Swiss do the unthinkable: deny Muslims citizenship.

You have to hand it to some folks here.

Jihadis have slaughtered hundreds over the last few weeks, they promise to continue to slaughter as many as they can as soon as they can, they would love to slaughter the children and grandchildren of every poster on this board, and we're still having this back-and-forth.

How a person can hold to such a position is inexplicable. Although this guy has a good theory:


Are you capable of defending Muslims who are not 'violent jihadis'?

Then you should prove that once in awhile. Take a break from attacking the people who do defend innocent Muslims.
While you're at it you might want to reread this thread and count up how many posters here are now openly hostile to all of Islam.
Hundreds of millions are 'sane' people are growing increasingly hostile to muslims.
The so-called 'peaceful' muslims hide behind their halloween costumes and smile when they hear of yet another muslim committing mass murder against innocent people world wide.
These 'peace-loving' muslims are as guilty as those who commit the atrocities.
If you want to try, have at it.

You can't ban it, that is the point, you can't ban the Muslim call to prayer either. They are both protected by the Constitution.
That's nice. But this thread is about Switzerland, where they had a referendum and banned minarets. Try to stay on topic.

Nice dodge.
It's a dodge to remind the poster this thread is about Switzerland and not the American Constitution? Lol.

It's a selective dodge that ignores other (favorable to your point of view) digressions from the OP.

But it all essentially, belongs in the conversation - because Switzerland's action is about religious freedoms.
The Swiss decision is about religious freedom AND the RIGHT of the Swiss to decide who they want to live among themselves. The Swiss do not want what muslims will bring to Switzerland. The Swiss have watched country after country in Europe culturally collapse under the weight of muslim violence and degeneracy.
These 'peace-loving' muslims are as guilty as those who commit the atrocities.
No. That's the kind of absolutism that exacerbates the problem, and we're getting it from both ends of this issue.
Mankind has survived and evolved based on a 'Binary' view of life.
AKA "Absolutism". Yes there is such a thing as black or white/good or evil/right or wrong. No matter what little Billy's LIB parents and the 'Liberal Indoctrination Centers teach him.
The entire world is waking up to the specter of what happens to countries who have allowed mass muslim immigration.
Not one country has experienced anything but serious social/cultural/financial grief as a result.
There is not one positive aspect of thousands illiterate, unemployed, misogynist 'young muslim men' hanging around city street corners spitting at females and shitting on the door steps of businesses they don't like.
BTW. How can they all afford to wear patent leather jackets and silk pants?
Thank GOD the Swiss aren't as fucking stupid as the Belgiums and Germans and French are.
Why are we so afraid to speak the truth? Saudi Arabia was and will be our enemy until we stop worrying about oil and political correctness. We didn't choose to make Islam the enemy, it's the other way 'round. We could have dealt with this better than attacking Iraq.
A minority of Muslims believe in violent Jihad.
We need to join with the non-violent Muslims to defeat radical violent Jihadist.
The next time you watch ten thousand 'peace-loving' muslims march against the Jihadists in their communities please let us know.
Until then you're spouting bullshit.
These 'peace-loving' muslims are as guilty as those who commit the atrocities.
No. That's the kind of absolutism that exacerbates the problem, and we're getting it from both ends of this issue.
Mankind has survived and evolved based on a 'Binary' view of life.
AKA "Absolutism". Yes there is such a thing as black or white/good or evil/right or wrong. No matter what little Billy's LIB parents and the 'Liberal Indoctrination Centers teach him.
The entire world is waking up to the specter of what happens to countries who have allowed mass muslim immigration.
Not one country has experienced anything but serious social/cultural/financial grief as a result.
There is not one positive aspect of thousands illiterate, unemployed, misogynist 'young muslim men' hanging around city street corners spitting at females and shitting on the door steps of businesses they don't like.
BTW. How can they all afford to wear patent leather jackets and silk pants?
Thank GOD the Swiss aren't as fucking stupid as the Belgiums and Germans and French are.
So let me get this straight.

You said "these 'peace-loving muslims are as guilty as those who commit the atrocities."

Just to confirm, then, you equate (24 Famous celebrities who are Muslim) Shaquille O'Neal, Ellen Burstyn, Ali, Janet Jackson and Dr. Oz with a man in the Middle East who would cut the head off an American child and post it on You Tube, is that a fair statement?
If we keep importing these savages, we will become Saudi Arabia.

Then the pro-Islamist's can be happy as pigs in crap, when America reaches the cesspit level of Saudi Arabia.
It's hard to believe these open-borders assholes actually want our culture to become more like Saudi Arabia's culture. You have to be a congenital moron to believe that's a good thing.

