Swiss do the unthinkable: deny Muslims citizenship.

The Swiss are doing the intelligent thing unlike the US and our see no evil immigration stance
Assimilation is the key to successful Immigration. And the Left Globalists botched that big time in Europe. They took millions in, and told them they didn't have to pledge allegiance and assimilate. They're paying a bloody price for that now.

It's why we have to end Illegal Immigration in the U.S. Legal Immigration promotes assimilation. To become a U.S. Citizen, you have to educate yourself on American History, and pledge allegiance. That doesn't happen with Illegal Immigration.

Also all prior Immigration came from people who at least shared either the same culture and values or similar culture or values, with Islam that's a complete impossibility, Islam's culture and values is the polar opposite of ALL Western Civilisations culture and values, it's not compatible on any level.


Insgesamt 230 Moscheen und Gebetsräume gibt es in der Schweiz. Hier beten Muslime in der Moschee im Haus der Religionen in Bern. (Bild: Keystone/Peter Klaunzer)

Here Muslims worship at the mosque in Bern

Delete the thread is pure BULLSHIT.

This picture shows nothing, except asses in the air, Islam has never been a part of either Switzerland or anyplace on the European Continent.

Shut the fuck up .

The article appeared in the Swiss publication "20 minuten.

So? All that's telling people is where all the Muslims have come from, and that 80% of them are Sunni and most are from The Balkans and that there's more prayer rooms than actual Mosques and that the majority of Switzerland are Christian.

You STFU yourself.

Did the fucking article state that the Swiss are denying citizenship to Muslims?


So another person was denied citizenship because he wore sweatpants around town and didn't greet passersby (you're screwed if you're shy)....and another (American) because he could not name any of his Swiss friends or neighboring villages.

Very heavy handed. I would not want to live there.

Switzerland is a wonderful nation.

Of course it is, its my home away from home.

Assimilation is the key to successful Immigration. And the Left Globalists botched that big time in Europe. They took millions in, and told them they didn't have to pledge allegiance and assimilate. They're paying a bloody price for that now.

It's why we have to end Illegal Immigration in the U.S. Legal Immigration promotes assimilation. To become a U.S. Citizen, you have to educate yourself on American History, and pledge allegiance. That doesn't happen with Illegal Immigration.

Also all prior Immigration came from people who at least shared either the same culture and values or similar culture or values, with Islam that's a complete impossibility, Islam's culture and values is the polar opposite of ALL Western Civilisations culture and values, it's not compatible on any level.


Insgesamt 230 Moscheen und Gebetsräume gibt es in der Schweiz. Hier beten Muslime in der Moschee im Haus der Religionen in Bern. (Bild: Keystone/Peter Klaunzer)

Here Muslims worship at the mosque in Bern

Delete the thread is pure BULLSHIT.

This picture shows nothing, except asses in the air, Islam has never been a part of either Switzerland or anyplace on the European Continent.

Tell that to Spain. Read a history book.

Read how that happened to Spain and how it was eventually rectified.

I have a Politics and History degree.

You're the one who claimed Islam has never been a part of Europe. That is a profoundly retarded statement.
It's "unthinkable" to American immigration officials, but not to any American capable of understanding common sense:

Swiss Do the Unthinkable: Deny Muslims Citizenship

In a move which no doubt has American immigration officials baffled, the Swiss are denying citizenship to Muslim after Muslim for failing to integrate into their society.

In this latest case, two Muslim girls were denied citizenship because they refused to swim in a pool with boys present.

So you love socialists now, good move.

Switzerland is near the top of the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom. It's no more "socialist" than Singapore.

Switzerland and Norway have thrived, not being members of the EU. They do their own thing. They've remained independent sovereign nations. And it's worked.
For those who rail about less government, Switzerland is not where you want to live. They have a very heavy handed government that keeps the country "in line".
These same posters who are talking about the immigration policy of Switzerland would find many other aspects of the Swiss government they would be whining about.


Switzerland is one of the freest countries in Europe. It is based upon assimilating three different cultures and has been successful for centuries. They somehow meld German, French, and Italian cultures into one nation that rules through the will of the people. All they ask is that people obey the rules. Failure to do so indicates the people who ignore those rules are refusing to become part of the culture. The Swiss have a right to refuse them citizenship.

