Switzerland issues every adult a gun and trains them how to use it: Switzerland has lowest gun-relat

More BS and anti gun law screed. Look Bozo, violence is the problem, the NRA is the problem and gun ownership by the wrong people is the problem. You people allowed Orlando and San Bernardino to happen, you allowed Virginia Tech, Columbine and Sandy Hook. You have blood on your hands and you have run out of time. You lost the high ground on guns and the tide has turned, you had a chance to meet and discuss law sensibly now it will get shoved down your throat.

No moron......you assholes created the gun free zones in Orlando and San Bernadino...not us......every one of those mass shooting sites you mentioned were gun free zones created by assholes like you with your anti-gun agenda......you are the ones getting innocent people murdered....

You don't care about the dead, you don't care about the violence....and we know this because not one of the 4 gun control proposals made by your anti-gun democrat politicians would have stopped any of the mass shootings that have happened...including Orlando........they were just on your list of things to pass when the next bodies dropped.......

The way you stop gun violence.....arrest and lock up gun criminals for 30 years....but then you assholes will bitch about racism because the majority of gun criminals are blacks and hispanics in democrat voting districts......you don't care about the black and hispanic victims of that violence.......you just want to ban guns.......

Put a 30 year sentence on gun crime....especially felons caught with illegal guns......and gun violence will dry up in this country...

What a vanilla pudding response to the problem. Get it through your thick skull, violence is the problem. Terrorists with assault weapons is the problem. The NRA is the problem. Fix those and you have no problem.

Blah, Blah, NRA, Blah, Blah, NRA..........

Do you think for yourself....because just typing NRA, NRA over and over again is not making your point........

We have told you morons over and over that violent thugs are the problem...then you try to pass 4 laws that make it harder for people who don't use guns to commit crimes to get guns......and you want to strip them of their due process Rights to do it.......

If you are so concerned with terrorists....why do you support disarming normal people in gun free killing zones.......

France has every single anti-gun law that you morons want....they have banned AR-15s and they have banned fully automatic rifles, pistols and explosives.....they have no gun shows, no gun stores, and terrorists on the magical terrorist watch lists in France easily got fully automatic rifles, pistols and explosives........and murdered 140 people..........

So you nuts and your anti-gun laws are not stopping terrorists......your gun control laws don't stop terrorists, criminals or mass shooters from getting guns...and your gun free zones are drawing killers to innocent, unarmed people...that is on you...
Are you blind or just stupid? I am not anti-gun, I am anti violence and I want to take away guns from violent people. Gun owners who display respect for the law and guns should be left alone. I want the problem addressed and I'm not interested in your whining about anti-gun law, or France, or gun free zones. Violence is the problem specifically men+violence when we address that you will see a difference.
More BS and anti gun law screed. Look Bozo, violence is the problem, the NRA is the problem and gun ownership by the wrong people is the problem. You people allowed Orlando and San Bernardino to happen, you allowed Virginia Tech, Columbine and Sandy Hook. You have blood on your hands and you have run out of time. You lost the high ground on guns and the tide has turned, you had a chance to meet and discuss law sensibly now it will get shoved down your throat.

Hey genius....please...in detail...explain what the NRA does that leads to the gun violence.....

Show us what laws they oppose that would decrease gun violence in democrat voting districts.....in detail..because not one of you anti-gun nuts can do that...every single law you want is 100% directed at normal gun owners.....every single one.......and then you support democrat politicians who release violent felons in the name of Social Justice....and then these violent felons shoot poor blacks and hispanics in democrat voting districts and then you call for more gun control....and then release more violent felons....

If blood is on anyone's hands.....it is yours.....

The NRA refuses to come to the table to discuss anything, they push the more gun is better agenda and refuse to entertain any solution. Putting people in prison isn't a solution we have more people in prison than China or Russia. Addressing violence is the solution and if you are predisposed to violence you lose your guns too bad.

Oh.....blah, blah, blah.......

The NRA has seen your proposals.....and they know that they don't do anything....name one thing you want that stops criminals and mass shooters twit.

