Swiss Region Bans Burqas

The Founders treated women, children, and ******* as property. Planning to denounce them anytime soon? Care to spend some time finding out what Jewish men think of the pretty panties? How about the Good Christian Men, who spank their wives like children because "God wants them to"?
I'm more than happy to denounce all who treat women like second class citizens right now. What makes you think I want any men to treat any women as second class citizens? You on the other hand are clearly fine with it, so very desperate are you to keep the Swiss Muslimas imprisoned in their niqabs. But then, you think women who are scantily clad are prostitues by definition. How very radical Islamic male of you :)
Dress like a whore and you are one. And I'm defending religious freedom, while you are not.
So you'll have no problem pointing me in the direction of all the threads Youve started condemning the 40 or so Islamic countries that are horribly persecuting Christians, raping and murdering them. This should be interesting, and your outrage should be considerable judging how twisted your knickers are getting over preventing Muslims from wearing masks.
I don't start threads beating on Muslims here. Others do far too much of that already. I condemn religion, all religion, but I also defend the rights of the religious. it's a liberal thing so you wouldn't understand.
So show me the threads where you defend Christians who are persecuted in Islamic countries. I can wait :)
Islamic State releases video purporting to show ISIS killing 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'm more than happy to denounce all who treat women like second class citizens right now. What makes you think I want any men to treat any women as second class citizens? You on the other hand are clearly fine with it, so very desperate are you to keep the Swiss Muslimas imprisoned in their niqabs. But then, you think women who are scantily clad are prostitues by definition. How very radical Islamic male of you :)
Dress like a whore and you are one. And I'm defending religious freedom, while you are not.
So you'll have no problem pointing me in the direction of all the threads Youve started condemning the 40 or so Islamic countries that are horribly persecuting Christians, raping and murdering them. This should be interesting, and your outrage should be considerable judging how twisted your knickers are getting over preventing Muslims from wearing masks.
I don't start threads beating on Muslims here. Others do far too much of that already. I condemn religion, all religion, but I also defend the rights of the religious. it's a liberal thing so you wouldn't understand.
So show me the threads where you defend Christians who are persecuted in Islamic countries. I can wait :)
Islamic State releases video purporting to show ISIS killing 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Wow. Your 'defence' of Egyptian Christians being executed, having their heads hacked off was 'one true religion killing another'. You get your knickers in a twist about Muslims not being able to wear masks, and for Chritians having their heads cut off you've got who cares. So like I said, you only defend Islam and it doesn't take a genius to see why. Kathaab.
Dress like a whore and you are one. And I'm defending religious freedom, while you are not.
So you'll have no problem pointing me in the direction of all the threads Youve started condemning the 40 or so Islamic countries that are horribly persecuting Christians, raping and murdering them. This should be interesting, and your outrage should be considerable judging how twisted your knickers are getting over preventing Muslims from wearing masks.
I don't start threads beating on Muslims here. Others do far too much of that already. I condemn religion, all religion, but I also defend the rights of the religious. it's a liberal thing so you wouldn't understand.
So show me the threads where you defend Christians who are persecuted in Islamic countries. I can wait :)
Islamic State releases video purporting to show ISIS killing 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Wow. Your 'defence' of Egyptian Christians being executed, having their heads hacked off was 'one true religion killing another'. You get your knickers in a twist about Muslims not being able to wear masks, and for Chritians having their heads cut off you've got who cares. So like I said, you only defend Islam and it doesn't take a genius to see why. Kathaab.
I defend no religion, they are all nonsense, but I do defend religious freedom. The faith matters not a damn then.
A woman in white does not have her face hidden.
That's correct, and the one in faded blue doesn't have her ass hidden, hence the problem, for Muslims.

So muslims should stay away from the beach, pools and vacation lake spot. You see men as that weak? Why, because you are?

Ya, haram. Maybe men should be the ones hiding in a tent with blinders on. Or perhaps just remove their eyes, then women can do what they want.
Perhaps the Swiss should be taught what Religious Freedom means, and those here like you as well...

Let muslims that believe in Burkas find religious freedom in arabia or one the countries where the burka is permitted.
So the Jews should all be in Israel, the Catholics in Vatican City, and the Christians in Greece (declared Christian state)? That works for me since the US is a liberal and secular nation, by law. So, get the fuck out of my country.

If muslims have a problem with following a countries laws or integrating into society, they need to find a place where they will be content with their faith and the civil law. If they can't live by the rules of some place like Switzerland, they need to find a place more suited to them.

Practicing a religion is not limited to some costume. Many muslims have been able to live in other societies without hiding the face of a women.
A woman in white does not have her face hidden.
That's correct, and the one in faded blue doesn't have her ass hidden, hence the problem, for Muslims.

So muslims should stay away from the beach, pools and vacation lake spot. You see men as that weak? Why, because you are?

