Talent on loan from god!

perp walk and impeachment for the son of malcolm x!!
if all you can do is post stupid shit like this, stop posting

Oh pleez do not let this weak minded diver drive you from USMB. He is suffering from a bad gas mix and his mind isn't clear yet.

I encourage all neo con christian fascist traitors to make statements in support of your true colors.
perp walk and impeachment for the son of malcolm x!!
if all you can do is post stupid shit like this, stop posting

Oh pleez do not let this weak minded diver drive you from USMB. He is suffering from a bad gas mix and his mind isn't clear yet.

I encourage all neo con christian fascist traitors to make statements in support of your true colors.
thats because you are a fucking moron
if all you can do is post stupid shit like this, stop posting

Oh pleez do not let this weak minded diver drive you from USMB. He is suffering from a bad gas mix and his mind isn't clear yet.

I encourage all neo con christian fascist traitors to make statements in support of your true colors.
thats because you are a fucking moron

When you point a finger at me and call me a fucking moron there are three fingers pointing back at you. And a thumb...the thumb is optional.
Oh pleez do not let this weak minded diver drive you from USMB. He is suffering from a bad gas mix and his mind isn't clear yet.

I encourage all neo con christian fascist traitors to make statements in support of your true colors.
thats because you are a fucking moron

When you point a finger at me and call me a fucking moron there are three fingers pointing back at you. And a thumb...the thumb is optional.

You must be a lower life form if your thumb points back at you when you point.

All he said was that you are a {bleeping} moron. You clearly are.
A Duke Professor Explains What the Health Care Bill Actually Says

RUSH: "Pages 149-150, SEC. 313, EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS IN LIEU OF COVERAGE," and then the relevant passages from the bill. Here is the evaluation of those passages. Again, what we're talking about here is: "Will the PLAN destroy private health insurance?" "1. The bill does not prohibit a person from buying private insurance. 2. Small businesses -- with say 8-10 employees -- will either have to provide insurance to federal standards, or pay an 8% payroll tax. Business costs for health care are higher than this, especially considering administrative costs. Any competitive business that tries to stay with a private plan will face a payroll disadvantage against competitors who go with the government 'option.'" Now, let me explain this. Small businesses, say eight-to-ten employees, will either have to provide insurance up "to federal standards." If they don't, they will pay an additional 8% payroll tax.

"Business costs for health care are higher than [what will be charged], especially considering administrative costs. Any competitive business that tries to stay with a private plan will face a payroll disadvantage against competitors who go with the government 'option.'" If they go to the government option, they're fine. If you don't and you stay private, you're going to pay a penalty. The penalty will make it ridiculous and stupid business-wise to stay with your private plan. Therefore, you will -- your small business will -- be forced out of private insurance onto the government option. "3. The pressure for business owners to terminate the private plans will be enormous," the financial pressure, the business pressure. "4. With employers ending plans, millions of Americans will lose their private coverage, and fewer companies will offer it."
This is another example of the colossal stupidity CON$ try to pass off as "logic."
Right now businesses that have private health care plans are competing against businesses that have NO health care and therefore NO health care expenses. That sure seems like a financial disadvantage for the businesses that provide private health care plans, yet they have private plans!!!

So LimpBoy tries to convince the people, stupid enough to believe him, that requiring the businesses that do not provide health care to provide health care that meets the Gov standard or be fined, in other words increasing the costs of these businesses with NO plan, that this will make the businesses that already have private plans LESS competitive against businesses that didn't have these extra expenses before, unless the businesses that provide private plans leave their private plan. :cuckoo:
He then argues the businesses that have private plans will be forced by competition to leave their private plans thus causing the elimination of all private plans. :cuckoo:

If they are successfully competing against businesses with NO health care expenses now, how exactly will requiring their competition to take on the ADDED expense of health care or the expense of a fine put them at a greater competitive disadvantage??????

And there are people stupid enough to think LimpBoy is "brilliant." :rofl:
Last edited:
thats because you are a fucking moron

When you point a finger at me and call me a fucking moron there are three fingers pointing back at you. And a thumb...the thumb is optional.

You must be a lower life form if your thumb points back at you when you point.

All he said was that you are a {bleeping} moron. You clearly are.

