Swiss do the unthinkable: deny Muslims citizenship.

Yes I made that comment, you can put it up your pro-Islamic ass if you want to.

You've spent nearly this entire thread attempting to derail the thread with constant Off Topic stuff, many people in this thread are also aware of this. You're joined in this thread by two of your fellow Trolls, Swim Expert and ErikTheCommie, the three of you collectively of course demonstrate that you have a combined mental age of about 8.

The irony would be delicious if not so pathetic.
Why are we so afraid to speak the truth? Saudi Arabia was and will be our enemy until we stop worrying about oil and political correctness. We didn't choose to make Islam the enemy, it's the other way 'round. We could have dealt with this better than attacking Iraq.
A minority of Muslims believe in violent Jihad.
We need to join with the non-violent Muslims to defeat radical violent Jihadist.

We need peaceful Muslims to help find and root out the bad. We need government to do through background checks on any potential new immigrants.

We need to get rid of PC. When the Italian Mafia was big, our law enforcement went into the Italian communities, when the Irish Mafia was going strong we went into Irish communities.

We can't sit back and pretend it doesn't exist and we also can go after every Muslim.

The so-called "peaceful Muslims" have demonstrated no inclination to find and root out the bad. When they know some fanatic is going to stage a suicide attack, they keep their mouths shut. That's why you have to be a fool to trust any of them.

We're just wasting our time even attempting to have a rational discussion with these types, they're so obsessed with a combination of anti-Christian, pro-Political Correctness and pro-Islamist fanaticism we'd get more logic from a wall.

Look at how this type reacted to the Orlando massacre, does that reaction suggest either logic or even common sense? No.

So my ignore list is soon about to get added to, I'm not wasting my time on the fanatical pro-Islamists anymore, they can sink in their own degeneracy from now on.
I think these discussions are useful because the lurkers can see exactly what kind of nonsense these imbeciles are peddling. They get the same shit on the evening news, but there's nobody to contest it or present the other side. The arguments of the the pro-open borders traitors is beyond absurd.

Well yes it's good for those reasons, but myself at moments like this I think WTF let them babble amongst themselves.
What have you added of anything to this thread?


This thread started off as a piece of trash. It only got worse with your bullshit claims that Islam was outlawed in the US until 1953. You still have yet to provide any evidence to back up your claim, more than 20 pages later.
Yes I made that comment, you can put it up your pro-Islamic ass if you want to.

You've spent nearly this entire thread attempting to derail the thread with constant Off Topic stuff, many people in this thread are also aware of this. You're joined in this thread by two of your fellow Trolls, Swim Expert and ErikTheCommie, the three of you collectively of course demonstrate that you have a combined mental age of about 8.

The irony would be delicious if not so pathetic.

You're pathetic sugar pants, but there's nothing ironic or delicious about you, you're just a pathetic pro-Islamist moral degenerate.
If we keep importing these savages, we will become Saudi Arabia.

Then the pro-Islamist's can be happy as pigs in crap, when America reaches the cesspit level of Saudi Arabia.
It's hard to believe these open-borders assholes actually want our culture to become more like Saudi Arabia's culture. You have to be a congenital moron to believe that's a good thing.

Of course it's hard to believe - it's a strawman.

Hardly. Once the Muslim population starts getting up near 7%, they start making demands for the government to accommodate their religious requirements. Just consider the muzzie mayor of London who is censoring advertising in London because it offends his tender Muzzie sensibilities.

It's likely offending the sensibilities of many other people because the mayor alone can't do that.
He can on city buses and on the Tube.
What have you added of anything to this thread?


This thread started off as a piece of trash. It only got worse with your bullshit claims that Islam was outlawed in the US until 1953. You still have yet to provide any evidence to back up your claim, more than 20 pages later.
How is it a piece of trash? It's a documented news event.
What have you added of anything to this thread?


This thread started off as a piece of trash. It only got worse with your bullshit claims that Islam was outlawed in the US until 1953. You still have yet to provide any evidence to back up your claim, more than 20 pages later.

No my first post was to illustrate that Switzerland has never had a record of being Socialist, this was after, I can't remember asked was someone now endorsing Socialism.

I think if people read ALL your contributions to this thread, they'll think, WTF what a spongehead.
You suffer from the leftwing disease of believing change is always good.

Which explains why I criticized liberals for not understanding that too much change is bad.
Any change at all in some directions is bad. That's what you don't seem to get. No one has ever demonstrated any tangible benefits from so-called "diversity." If we look at nations that have multiple cultures, what you see is rioting, mass murder and chaos.
What have you added of anything to this thread?


This thread started off as a piece of trash. It only got worse with your bullshit claims that Islam was outlawed in the US until 1953. You still have yet to provide any evidence to back up your claim, more than 20 pages later.
How is it a piece of trash? It's a documented news event.

It doesn't fit the pro-Islam Leftist narrative, therefore everything that doesn't now is automatically trash.

I'd rate these fools posts funny, but their ratings are so shockingly low, I don't want to give the fools a ratings boost.
Who's supporting or defending extremists? Or, is this just another example of regressive stupidity on your part?
The Regressive Lefties are always so willing to self-identify for me.

