Systemic/Endemic Racism Completely Debunked


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

This article - do yourself a favor and read the whole thing - addresses all of the favored and prevailing arguments that support the mythical existence of Systemic/Endemic Racism. Most poignantly, Black people in our midst who ARE NOT African-American actually are doing as well as, or better than, "whites" by almost every measure. And there are several non-"white" sub-groups who are doing much better than the average "white" household. Does racial bias favor people from India and Asia? Hmmm.

And while there is some anti-Black bias in our society, it is in line with analogous prejudices such as, anti-Catholic, anti-woman, anti-Mormon, and so on. The numbers are very low 2-digit, and don't amount to the proverbial hill of beans in the big picture.

And the elephant in the room - Diversity Bullshit - places Blacks at an advantage in Academe and in most Fortune 500 environments, thus rendering even the speculative existence of Systemic Racism to the second tier.

There are multiple reasons for Black "inequality," and racism is barely included, with negligible actual impact.

But as a dedicated Leftist you are entitled to ignore the "science" (statistics) if it doesn't comport to your World View, just like with Climate Change, gender, and Covid-19.
Even saying that it's a conspiracy theory gives it more credence than it's worth.

A proper conspiracy theory is based on some facts or something that "could" be true and then twisted into a narrative that's plausible.

The facts and figures (that I've seen) blow this myth right out the water.

Black on black violence.
Black on black deaths.
Black incarceration figures (although some numbskull always says these figures indicate a racist justice system or something).
White killings by Police officers (compared to black).

Couple that with all manner of positive discrimination policies, special schemes/projects exclusively for BAME, the airtime/good publicity anti-White destructive violent groups like BLM get from the politicians, companies, mainstream media and it blows this systemic racism bullshit right out the water.
There is not only racism but extreme prejudices in class and it is not a color issue on class it is a money issue.
Societal systemic, probably not or at least not admitted to- institutionally is a different story and I seriously doubt the "statistics" use direct questioning- actions do speak louder than words and make no mistake, color does have an effect on decisions about how to handle a situation- it has to- there is no way around it. Good, bad, indifferent is immaterial- it happens and to deny it is "statistically" probable-

This article - do yourself a favor and read the whole thing - addresses all of the favored and prevailing arguments that support the mythical existence of Systemic/Endemic Racism. Most poignantly, Black people in our midst who ARE NOT African-American actually are doing as well as, or better than, "whites" by almost every measure. And there are several non-"white" sub-groups who are doing much better than the average "white" household. Does racial bias favor people from India and Asia? Hmmm.

And while there is some anti-Black bias in our society, it is in line with analogous prejudices such as, anti-Catholic, anti-woman, anti-Mormon, and so on. The numbers are very low 2-digit, and don't amount to the proverbial hill of beans in the big picture.

And the elephant in the room - Diversity Bullshit - places Blacks at an advantage in Academe and in most Fortune 500 environments, thus rendering even the speculative existence of Systemic Racism to the second tier.

There are multiple reasons for Black "inequality," and racism is barely included, with negligible actual impact.

But as a dedicated Leftist you are entitled to ignore the "science" (statistics) if it doesn't comport to your World View, just like with Climate Change, gender, and Covid-19.
Looks like you have not got over it, though you do not seem like a complete asshole about it. Still doubt you are the guy to prove anything.

This article - do yourself a favor and read the whole thing - addresses all of the favored and prevailing arguments that support the mythical existence of Systemic/Endemic Racism. Most poignantly, Black people in our midst who ARE NOT African-American actually are doing as well as, or better than, "whites" by almost every measure. And there are several non-"white" sub-groups who are doing much better than the average "white" household. Does racial bias favor people from India and Asia? Hmmm.

And while there is some anti-Black bias in our society, it is in line with analogous prejudices such as, anti-Catholic, anti-woman, anti-Mormon, and so on. The numbers are very low 2-digit, and don't amount to the proverbial hill of beans in the big picture.

And the elephant in the room - Diversity Bullshit - places Blacks at an advantage in Academe and in most Fortune 500 environments, thus rendering even the speculative existence of Systemic Racism to the second tier.

There are multiple reasons for Black "inequality," and racism is barely included, with negligible actual impact.

But as a dedicated Leftist you are entitled to ignore the "science" (statistics) if it doesn't comport to your World View, just like with Climate Change, gender, and Covid-19.
Looks like you have not got over it, though you do not seem like a complete asshole about it. Still doubt you are the guy to prove anything.

