech from them. That's a fair compromise, IMHO.

They should be allowed to practice their religion freely. Our Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and the freedom of expression. To start banning selected acts of their religion is wrong and unconstitutional. That isn't a road I want this country to go down.
They can practice their religion freely in the hell holes where they live. There is absolutely no reason to bring them here.

They are already here and they are American citizens.

There's nothing we can do about those, but we sure as hell don't have to import more of them.
Burden of proof is on you. Evidence, or shut it.

Is it all one-liners and pro-Islam stuff with you?

So without having looked through this entire thread, does she ever cite evidence of her claim?

She thinks there were never any Muslims in Spain.

Say no more.

I never commented that, like I never commented the other thing you said I did ie. "annihilating all non-believers"

So you now deny you said this:

" Islam has never been part of our Continent..."

Lucy reminds me of this gal.

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.

I see your point, regarding Europe - but the immigrant experience isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can enrich a culture.

Where's the evidence for that? Whenever you have a country with more than one major ethnic group, you have the recipe for civil war.

It's enriched our country.

How? What's the evidence that we are better off from non Anglo-Saxon immigrants?

If not for Vietnamese immigrants I wouldn't be able to get my hair cut for $5.00 including a 25% tip.

Yeah, and how about getting your lawn mowed for less than $100/mo?
But the Crusades, the Crusades!
What about the Precambrian period? Time moves on. Dinosaurs and the crusades, deader than a door nail.

It's more like those goddamn meteors that create massive die offs. Muslims much larger threat now in real time. When they get a hold of biological, nerve agents or nukes (it will happen), Daesh (sponsored by Saudi Arabia) will serve it up, they did on 9/11. I think we should have invaded Saudi Arabia and the hell with it.They are the real enemy here.
You feel that all 1.5 billion Muslims are the same?
And you also want to declare war on all 1.5 billion Muslims?
You are an ignorant small minded person.

Whether you know it or not, they have declared war on us.
Tell that to Spain. Read a history book.

Read how that happened to Spain and how it was eventually rectified.

I have a Politics and History degree.

You're the one who claimed Islam has never been a part of Europe. That is a profoundly retarded statement.

The European Continent historically is Christian, Islam has never been part of our Continent and has never been accepted by a majority of this Continent and it never will be.

We could mention the Ottomans, I suppose you're a fan of the Ottomans?

So the existence of Islam in Spain for 9 centuries is a myth?

The peoples of North Africa moved into the Iberian Peninsula which had fallen into total anarchy after the departure of the Romans. They were an advanced society with great architecture and science. But, they were also bigoted and wreaked havoc on anyone who did not abide by their rules.

The armies of Aragon and Castille, along with other regional rules finally kicked them out in 1611. They were far more backward and bigoted than the peoples they kicked out.

Both societies treated the common people like crap.
How were they any more backward than the muzzie savages?
Why are we so afraid to speak the truth? Saudi Arabia was and will be our enemy until we stop worrying about oil and political correctness. We didn't choose to make Islam the enemy, it's the other way 'round. We could have dealt with this better than attacking Iraq.
A minority of Muslims believe in violent Jihad.
We need to join with the non-violent Muslims to defeat radical violent Jihadist.

The so-called "non-violent Muslims" support what the violent Muslims are doing. Why do you think they never protest these mass killings?
Is it all one-liners and pro-Islam stuff with you?

So without having looked through this entire thread, does she ever cite evidence of her claim?

She thinks there were never any Muslims in Spain.

Say no more.

I never commented that, like I never commented the other thing you said I did ie. "annihilating all non-believers"

So you now deny you said this:

" Islam has never been part of our Continent..."

Lucy reminds me of this gal.

You're devoid of humour and whoever that is appears to be your common garden variety Leftist.

What have you added of anything to this thread? Oh that's right, nothing, go and play in your sand box with the other backward children.
You're right. If Congress passed a law that prohibited immigration permissions to current or former members of ISIS, that would be perfectly constitutional. Passing a law that simply bans immigration based on religion would not.
Agree and Let's ban guns for anyone on the no fly list..

Translation: Let's adopt totalitarian policies which enable unelected bureaucrats to put political enemies on secret lists in order to deny them their rights protected by The Constitution.
It is a new world that requires new strategies. There is due process for those who are on the no fly list incorrectly. They get off the list they get their right to own a gun. How many are on their incorrectly; very few?
How many felons that are not allowed to own a gun have been incorrectly convicted; many more than those on the no fly list incorrectly.
Due process requires a trial before your Constitutional rights can be revoked, numskull.

When will you Leftists and Progressives get you heads on straight? Constitutional Rights are FOR CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES! Where the hell does it say it included aliens - legal and illegal?

I'm talking about the no-fly list, numskull. That applies to citizens.

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