Putting people in prison is the solution....in Chicago we have 3 million people....1,333 of them are the shooters in these democrat neighborhoods.....and the judges and prosecutors are letting these guys with multiple felonies, caught with illegal guns, out in under 3 years....and they get out and murder people with guns....

you guys don't care about criminals...you only care about punishing normal gun owners...

Do you realize how stupid you statement was....if you are predisposed to violence you lose your guns....

Did that stop the terrorists in France genius?

Are you seriously this stupid......90% of the gun murderers in this country are convicted felons.....with multiple felonies for violent crime.....they have already lost their right to buy, own or carry a gun.....

Do you understand that?

And yet....the 90% of felons who can't buy, own or carry a gun....are the very people using guns to commit crime and murder....

Please...explain how your magical lists will keep these shooters from using illegal guns...since they are already using illegal guns ....
Are you blind or just stupid? I am not anti-gun, I am anti violence and I want to take away guns from violent people. Gun owners who display respect for the law and guns should be left alone. I want the problem addressed and I'm not interested in your whining about anti-gun law, or France, or gun free zones. Violence is the problem specifically men+violence when we address that you will see a difference.

And yet not one law you support addresses violent people with guns......

Please...enlighten us...which new gun laws do you think will address the violent people with guns issue....

My proposal...lock up gun criminals for 30 years....

Let's hear yours....
More BS and anti gun law screed. Look Bozo, violence is the problem, the NRA is the problem and gun ownership by the wrong people is the problem. You people allowed Orlando and San Bernardino to happen, you allowed Virginia Tech, Columbine and Sandy Hook. You have blood on your hands and you have run out of time. You lost the high ground on guns and the tide has turned, you had a chance to meet and discuss law sensibly now it will get shoved down your throat.

Hey genius....please...in detail...explain what the NRA does that leads to the gun violence.....

Show us what laws they oppose that would decrease gun violence in democrat voting districts.....in detail..because not one of you anti-gun nuts can do that...every single law you want is 100% directed at normal gun owners.....every single one.......and then you support democrat politicians who release violent felons in the name of Social Justice....and then these violent felons shoot poor blacks and hispanics in democrat voting districts and then you call for more gun control....and then release more violent felons....

If blood is on anyone's hands.....it is yours.....

The NRA refuses to come to the table to discuss anything, they push the more gun is better agenda and refuse to entertain any solution. Putting people in prison isn't a solution we have more people in prison than China or Russia. Addressing violence is the solution and if you are predisposed to violence you lose your guns too bad.

Oh.....blah, blah, blah.......

The NRA has seen your proposals.....and they know that they don't do anything....name one thing you want that stops criminals and mass shooters twit.

Putting people in prison is the solution....in Chicago we have 3 million people....1,333 of them are the shooters in these democrat neighborhoods.....and the judges and prosecutors are letting these guys with multiple felonies, caught with illegal guns, out in under 3 years....and they get out and murder people with guns....

you guys don't care about criminals...you only care about punishing normal gun owners...

Do you realize how stupid you statement was....if you are predisposed to violence you lose your guns....

Did that stop the terrorists in France genius?

Are you seriously this stupid......90% of the gun murderers in this country are convicted felons.....with multiple felonies for violent crime.....they have already lost their right to buy, own or carry a gun.....

Do you understand that?

And yet....the 90% of felons who can't buy, own or carry a gun....are the very people using guns to commit crime and murder....

Please...explain how your magical lists will keep these shooters from using illegal guns...since they are already using illegal guns ....

If you are predisposed to violence you should not own a gun. Period. That addresses the problem and gives the best fix. It is a multi faceted problem and cleaning up cheap handguns is a huge problem but it has to start somewhere. Please stop pulling BS factoids out of your ass it isn't helping to watch you drown like that.
Are you blind or just stupid? I am not anti-gun, I am anti violence and I want to take away guns from violent people. Gun owners who display respect for the law and guns should be left alone. I want the problem addressed and I'm not interested in your whining about anti-gun law, or France, or gun free zones. Violence is the problem specifically men+violence when we address that you will see a difference.

