Talent on loan from god!

RUSH: You remember it was just two years ago we were at record employment at 4.7%, after coming out of a mild recession that Clinton left us with
What do you want to bet?

First of all, I gave the links in the original post, which you obviously didn't read or click on. And here's Clinton's U6 data link.
Friday's Jobs Report: Monkey Numbers -- Seeking Alpha

And LimpBoy gave you the current U6 numbers, do you question your God and master??

I separated your Messiah's link and my source links with quotes this time so even a Ditto-Nazi can follow.

So what possible links could you still need?

Now the only question is will you be honest enough to admit my stats are correct or will you be a sore loser and neg rep me like the pusillanimous poltroon DiveCon?

No no. I KNEW you couldn't and wouldn't do it.

First of all, as predicted, you are unable to post without the lie that I am a ditohead.

Your addiction to lying is noted.

Secondly, what I ASKED you to provide was the LINKS to the comarosion between the U6 figures cited by Rush about the current actual unemployment problems here under the Obama Administration and the U6 figures which YOU maintain Mr. Limbaugh somehow lied about,.

The ONLY U6 figures mentioned so far were the curent one CITED by Rush Limbaugh.

You thus (as I sagaciously but easily predicted) FAILED.

You declined a direct invitation (you plodding, predictable massive moron, liar and now coward!) to provide simple and verifiable figures to support your always dreary and unsupported contention that Rush lied and you failed in providing figures WITHOUT resort to your usual lies about me.

You remain a massively moronic liar and are even more thoroughly exposed as the FAILURE you are here.

There is some good news for you, though, EdTheMassiveMoronLiar. A bunch of almost equally moronic drones from the MSLSD Board (now defunct :lol:) are coming here to assist you in your mission of being a complete moron.

This time you give multiple examples of the fact that you are a Ditto-Nazi. You play the dumb act and you change what I said, so typical of mindless Ditto-Dopers.

What I said was GOP shill LimpBoy always left out the U6 numbers when giving Bush's numbers, which he undeniably did in his rant. I never said the 16.3% U6 was a lie. I also pointed out that he gave Bush's best U3 numbers, which he called a "record," which is obviously a lie, and not the U3 numbers Clinton left him which were lower than the so called "record" or the U6 number Bush passed on to Obama which was 13.5%. LimpBoy was DISHONESTLY comparing Bush's U3 numbers to Obama's U6 numbers. So try reading it again s l o w l y this time.

So basically you asked for a link to something I didn't post assuring you an opportunity to lie and insult, like a typical Ditto-Nazi, when you didn't get what you asked for.

And no matter how many examples there are that you are a brainwashed Ditto-Nazi you still deny it, which is again typical of a Ditto-Nazi.

And if you didn't want me to keep calling you the Ditto-Nazi you are, you should have left the "moron and liar" wisecrack out of your "serious" question and not changed what I said.
Bear that in mind if you ever want to actually ask a serious question rather than just pretend to.

I see you have cut and ran from the U3 and U6 posts!!! No surprise there.

Not even a little, LyingMassiveMoron. It's just that you have yet to respond properly to the challenge I laid down for you. No surprise THERE at all. :lol:

I replied in detail. You dishonestly changed what I said, which is typical of Ditto-Nazis, so you could lie about not meeting your phony challenge, again typical of Ditto-Nazis.

I challenge you to show where I said Limpboy's U6 numbers were a lie, as YOU falsely claim. I clearly said LimpBoy didn't give Bush's U6 numbers.

Where LimpBoy undeniably LIED was in calling Bush's U3 numbers a "RECORD."
July 9, 2008
RUSH: Do you know what a black hole is? A black hole is a star we can't see because there's so much mass, so much gravity, not even light can escape it. The only thing that's been known to escape it is the USS enterprise, captained by William Shatner. Other than that, nothing's ever gotten out of one. A black hole is nothingness.

Some of his commentary on what a black hole is (at least the fragment you quote) is mocked by you for no apparent reason. Do you even grasp, in non-expert terms, what a "black hole" is?