Ya, haram. Maybe men should be the ones hiding in a tent with blinders on. Or perhaps just remove their eyes, then women can do what they want.
Perhaps the Swiss should be taught what Religious Freedom means, and those here like you as well...
Perhaps Muslims and their dhimmi's should be taught that countries that welcome Muslims are not compelled to allow them to go around in disguise and won't if they don't want to.
Muslims can't be covered head to toe but it's okay for everyone else, as long as they don't wear Muslim garments that is? Dandy law, no religious discrimination that at all eh.

Next up, you can carry a book in public, as long as it isn't a Bible. That's a cultural thing, and not required by the faith.

Muslims can pray how they want in the mosque and home. It society where security is a concern, as in other muslim countries, women do not need to cover their face to be good muslim.

The vast majority of muslim women do not cover their face. On the Hajj are not required to cover their face. if muslims countries can outlaw the niqan and burka, why shouldn't western countries have the right?

You say it is necessary for women yet other muslims have rule it is not. Everyone else, muslim and not, are all wrong while you and a few adherents to abuses like the taliban are somehow more knowledgeable of Islam.


The west or the muslim world cannot be forced to "conform" to primitive pre islamic ideas and mistaken salafi. Teach men to lower their eye in respect for a woman's beauty. If you don't understand Islam you have no bloody reason to be telling others what is and is not required by the faith.

Look at the vast majority of muslim women around the world and throughout the middle east and arabia. Not all cover their face. Even when the hadith speak of the prophet's wive and the gaze of men, it was explained the wives were the exception and they only drew their clothing when men did no look away and only for a brief time.

Cover the face in some cultures is suggest but few force it on women even post taliban.

The west or the muslim world cannot be forced to "conform" to primitive pre islamic ideas and mistaken salafi. Teach men to lower their eye in respect for a woman's beauty. If you don't understand Islam you have no bloody reason to be telling others what is and is not required by the faith.
Quite funny how you as a non-muslim have the hubris to lecture muslims on how to practice their own religion.

In fact, your self righteous, "I know what's best for you" behavior is indicative of why the west has problems in the middle east. ..... :cool:
The west or the muslim world cannot be forced to "conform" to primitive pre islamic ideas and mistaken salafi. Teach men to lower their eye in respect for a woman's beauty. If you don't understand Islam you have no bloody reason to be telling others what is and is not required by the faith.
Quite funny how you as a non-muslim have the hubris to lecture muslims on how to practice their own religion.

In fact, your self righteous, "I know what's best for you" behavior is indicative of why the west has problems in the middle east. ..... :cool:

Maybe if they understood their faith and knew what they were taking about I wouldn't have to.

I'm amazed that so many muslims know so little. Maybe if they actually studied their religion and history the world would actually be more peaceful and cooperative place. Ignorance and hate are the enemies.

It is their failing if I am more familiar with the quran and hadith than some muslims

yet somehow I'm to blame for having studied and observed Islam around the world?

My hubris vs their ignorance? Really?
The west or the muslim world cannot be forced to "conform" to primitive pre islamic ideas and mistaken salafi. Teach men to lower their eye in respect for a woman's beauty. If you don't understand Islam you have no bloody reason to be telling others what is and is not required by the faith.
Quite funny how you as a non-muslim have the hubris to lecture muslims on how to practice their own religion.

In fact, your self righteous, "I know what's best for you" behavior is indicative of why the west has problems in the middle east. ..... :cool:
No, we're just suggesting that those who want to immigrate to countries where Islam isn't dominant shouldn't expect the same culture as the countries they left. If you camel lovers want to practice your religion in an environment that doesn't present friction to it, stay in your own camel shit countries.
The west or the muslim world cannot be forced to "conform" to primitive pre islamic ideas and mistaken salafi. Teach men to lower their eye in respect for a woman's beauty. If you don't understand Islam you have no bloody reason to be telling others what is and is not required by the faith.
Quite funny how you as a non-muslim have the hubris to lecture muslims on how to practice their own religion.

In fact, your self righteous, "I know what's best for you" behavior is indicative of why the west has problems in the middle east. ..... :cool:
We're talking about Middle Easterners in Western countries, not the other way around. And the only "problem" the West has is the suicidal policy of letting sandniggrs in to begin with.
Burkas are not a requirement of faith or piety, they are cultural costumes and not protected under religious freedom. There are many ways to dress modestly that does not require being a security risk. When there is a threat, security trump personal costume. When a costume or clothing is disruptive, dangerous or interferes with work and uniform requirements there is not protect or exemption for such clothing as a burka. Off work, in the mosque or at home it can be worn. In places with high security and frequent searches it has no place.
The men above can walk around all day, in their masks, and they are perfectly legal to do so but this woman cannot wear this as an expression of faith?

Please explain?

Are you so sure that is a woman and a muslim? She covers her her face but is not wearing gloves.

