Swiss do the unthinkable: deny Muslims citizenship.

Why are we so afraid to speak the truth? Saudi Arabia was and will be our enemy until we stop worrying about oil and political correctness. We didn't choose to make Islam the enemy, it's the other way 'round. We could have dealt with this better than attacking Iraq.
A minority of Muslims believe in violent Jihad.
We need to join with the non-violent Muslims to defeat radical violent Jihadist.

We need peaceful Muslims to help find and root out the bad. We need government to do through background checks on any potential new immigrants.

We need to get rid of PC. When the Italian Mafia was big, our law enforcement went into the Italian communities, when the Irish Mafia was going strong we went into Irish communities.

We can't sit back and pretend it doesn't exist and we also can go after every Muslim.

The so-called "peaceful Muslims" have demonstrated no inclination to find and root out the bad. When they know some fanatic is going to stage a suicide attack, they keep their mouths shut. That's why you have to be a fool to trust any of them.
And another thing, perhaps Trump is right about Muslim Immigration .Thing is Saudi Arabia bans any religion other than Islam, and most other Muslim counties fine non Muslims, they call it a tax. When Arabia freely allows Christians, Buddhist, atheist or any other group, I will take the outrage over the Islamic religion exclusion seriously. Otherwise Islam is a bane on the world we are better off without.
I do not want to be like Saudi Arabia. if we become what we hate, what we hate wins.
If we keep importing these savages, we will become Saudi Arabia.
Burden of proof is on you. Evidence, or shut it.

Is it all one-liners and pro-Islam stuff with you?

So without having looked through this entire thread, does she ever cite evidence of her claim?

She thinks there were never any Muslims in Spain.

Say no more.

I never commented that, like I never commented the other thing you said I did ie. "annihilating all non-believers"

So you now deny you said this:

" Islam has never been part of our Continent..."

Yes I made that comment, you can put it up your pro-Islamic ass if you want to.

You've spent nearly this entire thread attempting to derail the thread with constant Off Topic stuff, many people in this thread are also aware of this. You're joined in this thread by two of your fellow Trolls, Swim Expert and ErikTheCommie, the three of you collectively of course demonstrate that you have a combined mental age of about 8.
The federal government can deny a visa or citizenship for any reason. The Bill of Rights doesn't apply.

Perhaps we need to send you to the school of logic and not being a flaming hypocrite.

That is seriously some of the scariest shit I have ever heard. The Bill of Rights always applies in the United States.


Anyone who says otherwise is a totalitarian statist piece of shit.

That's right, it applies to the United States. Refugees in Syria are not in the United States. They can stay where they are for any reason we choose. The BOR simply doesn't apply. No one has a right to immigrate here.
And another thing, perhaps Trump is right about Muslim Immigration .Thing is Saudi Arabia bans any religion other than Islam, and most other Muslim counties fine non Muslims, they call it a tax. When Arabia freely allows Christians, Buddhist, atheist or any other group, I will take the outrage over the Islamic religion exclusion seriously. Otherwise Islam is a bane on the world we are better off without.
I do not want to be like Saudi Arabia. if we become what we hate, what we hate wins.
If we keep importing these savages, we will become Saudi Arabia.

Then the pro-Islamist's can be happy as pigs in crap, when America reaches the cesspit level of Saudi Arabia.
Assimilation is the key to successful Immigration. And the Left Globalists botched that big time in Europe.

That is true. But assimilation is a two way street. Too many people nowadays are wrapped up in all the wrong false dichotomies. Too many conservatives don't want any change to ever happen, while too many liberals want tons of change but want to control the path. Nations assimilate too when they take in immigrants. The culture absorbs and retains the new elements and is effected. Liberals can't seem to get it through their heads that too much change too quickly always leads to problems.
That's exactly the problem. What sane person wants our nation to "assimilate" to their filthy despicable culture? There is nothing admirable or desirable about the culture these savages bring with them. Keeping it out of our country is one of the best arguments for closing down immigration.

Clearly my post was miles above your head. You also, ironically, prove exactly what I said about being afraid of all change whatsoever.