And yet not one law you support addresses violent people with guns......

Please...enlighten us...which new gun laws do you think will address the violent people with guns issue....

My proposal...lock up gun criminals for 30 years....

Let's hear yours....

Test everyone who owns guns or wants to buy guns for violent tendencies. Fail the test lose your guns. You won't have to put people in prison they won't be committing gun crimes.
"Switzerland issues every adult a gun and trains them how to use it: Switzerland has lowest gun-relat"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Switzerland can't be compared to other countries, the United States in particular.

Because: multiple choice

1- you are an ignorant fuck
2. Switzerland doesn't have jihadists - they do not intervene in the internal affairs of other nations
3- firearms are dangerous ; the Swiss are weird
4-the federal government is a hostile violent entity - and that what it teaches its constituents
More BS and anti gun law screed. Look Bozo, violence is the problem, the NRA is the problem and gun ownership by the wrong people is the problem. You people allowed Orlando and San Bernardino to happen, you allowed Virginia Tech, Columbine and Sandy Hook. You have blood on your hands and you have run out of time. You lost the high ground on guns and the tide has turned, you had a chance to meet and discuss law sensibly now it will get shoved down your throat.

Hey genius....please...in detail...explain what the NRA does that leads to the gun violence.....

Show us what laws they oppose that would decrease gun violence in democrat voting districts.....in detail..because not one of you anti-gun nuts can do that...every single law you want is 100% directed at normal gun owners.....every single one.......and then you support democrat politicians who release violent felons in the name of Social Justice....and then these violent felons shoot poor blacks and hispanics in democrat voting districts and then you call for more gun control....and then release more violent felons....

If blood is on anyone's hands.....it is yours.....

The NRA refuses to come to the table to discuss anything, they push the more gun is better agenda and refuse to entertain any solution. Putting people in prison isn't a solution we have more people in prison than China or Russia. Addressing violence is the solution and if you are predisposed to violence you lose your guns too bad.

Oh.....blah, blah, blah.......

The NRA has seen your proposals.....and they know that they don't do anything....name one thing you want that stops criminals and mass shooters twit.

Putting people in prison is the solution....in Chicago we have 3 million people....1,333 of them are the shooters in these democrat neighborhoods.....and the judges and prosecutors are letting these guys with multiple felonies, caught with illegal guns, out in under 3 years....and they get out and murder people with guns....

you guys don't care about criminals...you only care about punishing normal gun owners...

Do you realize how stupid you statement was....if you are predisposed to violence you lose your guns....

Did that stop the terrorists in France genius?

Are you seriously this stupid......90% of the gun murderers in this country are convicted felons.....with multiple felonies for violent crime.....they have already lost their right to buy, own or carry a gun.....

Do you understand that?

And yet....the 90% of felons who can't buy, own or carry a gun....are the very people using guns to commit crime and murder....

Please...explain how your magical lists will keep these shooters from using illegal guns...since they are already using illegal guns ....

If you are predisposed to violence you should not own a gun. Period. That addresses the problem and gives the best fix. It is a multi faceted problem and cleaning up cheap handguns is a huge problem but it has to start somewhere. Please stop pulling BS factoids out of your ass it isn't helping to watch you drown like that.

Do you look at my links moron....CDC, FBI....cheap guns aren't the problem......criminals are sending in Straw Buyers to licensed gun stores to buy their guns.....because the straw buyer has a clean record, so they aren't getting cheap guns.....and before you prattle on about private sales...the same straw buyer will pass a background check from a private seller too......

And so what you are saying is that Poor Americans will not be allowed to buy guns because you want to get rid of less expensive guns...so the people trapped in democrat voting districts where the convicted felons are shooting people will be the only people who don't have guns....just like we said...you guys only want criminals and cops to have guns...
Are you blind or just stupid? I am not anti-gun, I am anti violence and I want to take away guns from violent people. Gun owners who display respect for the law and guns should be left alone. I want the problem addressed and I'm not interested in your whining about anti-gun law, or France, or gun free zones. Violence is the problem specifically men+violence when we address that you will see a difference.