Here's from the article:

In Switzerland, unlike in the United States and many other countries, integration into society is more important for naturalization than knowledge of national history or politics. Candidates for citizenship must prove that they are well assimilated in their communities and respect local customs and traditions.

In Switzerland, local town or village councils make initial decisions on naturalization applications. If they decide a candidate is not an upstanding member of the community, the application will be denied and not forwarded to canton (state) and federal authorities for further processing.Well, will you look at that. The Swiss think their immigration laws should be used to benefit their own nation! The audacity of these people!

It's just driving the pro-Islamists crazy that Switzerland won't just collapse and give the keys to the whole of Muslimland to just move in and take over so they can begin to turn Switzerland into Lebanon.
Also all prior Immigration came from people who at least shared either the same culture and values or similar culture or values, with Islam that's a complete impossibility, Islam's culture and values is the polar opposite of ALL Western Civilisations culture and values, it's not compatible on any level.


Insgesamt 230 Moscheen und Gebetsräume gibt es in der Schweiz. Hier beten Muslime in der Moschee im Haus der Religionen in Bern. (Bild: Keystone/Peter Klaunzer)

Here Muslims worship at the mosque in Bern

Delete the thread is pure BULLSHIT.

This picture shows nothing, except asses in the air, Islam has never been a part of either Switzerland or anyplace on the European Continent.

Tell that to Spain. Read a history book.

Read how that happened to Spain and how it was eventually rectified.

I have a Politics and History degree.

You're the one who claimed Islam has never been a part of Europe. That is a profoundly retarded statement.

The European Continent historically is Christian, Islam has never been part of our Continent and has never been accepted by a majority of this Continent and it never will be.

We could mention the Ottomans, I suppose you're a fan of the Ottomans?
Assimilation is the key to successful Immigration. And the Left Globalists botched that big time in Europe. They took millions in, and told them they didn't have to pledge allegiance and assimilate. They're paying a bloody price for that now.

It's why we have to end Illegal Immigration in the U.S. Legal Immigration promotes assimilation. To become a U.S. Citizen, you have to educate yourself on American History, and pledge allegiance. That doesn't happen with Illegal Immigration.

Also all prior Immigration came from people who at least shared either the same culture and values or similar culture or values, with Islam that's a complete impossibility, Islam's culture and values is the polar opposite of ALL Western Civilisations culture and values, it's not compatible on any level.


Insgesamt 230 Moscheen und Gebetsräume gibt es in der Schweiz. Hier beten Muslime in der Moschee im Haus der Religionen in Bern. (Bild: Keystone/Peter Klaunzer)

Here Muslims worship at the mosque in Bern

Delete the thread is pure BULLSHIT.

This picture shows nothing, except asses in the air, Islam has never been a part of either Switzerland or anyplace on the European Continent.

Tell that to Spain. Read a history book.

Read how that happened to Spain and how it was eventually rectified.

I have a Politics and History degree.

Apparently you were in the toilet when your courses covered the 900 years of Islamic domination of Spain.

Insgesamt 230 Moscheen und Gebetsräume gibt es in der Schweiz. Hier beten Muslime in der Moschee im Haus der Religionen in Bern. (Bild: Keystone/Peter Klaunzer)

Here Muslims worship at the mosque in Bern

Delete the thread is pure BULLSHIT.

This picture shows nothing, except asses in the air, Islam has never been a part of either Switzerland or anyplace on the European Continent.

Tell that to Spain. Read a history book.

Read how that happened to Spain and how it was eventually rectified.

I have a Politics and History degree.

You're the one who claimed Islam has never been a part of Europe. That is a profoundly retarded statement.

The European Continent historically is Christian, Islam has never been part of our Continent and has never been accepted by a majority of this Continent and it never will be.

We could mention the Ottomans, I suppose you're a fan of the Ottomans?

So the existence of Islam in Spain for 9 centuries is a myth?
It wouldn't. The Constitution doesn't require that we grant citizenship to immigrants who are the equivalent of an invading force seeking to overthrow our system of law.

You're right. If Congress passed a law that prohibited immigration permissions to current or former members of ISIS, that would be perfectly constitutional. Passing a law that simply bans immigration based on religion would not.
Agree and Let's ban guns for anyone on the no fly list..