No it is people like YOU who swallows the lies of systemic racism, the article makes it clear that it is false. It is OBVIOUSLY false too since there are a lot of blacks who have done very well.

Better to read the article, it will show how immigrant Blacks from other nations are doing better than native blacks.

This article - do yourself a favor and read the whole thing - addresses all of the favored and prevailing arguments that support the mythical existence of Systemic/Endemic Racism. Most poignantly, Black people in our midst who ARE NOT African-American actually are doing as well as, or better than, "whites" by almost every measure. And there are several non-"white" sub-groups who are doing much better than the average "white" household. Does racial bias favor people from India and Asia? Hmmm.

And while there is some anti-Black bias in our society, it is in line with analogous prejudices such as, anti-Catholic, anti-woman, anti-Mormon, and so on. The numbers are very low 2-digit, and don't amount to the proverbial hill of beans in the big picture.

And the elephant in the room - Diversity Bullshit - places Blacks at an advantage in Academe and in most Fortune 500 environments, thus rendering even the speculative existence of Systemic Racism to the second tier.

There are multiple reasons for Black "inequality," and racism is barely included, with negligible actual impact.

But as a dedicated Leftist you are entitled to ignore the "science" (statistics) if it doesn't comport to your World View, just like with Climate Change, gender, and Covid-19.
Looks like you have not got over it, though you do not seem like a complete asshole about it. Still doubt you are the guy to prove anything.

No it is people like YOU who swallows the lies of systemic racism, the article makes it clear that it is false. It is OBVIOUSLY false too since there are a lot of blacks who have done very well.

Better to read the article, it will show how immigrant Blacks from other nations are doing better than native blacks.
Thanks, but not really my issue. Maybe we'll get lucky and no cops will choke any black people out or shoot them while unarmed for a couple of months. Then you and the proud boys can find another dime store issue to argue about from the outside, while your daughter marries one.
So getting back to basics, it is postulated by the "anti-racism" crowd, that Blacks are inherently equal to everyone else, so any "inequality" must be the result of racism.

But that specious argument is only made necessary by the fact that actual, visible, measurable instances of racism are exceedingly rare. Find people who were turned down for a job BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE. Find people who were refused admittance to a school or a program for which they were qualified, BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE. Find people who were denied a job promotion BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE.

It is the rarity of these instances that demands that the Race and Poverty Pimps fall back on the ethereal concepts of "endemic" and "systemic" racism, which cannot be observed, proven, or measured.

The reality is that it is MUCH MORE LIKELY that Black people have been HIRED, ACCEPTED, and PROMOTED because of their race.

The beauty of the linked article is that it proves the non-existence of systemic/endemic racism, with statistics. Follow the science!
If your IQ is on average ~110 even with racism you're going to do better than whites

Doesn't mean racism doesn't exist. Just means are differences in outcomes aren't all about white racism.

You took the conclusion way too far.

Most Americans are not highly educated and thus are not getting affirmative action spots for being black or any color. If you're a high class lawyer being black probably helps you get a job. Not true for most of the jobs Americans work.

This article - do yourself a favor and read the whole thing - addresses all of the favored and prevailing arguments that support the mythical existence of Systemic/Endemic Racism. Most poignantly, Black people in our midst who ARE NOT African-American actually are doing as well as, or better than, "whites" by almost every measure. And there are several non-"white" sub-groups who are doing much better than the average "white" household. Does racial bias favor people from India and Asia? Hmmm.

And while there is some anti-Black bias in our society, it is in line with analogous prejudices such as, anti-Catholic, anti-woman, anti-Mormon, and so on. The numbers are very low 2-digit, and don't amount to the proverbial hill of beans in the big picture.

And the elephant in the room - Diversity Bullshit - places Blacks at an advantage in Academe and in most Fortune 500 environments, thus rendering even the speculative existence of Systemic Racism to the second tier.

There are multiple reasons for Black "inequality," and racism is barely included, with negligible actual impact.

But as a dedicated Leftist you are entitled to ignore the "science" (statistics) if it doesn't comport to your World View, just like with Climate Change, gender, and Covid-19.
Looks like you have not got over it, though you do not seem like a complete asshole about it. Still doubt you are the guy to prove anything.

No it is people like YOU who swallows the lies of systemic racism, the article makes it clear that it is false. It is OBVIOUSLY false too since there are a lot of blacks who have done very well.