Hardly,. Your post was pure pap. It's total bullshit. Again, why do we want our culture to move in the direction of the culture of the Muzzie savages? What does it have to offer us? Nothing, as far as I can see. You suffer from the leftwing disease of believing change is always good.
But the Crusades, the Crusades!
What about the Precambrian period? Time moves on. Dinosaurs and the crusades, deader than a door nail.

It's more like those goddamn meteors that create massive die offs. Muslims much larger threat now in real time. When they get a hold of biological, nerve agents or nukes (it will happen), Daesh (sponsored by Saudi Arabia) will serve it up, they did on 9/11. I think we should have invaded Saudi Arabia and the hell with it.They are the real enemy here.
You feel that all 1.5 billion Muslims are the same?
And you also want to declare war on all 1.5 billion Muslims?
You are an ignorant small minded person.

Whether you know it or not, they have declared war on us.

They can't understand, it's beyond their brain cell capabilities to understand such things, something as simple as yes Islam has declared war on the West, thank goodness none of these fools could ever work for any Intelligence Agency or things would already been down the toilet.
Did I say it was mentioned?

Where did you grow up? Did the sentences have meaning there?

Yep, that's why I called you on an implication that had no basis, you then called someone a liar based on that implication, which was a lie in itself. Carry on liar.

You don't understand English. Try harder.

Maybe you should try harder to write more coherent sentences and stop introducing subjects not included in the OP. Carry on liar.

It is not good to introduce subjects not included in an OP? Since when?

I stated a fact. It was in no way a lie. You made a false assumption and failed to understand the meaning of my words. Try harder, loser. You just keep losing.

It's one of the rules of this section, douche bag. You're not allowed to derail a thread (change the subject).

I didn't. Silly boy.
And another thing, perhaps Trump is right about Muslim Immigration .Thing is Saudi Arabia bans any religion other than Islam, and most other Muslim counties fine non Muslims, they call it a tax. When Arabia freely allows Christians, Buddhist, atheist or any other group, I will take the outrage over the Islamic religion exclusion seriously. Otherwise Islam is a bane on the world we are better off without.
I do not want to be like Saudi Arabia. if we become what we hate, what we hate wins.
If we keep importing these savages, we will become Saudi Arabia.

Then the pro-Islamist's can be happy as pigs in crap, when America reaches the cesspit level of Saudi Arabia.
It's hard to believe these open-borders assholes actually want our culture to become more like Saudi Arabia's culture. You have to be a congenital moron to believe that's a good thing.
Assimilation is the key to successful Immigration. And the Left Globalists botched that big time in Europe.

That is true. But assimilation is a two way street. Too many people nowadays are wrapped up in all the wrong false dichotomies. Too many conservatives don't want any change to ever happen, while too many liberals want tons of change but want to control the path. Nations assimilate too when they take in immigrants. The culture absorbs and retains the new elements and is effected. Liberals can't seem to get it through their heads that too much change too quickly always leads to problems.
That's exactly the problem. What sane person wants our nation to "assimilate" to their filthy despicable culture? There is nothing admirable or desirable about the culture these savages bring with them. Keeping it out of our country is one of the best arguments for closing down immigration.

Clearly my post was miles above your head. You also, ironically, prove exactly what I said about being afraid of all change whatsoever.

Hardly,. Your post was pure pap. It's total bullshit. Again, why do we want our culture to move in the direction of the culture of the Muzzie savages? What does it have to offer us? Nothing, as far as I can see. You suffer from the leftwing disease of believing change is always good.

Any indication that it has?
And another thing, perhaps Trump is right about Muslim Immigration .Thing is Saudi Arabia bans any religion other than Islam, and most other Muslim counties fine non Muslims, they call it a tax. When Arabia freely allows Christians, Buddhist, atheist or any other group, I will take the outrage over the Islamic religion exclusion seriously. Otherwise Islam is a bane on the world we are better off without.
I do not want to be like Saudi Arabia. if we become what we hate, what we hate wins.
If we keep importing these savages, we will become Saudi Arabia.

Then the pro-Islamist's can be happy as pigs in crap, when America reaches the cesspit level of Saudi Arabia.
It's hard to believe these open-borders assholes actually want our culture to become more like Saudi Arabia's culture. You have to be a congenital moron to believe that's a good thing.

Of course it's hard to believe - it's a strawman.
It's amusing to see the morally sanctimonious RWnuts ridiculing Muslim girls in Switzerland for their desire to assert modesty.