Translation: Let's adopt totalitarian policies which enable unelected bureaucrats to put political enemies on secret lists in order to deny them their rights protected by The Constitution.
It is a new world that requires new strategies. There is due process for those who are on the no fly list incorrectly. They get off the list they get their right to own a gun. How many are on their incorrectly; very few?
How many felons that are not allowed to own a gun have been incorrectly convicted; many more than those on the no fly list incorrectly.
So you love socialists now, good move.

Switzerland is near the top of the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom. It's no more "socialist" than Singapore.

Switzerland and Norway have thrived, not being members of the EU. They do their own thing. They've remained independent sovereign nations. And it's worked.
For those who rail about less government, Switzerland is not where you want to live. They have a very heavy handed government that keeps the country "in line".
These same posters who are talking about the immigration policy of Switzerland would find many other aspects of the Swiss government they would be whining about.


Switzerland is one of the freest countries in Europe. It is based upon assimilating three different cultures and has been successful for centuries. They somehow meld German, French, and Italian cultures into one nation that rules through the will of the people. All they ask is that people obey the rules. Failure to do so indicates the people who ignore those rules are refusing to become part of the culture. The Swiss have a right to refuse them citizenship.

Here's from the article:

In Switzerland, unlike in the United States and many other countries, integration into society is more important for naturalization than knowledge of national history or politics. Candidates for citizenship must prove that they are well assimilated in their communities and respect local customs and traditions.

In Switzerland, local town or village councils make initial decisions on naturalization applications. If they decide a candidate is not an upstanding member of the community, the application will be denied and not forwarded to canton (state) and federal authorities for further processing.Well, will you look at that. The Swiss think their immigration laws should be used to benefit their own nation! The audacity of these people!

It's just driving the pro-Islamists crazy that Switzerland won't just collapse and give the keys to the whole of Muslimland to just move in and take over so they can begin to turn Switzerland into Lebanon.

And the same thing happens to 2nd and 3rd generation Italians, Germans, Mexicans Muslims, etc, in the US.

Their children and grand children will be assimilated and become AMERICANIZED whether that is what grandpa wanted or not.

It's "unthinkable" to American immigration officials, but not to any American capable of understanding common sense:

Swiss Do the Unthinkable: Deny Muslims Citizenship

In a move which no doubt has American immigration officials baffled, the Swiss are denying citizenship to Muslim after Muslim for failing to integrate into their society.

In this latest case, two Muslim girls were denied citizenship because they refused to swim in a pool with boys present.

Are you actually suggesting that the US government violate the constitution to emulate a foreign nation?

How would that violate the Constitution?

How would it violate the constitution to pass a law respecting an establishment of religion? If you can't answer that question then perhaps we need to send you to night school to get your diploma. Maybe we can start a gofundme page for your tuition.

If immigrants refuse to comply with societal norms, we have every right to deny them citizenship. If Companies owned by Christians are required to provide coverage for birth control and abortions, then Muslim girls can be required to swim with the boys in school functions, especially since they aren't citizens. The federal government can deny a visa or citizenship for any reason. The Bill of Rights doesn't apply.

Perhaps we need to send you to the school of logic and not being a flaming hypocrite.
It wouldn't. The Constitution doesn't require that we grant citizenship to immigrants who are the equivalent of an invading force seeking to overthrow our system of law.

You're right. If Congress passed a law that prohibited immigration permissions to current or former members of ISIS, that would be perfectly constitutional. Passing a law that simply bans immigration based on religion would not.
Agree and Let's ban guns for anyone on the no fly list..

Translation: Let's adopt totalitarian policies which enable unelected bureaucrats to put political enemies on secret lists in order to deny them their rights protected by The Constitution.
It is a new world that requires new strategies. There is due process for those who are on the no fly list incorrectly. They get off the list they get their right to own a gun. How many are on their incorrectly; very few?
How many felons that are not allowed to own a gun have been incorrectly convicted; many more than those on the no fly list incorrectly.
Due process requires a trial before your Constitutional rights can be revoked, numskull.
It's "unthinkable" to American immigration officials, but not to any American capable of understanding common sense:

Swiss Do the Unthinkable: Deny Muslims Citizenship

In a move which no doubt has American immigration officials baffled, the Swiss are denying citizenship to Muslim after Muslim for failing to integrate into their society.