Originally Posted by edthecynic As far as Black Holes, if you read his quote, I highlighted him saying "there's so much MASS" and you still don't get it while pretending you know something about physics and I don't!!! :lol:
MASS is not "nothingness"!!!!!!!!
As I said, LimpBoy lies to the ignorance of his audience.
I agree that the incredible amount of mass necessary for a star to form a Black Hole is NOT the same thing as "nothingness." I suspect that this was not the sense in which Rush meant that, but still, it was spoken in a sloppy way. Oh nosies.

First you defend his glittering Jewel of colossal ignorance by challenged my grasp of what a Black Hole is compared to what he said, and now you pretend you knew all along that a Black Hole is not nothingness.

But, as is typical of Ditto-Nazis, you STILL make excuses for him.
Remember Limpboy has a cow when others say what his words mean.

We're dealing here with the potential loss of meaning when others get to say what other people meant. This is a dangerous direction that we're headed in."
Rush Limbaugh 10/4/2007
I would like to see the entire quote not just some excerpt probably from the assholes at media matters who routinely misquote and or lie about anyone and everyone the left doesn't like.
April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. That's how this stuff starts. Now, the question is: is CO2 even a pollutant? Is it an air pollutant? Because if it is, then all the water vapor on this planet is a pollutant. The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.
And water vapor is H2O. H2O has no carbon so not one molecule of CO2 in the entire universe comes from H2O. He actually pulled that quote from his free side because of me. :rofl:
His saying "water vapor" does not "muddie the point," it is completely asinine, it shows his complete scientific stupidity.

Wrong. He did muddy the point because while H2O (such as water molecules and water vapor vapor) does not produce carbon dioxide, the OCEANS release (some estimates indicate) about 90 GIGATONS of it ANNUALLY. (It is also estimted to absorb roughly the same amount annually -- all other things being equal -- but the point is that the OCEANS do release MANY TIMES the amount of CO2 into our atmosphere each year as all of man-made CO2 production annually.

Again, he never said anything about "OCEANS" he said "vater vapor" more than once and water vapor, the gaseous form of water, contains no Carbon nor any CO2. He always says words have meaning and water vapor does not mean oceans. Furthermore he said "all the water vapor on this planet" and not all the water or water vapor on this planet comes from the oceans. Lakes, rivers and streams also produce water vapor.

Remember he gives no do-overs to others and he claims to be a Christian.
The Golden Rule is a bitch, isn't it! :lol:

June 4, 2009
RUSH: In fact, the White House has said, "If she could do it again, she'd say it differently." So they want a do-over. With Obama saying that --

HANNITY: Would you give a do-over?

RUSH: No. None of us get a do-over.


I would like to see the entire quote not just some excerpt probably from the assholes at media matters who routinely misquote and or lie about anyone and everyone the left doesn't like.

Again, a perfect example of how CON$ who are tooooooo STUPID to figure out anything for themselves are PROGRAMMED to accuse everyone who can't be brainwashed of getting their stuff from some Lib site. :cuckoo:

Now if you were capable of thinking for yourself, you could place the quote in quotation marks and google it and see if you get a link to media matters. Try it, you might learn something.

Now, I can assure you none of the rest of the rant had anything to do with SCIENCE, that was the only part related to the scientific context of a black hole.
"Do you know what a black hole is? A black hole is a star we can't see because there's so much mass, so much gravity, not even light can escape it. The only thing that's been known to escape it is the USS enterprise, captained by William Shatner. Oth
I would like to see the entire quote not just some excerpt probably from the assholes at media matters who routinely misquote and or lie about anyone and everyone the left doesn't like.

Again, a perfect example of how CON$ who are tooooooo STUPID to figure out anything for themselves are PROGRAMMED to accuse everyone who can't be brainwashed of getting their stuff from some Lib site. :cuckoo:

Now if you were capable of thinking for yourself, you could place the quote in quotation marks and google it and see if you get a link to media matters. Try it, you might learn something.

