Syria conflict: 'Chemical attacks' near Damascusl

How did the rebels get their hands on chemical weapons? if this is true, the rebels are winning than right?

Some rebel factions have been home making them. Such weapons though are usually only good for small scale chemical attacks. If this one is as large as people are suggesting that would seem to be a bit above current rebel capabilities unless they got their hands onto something more conventional. Another possibility could be that rebel stores of chemical weapons were hit by Assad regime shelling. Shelling in Damascus has been pretty constant lately.

As for them "winning" yes and no. Rebels have had major setbacks in Homs to the south, but they have been steadily advancing in Damascus in recent weaks.

From the Institute for the Study of War:

The Opposition Advances in Damascus | Institute for the Study of War
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Obama has given Syria a pass from day one, Syria knows he will do nothing because Obama is weak on foreign policy.

Tell that to Gaddafi.

What did Obama do to to him?

We bombed his military in conjunction with NATO which lead to his fall from power and subsequent death at the hands of rebels.

It would seem fairly dishonest to ignore the US role in the outcome of Libya's civil war.
Gaddafi said all along that Libya was infiltrated by terrorists snowballing the rebellion. He was right. Having toppled Libya, terrorist cells moved on to Syria. They thought they had Egypt with Morsi, but might lose that to the opposition of the Egyptian people.

obama has no more influence in Egypt, or in the middle east. Whatever he has to say has the same import as what Peru has to say, or Finland. When you see an alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia against the forces obama supports, you have to accept that our influence in the region is over. obama may issue useless statements and have ineffective meetings but it is over in the real world.
Gaddafi said all along that Libya was infiltrated by terrorists snowballing the rebellion. He was right. Having toppled Libya, terrorist cells moved on to Syria. They thought they had Egypt with Morsi, but might lose that to the opposition of the Egyptian people.

Ansar al-Sharia hated the Morsi government.
Perhaps these chemicals that are being used were from Iraq prior to the US invasion.
There were reports of truck caravans from Iraq to Syria just prior to to the invasion.

Valid and confirmed reports.....Saddam replaced the regular guards on the Syrian border with his own Republican Guard while russian Spetsnaz trucked across the chemical/biological munitions they'd supplied him. They were then moved to a Syrian air base outside of Damascus. Are these the ones being used by/on the rebels?...probably not as they would have degraded by now.
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Before you arm chair generals start calling to put boots on the ground just remember that there is no logical reason Assad or his generals would use chemical weapons to open a much larger war that they're easily winning.
Syria conflict: 'Chemical attacks' kill hundreds

BBC News - Syria conflict: 'Chemical attacks' kill hundreds

Where is Obama's "Red line", now?

Why no one says anything?

It's a little early to be condemning Obama for not "doing anything" about this yet. A little patience is needed. Verrification and policy formation don't happen instantly.

"It's a little early to be condemning Obama for not "doing anything" about this yet. A little patience is needed"

Patience till when? till they reach the 6 million?
The US should get involved at this point as well as the USSR in stopping this activity. The doctors do not have the requisite medical supplies to deal with this situation.

"We are formally requesting that the United Nations urgently investigate this new allegation. The UN investigative team, which is currently in Syria, is prepared to do so, and that is consistent with its purpose and mandate."

The alleged attack comes a year after US President Barack Obama warned the Syrian government that using chemical weapons would cross a "red line".

BBC News - Syria conflict: 'Chemical attacks kill hundreds'
Before you arm chair generals start calling to put boots on the ground just remember that there is no logical reason Assad or his generals would use chemical weapons to open a much larger war that they're easily winning.

They aren't easily winning, and have lost quite a bit of ground in Damascus. It seems to us like they are, but that is because our media outlets have largely been focusing on the rebel set backs in the southern Homs region.
Syria conflict: 'Chemical attacks' kill hundreds

BBC News - Syria conflict: 'Chemical attacks' kill hundreds

Chemical weapons attacks have killed hundreds on the outskirts of Damascus, Syrian opposition activists say.

Rockets with toxic agents were launched at the suburbs of the Ghouta region early on Wednesday as part of a major bombardment on rebel forces, they say.

State-run news agency Sana said the claims were "baseless" and an attempt to distract UN weapons inspectors.

The main opposition alliance said that more than 650 people had been killed by the attacks.

Activist networks also reported death tolls in the hundreds, but these could not be independently confirmed.

Where is Obama's "Red line", now?

Why no one says anything?

Obama's Red Line has evolved into a yellow streak.
Before you arm chair generals start calling to put boots on the ground just remember that there is no logical reason Assad or his generals would use chemical weapons to open a much larger war that they're easily winning.
You are right. It makes much more sense that the terrorists would use such weapons themselves to gain some sympathy.
Before you arm chair generals start calling to put boots on the ground just remember that there is no logical reason Assad or his generals would use chemical weapons to open a much larger war that they're easily winning.
You are right. It makes much more sense that the terrorists would use such weapons themselves to gain some sympathy.

Let us know when you can prove it.

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