In this latest case, two Muslim girls were denied citizenship because they refused to swim in a pool with boys present.

Are you actually suggesting that the US government violate the constitution to emulate a foreign nation?

How would that violate the Constitution?

It wouldn't. The Constitution doesn't require that we grant citizenship to immigrants who are the equivalent of an invading force seeking to overthrow our system of law.


So why then did the US admit the fascists, the socialists , the "progressives" ---those who converted our Constitutional Republic into a fascist democracy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Is it to late to interdict, detain and deport the motherfuckers?


Absolutely right! We deport them and all of their descendants.
Have you checked your ancestry? You could be a descendant of one of those MFers and you are GONE!
It's "unthinkable" to American immigration officials, but not to any American capable of understanding common sense:

Swiss Do the Unthinkable: Deny Muslims Citizenship

In a move which no doubt has American immigration officials baffled, the Swiss are denying citizenship to Muslim after Muslim for failing to integrate into their society.

In this latest case, two Muslim girls were denied citizenship because they refused to swim in a pool with boys present.

Are you actually suggesting that the US government violate the constitution to emulate a foreign nation?

How would that violate the Constitution?

It wouldn't. The Constitution doesn't require that we grant citizenship to immigrants who are the equivalent of an invading force seeking to overthrow our system of law.


So why then did the US admit the fascists, the socialists , the "progressives" ---those who converted our Constitutional Republic into a fascist democracy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Is it to late to interdict, detain and deport the motherfuckers?


Absolutely right! We deport them and all of their descendants.
Have you checked your ancestry? You could be a descendant of one of those MFers and you are GONE!
Sounds like a personal problem
Also all prior Immigration came from people who at least shared either the same culture and values or similar culture or values, with Islam that's a complete impossibility, Islam's culture and values is the polar opposite of ALL Western Civilisations culture and values, it's not compatible on any level.


Insgesamt 230 Moscheen und Gebetsräume gibt es in der Schweiz. Hier beten Muslime in der Moschee im Haus der Religionen in Bern. (Bild: Keystone/Peter Klaunzer)

Here Muslims worship at the mosque in Bern

Delete the thread is pure BULLSHIT.

This picture shows nothing, except asses in the air, Islam has never been a part of either Switzerland or anyplace on the European Continent.

Shut the fuck up .

The article appeared in the Swiss publication "20 minuten.

So? All that's telling people is where all the Muslims have come from, and that 80% of them are Sunni and most are from The Balkans and that there's more prayer rooms than actual Mosques and that the majority of Switzerland are Christian.

You STFU yourself.

Did the fucking article state that the Swiss are denying citizenship to Muslims?



It's about their countries of origin, how important their religion is to them or not so much and the other things I mention in my previous answer.

Back to requirements for citizenship though. The 1952 Federal Nationality Law states for citizenship a non-citizen must show:
  • integration into the Swiss way of life;
    • familiarity with Swiss habits, customs and traditions;
    • compliance with the Swiss rule of law;
    • no danger to Switzerland's internal or external security.
It's down to each Kanton and regular naturalisation also requires that someone has lived in Switzerland for 12 years in addition to the above and there's no legal protected right to being naturalised by a Kanton.
It wouldn't. The Constitution doesn't require that we grant citizenship to immigrants who are the equivalent of an invading force seeking to overthrow our system of law.

You're right. If Congress passed a law that prohibited immigration permissions to current or former members of ISIS, that would be perfectly constitutional. Passing a law that simply bans immigration based on religion would not.
Agree and Let's ban guns for anyone on the no fly list..

Translation: Let's adopt totalitarian policies which enable unelected bureaucrats to put political enemies on secret lists in order to deny them their rights protected by The Constitution.
It is a new world that requires new strategies. There is due process for those who are on the no fly list incorrectly. They get off the list they get their right to own a gun. How many are on their incorrectly; very few?
How many felons that are not allowed to own a gun have been incorrectly convicted; many more than those on the no fly list incorrectly.
Due process requires a trial before your Constitutional rights can be revoked, numskull.
The Constitution has ammendmants to bring it up to the needs of the time.
Terrorists are using our rights to kill us. There has to be common sense revisions to meet the risks of the new world.
The 9/11 hijackers would have been stopped if their had not been such tight restrictions on monitoring their phone calls. Changes were made.
It's "unthinkable" to American immigration officials, but not to any American capable of understanding common sense:

Swiss Do the Unthinkable: Deny Muslims Citizenship

In a move which no doubt has American immigration officials baffled, the Swiss are denying citizenship to Muslim after Muslim for failing to integrate into their society.