Its not that hard to do. Pretend you are mimicking shooting a pistol. Undergetit?
When you point a finger at me and call me a fucking moron there are three fingers pointing back at you. And a thumb...the thumb is optional.

You must be a lower life form if your thumb points back at you when you point.

All he said was that you are a {bleeping} moron. You clearly are.

Its not that hard to do. Pretend you are mimicking shooting a pistol. Undergetit?

My thumb still doesn't point back at me, you nitwit. :cuckoo:

Maybe yours does. :lol:

And the other fingers? They tend to curl, and to the extent that's pointing at all, it's pointed at right angles between where the forefinger is pointed and the person doing the pointing.

No. The obvious truth is this: when someone points a finger at you, you and you alone are being pointed at.

Deal with it.
You must be a lower life form if your thumb points back at you when you point.

All he said was that you are a {bleeping} moron. You clearly are.

Its not that hard to do. Pretend you are mimicking shooting a pistol. Undergetit?

My thumb still doesn't point back at me, you nitwit. :cuckoo:

Maybe yours does. :lol:

And the other fingers? They tend to curl, and to the extent that's pointing at all, it's pointed at right angles between where the forefinger is pointed and the person doing the pointing.

No. The obvious truth is this: when someone points a finger at you, you and you alone are being pointed at.

Deal with it.
sheeesh, that moron got it SO wrong

when you point a finger at someone you point 3 back at yourself and one at God
Its not that hard to do. Pretend you are mimicking shooting a pistol. Undergetit?

My thumb still doesn't point back at me, you nitwit. :cuckoo:

Maybe yours does. :lol:

And the other fingers? They tend to curl, and to the extent that's pointing at all, it's pointed at right angles between where the forefinger is pointed and the person doing the pointing.

No. The obvious truth is this: when someone points a finger at you, you and you alone are being pointed at.

Deal with it.
sheeesh, that moron got it SO wrong

when you point a finger at someone you point 3 back at yourself and one at God

Or -- maybe -- you're just giving God a big Thumb's Up!




Nice try Ed you got it wrong as usual. Right now most if not all companies with 5 to 10 employees don't pay for their employees health coverage if they even offer it at all. They simply don't have sufficient money to do so. Under this plan they are all going to be required to furnish sonething or pay the fee most if not all of them will take the lower cost, assuming they don't simply go belly up because they simply don't have a the money to do either. The catch comes in with larger companies. If I'm running company xyz and I have a choice between furnishing private insurance for all my employees at 200k a year or putting them on the government plan for half that cost I'd have to be an idiot not to put them on the government plan.
You must be a lower life form if your thumb points back at you when you point.

All he said was that you are a {bleeping} moron. You clearly are.

Its not that hard to do. Pretend you are mimicking shooting a pistol. Undergetit?

My thumb still doesn't point back at me, you nitwit. :cuckoo:

Maybe yours does. :lol:

And the other fingers? They tend to curl, and to the extent that's pointing at all, it's pointed at right angles between where the forefinger is pointed and the person doing the pointing.

No. The obvious truth is this: when someone points a finger at you, you and you alone are being pointed at.

Deal with it.

It's about time you freshened up the place again
A Duke Professor Explains What the Health Care Bill Actually Says

RUSH: "Pages 149-150, SEC. 313, EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS IN LIEU OF COVERAGE," and then the relevant passages from the bill. Here is the evaluation of those passages. Again, what we're talking about here is: "Will the PLAN destroy private health insurance?" "1. The bill does not prohibit a person from buying private insurance. 2. Small businesses -- with say 8-10 employees -- will either have to provide insurance to federal standards, or pay an 8% payroll tax. Business costs for health care are higher than this, especially considering administrative costs. Any competitive business that tries to stay with a private plan will face a payroll disadvantage against competitors who go with the government 'option.'" Now, let me explain this. Small businesses, say eight-to-ten employees, will either have to provide insurance up "to federal standards." If they don't, they will pay an additional 8% payroll tax.

