Takeover complete

Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was. The RNC has to stand up to trump, and do it now. Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual republican nominee, even if it is not him. If he is allowed to join the debate without that pledge, it is all over. He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course. I remember when the Republican party was a strong, proud and honorable party. It would be a shame for that to become a thing of the past like some business that was taken over by corporate raiders, and had their assets sold to the highest bidder.
With their minions in the media, lefties managed to turn MAGA (make America great again" into a dirty word. What the hell happened to the democrat party? Truman's anti communist crusade made a 180 degree turn and now the communists are in charge. The dirty little secret is that commie socialist remnants of the democrat party hate and fear a "great America'.
Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was. The RNC has to stand up to trump, and do it now. Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual republican nominee, even if it is not him. If he is allowed to join the debate without that pledge, it is all over. He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course. I remember when the Republican party was a strong, proud and honorable party. It would be a shame for that to become a thing of the past like some business that was taken over by corporate raiders, and had their assets sold to the highest bidder.
As long as we are waxing nostalgic, I'm old enough to remember when the Democrats were an AMERICAN party who fought for the middle class worker and their families. Now the Democrats are a Regime hell bent on taking down America and installing China as World Number One.
I think that Trump would love to speak to Democratic Voters. Unfortunately, most likely he would not get a fair shake. Progs coined MAGA. Progs made it into some surreal name. It was just a campaign slogan. I was educated that the United States is a free and sovereign nation. We are being forced from sell out politicians into a global government. It has one language. English. Although others are welcome to be used in ethnic neighborhoods. Most of our public government enforced literature is now English and Spanish. And we are a unique American culture that has some differences depending on where we live. And distortions are encroaching in this. Most Prog voters need to realize that the economic/ financial cup needs to be refilled constantly and it is getting lower and lower with the fill ups.
Did progs print MAGA on all those trump hats, and sell them for 50 bucks each?
So it's settled. The republican party is a thing of he past. MAGA cult it is.
The democrat party has been taken over by the WEF/Devos.

The Republican party has been taken back from the globalist.

If you support The Great Reset and want to eat bugs, vote democrat.

Democrats = WEF/Devos in America.
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Unions ended child labor and gave us safety on the job and the five day work week. Sure, we don't need stuff like that any more.

Yeah, if Renaissance Florence had Unions, Michelangelo would never have been allowed to apprentice with the Medici's
Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was. The RNC has to stand up to trump, and do it now. Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual republican nominee, even if it is not him. If he is allowed to join the debate without that pledge, it is all over. He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course. I remember when the Republican party was a strong, proud and honorable party. It would be a shame for that to become a thing of the past like some business that was taken over by corporate raiders, and had their assets sold to the highest bidder.

It's been a while.

My best recollection was somewhere around Reagan, when he decided that making multimillion dollar companies richer and killing labor groups would somehow help the middle class.
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the foolish suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. The nutless bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist foreign shithole we seek.”
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the foolish suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. The nutless bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist foreign shithole we seek.”
You got the part where right wingers have contempt for Bible teachings right.
So it's settled. The republican party is a thing of he past. MAGA cult it is.
Not really.

It will be settled in the primary. If they select him again, its over. If not then they will have broken free. Last time he was an incumbent, his selection was a given and his backing equally so during the main.

Now? We will see but it looks worse by the day considering the continued support.
Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was. The RNC has to stand up to trump, and do it now. Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual republican nominee, even if it is not him. If he is allowed to join the debate without that pledge, it is all over. He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course. I remember when the Republican party was a strong, proud and honorable party. It would be a shame for that to become a thing of the past like some business that was taken over by corporate raiders, and had their assets sold to the highest bidder.
It's all over already.
Not really.

It will be settled in the primary. If they select him again, its over. If not then they will have broken free. Last time he was an incumbent, his selection was a given and his backing equally so during the main.

Now? We will see but it looks worse by the day considering the continued support.
If they let him in their primary without him agreeing to support the eventual winner, that have lost. His will will have overcome the GOP's rules. They will have lost.
Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was. The RNC has to stand up to trump, and do it now. Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual republican nominee, even if it is not him. If he is allowed to join the debate without that pledge, it is all over. He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course. I remember when the Republican party was a strong, proud and honorable party. It would be a shame for that to become a thing of the past like some business that was taken over by corporate raiders, and had their assets sold to the highest bidder.

Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was. The RNC has to stand up to trump, and do it now. Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual republican nominee, even if it is not him. If he is allowed to join the debate without that pledge, it is all over. He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course. I remember when the Republican party was a strong, proud and honorable party. It would be a shame for that to become a thing of the past like some business that was taken over by corporate raiders, and had their assets sold to the highest bidder.
The Republican party hasn’t been strong, proud, or honorable for at least the last 50 years; Trump is a product of the GOP.

Evidence in support of this is abundant – but the most damning evidence can be found with Congressional Republicans and Republican state elected officials: the silence is deafening, the lack of condemnation and repudiation of Trump is comprehensive among Republicans, due either to the cowardice of those too fearful to confront and denounce Trump or those who support Trump in his campaign of corruption, crime, and lies, Republicans just as wrong and reprehensible as Trump.

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