Where, precisely, did I say you're "supporting or defending extremists"?

Please show me.

You just made a pretty serious and nasty charge. And then a personal insult. Now, back it up.

I won't expect an apology. I know how you folks are.
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You have to hand it to some folks here.

Jihadis have slaughtered hundreds over the last few weeks, they promise to continue to slaughter as many as they can as soon as they can, they would love to slaughter the children and grandchildren of every poster on this board, and we're still having this back-and-forth.

How a person can hold to such a position is inexplicable. Although this guy has a good theory:


Are you capable of defending Muslims who are not 'violent jihadis'?
Switzerland is a wonderful nation.

Visiting it would be fine, but I wouldn't want to live there under such restrictive cultural's one thing to be willing, quite another to be forced.

It's not restrictive asking people to adequately integrate into a nation and adhere to it's laws and customs.

Switzerland is a peaceful nation, you make it sound like Saudi Arabia or North Korea, they're not going to chop someone's head or force someone to labour in a salt mine for the rest of their life or something.

I prefer a less restrictive form of "integration" - but as an American, that is what I'm used to. Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that. As long as our laws are obeyed, I'm fine with what people choose to do. But Switzerland is also a very small and homogenous nation - our culture isn't even the same from region to region. I'm not saying it's like NK or SA, but to me it would be stifling - no room for crazy dog ladies! :eek:

"Switzerland is not an immigrant nation - we are, and our culture reflects that."

This is the fundamental difference between America and the European Continent, America was founded on immigration and you are continuously a nation of immigrants.

The European Continent consists of nations who's culture and heritage have been settled for almost Millenia, why should we want our nations disrupted in such ways as to flood us with alien cultures and peoples, we have nothing in common with each other and this all leads to a dangerous culture clash, we don't want this, we essentially just want to be left alone to continue as we are. This ISN'T a crime wanting this and it doesn't matter how many times the pro-Multiculturists shout and call us names, we're immune from the name calling now, it goes in one ear and out of the other.

I see your point, regarding Europe - but the immigrant experience isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can enrich a culture.
If a group of people decide they do not want another group of people to come and live among them,that's their RIGHT!
The Swiss do not want muslims living among them. Neither do the Japanese.
That's their right.
They vote in politicians who make sure the will of the people is followed.
"Ya but. You don't know what you're missing by not having tens of thousands of 'young muslim men' who are functionally illiterate and who 'use' the teachings of the coran to commit misogyny on females, hanging around the streets of Geneva, all day spitting at females and shitting on the doorsteps of businesses they don't like".
It comes from Wisconsin..

The holes are still from Switzerland.
Not the imitation ones..

I like Parmesan because it doubles as an excellent foot powder.

Stop buying Kraft ..that shit is nasty.

Apparently most parmesan nowadays is adulterated with wood chips or some such crap.
That explains the content of your brain then.
The Swiss don't want rattlesnakes living amongst them.

Intelligent, gutsy call.
You have to hand it to some folks here.

Jihadis have slaughtered hundreds over the last few weeks, they promise to continue to slaughter as many as they can as soon as they can, they would love to slaughter the children and grandchildren of every poster on this board, and we're still having this back-and-forth.

How a person can hold to such a position is inexplicable. Although this guy has a good theory:


Are you capable of defending Muslims who are not 'violent jihadis'?

Then you should prove that once in awhile. Take a break from attacking the people who do defend innocent Muslims.
While you're at it you might want to reread this thread and count up how many posters here are now openly hostile to all of Islam.
You have to hand it to some folks here.

Jihadis have slaughtered hundreds over the last few weeks, they promise to continue to slaughter as many as they can as soon as they can, they would love to slaughter the children and grandchildren of every poster on this board, and we're still having this back-and-forth.

How a person can hold to such a position is inexplicable. Although this guy has a good theory:


Are you capable of defending Muslims who are not 'violent jihadis'?

Then you should prove that once in awhile. Take a break from attacking the people who do defend innocent Muslims.
While you're at it you might want to reread this thread and count up how many posters here are now openly hostile to all of Islam.
I'll do as I please, but I do appreciate your rapt attention.

The Regressive Left annoys me more than the Talk Radio Right. Who knows why. It is what it is.
I adore the sound of church bells.

You may adore them but others find them annoying, should we ban the ringing of church bells?
If you want to try, have at it.

You can't ban it, that is the point, you can't ban the Muslim call to prayer either. They are both protected by the Constitution.
That's nice. But this thread is about Switzerland, where they had a referendum and banned minarets. Try to stay on topic.

Sad that they will ban a freedom so quickly, helps me appreciate the freedom that the American Constitution allows. That would never fly in this country.
The Swiss population has the God given right to decide for themselves who they want to live in THEIR country. What the shape of the building will be.
All done with the free will of the majority of the Swiss nationals.
If they want to hold a referendum to decide whether every car in the country is to be painted zebra stripes it's THEIR RIGHT!
Anyone you don't like zebra striped cars can fucking leave.

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