Better to read the article, it will show how immigrant Blacks from other nations are doing better than native blacks.
Thanks, but not really my issue. Maybe we'll get lucky and no cops will choke any black people out or shoot them while unarmed for a couple of months. Then you and the proud boys can find another dime store issue to argue about from the outside, while your daughter marries one.

Another non article reader who simply refuse to see why blacks from other countries do a LOT better than black who were born here.

I have no problem with any of my daughters marrying a black or brown man. I married an Asian born brown woman.

It is sad when you hang onto your prejudice.....
Societal systemic, probably not or at least not admitted to- institutionally is a different story and I seriously doubt the "statistics" use direct questioning- actions do speak louder than words and make no mistake, color does have an effect on decisions about how to handle a situation- it has to- there is no way around it. Good, bad, indifferent is immaterial- it happens and to deny it is "statistically" probable-
Statements that are OK for police--"The suspect was a white, male" Statements that are not OK for police--"The suspect was a 'black' male, 6'-6", 350 lbs." The latter is seen a racial profiling, and disparaging of the person because they are overweight. Proper terminology in the second example would be, "Suspect is male." SMH

This article - do yourself a favor and read the whole thing - addresses all of the favored and prevailing arguments that support the mythical existence of Systemic/Endemic Racism. Most poignantly, Black people in our midst who ARE NOT African-American actually are doing as well as, or better than, "whites" by almost every measure. And there are several non-"white" sub-groups who are doing much better than the average "white" household. Does racial bias favor people from India and Asia? Hmmm.

And while there is some anti-Black bias in our society, it is in line with analogous prejudices such as, anti-Catholic, anti-woman, anti-Mormon, and so on. The numbers are very low 2-digit, and don't amount to the proverbial hill of beans in the big picture.

And the elephant in the room - Diversity Bullshit - places Blacks at an advantage in Academe and in most Fortune 500 environments, thus rendering even the speculative existence of Systemic Racism to the second tier.

There are multiple reasons for Black "inequality," and racism is barely included, with negligible actual impact.

But as a dedicated Leftist you are entitled to ignore the "science" (statistics) if it doesn't comport to your World View, just like with Climate Change, gender, and Covid-19.
Looks like you have not got over it, though you do not seem like a complete asshole about it. Still doubt you are the guy to prove anything.

No it is people like YOU who swallows the lies of systemic racism, the article makes it clear that it is false. It is OBVIOUSLY false too since there are a lot of blacks who have done very well.

Better to read the article, it will show how immigrant Blacks from other nations are doing better than native blacks.
Thanks, but not really my issue. Maybe we'll get lucky and no cops will choke any black people out or shoot them while unarmed for a couple of months. Then you and the proud boys can find another dime store issue to argue about from the outside, while your daughter marries one.

Another non article reader who simply refuse to see why blacks from other countries do a LOT better than black who were born here.

I have no problem with any of my daughters marrying a black or brown man. I married an Asian born brown woman.

It is sad when you hang onto your prejudice.....
Thanks, but I will let you hang on to your prejudice instead, as it apparently keeps you warm inside with a whole population to scorn. I know lots of perfectly normal black people born in America in the civilian and military worlds. I also know some highly racist ones also. I pretty much have found it unproductive to any organization I have worked in, supervised or commanded to adopt your point of view, simply because it is.

This article - do yourself a favor and read the whole thing - addresses all of the favored and prevailing arguments that support the mythical existence of Systemic/Endemic Racism. Most poignantly, Black people in our midst who ARE NOT African-American actually are doing as well as, or better than, "whites" by almost every measure. And there are several non-"white" sub-groups who are doing much better than the average "white" household. Does racial bias favor people from India and Asia? Hmmm.

And while there is some anti-Black bias in our society, it is in line with analogous prejudices such as, anti-Catholic, anti-woman, anti-Mormon, and so on. The numbers are very low 2-digit, and don't amount to the proverbial hill of beans in the big picture.

And the elephant in the room - Diversity Bullshit - places Blacks at an advantage in Academe and in most Fortune 500 environments, thus rendering even the speculative existence of Systemic Racism to the second tier.

There are multiple reasons for Black "inequality," and racism is barely included, with negligible actual impact.

But as a dedicated Leftist you are entitled to ignore the "science" (statistics) if it doesn't comport to your World View, just like with Climate Change, gender, and Covid-19.
Looks like you have not got over it, though you do not seem like a complete asshole about it. Still doubt you are the guy to prove anything.

