"Systemic Racism" what is it?

Systemic racism, aka institutional racism, is racism on a grand scale – present in political and societal organisations.
Dear White People, Your “Dictionary Definition” of Racism is Wrong
Racism as an ideology originated from European scientists in the 17th Century during the Atlantic slave trade. They invented it in order to differentiate themselves from those with different skin colors and darker features, creating a racial hierarchy that continues to this day. It would simply be incorrect to deny that the history of racism has been (and continues to be) one of white supremacy as the label “white” has always been an indication of superiority.
"Systemic Racism" is Frankfurt School PC code for Capitalism or Free Markets.

Don't let these assholes fool you. Go actually read some of the writings of Academics in the area of "race" studies. It is nothing more than a re-branding of the Communist Manifesto.

It's what Mark Levin said it is. Not real. Because if it were this country (the U.S.) would be a BUNCH different than it is now.
There is a timeline showing the racism since Floyd's death.

Racists never see racism as a problem.

Simple. Videos don't always tell the whole story. That' why we have a court system and not "America's Funniest Home Videos" deciding what's up and going on. I can tell you here and now there are many people protesting in places and times that they were not supposed to and not following orders by the police. That's before anyone tries to do whatever selective editing to tell whatever narrative.
60 or 70 years ago America was full of 'Systemic Racism' and personal Racism. I saw it in the 60s in Alabama and the 70s in Washington DC. "You can't eat here" "Use that entrance" "Drink out of that fountain" "You can't work here" "You can't go to school here" "You can't play in this league". All of that is gone. Systemic Racism is part of our past. What remains is personal Racism that is present in some White people and some minorities but most Americans are not that way.
So then why are there so few black men in the board room? Or Mexican men? Or women?

Have you heard that the people who benefited the most from Affirmative Action were women? Do you think women who have been selected because they were women failed when they were given the chance? They have not. They have succeeded.

So we know diversity programs work. Now if we could have these programs benefit blacks as much as they have women then maybe systemic racism would be truly over.

Blacks make up 10% of the population. Roughly. What percent of American CEO's are black? Certainly not 10%. Not even close.

You deniers of racism say blacks can't handle those jobs. You think they are too stupid. And yet you will also say racism is a thing of the past.

And until you side with blacks not murderous cops, you can't say racism is a think of the past, you racist twat.

Can you explain why there's more blacks in the NBA? Maybe you'll get your answer there.
It's what Mark Levin said it is. Not real. Because if it were this country (the U.S.) would be a BUNCH different than it is now.
There is a timeline showing the racism since Floyd's death.

Racists never see racism as a problem.

Simple. Videos don't always tell the whole story. That' why we have a court system and not "America's Funniest Home Videos" deciding what's up and going on. I can tell you here and now there are many people protesting in places and times that they were not supposed to and not following orders by the police. That's before anyone tries to do whatever selective editing to tell whatever narrative.
video is completely adequate for looting.
It would be nice if the democrats had an issue other than race. What will they run on in 100 years? I always wondered what exactly white people were supposed to do, and it was obvious the whole time. Marxism. They will say their is systemic racism until the free market is destroyed.
Systemic racism, aka institutional racism, is racism on a grand scale – present in political and societal organisations.
Dear White People, Your “Dictionary Definition” of Racism is Wrong
Racism as an ideology originated from European scientists in the 17th Century during the Atlantic slave trade. They invented it in order to differentiate themselves from those with different skin colors and darker features, creating a racial hierarchy that continues to this day. It would simply be incorrect to deny that the history of racism has been (and continues to be) one of white supremacy as the label “white” has always been an indication of superiority.

"Systemic Racism" what is it?”
It’s a really neat phrase used by Democrats as their primary tool to write the PC programming and keep blacks and other minorities pissed off at whitey...Nobody can offer any proof or data that such a thing exists.

You deniers of racism say blacks can't handle those jobs. You think they are too stupid. ....

YOU are the one saying that, racist.
No I'm not. You guys say there are good reasons there are so few asian, african, mexican and women ceo's.

You make up every excuse rather than admit this is a man's world. Particularly a white man's. And you know it Irishman.
It would be nice if the democrats had an issue other than race. What will they run on in 100 years? I always wondered what exactly white people were supposed to do, and it was obvious the whole time. Marxism. They will say their is systemic racism until the free market is destroyed.
We do. Look at the gap between the rich and poor and how Trump's policies widened that gap.

And look at how quickly everyone in the middle class ran out of money the minute the economy shut down. I could have gone 2 years without having a job. Could you? Then Trump didn't make america great somehow in 3 years.

He had 2.3% growth in 2019 so don't blame corona for his shitty numbers. Candidate Trump would say don't vote for President Trump.

And then there's this

President Trump called Columbia University a “liberal, disgraceful institution” after it released a study showing 36,000 fewer people would have died in the midst of the crisis if the U.S. had acted just one week earlier to impose social distancing measures.