And yet not one law you support addresses violent people with guns......

Please...enlighten us...which new gun laws do you think will address the violent people with guns issue....

My proposal...lock up gun criminals for 30 years....

Let's hear yours....

Test everyone who owns guns or wants to buy guns for violent tendencies. Fail the test lose your guns. You won't have to put people in prison they won't be committing gun crimes.

Test everyone who owns guns or wants to buy guns for violent tendencies. Fail the test lose your guns. You won't have to put people in prison they won't be committing gun crimes.

Ohhhhh...test everyone who owns guns or wants to buy guns for violent tendencies...you mean like the Orlando shooter...the guy who was interviewed by highly trained FBI agents....talking to him 3 different times specifically because they believed he might have violent tendencies........and after 10 months of surveillance to see if he had violent tendencies...and sending in a covert agent to talk to him to see if he had violent tendencies..........you mean like that....

How did that work out?

And do you mean testing people for violent tendencies.......like convicted, violent criminals with multiple felony convictions for violent crimes......you mean like them? The ones actually put in prison because they actually had violent tendencies...multiple times...... The very people we already have on a list called...'being a violent felon' which means they are already not allowed to buy, own, or carry a gun....because of their violent tendencies that we have already put them in jail for...you mean like that?

And of course it is those violent felons, who have already been found to have violent tendencies...who we have already put on a list that says the can't buy, own or carry guns.......who make up 90% of the people using guns to commit gun crime and gun murder.....

Do you mean that kind of test....?

Did you want to rethink your answer?
Last edited:
Are you blind or just stupid? I am not anti-gun, I am anti violence and I want to take away guns from violent people. Gun owners who display respect for the law and guns should be left alone. I want the problem addressed and I'm not interested in your whining about anti-gun law, or France, or gun free zones. Violence is the problem specifically men+violence when we address that you will see a difference.

And yet not one law you support addresses violent people with guns......

Please...enlighten us...which new gun laws do you think will address the violent people with guns issue....

My proposal...lock up gun criminals for 30 years....

Let's hear yours....

Test everyone who owns guns or wants to buy guns for violent tendencies. Fail the test lose your guns. You won't have to put people in prison they won't be committing gun crimes.

We already have the solution to the problem. We need to increase the sentence for gun crime.....and life sentences for all gun murder. If you commit a crime with a gun......a real crime, not simply forgetting to file your permit paperwork.........you go to jail for 30 years......do that and you will see armed robbers using butter knives.....

If you are a felon caught in possession of a gun....30 years.....and soon felons won't be carrying guns and the one's too stupid to get the message...won't be a problem for 30 years.

Commit murder or attempted murder with a gun......life in prison.

Do that....and you will end gun violence in the United States almost over night.....

anything else is stupid and only aimed at banning guns because you hate guns.
More BS and anti gun law screed. Look Bozo, violence is the problem, the NRA is the problem and gun ownership by the wrong people is the problem. You people allowed Orlando and San Bernardino to happen, you allowed Virginia Tech, Columbine and Sandy Hook. You have blood on your hands and you have run out of time. You lost the high ground on guns and the tide has turned, you had a chance to meet and discuss law sensibly now it will get shoved down your throat.

Hey genius....please...in detail...explain what the NRA does that leads to the gun violence.....

Show us what laws they oppose that would decrease gun violence in democrat voting districts.....in detail..because not one of you anti-gun nuts can do that...every single law you want is 100% directed at normal gun owners.....every single one.......and then you support democrat politicians who release violent felons in the name of Social Justice....and then these violent felons shoot poor blacks and hispanics in democrat voting districts and then you call for more gun control....and then release more violent felons....

If blood is on anyone's hands.....it is yours.....

