Talent on loan from god!

I would like to see the entire quote not just some excerpt probably from the assholes at media matters who routinely misquote and or lie about anyone and everyone the left doesn't like.

Again, a perfect example of how CON$ who are tooooooo STUPID to figure out anything for themselves are PROGRAMMED to accuse everyone who can't be brainwashed of getting their stuff from some Lib site. :cuckoo:

Now if you were capable of thinking for yourself, you could place the quote in quotation marks and google it and see if you get a link to media matters. Try it, you might learn something.

Now, I can assure you none of the rest of the rant had anything to do with SCIENCE, that was the only part related to the scientific context of a black hole.
"Do you know what a black hole is? A black hole is a star we can't see because there's so much mass, so much gravity, not even light can escape it. The only thing that's been known to escape it is the USS enterprise, captained by William Shatner. Oth

see what i mean, you are too fucking stupid for words
i know why you never provide the source for where you get your bullshit, because its not a legit site

I'm glad you say LimpBoy's site is not legit.
I'll remind you the brainwashed Ditto-Nazi said I got my LimpBoy quote from media matters and I simply explained how he could check his suspicions before making a fool of himself on a public messageboard.
Had he googled the quote properly he would have found the only source of the quote was LimpBoy's own transcript.
if you were getting it from Limbaughs si8te, you would include the link, but since you dont, you are a liar

But as you can see I did give the link and in such a way as to prove I didn't get the quote from media matters, killing two birds with one stone.

If you click on the link I gave you get the google search for all sites that have used the quote and the only site is LimpBoy, no media matters or any other Lib site. It's very rare that a Lib site picks up on the same quotes I do. Click on that link and you get his transcript from his own site. You are just playing too dumb to click on the link I already provided simply because it requires you to click on the link google provides also.

Another bump for LIEability

Bump it for yourself EddieTheLyingImbecile.

When you work up the nerve to actually answer my easy, straightforward and clear inquiry, you might be worth bothering with again.

Until then, you remain a coward, a moron and a liar.

And I did answer your lie. I never said your Gawwwwdd-da LimpBoy lied about the current U6 numbers, I clearly said he left out Bush's U6 numbers which is why you cut and ran from this thread with your tail between your legs.
If you remember, in my reply to your challenge I pointed out the U6 numbers came from your MessiahRushie and I asked if you disagree with them.

I said LimpBoy left out Bush's U6 numbers, I said he used Bush's best U3 numbers and not the U3 numbers passed to him by Clinton or the U3 numbers he passed to Obama, I said he dishonestly compaired Bush's U3 numbers to Obama's U6 numbers, and I said he lied about Bush's U3 numbers being a record, all of which he did, but I never said LimpBoy lied about the current U6 numbers, which is why you can't support your lie.
And you know it which is why you ran like a typical lying Ditto-Nazi coward till I shamed you back here.
Another bump for LIEability

Bump it for yourself EddieTheLyingImbecile.

When you work up the nerve to actually answer my easy, straightforward and clear inquiry, you might be worth bothering with again.

Until then, you remain a coward, a moron and a liar.

And I did answer * * * *

^ Another EdTheLyingMassiveMoron outright, bald-faced, unintelligent, glaringly-obvious and utterly unpersausive lie. :lol:
" When the liberals start talking about raising taxes on the rich, the middle class needs to run for cover.":lol:
Ed my man lowering with holding rates has no impact whatever on a companies cost of doing business.

What they do not with hold simply gets paid to the worker instead of to the government. Witholding is not paid by the company but by the employee.
RUSH: The real unemployment rate is not 9.4%. If laid-off workers who have given up looking for new jobs or have settled for part-time work are included in the unemployment rate -- this is what's called U6 -- the total unemployment rate nationwide is 16.3%. If you add the people still looking for work and those who have given up, it's 16.3% unemployed. State-Run Media is trying to make this out to be some big successful day today.

Well, let's compare how GOP Hate-Run Media "reports" the same data.

GOP Hate-Run Media uses only Bush's U3 numbers and not even the U3 numbers passed to him by Clinton and the U3 numbers he passes to Obama but Bush"s best U3 numbers. Furthermore GOP Hate-Run Media claims the Bush Recession of March 2001 was inherited by Bush from Clinton and as you know GOP Hate-Run Media denies Obama inherited a recession.

Clinton inherited a 7.49% U3 unemployment from Bush I and passed a 3.97% U3 and a 7.0% U6 unemployment plus a surplus to Bush II. Bush II in turn passed a 7.2% U3 unemployment to Obama. If you remember GOP Hate-Run Media never used U6 numbers for Bush, but Bush passed a 13.5% U6 unemployment to Obama.

Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
August 7, 2009
Story #5: NYT to Claim Unemployment Problem "Decade Old"

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I have been advised that the New York Times planning heavy coverage for this weekend on the following story. It's being written by Floyd Norris. "In Last Decade, a Lack of Job Growth..." This the just amazing in its malpractice and irresponsibility. Listen to this now. "For the first time since the Depression, the American economy has added virtually no jobs in the private sector over a 10-year period. The total number of jobs has grown a bit, but that is only because of government hiring. The accompanying charts," which I don't have here; I just have the advanced text "show the job performance from July 1999, when the economy was booming and companies were complaining about how hard it was to find workers, through July of this year, when the economy was mired in the deepest and longest recession since World War II."

So from 1999 to now, we have produced no new jobs. We've been in a decade-long jobs recession. The Bush administration never happened! They're willing -- at their near bankrupt newsroom, at the New York Times -- they are willing to put out drivel like this in order to prop up this catastrophe of a president. You remember it was just two years ago we were at record employment at 4.7%, after coming out of a mild recession that Clinton left us with and then 9/11. We had a growing population. We had a booming economy that they tried to make everybody think was rotten, especially in the second Bush term.

Story #6: AP Admits Unemployment Rate Didn't Really Dip

RUSH: I must mention this. I finally read the full Associated Press story on the new unemployment numbers, and even the AP admits that unemployment didn't really dip. "Employers sharply scale back layoffs in July. The unemployment rate dips for the first time in 15 months, sending a strong signal, the worst recession..."

Then you go to the end of the article, buried at the bottom: "The dip in the unemployment rate was the first since April 2008. One of the reasons the rate declined, though, was that hundreds of thousands of people left the labor force. The labor force includes only those who are either employed or are looking for work." So even AP admits unemployment didn't really dip. We just had a hell of a lot of people give up looking, and they're not counted as members of the labor force. That's what we now know in the BLS figures they put out, Bureau of Labor Statistics. The U6, unemployment 6... Like 9.4% is U3 and that's people who are employed, looking for work, not employed, on unemployment benefits. U6 is everybody that's looking for work, on unemployment compensation and those who are no longer looking, they've given up, and that rate is 16%. Not 9.4. It is 16, maybe 16.9, but it's 16 something. And even AP admits unemployment didn't really dip. It just went off the charts, just went off the unemployment rolls. Well, we have been rescued. See, AP knows people aren't going to read the bottom of the story. We've been rescued from this catastrophe. The president said so today.

MinnPost - U6: The unemployment rate and the misery index - Political Economy by Steve Perry

U6 is defined as "total unemployed, plus all marginally attached workers plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of all civilian labor force plus all marginally attached workers."
You can think of this more expansive measure as a sort of employment misery index. And in December 2008, when the official unemployment rate rose to 7.2 percent, U6 reached 13.5 percent.

The United States Unemployment Rate By Year

Bush, G.H.W.









Bump it for yourself EddieTheLyingImbecile.

When you work up the nerve to actually answer my easy, straightforward and clear inquiry, you might be worth bothering with again.

Until then, you remain a coward, a moron and a liar.

And I did answer * * * *

^ Another EdTheLyingMassiveMoron outright, bald-faced, unintelligent, glaringly-obvious and utterly unpersausive lie. :lol:

Here, I'm making it easy for you. The post you falsely claim I said LimpBoy lied about the current U6 numbers is re-posted above with my words in red. All you have to do is highlight where I said Your MessiahRushie lied about the current U6 numbers.
Ed my man lowering with holding rates has no impact whatever on a companies cost of doing business.

What they do not with hold simply gets paid to the worker instead of to the government. Witholding is not paid by the company but by the employee.
ed is a moron and doesnt understand simple concepts like that
Ed my man lowering with holding rates has no impact whatever on a companies cost of doing business.

What they do not with hold simply gets paid to the worker instead of to the government. Witholding is not paid by the company but by the employee.
ed is a moron and doesnt understand simple concepts like that

Obviously one CON$ervative is as STUPID an another.
SS and FICA are WITHHELD from BOTH the employer and the employee.

SVSU - Employment & Compensation Services: SS Withholding Updates
2008 Social Security (FICA) Withholding Limits Updates

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has announced that the 2008 social security wage base will be $102,000, an increase of $4,500 from the 2007 wage base of $97,500. As in prior years, there is no limit to the wages subject to the Medicare tax; therefore, all covered wages are still subject to the 1.45% tax.
The FICA tax rate, which is the combined social security tax rate of 6.2% and the Medicare tax rate of 1.45%, remains at 7.65% for 2008. The maximum social security tax employees and employers will each pay in 2008 is $6,324.00. This is an increase of $279.00 from the 2007 maximum of $6,045.00.
Ed my man lowering with holding rates has no impact whatever on a companies cost of doing business.