You deniers of racism say blacks can't handle those jobs. You think they are too stupid. ....

YOU are the one saying that, racist.
No I'm not. You guys say there are good reasons there are so few asian, african, mexican and women ceo's.

You make up every excuse rather than admit this is a man's world. Particularly a white man's. And you know it Irishman.
The explanation is simple for a sane mind not trying to be confused and emotional.
>70% of the population has been white for centuries...Core Americans have a greater respect and understanding for our capitalist workings, they embrace the American way.
Like it or not this is a nation founded by, built by and funded by whites, it's a white mans nation...always has been and always will be...you should thank God that it is. Following our founders principles, and biblical philosophy WE, the white man, built the greatest nation this earth has ever known in a very short amount of time doing it our way....why you don't respect and understand such a thing is mind-blowing. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
60 or 70 years ago America was full of 'Systemic Racism' and personal Racism. I saw it in the 60s in Alabama and the 70s in Washington DC. "You can't eat here" "Use that entrance" "Drink out of that fountain" "You can't work here" "You can't go to school here" "You can't play in this league". All of that is gone. Systemic Racism is part of our past. What remains is personal Racism that is present in some White people and some minorities but most Americans are not that way.
So then why are there so few black men in the board room? Or Mexican men? Or women?

Have you heard that the people who benefited the most from Affirmative Action were women? Do you think women who have been selected because they were women failed when they were given the chance? They have not. They have succeeded.

So we know diversity programs work. Now if we could have these programs benefit blacks as much as they have women then maybe systemic racism would be truly over.

Blacks make up 10% of the population. Roughly. What percent of American CEO's are black? Certainly not 10%. Not even close.

You deniers of racism say blacks can't handle those jobs. You think they are too stupid. And yet you will also say racism is a thing of the past.

And until you side with blacks not murderous cops, you can't say racism is a think of the past, you racist twat.

Who is actually siding with the cop who killed floyd?

You deniers of racism say blacks can't handle those jobs. You think they are too stupid. ....

YOU are the one saying that, racist.
No I'm not. You guys say there are good reasons there are so few asian, african, mexican and women ceo's.

You make up every excuse rather than admit this is a man's world. Particularly a white man's. And you know it Irishman.
The explanation is simple for a sane mind not trying to be confused and emotional.
>70% of the population has been white for centuries...Core Americans have a greater respect and understanding for our capitalist workings, they embrace the American way.
Like it or not this is a nation founded by, built by and funded by whites, it's a white mans nation...always has been and always will be...you should thank God that it is. Following our founders principles, and biblical philosophy WE, the white man, built the greatest nation this earth has ever known in a very short amount of time doing it our way....why you don't respect and understand such a thing is mind-blowing. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Ever run into me on the religious forum? Biblical philosophy like owning slaves?

No, the future America will be better and more diverse. I believe whites are finally 49% of the population. What you will find is arab and mexicans will assimilate into white society. I know many who already have. Chaldeans from Iraq and Mexicans who's parents weren't born here. They seem like good people to me and eventually they'll marry some other "white" person and eventually check the white box on the census.

I don't want muslims becoming a larger part of the population by the way. They're already a pain in the ass even being only 1% of the population. But you Christians suck too so I'm happy to see most Americans have lost their religion.

You deniers of racism say blacks can't handle those jobs. You think they are too stupid. ....

YOU are the one saying that, racist.
No I'm not. You guys say there are good reasons there are so few asian, african, mexican and women ceo's.

You make up every excuse rather than admit this is a man's world. Particularly a white man's. And you know it Irishman.
The explanation is simple for a sane mind not trying to be confused and emotional.
>70% of the population has been white for centuries...Core Americans have a greater respect and understanding for our capitalist workings, they embrace the American way.
Like it or not this is a nation founded by, built by and funded by whites, it's a white mans nation...always has been and always will be...you should thank God that it is. Following our founders principles, and biblical philosophy WE, the white man, built the greatest nation this earth has ever known in a very short amount of time doing it our way....why you don't respect and understand such a thing is mind-blowing. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
I wonder how many romans said the same thing you just said.
60 or 70 years ago America was full of 'Systemic Racism' and personal Racism. I saw it in the 60s in Alabama and the 70s in Washington DC. "You can't eat here" "Use that entrance" "Drink out of that fountain" "You can't work here" "You can't go to school here" "You can't play in this league". All of that is gone. Systemic Racism is part of our past. What remains is personal Racism that is present in some White people and some minorities but most Americans are not that way.
So then why are there so few black men in the board room? Or Mexican men? Or women?

Have you heard that the people who benefited the most from Affirmative Action were women? Do you think women who have been selected because they were women failed when they were given the chance? They have not. They have succeeded.

So we know diversity programs work. Now if we could have these programs benefit blacks as much as they have women then maybe systemic racism would be truly over.

Blacks make up 10% of the population. Roughly. What percent of American CEO's are black? Certainly not 10%. Not even close.