The NRA refuses to come to the table to discuss anything, they push the more gun is better agenda and refuse to entertain any solution. Putting people in prison isn't a solution we have more people in prison than China or Russia. Addressing violence is the solution and if you are predisposed to violence you lose your guns too bad.

Oh.....blah, blah, blah.......

The NRA has seen your proposals.....and they know that they don't do anything....name one thing you want that stops criminals and mass shooters twit.

Putting people in prison is the solution....in Chicago we have 3 million people....1,333 of them are the shooters in these democrat neighborhoods.....and the judges and prosecutors are letting these guys with multiple felonies, caught with illegal guns, out in under 3 years....and they get out and murder people with guns....

you guys don't care about criminals...you only care about punishing normal gun owners...

Do you realize how stupid you statement was....if you are predisposed to violence you lose your guns....

Did that stop the terrorists in France genius?

Are you seriously this stupid......90% of the gun murderers in this country are convicted felons.....with multiple felonies for violent crime.....they have already lost their right to buy, own or carry a gun.....

Do you understand that?

And yet....the 90% of felons who can't buy, own or carry a gun....are the very people using guns to commit crime and murder....

Please...explain how your magical lists will keep these shooters from using illegal guns...since they are already using illegal guns ....

If you are predisposed to violence you should not own a gun. Period. That addresses the problem and gives the best fix. It is a multi faceted problem and cleaning up cheap handguns is a huge problem but it has to start somewhere. Please stop pulling BS factoids out of your ass it isn't helping to watch you drown like that.

Here...I have posted this before, it came out this week...this is why we have gun violence in the United States...

Tell me that we are actually taking gun violence seriously in these democrat cities........

The Left’s Phony War on Guns, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Chicago has Wild West levels of homicide.

(Worse, in fact; the criminality and violence of the ungoverned West has been greatly exaggerated, and some of those old cow towns had lower per capita crime rates back when they had no formal government than they do today.)

Do you know what kind of crime illegal possession of a firearm is in the state of Illinois?

It is a misdemeanor.

A 2014 study conducted by the Chicago Sun-Times found that in most cases, Cook County judges handed down the minimum sentence for gun possession, and in most cases, the criminals ended up serving far less than that, doing only a few months.

Those charged with simple possession had an average of four prior arrests;

those charged with the more serious crime of being a felon in possession of a firearm had an average of ten previous arrests.

Ten arrests, and the eleventh is for a gun-related crime.

One wonders how many undetected crimes are covered by such criminal careers.

Many in Illinois have argued that, given the state of crime there, stiffer sentences are warranted.

A bill was introduced to that end, and it was opposed by Democrats who argued that stiffer sentences for those actually committing crimes with guns would “unfairly target African-Americans,” as the Sun-Times put it.

The NRA, to its discredit, opposed that bill, too, arguing that the penalties for simple possession in absence of other criminal activity were too stiff.

But that’s an argument for liberalizing Illinois gun laws, not for forgoing the punishment of criminals.

The NRA did support harsher punishment for felons in possession of firearms, and for the use of firearms in crimes. Democrats have generally opposed them.

So.....tell me that your gun laws are the solution.......

And tell me again how the NRA is the problem....

Take the guy who were caught with guns...felons..actual criminals...and put them in jail for 30 years...like the Japanese do.....and that is how you save black and hispanic lives in these democrat voting districts....
Are you blind or just stupid? I am not anti-gun, I am anti violence and I want to take away guns from violent people. Gun owners who display respect for the law and guns should be left alone. I want the problem addressed and I'm not interested in your whining about anti-gun law, or France, or gun free zones. Violence is the problem specifically men+violence when we address that you will see a difference.

And yet not one law you support addresses violent people with guns......

Please...enlighten us...which new gun laws do you think will address the violent people with guns issue....

My proposal...lock up gun criminals for 30 years....

Let's hear yours....

Test everyone who owns guns or wants to buy guns for violent tendencies. Fail the test lose your guns. You won't have to put people in prison they won't be committing gun crimes.

and this is why we have gun violence....