Of course it's hard to believe - it's a strawman.

Hardly. Once the Muslim population starts getting up near 7%, they start making demands for the government to accommodate their religious requirements. Just consider the muzzie mayor of London who is censoring advertising in London because it offends his tender Muzzie sensibilities.

It's likely offending the sensibilities of many other people because the mayor alone can't do that.
Those "many other people" are 100% muslim. Muslims elected the muslim mayor.
The city of Londonistan is lost to the British people. I blame the British for allowing it to happen.
At least as more and more people living in Londonistan are muslim the odds of muslims exploding bombs in London are lessening.
So there is that.
These 'peace-loving' muslims are as guilty as those who commit the atrocities.
No. That's the kind of absolutism that exacerbates the problem, and we're getting it from both ends of this issue.
Mankind has survived and evolved based on a 'Binary' view of life.
AKA "Absolutism". Yes there is such a thing as black or white/good or evil/right or wrong. No matter what little Billy's LIB parents and the 'Liberal Indoctrination Centers teach him.
The entire world is waking up to the specter of what happens to countries who have allowed mass muslim immigration.
Not one country has experienced anything but serious social/cultural/financial grief as a result.
There is not one positive aspect of thousands illiterate, unemployed, misogynist 'young muslim men' hanging around city street corners spitting at females and shitting on the door steps of businesses they don't like.
BTW. How can they all afford to wear patent leather jackets and silk pants?
Thank GOD the Swiss aren't as fucking stupid as the Belgiums and Germans and French are.
So let me get this straight.

You said "these 'peace-loving muslims are as guilty as those who commit the atrocities."

Just to confirm, then, you equate (24 Famous celebrities who are Muslim) Shaquille O'Neal, Ellen Burstyn, Ali, Janet Jackson and Dr. Oz with a man in the Middle East who would cut the head off an American child and post it on You Tube, is that a fair statement?
Now you will put up even a SINGLE quote by any of the fantastic number of "Famous Muslim Celebrities" who have come out and condemned Jihadism. Just one out of ALL 24!
I do not believe ANY muslim who professes to follow the teaching found in the coran can be a "peaceful muslim".
It's an oxymoron.
As a muslim you must be 'all-in' with the teachings of the coran or you are not a muslim. Period.
These 'peace-loving' muslims are as guilty as those who commit the atrocities.
No. That's the kind of absolutism that exacerbates the problem, and we're getting it from both ends of this issue.
Mankind has survived and evolved based on a 'Binary' view of life.
AKA "Absolutism". Yes there is such a thing as black or white/good or evil/right or wrong. No matter what little Billy's LIB parents and the 'Liberal Indoctrination Centers teach him.
The entire world is waking up to the specter of what happens to countries who have allowed mass muslim immigration.
Not one country has experienced anything but serious social/cultural/financial grief as a result.
There is not one positive aspect of thousands illiterate, unemployed, misogynist 'young muslim men' hanging around city street corners spitting at females and shitting on the door steps of businesses they don't like.
BTW. How can they all afford to wear patent leather jackets and silk pants?
Thank GOD the Swiss aren't as fucking stupid as the Belgiums and Germans and French are.
So let me get this straight.

You said "these 'peace-loving muslims are as guilty as those who commit the atrocities."

Just to confirm, then, you equate (24 Famous celebrities who are Muslim) Shaquille O'Neal, Ellen Burstyn, Ali, Janet Jackson and Dr. Oz with a man in the Middle East who would cut the head off an American child and post it on You Tube, is that a fair statement?
Now you will put up even a SINGLE quote by any of the fantastic number of "Famous Muslim Celebrities" who have come out and condemned Jihadism. Just one out of ALL 24!
I do not believe ANY muslim who professes to follow the teaching found in the coran can be a "peaceful muslim".
It's an oxymoron.
As a muslim you must be 'all-in' with the teachings of the coran or you are not a muslim. Period.
I'm assuming that's a "yes".
The girls, whose names were not disclosed, said their religion prevents them from participating in compulsory swimming lessons with males in the pool at the same time. Their naturalization application was rejected because the sisters did not comply with the school curriculum, Basel authorities said.

Aha! They want to invoke their religion as a means to be exempt from the law!

Who does that sound like? I'll give you a hint...

starts with 'Christian' and ends with 'Conservatives'


Those Christians were born here, and the Constitution protects their religious expression.