They want the entire school to comply with their religious dogma. I would think a left winger would be opposed to that.
I see your point, regarding Europe - but the immigrant experience isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can enrich a culture.

Where's the evidence for that? Whenever you have a country with more than one major ethnic group, you have the recipe for civil war.

It's enriched our country.

How? What's the evidence that we are better off from non Anglo-Saxon immigrants?

If not for Vietnamese immigrants I wouldn't be able to get my hair cut for $5.00 including a 25% tip.

Yeah, and how about getting your lawn mowed for less than $100/mo?

I do my own. No one will mow 2 acres for even a hundred. And the people I deal with are legal, or citizens. They just run a volume business and do it for less, it's call capitalism.
Assimilation is the key to successful Immigration. And the Left Globalists botched that big time in Europe.

That is true. But assimilation is a two way street. Too many people nowadays are wrapped up in all the wrong false dichotomies. Too many conservatives don't want any change to ever happen, while too many liberals want tons of change but want to control the path. Nations assimilate too when they take in immigrants. The culture absorbs and retains the new elements and is effected. Liberals can't seem to get it through their heads that too much change too quickly always leads to problems.
That's exactly the problem. What sane person wants our nation to "assimilate" to their filthy despicable culture? There is nothing admirable or desirable about the culture these savages bring with them. Keeping it out of our country is one of the best arguments for closing down immigration.

Clearly my post was miles above your head. You also, ironically, prove exactly what I said about being afraid of all change whatsoever.

Hardly,. Your post was pure pap. It's total bullshit. Again, why do we want our culture to move in the direction of the culture of the Muzzie savages? What does it have to offer us? Nothing, as far as I can see. You suffer from the leftwing disease of believing change is always good.

Any indication that it has?
Go to Dearbornistan and see for yourself. Better yet, go to London, Brussels or Paris and note the changes in these cities.
Why are we so afraid to speak the truth? Saudi Arabia was and will be our enemy until we stop worrying about oil and political correctness. We didn't choose to make Islam the enemy, it's the other way 'round. We could have dealt with this better than attacking Iraq.
A minority of Muslims believe in violent Jihad.
We need to join with the non-violent Muslims to defeat radical violent Jihadist.

We need peaceful Muslims to help find and root out the bad. We need government to do through background checks on any potential new immigrants.

We need to get rid of PC. When the Italian Mafia was big, our law enforcement went into the Italian communities, when the Irish Mafia was going strong we went into Irish communities.

We can't sit back and pretend it doesn't exist and we also can go after every Muslim.

The so-called "peaceful Muslims" have demonstrated no inclination to find and root out the bad. When they know some fanatic is going to stage a suicide attack, they keep their mouths shut. That's why you have to be a fool to trust any of them.

We're just wasting our time even attempting to have a rational discussion with these types, they're so obsessed with a combination of anti-Christian, pro-Political Correctness and pro-Islamist fanaticism we'd get more logic from a wall.

Look at how this type reacted to the Orlando massacre, does that reaction suggest either logic or even common sense? No.

So my ignore list is soon about to get added to, I'm not wasting my time on the fanatical pro-Islamists anymore, they can sink in their own degeneracy from now on.
And another thing, perhaps Trump is right about Muslim Immigration .Thing is Saudi Arabia bans any religion other than Islam, and most other Muslim counties fine non Muslims, they call it a tax. When Arabia freely allows Christians, Buddhist, atheist or any other group, I will take the outrage over the Islamic religion exclusion seriously. Otherwise Islam is a bane on the world we are better off without.
I do not want to be like Saudi Arabia. if we become what we hate, what we hate wins.
If we keep importing these savages, we will become Saudi Arabia.

Then the pro-Islamist's can be happy as pigs in crap, when America reaches the cesspit level of Saudi Arabia.
It's hard to believe these open-borders assholes actually want our culture to become more like Saudi Arabia's culture. You have to be a congenital moron to believe that's a good thing.

Of course it's hard to believe - it's a strawman.