Now, I can assure you none of the rest of the rant had anything to do with SCIENCE, that was the only part related to the scientific context of a black hole.
"Do you know what a black hole is? A black hole is a star we can't see because there's so much mass, so much gravity, not even light can escape it. The only thing that's been known to escape it is the USS enterprise, captained by William Shatner. Oth
gee, i would think the "USS Enterprise, Captained by James T Kirk" would be a dead giveaway that he was being facetious
Good job asshat googling th quote gave me 1.22 million freaking hits sorry but I don't have the freaking time.
Here's another example of his complete ignorance of science where he again contradicts himself in his own rant, just like the Black Hole nonsense, but is again tooooo STUPID to know it!!! :cuckoo: (pay attention to the underlined words)

December 20, 2007
RUSH: The Big Bang violates the best-known law of science, the first law of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics says that you cannot create something out of nothing. Hello, Mr. Pascal. He wasn't even a scientist. He was a philosopher. It's easier to believe that something that has been can be again than it is to believe that something that has never been can be. Yet, the Big Bang violates the first law of thermodynamics. That law says you cannot create something out of nothing. But cosmologists, who are physicists that study the evolution of the universe, have to invent new physics to explain the Big Bang: physics that have never been observed. So is this science or is it faith? The Big Bang crowd, nobody was there to see it. We're just told that this tiny little speck of almost nothing exploded one day and became the universe?

What law of physics explains that? We don't have one. They've had to create it because they haven't observed it.

Again, you appear to be struggling to mock Rush. What he was suggesting was that in order to accept the Big Bang theory you are obliged to accept (or at least waffle on) the notion that the "material" came into existence without causation. In short, all he's suggesting is that the cosmic stuff (mass/energy) either came from somewhere or that it "always" existed (even outside the parameters of time/space). And to accept the latter, one is positing a belief in something existing which was not created. It kinda sorta begins to sound a bit like "faith."

YOU and a few supercilious others here at USMB mock anybody who doesn't accept the received wisdom that you happen to agree with or otherwise have. But some truly brilliant physicists -- unlike you -- have been perfectly willing to acknowledge that the basic premise of their Big Bang theory requires believing that matter/energy came into existence by some forces which we cannot comprehend. "Where did it come from?" is actually not a bad question, no matter how you try to mock it.

No, it's the very First Law of Thermodynamics (Energy can neither be created nor destroyed) that he cites that says ENERGY always existed, and rather than "faith" all it takes is repeating James Prescott Joules' experiment and PROVE it for yourself. All physicists, whether brilliant or not, did in school.

Just remember ALMOST nothing is SOMETHING, and that "tiny little speck of almost nothing" is ALL THE ENERGY OF THE UNIVERSE. Tiny little speck indeed. :rofl:
Good job asshat googling th quote gave me 1.22 million freaking hits sorry but I don't have the freaking time.

Nobody plays dumb like a CON$ervative! :rofl:
You are living proof of the complete stupidity it takes to be a CON$ervative.

First of all, I gave you the google link so all you had to do was click on it. And probably you were TOOOOOOOOOOO stupid to put the quote in "QUOTATION MARKS," as I instructed you to do, for you to get that many hits.

Without quotation marks google searches for each word individually, with quotation marks google searches for the entire phrase exactly as worded. Had you used quotation marks you would have gotten one hit, LimpBoy's site. His transcripts are ALWAYS my source for the quotes of his that I use.
I would like to see the entire quote not just some excerpt probably from the assholes at media matters who routinely misquote and or lie about anyone and everyone the left doesn't like.

Again, a perfect example of how CON$ who are tooooooo STUPID to figure out anything for themselves are PROGRAMMED to accuse everyone who can't be brainwashed of getting their stuff from some Lib site. :cuckoo:

Now if you were capable of thinking for yourself, you could place the quote in quotation marks and google it and see if you get a link to media matters. Try it, you might learn something.

Now, I can assure you none of the rest of the rant had anything to do with SCIENCE, that was the only part related to the scientific context of a black hole.
"Do you know what a black hole is? A black hole is a star we can't see because there's so much mass, so much gravity, not even light can escape it. The only thing that's been known to escape it is the USS enterprise, captained by William Shatner. Oth
gee, i would think the "USS Enterprise, Captained by James T Kirk" would be a dead giveaway that he was being facetious

But if you don't play dumb you would know only that little quip was the facetious part. He was dead serious about the nothingness part, and you know it.
Again, a perfect example of how CON$ who are tooooooo STUPID to figure out anything for themselves are PROGRAMMED to accuse everyone who can't be brainwashed of getting their stuff from some Lib site. :cuckoo:

Now if you were capable of thinking for yourself, you could place the quote in quotation marks and google it and see if you get a link to media matters. Try it, you might learn something.