America Should Be Prosecuting Straw Purchasers, Not Gun Dealers, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Wisconsin isn’t alone in its nonchalance. California normally treats straw purchases as misdemeanors or minor infractions.

Even as the people of Baltimore suffer horrific levels of violence, Maryland classifies the crime as a misdemeanor, too.

Straw buying is a felony in progressive Connecticut, albeit one in the second-least-serious order of felonies.

It is classified as a serious crime in Illinois (Class 2 felony), but police rarely (meaning “almost never”) go after the nephews and girlfriends with clean records who provide Chicago’s diverse and sundry gangsters with their weapons.

In Delaware, it’s a Class F felony, like forging a check. In Oregon, it’s a misdemeanor.


I visited Chicago a few years back to write about the city’s gang-driven murder problem, and a retired police official told me that the nature of the people making straw purchases — young relatives, girlfriends who may or may not have been facing the threat of physical violence, grandmothers, etc. — made prosecuting those cases unattractive.

In most of those cases, the authorities emphatically should put the straw purchasers in prison for as long as possible.

Throw a few gangsters’ grandmothers behind bars for 20 years and see if that gets anybody’s attention.

In the case of the young women suborned into breaking the law, that should be just another charge to put on the main offender.

I made my point and I do not care about more gun law. I care that we eliminate the cause of gun violence, period. We need to address the violence and all of the other problems disappear. If you are a gun owner of 30 years and have abided by the laws you get a pass. If you test for a violent disposition with less experience you lose your guns and no one should have an issue with that. If you are a gun owner who knows that they will test positive then you have an opportunity before that time come to get help. It doesn't have to be abusive but it does have to address the problem.
I made my point and I do not care about more gun law. I care that we eliminate the cause of gun violence, period. We need to address the violence and all of the other problems disappear. If you are a gun owner of 30 years and have abided by the laws you get a pass. If you test for a violent disposition with less experience you lose your guns and no one should have an issue with that. If you are a gun owner who knows that they will test positive then you have an opportunity before that time come to get help. It doesn't have to be abusive but it does have to address the problem.

So....you ignore the fact that your "test" for violent tendencies has already failed.

If you actually cared about getting rid of gun violence you would focus on single, teenage mothers raising generations of young males without fathers...that is the primary source of gun violence....
I made my point and I do not care about more gun law. I care that we eliminate the cause of gun violence, period. We need to address the violence and all of the other problems disappear. If you are a gun owner of 30 years and have abided by the laws you get a pass. If you test for a violent disposition with less experience you lose your guns and no one should have an issue with that. If you are a gun owner who knows that they will test positive then you have an opportunity before that time come to get help. It doesn't have to be abusive but it does have to address the problem.

Just for the record......you failed to acknowledge my answer to your post....I will repeat to put your post in perspective........

f you test for a violent disposition with less experience you lose your guns and no one should have an issue with that.

.test everyone who owns guns or wants to buy guns for violent tendencies...you mean like the Orlando shooter...the guy who was interviewed by highly trained FBI agents....talking to him 3 different times specifically because they believed he might have violent tendencies........and after 10 months of surveillance to see if he had violent tendencies...and sending in a covert agent to talk to him to see if he had violent tendencies..........you mean like that....

How did that work out?

And do you mean testing people for violent tendencies.......like convicted, violent criminals with multiple felony convictions for violent crimes......you mean like them? The ones actually put in prison because they actually had violent tendencies...multiple times...... The very people we already have on a list called...'being a violent felon' which means they are already not allowed to buy, own, or carry a gun....because of their violent tendencies that we have already put them in jail for...you mean like that?

And of course it is those violent felons, who have already been found to have violent tendencies...who we have already put on a list that says the can't buy, own or carry guns.......who make up 90% of the people using guns to commit gun crime and gun murder.....

Do you mean that kind of test....?