Hardly. Once the Muslim population starts getting up near 7%, they start making demands for the government to accommodate their religious requirements. Just consider the muzzie mayor of London who is censoring advertising in London because it offends his tender Muzzie sensibilities.
Why are we so afraid to speak the truth? Saudi Arabia was and will be our enemy until we stop worrying about oil and political correctness. We didn't choose to make Islam the enemy, it's the other way 'round. We could have dealt with this better than attacking Iraq.
A minority of Muslims believe in violent Jihad.
We need to join with the non-violent Muslims to defeat radical violent Jihadist.

We need peaceful Muslims to help find and root out the bad. We need government to do through background checks on any potential new immigrants.

We need to get rid of PC. When the Italian Mafia was big, our law enforcement went into the Italian communities, when the Irish Mafia was going strong we went into Irish communities.

We can't sit back and pretend it doesn't exist and we also can go after every Muslim.

The so-called "peaceful Muslims" have demonstrated no inclination to find and root out the bad. When they know some fanatic is going to stage a suicide attack, they keep their mouths shut. That's why you have to be a fool to trust any of them.

We're just wasting our time even attempting to have a rational discussion with these types, they're so obsessed with a combination of anti-Christian, pro-Political Correctness and pro-Islamist fanaticism we'd get more logic from a wall.

Look at how this type reacted to the Orlando massacre, does that reaction suggest either logic or even common sense? No.

So my ignore list is soon about to get added to, I'm not wasting my time on the fanatical pro-Islamists anymore, they can sink in their own degeneracy from now on.
I think these discussions are useful because the lurkers can see exactly what kind of nonsense these imbeciles are peddling. They get the same shit on the evening news, but there's nobody to contest it or present the other side. The arguments of the the pro-open borders traitors is beyond absurd.
I do not want to be like Saudi Arabia. if we become what we hate, what we hate wins.
If we keep importing these savages, we will become Saudi Arabia.

Then the pro-Islamist's can be happy as pigs in crap, when America reaches the cesspit level of Saudi Arabia.
It's hard to believe these open-borders assholes actually want our culture to become more like Saudi Arabia's culture. You have to be a congenital moron to believe that's a good thing.

Of course it's hard to believe - it's a strawman.

Hardly. Once the Muslim population starts getting up near 7%, they start making demands for the government to accommodate their religious requirements. Just consider the muzzie mayor of London who is censoring advertising in London because it offends his tender Muzzie sensibilities.

It's likely offending the sensibilities of many other people because the mayor alone can't do that.
And another thing, perhaps Trump is right about Muslim Immigration .Thing is Saudi Arabia bans any religion other than Islam, and most other Muslim counties fine non Muslims, they call it a tax. When Arabia freely allows Christians, Buddhist, atheist or any other group, I will take the outrage over the Islamic religion exclusion seriously. Otherwise Islam is a bane on the world we are better off without.
I do not want to be like Saudi Arabia. if we become what we hate, what we hate wins.
If we keep importing these savages, we will become Saudi Arabia.

Then the pro-Islamist's can be happy as pigs in crap, when America reaches the cesspit level of Saudi Arabia.
It's hard to believe these open-borders assholes actually want our culture to become more like Saudi Arabia's culture. You have to be a congenital moron to believe that's a good thing.

It's because the open border types hate ALL Western Culture, along with hating ALL established values that have ever come from Western Civilisation, they hate all of this so much they have a pathological need to destroy it all, this is why the Leftists are having the love-in with Islam and everything Islamist, it's why they ignore that all the terrorist attacks are all committed by Muslims, it's why they ignore the way Islam treats women, it's why they ignore the way Islam treats gay people etc.

The Leftists are suffering from like a collective Cognitive Dissonance, EVERYTHING about Islam is directly polar opposite to EVERYTHING that the Leftists have ever championed, now because of their hatred of Western Civilisations cultures and established values, they've embraced Islam, leading to this mental split in their small brains, there's a war going on in their small brains....they think they have IQ's of 240 or something poor things :rolleyes-41:

They're all slowly but now more rapidly cracking up already, this is illustrated when anyone disagrees with them and/or they don't get their own way, they immediately start getting aggressive, Bolshie, bed-wetting and cry-babying and more than a few begin threatening physical violence if they can't get their way.

This taken to it's ultimate and logical conclusion, well that's that the Leftist's will suffer a collective breakdown and freak-out and need the BIGGEST Safe Space in human history....I vote to ship them all to Antarctica myself, that'll be a nice, big Safe Space for them.

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