You deniers of racism say blacks can't handle those jobs. You think they are too stupid. And yet you will also say racism is a thing of the past.

And until you side with blacks not murderous cops, you can't say racism is a think of the past, you racist twat.

Who is actually siding with the cop who killed floyd?
I don't want to hear that bullshit. In every wrongful death of a black you cons always side with the cops. You're even doing it now. Cops are going to quit you threaten us? Sounds defensive to me.

No one likes to be reformed but cops are going to have to deal with it. Do you defend how cops treat blacks? You guys seemed to get it when Bloomberg started running Trump was quick to remind us that he was pro stop and frisk..

Even my neighbor said about this floyd guy, "why didn't he just listen to the officers commands?" Enough of defending this cop. When you guys make these arguments, you defend the murderer. Then the murder gets off time and time again? Fuck that.

You deniers of racism say blacks can't handle those jobs. You think they are too stupid. ....

YOU are the one saying that, racist.
No I'm not. You guys say there are good reasons there are so few asian, african, mexican and women ceo's.

You make up every excuse rather than admit this is a man's world. Particularly a white man's. And you know it Irishman.
The explanation is simple for a sane mind not trying to be confused and emotional.
>70% of the population has been white for centuries...Core Americans have a greater respect and understanding for our capitalist workings, they embrace the American way.
Like it or not this is a nation founded by, built by and funded by whites, it's a white mans nation...always has been and always will be...you should thank God that it is. Following our founders principles, and biblical philosophy WE, the white man, built the greatest nation this earth has ever known in a very short amount of time doing it our way....why you don't respect and understand such a thing is mind-blowing. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Ever run into me on the religious forum? Biblical philosophy like owning slaves?

No, the future America will be better and more diverse. I believe whites are finally 49% of the population. What you will find is arab and mexicans will assimilate into white society. I know many who already have. Chaldeans from Iraq and Mexicans who's parents weren't born here. They seem like good people to me and eventually they'll marry some other "white" person and eventually check the white box on the census.

I don't want muslims becoming a larger part of the population by the way. They're already a pain in the ass even being only 1% of the population. But you Christians suck too so I'm happy to see most Americans have lost their religion.

"Biblical philosophy like owning slaves?"
Racism / slavery provided opportunity and saved blacks from dying terrible deaths in Africa....it's why none have relocated back to their homelands.
Ask any black of today if he/she would push the magic button that would turn back time and allow them to be born in the jungles of Africa
Look bud, the truth hurts, I get it but whiteys way works all over the globe whereas brown people can't get out of their own way....I'm not making this shit up, look at every single community, city, state or nation with a predominantly dark populous. Scary shit huh?

"Christians suck too so I'm happy to see most Americans have lost their religion."
Yes, those kind, caring, tax paying, law abiding, positive contributing productive citizens are terrible...they are terrible because they impede your twisted agenda.
60 or 70 years ago America was full of 'Systemic Racism' and personal Racism. I saw it in the 60s in Alabama and the 70s in Washington DC. "You can't eat here" "Use that entrance" "Drink out of that fountain" "You can't work here" "You can't go to school here" "You can't play in this league". All of that is gone. Systemic Racism is part of our past. What remains is personal Racism that is present in some White people and some minorities but most Americans are not that way.
So then why are there so few black men in the board room? Or Mexican men? Or women?

Have you heard that the people who benefited the most from Affirmative Action were women? Do you think women who have been selected because they were women failed when they were given the chance? They have not. They have succeeded.

So we know diversity programs work. Now if we could have these programs benefit blacks as much as they have women then maybe systemic racism would be truly over.

Blacks make up 10% of the population. Roughly. What percent of American CEO's are black? Certainly not 10%. Not even close.

You deniers of racism say blacks can't handle those jobs. You think they are too stupid. And yet you will also say racism is a thing of the past.

And until you side with blacks not murderous cops, you can't say racism is a think of the past, you racist twat.

Who is actually siding with the cop who killed floyd?
I don't want to hear that bullshit. In every wrongful death of a black you cons always side with the cops. You're even doing it now. Cops are going to quit you threaten us? Sounds defensive to me.

No one likes to be reformed but cops are going to have to deal with it. Do you defend how cops treat blacks? You guys seemed to get it when Bloomberg started running Trump was quick to remind us that he was pro stop and frisk..

Even my neighbor said about this floyd guy, "why didn't he just listen to the officers commands?" Enough of defending this cop. When you guys make these arguments, you defend the murderer. Then the murder gets off time and time again? Fuck that.

They aren't quitting over the Floyd cop being prosecuted, they are quitting over being held to too high a standard when trying to control rioting mobs of assholes.

I am pro stop and frisk, the cop still has to have a reason to do it, it isn't just random. And most crime is in poor minority neighborhoods, which is why the stop and frisk #'s are higher there.

And asking why he didn't just listen to the cop would be only about the first part of the arrest, the 2nd part with the knee on neck thing is only debated by assholes.

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