Did you want to rethink your answer?
I made my point and I do not care about more gun law. I care that we eliminate the cause of gun violence, period. We need to address the violence and all of the other problems disappear. If you are a gun owner of 30 years and have abided by the laws you get a pass. If you test for a violent disposition with less experience you lose your guns and no one should have an issue with that. If you are a gun owner who knows that they will test positive then you have an opportunity before that time come to get help. It doesn't have to be abusive but it does have to address the problem.

So....you ignore the fact that your "test" for violent tendencies has already failed.

If you actually cared about getting rid of gun violence you would focus on single, teenage mothers raising generations of young males without fathers...that is the primary source of gun violence....

I prefer to concentrate on the problem of violence and if that means middle age gun owners or single teenage moms so be it. I do know the problem of men+violence is the problem and that's what needs to be addressed.
I made my point and I do not care about more gun law. I care that we eliminate the cause of gun violence, period. We need to address the violence and all of the other problems disappear. If you are a gun owner of 30 years and have abided by the laws you get a pass. If you test for a violent disposition with less experience you lose your guns and no one should have an issue with that. If you are a gun owner who knows that they will test positive then you have an opportunity before that time come to get help. It doesn't have to be abusive but it does have to address the problem.

So....you ignore the fact that your "test" for violent tendencies has already failed.

If you actually cared about getting rid of gun violence you would focus on single, teenage mothers raising generations of young males without fathers...that is the primary source of gun violence....

I prefer to concentrate on the problem of violence and if that means middle age gun owners or single teenage moms so be it. I do know the problem of men+violence is the problem and that's what needs to be addressed.

again....I have shown how your point and solution are dumb.....and yet you cling to them........

Please...think before you post...
I made my point and I do not care about more gun law. I care that we eliminate the cause of gun violence, period. We need to address the violence and all of the other problems disappear. If you are a gun owner of 30 years and have abided by the laws you get a pass. If you test for a violent disposition with less experience you lose your guns and no one should have an issue with that. If you are a gun owner who knows that they will test positive then you have an opportunity before that time come to get help. It doesn't have to be abusive but it does have to address the problem.

So....you ignore the fact that your "test" for violent tendencies has already failed.

If you actually cared about getting rid of gun violence you would focus on single, teenage mothers raising generations of young males without fathers...that is the primary source of gun violence....

I prefer to concentrate on the problem of violence and if that means middle age gun owners or single teenage moms so be it. I do know the problem of men+violence is the problem and that's what needs to be addressed.

again....I have shown how your point and solution are dumb.....and yet you cling to them........

Please...think before you post...

You haven't shown anything and we don't even have a law yet. Violence is the problem and when it is addressed all the other problems go away.
I made my point and I do not care about more gun law. I care that we eliminate the cause of gun violence, period. We need to address the violence and all of the other problems disappear. If you are a gun owner of 30 years and have abided by the laws you get a pass. If you test for a violent disposition with less experience you lose your guns and no one should have an issue with that. If you are a gun owner who knows that they will test positive then you have an opportunity before that time come to get help. It doesn't have to be abusive but it does have to address the problem.

So....you ignore the fact that your "test" for violent tendencies has already failed.

If you actually cared about getting rid of gun violence you would focus on single, teenage mothers raising generations of young males without fathers...that is the primary source of gun violence....

I prefer to concentrate on the problem of violence and if that means middle age gun owners or single teenage moms so be it. I do know the problem of men+violence is the problem and that's what needs to be addressed.

again....I have shown how your point and solution are dumb.....and yet you cling to them........

Please...think before you post...

You haven't shown anything and we don't even have a law yet. Violence is the problem and when it is addressed all the other problems go away.

And none of your laws addresses the violence.....you punish people who don't commit crimes or violence with guns...but the actual criminals....you ignore them...
There is no way in hell that the NRA would support the US adopting Switzerland's gun laws.

Nutbags should stop trying so hard to justify their stupidity.

No...it is your stupid gun free zones that get people killed......and your focus on normal, law abiding gun owners instead of actual criminals that is causing the gun crime in this country...

Yeah..thought so. You didn't address my point did ya?

Ya fuckin loser.

I'm a law abiding gun owner. You speak as though you know something. You don't.

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