So resident alien Christians in the US can be denied their right to worship?
These 'peace-loving' muslims are as guilty as those who commit the atrocities.
No. That's the kind of absolutism that exacerbates the problem, and we're getting it from both ends of this issue.
Mankind has survived and evolved based on a 'Binary' view of life.
AKA "Absolutism". Yes there is such a thing as black or white/good or evil/right or wrong. No matter what little Billy's LIB parents and the 'Liberal Indoctrination Centers teach him.
The entire world is waking up to the specter of what happens to countries who have allowed mass muslim immigration.
Not one country has experienced anything but serious social/cultural/financial grief as a result.
There is not one positive aspect of thousands illiterate, unemployed, misogynist 'young muslim men' hanging around city street corners spitting at females and shitting on the door steps of businesses they don't like.
BTW. How can they all afford to wear patent leather jackets and silk pants?
Thank GOD the Swiss aren't as fucking stupid as the Belgiums and Germans and French are.
So let me get this straight.

You said "these 'peace-loving muslims are as guilty as those who commit the atrocities."

Just to confirm, then, you equate (24 Famous celebrities who are Muslim) Shaquille O'Neal, Ellen Burstyn, Ali, Janet Jackson and Dr. Oz with a man in the Middle East who would cut the head off an American child and post it on You Tube, is that a fair statement?
Now you will put up even a SINGLE quote by any of the fantastic number of "Famous Muslim Celebrities" who have come out and condemned Jihadism. Just one out of ALL 24!
I do not believe ANY muslim who professes to follow the teaching found in the coran can be a "peaceful muslim".
It's an oxymoron.
As a muslim you must be 'all-in' with the teachings of the coran or you are not a muslim. Period.
I'm assuming that's a "yes".
"Yes" to what?
The girls, whose names were not disclosed, said their religion prevents them from participating in compulsory swimming lessons with males in the pool at the same time. Their naturalization application was rejected because the sisters did not comply with the school curriculum, Basel authorities said.

Aha! They want to invoke their religion as a means to be exempt from the law!

Who does that sound like? I'll give you a hint...

starts with 'Christian' and ends with 'Conservatives'


Those Christians were born here, and the Constitution protects their religious expression.

So resident alien Christians in the US can be denied their right to worship?
If your 'religion' teaches you not to swim with males so FUCKING DON'T!
Why the fuck should ANYONE have to be made to change their lives to accommodate you?
Muslims are clinically insane fucking zombies.
The whole world is waking up to this muslim bullshit.
No. That's the kind of absolutism that exacerbates the problem, and we're getting it from both ends of this issue.
Mankind has survived and evolved based on a 'Binary' view of life.
AKA "Absolutism". Yes there is such a thing as black or white/good or evil/right or wrong. No matter what little Billy's LIB parents and the 'Liberal Indoctrination Centers teach him.
The entire world is waking up to the specter of what happens to countries who have allowed mass muslim immigration.
Not one country has experienced anything but serious social/cultural/financial grief as a result.
There is not one positive aspect of thousands illiterate, unemployed, misogynist 'young muslim men' hanging around city street corners spitting at females and shitting on the door steps of businesses they don't like.
BTW. How can they all afford to wear patent leather jackets and silk pants?
Thank GOD the Swiss aren't as fucking stupid as the Belgiums and Germans and French are.
So let me get this straight.

You said "these 'peace-loving muslims are as guilty as those who commit the atrocities."

Just to confirm, then, you equate (24 Famous celebrities who are Muslim) Shaquille O'Neal, Ellen Burstyn, Ali, Janet Jackson and Dr. Oz with a man in the Middle East who would cut the head off an American child and post it on You Tube, is that a fair statement?
Now you will put up even a SINGLE quote by any of the fantastic number of "Famous Muslim Celebrities" who have come out and condemned Jihadism. Just one out of ALL 24!
I do not believe ANY muslim who professes to follow the teaching found in the coran can be a "peaceful muslim".
It's an oxymoron.
As a muslim you must be 'all-in' with the teachings of the coran or you are not a muslim. Period.
I'm assuming that's a "yes".
"Yes" to what?
The question I asked: "Just to confirm, then, you equate (24 Famous celebrities who are Muslim) Shaquille O'Neal, Ellen Burstyn, Ali, Janet Jackson and Dr. Oz with a man in the Middle East who would cut the head off an American child and post it on You Tube, is that a fair statement?"

The denials have nothing to do with the fact that people are Muslims. It has to do with assimilation. Non Mulsims are similarly denied citizenship when they cannot demonstrate that they have joined the community in which they live.

Please note that the people denied citizenship are not simply deported.