No it is people like YOU who swallows the lies of systemic racism, the article makes it clear that it is false. It is OBVIOUSLY false too since there are a lot of blacks who have done very well.

Better to read the article, it will show how immigrant Blacks from other nations are doing better than native blacks.
Thanks, but not really my issue. Maybe we'll get lucky and no cops will choke any black people out or shoot them while unarmed for a couple of months. Then you and the proud boys can find another dime store issue to argue about from the outside, while your daughter marries one.

Another non article reader who simply refuse to see why blacks from other countries do a LOT better than black who were born here.

I have no problem with any of my daughters marrying a black or brown man. I married an Asian born brown woman.

It is sad when you hang onto your prejudice.....
Thanks, but I will let you hang on to your prejudice instead, as it apparently keeps you warm inside with a whole population to scorn. I know lots of perfectly normal black people born in America in the civilian and military worlds. I also know some highly racist ones also. I pretty much have found it unproductive to any organization I have worked in, supervised or commanded to adopt your point of view, simply because it is.

What prejudice are you referring to, I wonder if you are suffering from hallucinations?

This article - do yourself a favor and read the whole thing - addresses all of the favored and prevailing arguments that support the mythical existence of Systemic/Endemic Racism. Most poignantly, Black people in our midst who ARE NOT African-American actually are doing as well as, or better than, "whites" by almost every measure. And there are several non-"white" sub-groups who are doing much better than the average "white" household. Does racial bias favor people from India and Asia? Hmmm.

And while there is some anti-Black bias in our society, it is in line with analogous prejudices such as, anti-Catholic, anti-woman, anti-Mormon, and so on. The numbers are very low 2-digit, and don't amount to the proverbial hill of beans in the big picture.

And the elephant in the room - Diversity Bullshit - places Blacks at an advantage in Academe and in most Fortune 500 environments, thus rendering even the speculative existence of Systemic Racism to the second tier.

There are multiple reasons for Black "inequality," and racism is barely included, with negligible actual impact.

But as a dedicated Leftist you are entitled to ignore the "science" (statistics) if it doesn't comport to your World View, just like with Climate Change, gender, and Covid-19.

I am guessing that most African Americans are intelligent enough to know that "systemic racism" is a [self-censored] in 2021.

But their "leaders" and their hypocritical Caucasian allies find it a useful phrase to get a lot of goodies. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."
Why is it that whites on the far right are the only ones making this claim? Systemic racism is real.

This article - do yourself a favor and read the whole thing - addresses all of the favored and prevailing arguments that support the mythical existence of Systemic/Endemic Racism. Most poignantly, Black people in our midst who ARE NOT African-American actually are doing as well as, or better than, "whites" by almost every measure. And there are several non-"white" sub-groups who are doing much better than the average "white" household. Does racial bias favor people from India and Asia? Hmmm.

And while there is some anti-Black bias in our society, it is in line with analogous prejudices such as, anti-Catholic, anti-woman, anti-Mormon, and so on. The numbers are very low 2-digit, and don't amount to the proverbial hill of beans in the big picture.

And the elephant in the room - Diversity Bullshit - places Blacks at an advantage in Academe and in most Fortune 500 environments, thus rendering even the speculative existence of Systemic Racism to the second tier.

There are multiple reasons for Black "inequality," and racism is barely included, with negligible actual impact.

But as a dedicated Leftist you are entitled to ignore the "science" (statistics) if it doesn't comport to your World View, just like with Climate Change, gender, and Covid-19.
Looks like you have not got over it, though you do not seem like a complete asshole about it. Still doubt you are the guy to prove anything.

No it is people like YOU who swallows the lies of systemic racism, the article makes it clear that it is false. It is OBVIOUSLY false too since there are a lot of blacks who have done very well.

Better to read the article, it will show how immigrant Blacks from other nations are doing better than native blacks.
Thanks, but not really my issue. Maybe we'll get lucky and no cops will choke any black people out or shoot them while unarmed for a couple of months. Then you and the proud boys can find another dime store issue to argue about from the outside, while your daughter marries one.

Another non article reader who simply refuse to see why blacks from other countries do a LOT better than black who were born here.

I have no problem with any of my daughters marrying a black or brown man. I married an Asian born brown woman.

It is sad when you hang onto your prejudice.....
Actually that first sentence is mostly untrue. Blacks coming here on the H1B Visa program come here and are already hired for jobs when they get here.

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