Sydney Powell's "Excuse" puts the BIG LIE of election fraud to rest...

Can you admit election fraud is a lie?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 52.2%
  • No

    Votes: 11 47.8%

  • Total voters
"Why don’t you challenge my post."

Ah, poster Markwees. Please go back to post #70 of this thread.
Read it carefully. Ask questions if you do not readily understand.

But.......but that post is challenging your post, challenging your avatar.

Post 70 asks prove it.

And that, my friend, is a Captain Obvious moment.
Challenge my post, weirdo. What’s your problem with my avatar?
Section 1. Equal protection under the law.
It’s not. As long as everyone has to follow the same rules in a state, there is no violation.
The rules must be legislated.
There’s always details that are left to the election boards and administration to sort out. No legislature makes a law for everything.

The constitution stipulates that any election rules changes must go through the state legislature.
PA didn’t do this. Left wing judges and non-left wing judges refused to consider any cases. The non-left wing judges due to fear of attack by democrat fascists who destroyed cities all year.
It doesn’t say that. It says the manner of the election is determined by the legislature. That’s not the same thing.
But it is the same thing. Read what you wrote.
No honest person would accept the numbers of this election. An audit was warranted but not granted due to bias and/or fear of reprisal.
Ox-Bow election.
It’s not. Method and means are not quite the same.

The numbers are legitimate. The people who don’t want to accept them merely can’t come to terms with losing.
The numbers are suspicious to say the least. Only dishonest people believe otherwise.
When you decided before the election that Trump won, then any number that doesn’t result in that outcome would seem suspicious.

That doesn’t mean it is.
My interpretation is rooted in results and figures.
Anyone who doesn’t question the veracity of the 2020 election is dishonest.
So the only reason a person could come to the conclusion that the 2020 election was fair is dishonesty?

You don't think the fact that it was monitored by members of both parties could make you draw that conclusion?

Or the fact that widespread voter fraud wasn't even alleged in court besides that is by Powell. Something she now claims was done in jest.

Or the fact that the lawsuits that were actually filed by Trump were shot down almost across the board.

A few weeks ago I had a discussion with my brother about believing something to be true because it sounds logical. It took me giving an example of giving a logical but different explanation for something he believes, before he realised that theirs a difference between believing something to be true and it actually being true.

No dishonesty is required to believe something different than what you believe.
Anyone who doesn’t believe that election deserves an audit is dishonest.
The anomalies are too conspicuous to ignore.
Why won't you back that up with some proof or even evidence to show us how ANY of the evidence has been "disproven," or do you just make shit up 24 hours a day?
Like this?
I am not going to read anything from the WP. They are proven liars.
In other words, they are going to say things you do not like because of your fear.
Anyone who doesn’t believe that election deserves an audit is dishonest.
The anomalies are too conspicuous to ignore.
There’s been numerous audits.

Any audit that doesn’t show what you want is going to be ignored and derided.
The fraud was massive and obvious. End of story.
Your ignorance is massive and obvious.
It is not my ignorance it is your fear.
Wrong. I have lived in Ireland for the past 25 years and what you idiots are doing is amusing, but disgusting to an expat.
That is a good place for you.
It certainly is. We have a lot more freedom over here than over there. And the people atr smarter and nicer.
Section 1. Equal protection under the law.
It’s not. As long as everyone has to follow the same rules in a state, there is no violation.
The rules must be legislated.
There’s always details that are left to the election boards and administration to sort out. No legislature makes a law for everything.

The constitution stipulates that any election rules changes must go through the state legislature.
PA didn’t do this. Left wing judges and non-left wing judges refused to consider any cases. The non-left wing judges due to fear of attack by democrat fascists who destroyed cities all year.
It doesn’t say that. It says the manner of the election is determined by the legislature. That’s not the same thing.
But it is the same thing. Read what you wrote.
No honest person would accept the numbers of this election. An audit was warranted but not granted due to bias and/or fear of reprisal.
Ox-Bow election.
It’s not. Method and means are not quite the same.

The numbers are legitimate. The people who don’t want to accept them merely can’t come to terms with losing.
The numbers are suspicious to say the least. Only dishonest people believe otherwise.
When you decided before the election that Trump won, then any number that doesn’t result in that outcome would seem suspicious.