What they do not with hold simply gets paid to the worker instead of to the government. Witholding is not paid by the company but by the employee.
ed is a moron and doesnt understand simple concepts like that

Obviously one CON$ervative is as STUPID an another.
SS and FICA are WITHHELD from BOTH the employer and the employee.

SVSU - Employment & Compensation Services: SS Withholding Updates
2008 Social Security (FICA) Withholding Limits Updates

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has announced that the 2008 social security wage base will be $102,000, an increase of $4,500 from the 2007 wage base of $97,500. As in prior years, there is no limit to the wages subject to the Medicare tax; therefore, all covered wages are still subject to the 1.45% tax.
The FICA tax rate, which is the combined social security tax rate of 6.2% and the Medicare tax rate of 1.45%, remains at 7.65% for 2008. The maximum social security tax employees and employers will each pay in 2008 is $6,324.00. This is an increase of $279.00 from the 2007 maximum of $6,045.00.
then you dont understand that an employer figures that into the PAY PACKAGE

RUSH: These guys have threatened me again. This was last Friday at the White House, Jake Tapper -- this the presidential daily brief. Jake Tapper says, "Rush Limbaugh went on a very long speech which he compared Democrats to Nazis, the president to Hitler, and I'm wondering if the president's seen any of this. Obviously, the Nazi imagery has been condemned by Jewish groups, and I'm wondering if he feels anything about the language being used this way."

GIBBS: Any time you make references to what happened in Germany in the Thirties and Forties, I think you're talking about an event that has no equivalent. And I think any time anyone ventures to compare anything to that, they're on thin ice and it's best not deployed. We can have a discussion in our democracy about where we want to go and why or why not we want to take certain steps. The president strongly believes we can do so without yelling at each other, without pushing each other, without degrading each other and do so in a way, I think, that respects the difference in all of our opinions.

RUSH: Now, you may have realized, folks, if you're listening the first hour of the program that I was slightly angered when I started. This is exactly why. Nobody was comparing Obama to Hitler. We were comparing Obama's health care to Germany's health care in socialized Nazi Germany. But, if I am "on thin ice," is Nancy Pelosi on thin ice? Nancy Pelosi... Jake Tapper, do you know this yet? Do you know that Nancy Pelosi started this? She called friends of mine -- audience members of this show decent Americans protesting the takeover of one-sixth of their economy by the government by a man who has a five-minute career -- Nazis. Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, said they were running around carrying signs with "swahstih-kahhs," as she said, on them. So I simply responded in kind. And old Gibbs here wants to say I was comparing the genocidal Hitler to Obama. That's just typical of this bunch, to take that position on it. I was comparing one socialist to another, pure and simple. But if I'm "on thin ice," then Nancy Pelosi must be on thin ice as well. I'll move forward to audio sound bites... Yeah, let's go to number four and five and six. Yes, because I happened to dominate the Friday night newscasts. Chip Reid, CBS News, says that conservative websites and Rush Limbaugh are whipping activists into a frenzy.

REID: Websites of conservative groups that list Democratic town halls and urge critics to go and be heard! And conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, who, Democrats say, are whipping activists into a frenzy, comparing President Obama's health care plan to Nazi policies.

RUSH ARCHIVE: ... Adolf Hitler, like Barack Obama, also ruled by dictate. ...

REID: To give an idea of just how nasty this battle over health care reform has become, Capitol Hill Police say they are now investigating a possible death threat by a constituent against a Democratic congressman from North Carolina.

RUSH: Yeah, we heard about this, and this guy. Then after that said there were hundreds of congressman getting death threats. This "Adolf Hitler, like Obama, ruled by dictate," what would you call all of these czars? What would you call firing the CEO of General Motors? What would you call setting up a "pay czar" and telling the pay czar to determine who can make what?

White House Threatens Rush Again[/B]

RUSH: These guys have threatened me again.

Do you know that Nancy Pelosi started this? She called friends of mine -- audience members of this show decent Americans protesting the takeover of one-sixth of their economy by the government by a man who has a five-minute career -- Nazis. Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, said they were running around carrying signs with "swahstih-kahhs," as she said, on them. So I simply responded in kind.

Aaaaaaaa, the little whining crybaby is playing the CON$ervative Perpetual Victim Card again.

And there the pathological liar goes changing what Pelosi said. She never said anyone was a Nazi, she never even used the word Nazi like LimpBoy has been using his whole career, he admits she said they carried signs with swastikas, which even he admits they did.
Like a spoiled little 6 year old brat throwing a tantrum, your MessiahRushie whimpers, "she did it first." :rofl:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGzAi4vZqYI&NR=1]YouTube - Obama-Animal Nancy Pelosi: Town Hall Protesters 'Carrying Swastikas'[/ame]

You prove my point, she never said anyone was a Nazi, she doesn't even use the word Nazi.
And even LimpBoy admits the GOP Tea Bag thugs were carrying at least one sign with a swastika. So it was the GOP Tea Bag thugs who were calling others Nazis with their sign, not Pelosi. She was stating a fact even your MassiahRushie can't deny.