Liars must lie, right OP?

True, but what does that have to do with the fact that Muslims ARE being denied citizenship, just as the OP says.

Reread that again you dumb fuck, the OP did NOT claim that they were being denied citizenship based on the fact that they are Muslims, as you falsely claimed it does. So who's the liar? That's right, you . Again.

Stupid fucks
It's "unthinkable" to American immigration officials, but not to any American capable of understanding common sense:

Swiss Do the Unthinkable: Deny Muslims Citizenship

In a move which no doubt has American immigration officials baffled, the Swiss are denying citizenship to Muslim after Muslim for failing to integrate into their society.

In this latest case, two Muslim girls were denied citizenship because they refused to swim in a pool with boys present.

So you love socialists now, good move.

Switzerland isn't Socialist you ignoramus, there's also no history of Socialism in Switzerland.

The SVP are the largest single party in the Bundesversammlung with 65 members of the Nationalrat and in total in the Nationalrat from the 200 seats, 137 are held by parties of the Right. In the Ständerat 31 of the 46 seats are held by parties of the Right, CVP, FDP, SVP.

They don't have public schools in Switzerland?

Public schools aren't socialism you stupid fuck.
Mankind has survived and evolved based on a 'Binary' view of life.
AKA "Absolutism". Yes there is such a thing as black or white/good or evil/right or wrong. No matter what little Billy's LIB parents and the 'Liberal Indoctrination Centers teach him.
The entire world is waking up to the specter of what happens to countries who have allowed mass muslim immigration.
Not one country has experienced anything but serious social/cultural/financial grief as a result.
There is not one positive aspect of thousands illiterate, unemployed, misogynist 'young muslim men' hanging around city street corners spitting at females and shitting on the door steps of businesses they don't like.
BTW. How can they all afford to wear patent leather jackets and silk pants?
Thank GOD the Swiss aren't as fucking stupid as the Belgiums and Germans and French are.
So let me get this straight.

You said "these 'peace-loving muslims are as guilty as those who commit the atrocities."

Just to confirm, then, you equate (24 Famous celebrities who are Muslim) Shaquille O'Neal, Ellen Burstyn, Ali, Janet Jackson and Dr. Oz with a man in the Middle East who would cut the head off an American child and post it on You Tube, is that a fair statement?
Now you will put up even a SINGLE quote by any of the fantastic number of "Famous Muslim Celebrities" who have come out and condemned Jihadism. Just one out of ALL 24!
I do not believe ANY muslim who professes to follow the teaching found in the coran can be a "peaceful muslim".
It's an oxymoron.
As a muslim you must be 'all-in' with the teachings of the coran or you are not a muslim. Period.
I'm assuming that's a "yes".
"Yes" to what?
The question I asked: "Just to confirm, then, you equate (24 Famous celebrities who are Muslim) Shaquille O'Neal, Ellen Burstyn, Ali, Janet Jackson and Dr. Oz with a man in the Middle East who would cut the head off an American child and post it on You Tube, is that a fair statement?"

I don't give a fuck if a skank like Janet Jackson is a muslim or not.
I stand by my statement. Anyone who claims to be a muslim must follow the teachings of the coran.
Within those teachings are found the commands for muslims all over the world to commit mass murder and acts of terrorism on every 'non-believer'.
Any muslim, even fucking Dr. OZ who would openly condemn these barbaric insane acts of violence is an automatic target for other muslims to murder.
Hence the reason NO FUCKING MUSLIMS will condemn the teachings found within the coran which they themselves profess to follow.
Muslim (those muslims who stop following the coran are risking their lives and their families lives of course) who follow the coran's teachings are either current terrorists or they are complicant in the terrorist acts other muslims commit. Period.
You have to hand it to some folks here.

Jihadis have slaughtered hundreds over the last few weeks, they promise to continue to slaughter as many as they can as soon as they can, they would love to slaughter the children and grandchildren of every poster on this board, and we're still having this back-and-forth.

How a person can hold to such a position is inexplicable. Although this guy has a good theory:


Are you capable of defending Muslims who are not 'violent jihadis'?

Then you should prove that once in awhile. Take a break from attacking the people who do defend innocent Muslims.
While you're at it you might want to reread this thread and count up how many posters here are now openly hostile to all of Islam.
I'll do as I please, but I do appreciate your rapt attention.

The Regressive Left annoys me more than the Talk Radio Right. Who knows why. It is what it is.

That's because you're a conservative posing as a centrist. Instead of obsessing on people like me, how about you address posts like 457?

Your tacit approval of those people speaks volumes.

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