Now, I can assure you none of the rest of the rant had anything to do with SCIENCE, that was the only part related to the scientific context of a black hole.
"Do you know what a black hole is? A black hole is a star we can't see because there's so much mass, so much gravity, not even light can escape it. The only thing that's been known to escape it is the USS enterprise, captained by William Shatner. Oth
gee, i would think the "USS Enterprise, Captained by James T Kirk" would be a dead giveaway that he was being facetious

But if you don't play dumb you would know only that little quip was the facetious part. He was dead serious about the nothingness part, and you know it.
see what i mean, you dont have a clue
So basically your lumping all taxes in with the income tax how stupid of you. And still none of them truly benefit anyone paying them. Damn near everything you put into Social security and Medicare Medicaid is paid out the next day in either administrative costs or benefits to recipients. That was straight from the SS website.

No I'm not lumping everything in with income taxes. I made the point that income tax rates are completely different from payroll tax rates.

And SS taxes have been a surplus for decades and decades so you are lying about getting anything "straight from the SS website."
Prove me wrong and post the SS website link.

swoon Did Rush speak? :iagree:

I definitely do not subscribe to the "swoon" part.

However, for the record: (except for the religious bullshit) Rush is spot on.

no shit sherlock
so why not just leave the Bush tax cut
if your going to cut other taxes dollar for dollar
you make zero sense

Two reasons.
One, payroll tax cuts reward only those businesses that employ Americans, and those businesses that employ the most Americans get the most benefit, exactly the group you want to benefit most. Whereas Bush's tax cuts give a tax break to business that profited by outsourcing American jobs. The more they profited by outsourcing American jobs the more they profit from Bush's tax cuts.

And two, payroll taxes are the only taxes that are producing a surplus and there is a threshold of $102,000 in income that is taxed, and when you use across the board income tax rates instead of payroll tax rates to rebate that surplus you redistribute part of that surplus collected from incomes under the threshold to incomes over the threshold. And I thought real CON$ were against redistribution of wealth.
you dont even understand how a business decides how much it pays someone
so this discussion is a waste of time with you

This discussion is a waste of time because you are reduced to playing dumb again.

A you well know, the two reasons I gave have nothing to do with how much a business decides to pay someone. For them to be paying payroll taxes they have obviously been hired at some wage already, so cutting payroll taxes reduces that business' cost of labor. Get it?
But if you don't play dumb you would know only that little quip was the facetious part. He was dead serious about the nothingness part, and you know it.
see what i mean, you dont have a clue

See what I mean, you can only play dumb.
see what i mean, you are too fucking stupid for words
i know why you never provide the source for where you get your bullshit, because its not a legit site
see what i mean, you dont have a clue

See what I mean, you can only play dumb.
see what i mean, you are too fucking stupid for words
i know why you never provide the source for where you get your bullshit, because its not a legit site

I'm glad you say LimpBoy's site is not legit.
I'll remind you the brainwashed Ditto-Nazi said I got my LimpBoy quote from media matters and I simply explained how he could check his suspicions before making a fool of himself on a public messageboard.
Had he googled the quote properly he would have found the only source of the quote was LimpBoy's own transcript.
See what I mean, you can only play dumb.
see what i mean, you are too fucking stupid for words
i know why you never provide the source for where you get your bullshit, because its not a legit site

I'm glad you say LimpBoy's site is not legit.
I'll remind you the brainwashed Ditto-Nazi said I got my LimpBoy quote from media matters and I simply explained how he could check his suspicions before making a fool of himself on a public messageboard.
Had he googled the quote properly he would have found the only source of the quote was LimpBoy's own transcript.
if you were getting it from Limbaughs si8te, you would include the link, but since you dont, you are a liar

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