August 10, 2009
RUSH: And, by the way, we've looked. We have found one picture of a protester with a swastika on the sign, and it had a line drawn through it, meaning "no." It was not supported. It was meaning "no."
* * * *
Here, I'm making it easy for you. The post you falsely claim I said LimpBoy lied about the current U6 numbers is re-posted above with my words in red. All you have to do is highlight where I said Your MessiahRushie lied about the current U6 numbers.

No no. I'll make it easy for you. Prove that Rush lied about the U6 figures he cited. Unless those U6 figures are false (and they are not false) then even a lyingmassivemoron like you ought to be able to admit that they are not lies.

THEN, go dig up and present anything said by Rush -- about the Obama Adminsitration employement claims -- that IS a lie since his quotation of the recent U6 figures are NOT lies.

You will NOT be able to do so. You ARE unable to present an honest post. You ARE unable to post almost anything without resort to your worn-out efforts to use your meaningless ad hominems about those who disagree with you in political philosophy.
* * * *
Here, I'm making it easy for you. The post you falsely claim I said LimpBoy lied about the current U6 numbers is re-posted above with my words in red. All you have to do is highlight where I said Your MessiahRushie lied about the current U6 numbers.

No no. I'll make it easy for you. Prove that Rush lied about the U6 figures he cited. Unless those U6 figures are false (and they are not false) then even a lyingmassivemoron like you ought to be able to admit that they are not lies.

THEN, go dig up and present anything said by Rush -- about the Obama Adminsitration employement claims -- that IS a lie since his quotation of the recent U6 figures are NOT lies.

You will NOT be able to do so. You ARE unable to present an honest post. You ARE unable to post almost anything without resort to your worn-out efforts to use your meaningless ad hominems about those who disagree with you in political philosophy.

Why should I have to prove LimpBoy lied about Obama's U6 numbers when I never said he lied about that. That was a lie you made up so you prove I said it. I said he lied about Bush's U3 numbers being a record and I already proved that with links.

What I said was your MessiahRushie DISHONESTLY compared Obama's U6 numbers to Bush's best U3 numbers which is again undeniable and already proved with links. I also said LimpBoy never used Bush's U6 numbers and even in that rant about U6 numbers he hypocritically used only Bush's best U3 number even though the essence of his rant was U6 numbers are more accurate than U3 numbers.

Admit it, in order to call me a liar you had to make up your own lie and attribute it to me.
* * * *
Here, I'm making it easy for you. The post you falsely claim I said LimpBoy lied about the current U6 numbers is re-posted above with my words in red. All you have to do is highlight where I said Your MessiahRushie lied about the current U6 numbers.

No no. I'll make it easy for you. Prove that Rush lied about the U6 figures he cited. Unless those U6 figures are false (and they are not false) then even a lyingmassivemoron like you ought to be able to admit that they are not lies.

THEN, go dig up and present anything said by Rush -- about the Obama Adminsitration employement claims -- that IS a lie since his quotation of the recent U6 figures are NOT lies.

You will NOT be able to do so. You ARE unable to present an honest post. You ARE unable to post almost anything without resort to your worn-out efforts to use your meaningless ad hominems about those who disagree with you in political philosophy.

Why should I have to prove LimpBoy lied about Obama's U6 numbers when I never said he lied about that. That was a lie you made up so you prove I said it. I said he lied about Bush's U3 numbers being a record and I already proved that with links.

What I said was your MessiahRushie DISHONESTLY compared Obama's U6 numbers to Bush's best U3 numbers which is again undeniable and already proved with links. I also said LimpBoy never used Bush's U6 numbers and even in that rant about U6 numbers he hypocritically used only Bush's best U3 number even though the essence of his rant was U6 numbers are more accurate than U3 numbers.

Admit it, in order to call me a liar you had to make up your own lie and attribute it to me.

Nope. Here, http://www.usmessageboard.com/1405149-post166.html , you responded to Ozzie’s post, http://www.usmessageboard.com/1405020-post164.html . What YOU did was compare what RUSH had said (which is still true) that the Obama Administration numbers are reporting U3 not U6 figures WITH “how GOP Hate-Run Media ‘reports’ the same data.”

So, you might as well STOP lying, EdTheLyingMassiveMoron.

Your words defeat you because the words of a MASSIVE LIAR such as you WILL come back to haunt you.

And I'm more than happy to have helped to continue to expose your deliberate and endless dishonesty.

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