This is also a picture from the UK, not france or switzerland

The swiss choose to ban the burka by an overwhelming popular vote. If a muslim objects they are free to pay the $10,000 fine or leave

The burka is not a requirement of faith. No reason a woman must wear it in the west or most of the world.
So if the majority want to ban the kippah or the Bible, it's all good.?
People can't conceal themselves under a yarmulke or a bible.
How long before you look at the fucking OP and realize it's only illegal if you conceal yourself with Muslim garments?
Don't seem to recall any nuns blowing up pizza parlors packed with families.
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Fact remains no Burqas are worn in America because we don't tolerate women being beaten for showing her face.
The hell they aren't, dumbass: Muslims Get Their Way - Illinois Will Permit Wearing Burqas in Driving Licenses Photos ⋆ US Herald
How dumb. Can everyone conceal their face for their driving ID?
Last year a Mooselim in Calif went to court to have her DMV pic show her face covered.
Sanity prevailed this time, but I expect that won't last long.
The men above can walk around all day, in their masks, and they are perfectly legal to do so but this woman cannot wear this as an expression of faith?

Please explain?

Are you so sure that is a woman and a muslim? She covers her her face but is not wearing gloves.

This is also a picture from the UK, not france or switzerland

The swiss choose to ban the burka by an overwhelming popular vote. If a muslim objects they are free to pay the $10,000 fine or leave

The burka is not a requirement of faith. No reason a woman must wear it in the west or most of the world.
So if the majority want to ban the kippah or the Bible, it's all good.?
People can't conceal themselves under a yarmulke or a bible.
How long before you look at the fucking OP and realize it's only illegal if you conceal yourself with Muslim garments?
Don't seem to recall any nuns blowing up pizza parlor so packed with families.
Doesn't matter, in the slightest.
We're talking about Middle Easterners in Western countries, not the other way around. And the only "problem" the West has is the suicidal policy of letting sandniggrs in to begin with.
Due to high birth rates and liberal immigration policies.

Muslim's will become a large voting block in many western countries during the next couple of decades. ..... :cool:
The west or the muslim world cannot be forced to "conform" to primitive pre islamic ideas and mistaken salafi. Teach men to lower their eye in respect for a woman's beauty. If you don't understand Islam you have no bloody reason to be telling others what is and is not required by the faith.
Quite funny how you as a non-muslim have the hubris to lecture muslims on how to practice their own religion.

In fact, your self righteous, "I know what's best for you" behavior is indicative of why the west has problems in the middle east. ..... :cool:
We're talking about Middle Easterners in Western countries, not the other way around. And the only "problem" the West has is the suicidal policy of letting sandniggrs in to begin with.
ISIS loves your kind, truly they do.
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Maybe if they understood their faith and knew what they were taking about I wouldn't have to.
LOL........"I wouldn't have to".......Who appointed you an Islamic scholar? ..... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Oh, a small piece of paper from AUB a lifetime ago maybe? My experience and curiosity? The fact I seem to actually know more about your text and history than many muslims here? Do I need to still recite the quran to remember what it teaches?

Your upset a kafir knows about Islam? Why shouldn't I? I grew there. Should a christian be upset because a muslims knows of the bible? OK, maybe in Saudi where they burn bibles and execute people trying to smuggle one into the country it might be strange, even through the tawrat, zabur, daud and injil are supposed to be divine text.

I have to be hindu to speak of the vedas? I have to be buddhist to know of the sutras? I can't have read tao-te ching without being daoist?

I have to be the prophet's wife to be a relatively intelligent woman? Wake up this in the 21st century. Don't like? Crawl back to your cave.
Fact remains no Burqas are worn in America because we don't tolerate women being beaten for showing her face.
The hell they aren't, dumbass: Muslims Get Their Way - Illinois Will Permit Wearing Burqas in Driving Licenses Photos ⋆ US Herald
How dumb. Can everyone conceal their face for their driving ID?
Last year a Mooselim in Calif went to court to have her DMV pic show her face covered.
Sanity prevailed this time, but I expect that won't last long.

Think the same happened in florida awhile back.

Had to have a face on a driver's license. Can't see in a burka or move your head easily so shouldn't be behind a wheel.
Pictures are on ID's for a reason. Might not be flattering but we can't just stick a stamp over it because we don't want to be seen.

Banned, for not being required, or looking normal.

Funny how the loony left among us always rush straight to their hate for Jews.
So when was the last time any of those guys tried to shoot up a theater or market? When was the last time anyone felt threatened by their presence, Adolph?

Banned, for not being required, or looking normal.

Funny how the loony left among us always rush straight to their hate for Jews.
So when was the last time any of those guys tried to shoot up a theater or market? When was the last time anyone felt threatened by their presence, Adolph?
Doesn't matter. What matters is their religious garments are legal, while the Muslim garments are not.

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