Taking On The Greed of The Pharma Industry

tragically, one of 5 patients who get a prescription from their doctor are unable to fill it. how insane is that?

no other country on earth allows companies to charge any price they want for any reason

somebody in Indiana can walk into a pharmacy and find out that the medicine cost has tripled. in the US, that is perfectly legal...STOP THIS INSANITY RIGHT NOW! how I fear for my parents...& my fellow americans!
Recently I got a virulent strain of c. diff from a pizza I ordered (foolishly, never again) with raw vegetables on top. Because the antibiotic for this was not routinely used orally (usually you wind up in the hospital on IVs), my insurance wouldn't cover it. I wasn't quite as near death as the doctor would have liked me to be to order me into the hospital. So I paid over $1,200 out of pocket for two 10 day prescriptions. The first round failed to completely eradicate symptoms. So that's 80 pills for $1,200. Or $15 per pill.

Was I reckless or stupid? No. I was just tired one Friday night last Spring from working and wanted to order out. I nearly died as a result.
the pharma industry is the wealthiest and most powerful political force in America. over 20 years, it has spent 4 billion dollars in campaign contributions. they have 1K lobbyists in DC alone. they own both parties.
You keep missing the point.

I can get pharma from overseas that does the same thing at a much lower cost, but Big Pharma has its hand on the Government penis and is stroking away to keep us all from being able to by foreign pharmaceuticals.

GOVERNMENT is the problem.
As I recall the Clintons were at war with "big Pharma" but nothing came of it. Nobody even talked about the price of drugs during the eight years of Obama even when the ironically named ACA was created. A republican is in office and all of a sudden the media decided that the price of drugs has become a crisis. No surprises here. It should be noted that U.S. based drug companies are responsible for the R&D that goes into making "miracle" drugs.
And those companies are allowed to charge ridiculous rates to Americans and dirt to the rest of the world....why?

Because GOVERNMENT keeps us from having a free market on pharma.


Because Big Pharma is in control of the FDA.

the pharma industry is the wealthiest and most powerful political force in America. over 20 years, it has spent 4 billion dollars in campaign contributions. they have 1K lobbyists in DC alone. they own both parties.
You keep missing the point.

I can get pharma from overseas that does the same thing at a much lower cost, but Big Pharma has its hand on the Government penis and is stroking away to keep us all from being able to by foreign pharmaceuticals.

GOVERNMENT is the problem.

I can get pharma from overseas that does the same thing at a much lower cost,

Of course you can, the foreign government basically steals drugs that US firms develop.

to keep us all from being able to by foreign pharmaceuticals.

You mean US pharmaceuticals.

GOVERNMENT is the problem.

Foreign government.
As I recall the Clintons were at war with "big Pharma" but nothing came of it. Nobody even talked about the price of drugs during the eight years of Obama even when the ironically named ACA was created. A republican is in office and all of a sudden the media decided that the price of drugs has become a crisis. No surprises here. It should be noted that U.S. based drug companies are responsible for the R&D that goes into making "miracle" drugs.
And those companies are allowed to charge ridiculous rates to Americans and dirt to the rest of the world....why?

Because GOVERNMENT keeps us from having a free market on pharma.


Because Big Pharma is in control of the FDA.


And those companies are allowed to charge ridiculous rates to Americans and dirt to the rest of the world....why?

Because our government doesn't force the drug companies to sell at a losing price.
If you're satisfied with current drugs and don't expect anyone to need any new ones, then I agree, we should force the price down to $1 a pill. Research will drop to near zero, but as long as we get what we want today, screw it, eh?

Because Big Pharma is in control of the FDA.

Is that why it costs a couple of billion to develop a new drug and get it approved? LOL!

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