That doesn’t mean it is.
My interpretation is rooted in results and figures.
Anyone who doesn’t question the veracity of the 2020 election is dishonest.
So the only reason a person could come to the conclusion that the 2020 election was fair is dishonesty?

You don't think the fact that it was monitored by members of both parties could make you draw that conclusion?

Or the fact that widespread voter fraud wasn't even alleged in court besides that is by Powell. Something she now claims was done in jest.

Or the fact that the lawsuits that were actually filed by Trump were shot down almost across the board.

A few weeks ago I had a discussion with my brother about believing something to be true because it sounds logical. It took me giving an example of giving a logical but different explanation for something he believes, before he realised that theirs a difference between believing something to be true and it actually being true.

No dishonesty is required to believe something different than what you believe.
Anyone who doesn’t believe that election deserves an audit is dishonest.
The anomalies are too conspicuous to ignore.
The fact that on Jan. 6th that Congress knew 40% of the voters were not happy about election results and suspected fraud should have triggered an investigation. Congress had the chance and refused to do a fucking thing but call people traitors. The hysteria and lies that came after were just a distraction from an obviously fraudulent election.
Will do so in Structured Debate with rules, where everything offered must be backed up with documentation and facts. You game?
Go for it. No Gish Gallop. One item at a time

So are you saying you want to go over all the elements of the 2020 election in Structured Debate, item by item, for and against, offering evidence and supporting documentation proving or disproving the fraud was real? Yes or no, and I'll contact moderation to set it up. There will be rules, no horseshit, no BS, no games, no name calling, strictly the evidence FOR OR AGAINST fraud and everything claimed MUST BE SUPPORTED with documentation and evidence. Yes or no.
Section 1. Equal protection under the law.
It’s not. As long as everyone has to follow the same rules in a state, there is no violation.
The rules must be legislated.
There’s always details that are left to the election boards and administration to sort out. No legislature makes a law for everything.

The constitution stipulates that any election rules changes must go through the state legislature.
PA didn’t do this. Left wing judges and non-left wing judges refused to consider any cases. The non-left wing judges due to fear of attack by democrat fascists who destroyed cities all year.
It doesn’t say that. It says the manner of the election is determined by the legislature. That’s not the same thing.
But it is the same thing. Read what you wrote.
No honest person would accept the numbers of this election. An audit was warranted but not granted due to bias and/or fear of reprisal.
Ox-Bow election.
It’s not. Method and means are not quite the same.

The numbers are legitimate. The people who don’t want to accept them merely can’t come to terms with losing.
The numbers are suspicious to say the least. Only dishonest people believe otherwise.
When you decided before the election that Trump won, then any number that doesn’t result in that outcome would seem suspicious.

That doesn’t mean it is.
My interpretation is rooted in results and figures.
Anyone who doesn’t question the veracity of the 2020 election is dishonest.
So the only reason a person could come to the conclusion that the 2020 election was fair is dishonesty?

You don't think the fact that it was monitored by members of both parties could make you draw that conclusion?

Or the fact that widespread voter fraud wasn't even alleged in court besides that is by Powell. Something she now claims was done in jest.

Or the fact that the lawsuits that were actually filed by Trump were shot down almost across the board.

A few weeks ago I had a discussion with my brother about believing something to be true because it sounds logical. It took me giving an example of giving a logical but different explanation for something he believes, before he realised that theirs a difference between believing something to be true and it actually being true.

No dishonesty is required to believe something different than what you believe.
Anyone who doesn’t believe that election deserves an audit is dishonest.
The anomalies are too conspicuous to ignore.
The fact that on Jan. 6th that Congress knew 40% of the voters were not happy about election results and suspected fraud should have triggered an investigation. Congress had the chance and refused to do a fucking thing but call people traitors. The hysteria and lies that came after were just a distraction from an obviously fraudulent election.
That would be the amount of Trump liars. Why would they do anything?
Will do so in Structured Debate with rules, where everything offered must be backed up with documentation and facts. You game?
Go for it. No Gish Gallop. One item at a time
So are you saying you want to go over all the elements of the 2020 election in Structured Debate, item by item, for and against, offering evidence and supporting documentation proving or disproving the fraud was real? Yes or no, and I'll contact moderation to set it up. There will be rules, no horseshit, no BS, no games, no name calling, strictly the evidence FOR OR AGAINST fraud and everything claimed MUST BE SUPPORTED with documentation and evidence. Yes or no.