In this latest case, two Muslim girls were denied citizenship because they refused to swim in a pool with boys present.

So you love socialists now, good move.

The OP poster was not supporting socialism. It's the common sense to not want people who refuse to assimilate. It's not socialist to want to maintain sovereignty by protecting your culture.

Liberals here are often socialists or communists and they seem to loathe America, especially the constitution and seek to destroy it. The left here is all for allowing Muslims to come and reject everything about us, from our language to our laws.

Most important is the reason why some refuse to assimilate. It's because they have no respect for the host country and desire to change it rather than join it. It's the same when Muslims come here and refuse to follow our laws, especially those regarding equal rights.

If people do not want to assimilate, it means they are there for other reasons. And because they tend to form their own communities, complete with their own laws, they pose a danger. That is becoming obvious to many countries who have been invaded by Muslims. The Muslims want to take over, not become part of the countries as they are.
Last edited:
Are you actually suggesting that the US government violate the constitution to emulate a foreign nation?

How would that violate the Constitution?

It wouldn't. The Constitution doesn't require that we grant citizenship to immigrants who are the equivalent of an invading force seeking to overthrow our system of law.


So why then did the US admit the fascists, the socialists , the "progressives" ---those who converted our Constitutional Republic into a fascist democracy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Is it to late to interdict, detain and deport the motherfuckers?


Absolutely right! We deport them and all of their descendants.
Have you checked your ancestry? You could be a descendant of one of those MFers and you are GONE!
Sounds like a personal problem
Could be a personal problem for you!
Also all prior Immigration came from people who at least shared either the same culture and values or similar culture or values, with Islam that's a complete impossibility, Islam's culture and values is the polar opposite of ALL Western Civilisations culture and values, it's not compatible on any level.


Insgesamt 230 Moscheen und Gebetsräume gibt es in der Schweiz. Hier beten Muslime in der Moschee im Haus der Religionen in Bern. (Bild: Keystone/Peter Klaunzer)

Here Muslims worship at the mosque in Bern

Delete the thread is pure BULLSHIT.

This picture shows nothing, except asses in the air, Islam has never been a part of either Switzerland or anyplace on the European Continent.

Tell that to Spain. Read a history book.

Read how that happened to Spain and how it was eventually rectified.

I have a Politics and History degree.

Apparently you were in the toilet when your courses covered the 900 years of Islamic domination of Spain.

The key word is domination, which is what Islam always seeks, domination and submission and repression, which is why we don't want this crowd on our Continent.

This finishes one of two ways, they agree to leave of their own accord or they'll be forcibly removed, we know they're not going to do the former, so within the next two years we'll have to do the latter, it'll be a Continent-wide mass rounding up and dealing with them using whatever means we have to use.
You're right. If Congress passed a law that prohibited immigration permissions to current or former members of ISIS, that would be perfectly constitutional. Passing a law that simply bans immigration based on religion would not.
Agree and Let's ban guns for anyone on the no fly list..

Translation: Let's adopt totalitarian policies which enable unelected bureaucrats to put political enemies on secret lists in order to deny them their rights protected by The Constitution.
It is a new world that requires new strategies. There is due process for those who are on the no fly list incorrectly. They get off the list they get their right to own a gun. How many are on their incorrectly; very few?
How many felons that are not allowed to own a gun have been incorrectly convicted; many more than those on the no fly list incorrectly.
Due process requires a trial before your Constitutional rights can be revoked, numskull.
The Constitution has ammendmants to bring it up to the needs of the time.
Terrorists are using our rights to kill us. There has to be common sense revisions to meet the risks of the new world.
The 9/11 hijackers would have been stopped if their had not been such tight restrictions on monitoring their phone calls. Changes were made.
Regardless of your opinion, the law is the law. The Constitution states that your rights cannot be revoked without due process of law. That is defined as a trial by jury. The no-fly list does not constitute due process of law.

End of story.

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