Look, I'm not fucking around. Either you're serious or not. Either you're prepared to show how all the election fraud evidence is wrong and has been debunked and disproven (as you keep claiming over and over) or NOT. All will be done under strict rules, guidelines and supervision. No horseplay.

Yes or No.

I'm bringing moderator MeBelle in as one possible moderator of the debate.



"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “
did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

Chief Justice Robert Brutinel agreed, saying Ward's challenge had failed to "
present any evidence of 'misconduct,' 'illegal votes' or that the Biden Electors 'did not in fact receive the highest number of votes for office,'" he wrote — "let alone establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results."


What a joke. A bunch of drivel pasted here unsupported by even a link to the source! Admit it fool, you got nothing. The election was a fraud and Biden is an illegal usurper in the WH who should be locked up for impersonating a president.

Numerous audits by corrupted officials. They mean 0. There has not been the transparency voters have a right to.
Right. They’re corrupt officials because they didn’t give you what you wanted.

Doesn’t matter if they’re true or not, unless they tell you what you want to hear, they’re corrupt.
Will do so in Structured Debate with rules, where everything offered must be backed up with documentation and facts. You game?
Go for it. No Gish Gallop. One item at a time
So are you saying you want to go over all the elements of the 2020 election in Structured Debate, item by item, for and against, offering evidence and supporting documentation proving or disproving the fraud was real? Yes or no, and I'll contact moderation to set it up. There will be rules, no horseshit, no BS, no games, no name calling, strictly the evidence FOR OR AGAINST fraud and everything claimed MUST BE SUPPORTED with documentation and evidence. Yes or no.

Look, I'm not fucking around. Either you're serious or not. Either you're prepared to show how all the election fraud evidence is wrong and has been debunked and disproven (as you keep claiming over and over) or NOT. All will be done under strict rules, guidelines and supervision. No horseplay.

Yes or No.

I'm bringing moderator MeBelle in as one possible moderator of the debate.
How many different ways can I say DO IT ya freak?

Oh and MaBell is hardly unbiased...but who cares
None of your evidence held up in court

Idiot, quit talking in circles. None of the evidence was even tested in court, they didn't spend nearly the time needed, they threw the cases out on procedure alone as I just linked to in my other post. You got nothing. You can't produce even a shred of reason to believe Biden really got 81 million votes and that all the irregularities in the election were INNOCENT.

I've got reams of documentation, evidence and proof that the election was a fraud including many ADMITTING TO DOING IT!

YOU GOT NOTHING but your pecker in your hand.
How many different ways can I say DO IT ya freak?
Only one way, one word needed: yes.

Oh and MaBell is hardly unbiased...but who cares
I'll be inviting several mods to enforce the rules, not DECIDE the victor. I'll be in contact with you in a few weeks when I'm free here and have the time to devote to this and we'll get things going.
How many different ways can I say DO IT ya freak?
Only one way, one word needed: yes.

Oh and MaBell is hardly unbiased...but who cares
I'll be inviting several mods to enforce the rules, not DECIDE the victor. I'll be in contact with you in a few weeks when I'm free here and have the time to devote to this and we'll get things going.
In a few WEEKS?

Jesus dude.

Shit or get off the pot
How many different ways can I say DO IT ya freak?
Only one way, one word needed: yes.

Oh and MaBell is hardly unbiased...but who cares
I'll be inviting several mods to enforce the rules, not DECIDE the victor. I'll be in contact with you in a few weeks when I'm free here and have the time to devote to this and we'll get things going.
In a few WEEKS?

Jesus dude.

Shit or get off the pot

Priorities. I don't get paid for this. I have to finish organizing links to reference material, I have taxes coming up, and a number of pressing issues I'm immediuately needing to deal with here, before I'm free to devote serious time to this. You'll be notified when I'm ready.

It would be much easier if there weren't so much documentation of the election fraud.

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