"Business costs for health care are higher than [what will be charged], especially considering administrative costs. Any competitive business that tries to stay with a private plan will face a payroll disadvantage against competitors who go with the government 'option.'" If they go to the government option, they're fine. If you don't and you stay private, you're going to pay a penalty. The penalty will make it ridiculous and stupid business-wise to stay with your private plan. Therefore, you will -- your small business will -- be forced out of private insurance onto the government option. "3. The pressure for business owners to terminate the private plans will be enormous," the financial pressure, the business pressure. "4. With employers ending plans, millions of Americans will lose their private coverage, and fewer companies will offer it."
This is another example of the colossal stupidity CON$ try to pass off as "logic."
Right now businesses that have private health care plans are competing against businesses that have NO health care and therefore NO health care expenses. That sure seems like a financial disadvantage for the businesses that provide private health care plans, yet they have private plans!!!

So LimpBoy tries to convince the people, stupid enough to believe him, that requiring the businesses that do not provide health care to provide health care that meets the Gov standard or be fined, in other words increasing the costs of these businesses with NO plan, that this will make the businesses that already have private plans LESS competitive against businesses that didn't have these extra expenses before, unless the businesses that provide private plans leave their private plan. :cuckoo:
He then argues the businesses that have private plans will be forced by competition to leave their private plans thus causing the elimination of all private plans. :cuckoo:

If they are successfully competing against businesses with NO health care expenses now, how exactly will requiring their competition to take on the ADDED expense of health care or the expense of a fine put them at a greater competitive disadvantage??????

And there are people stupid enough to think LimpBoy is "brilliant." :rofl:

Nice try Ed you got it wrong as usual. Right now most if not all companies with 5 to 10 employees don't pay for their employees health coverage if they even offer it at all. They simply don't have sufficient money to do so. Under this plan they are all going to be required to furnish sonething or pay the fee most if not all of them will take the lower cost, assuming they don't simply go belly up because they simply don't have a the money to do either. The catch comes in with larger companies. If I'm running company xyz and I have a choice between furnishing private insurance for all my employees at 200k a year or putting them on the government plan for half that cost I'd have to be an idiot not to put them on the government plan.

Read it again, what you say isn't even close to what LimpBoy was saying.

He is undeniably saying that Companies of 8 to 10 employees with private plans will not be able to compete with similar sized companies who are forced to take on the added expense of a plan or fine. His moronic "logic" is, it was easier to compete with them when their health care expenses were ZERO. :cuckoo:
Here's more LimpBoy "Logic."

He argues that reform will eliminate private health care plans, but then tells us that Congress will always have private plans. Somehow Congress will have private plans that he says won't exist. :cuckoo:

There is Nothing Redeemable in the Democrats' Health Care Plan
August 14, 2009
RUSH: The second thing is he said that he wants a government option in insurance to compete with all the private insurance options that people have, to keep the insurance companies honest.

The reason he did it is because he's trying to convince people that their private insurance plan will remain intact. It will not. Eighty-three percent of people who currently like their health care plans through their employer will lose it and have to go to the government option within five years of the program passing, by design. The president himself has said numerous times since 2003 that he's for a single-payer system, which is government-controlled health care.

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: Your instincts are right on the money. There is nothing redeemable in this plan. This is nothing redeemable of putting Barney Frank or Henry Waxman or Nancy Pelosi in charge of your life.

CALLER: Well, they wouldn't be on the same health care plan themselves, would they?


CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: They will exempt themselves. There will be no government-run health care for them. Their health care insurance and doctors will remain private sector as they are now. They've got great health care options, as elected officials. But the big mistake is people think that that's a government-run plan. It's not! It's government paid for, us, taxpayer.
Rush didn't get it quite right either but your explanation of his error was even more off base than he was ed.
Iranian-American Sees Similarities


RUSH: Farrah in Anaheim hills, California. Hi.

CALLER: Hi. Thank you very much for taking my call. I wanted to give you a little background. I came from Iran to this great land in 1978, and I completed my MBA and became a US citizen, which I'm very proud of.

RUSH: Congratulations.

CALLER: Thank you very much. I'm calling to let you know that I'm very worried about what's going on. I would like to compare what is happening here to what happened in Iran in late seventies. As you know they allowed the mullahs to invade their country in the name of Islam. After all, they were thinking what could go wrong, these are all religious people. Now they have to work hard and run into streets so their voice gets heard, and they are facing severe consequences. But they want to get their country back. What I'm trying to say is that it's very difficult to get their country back now. Now they have realized that they made a very big mistake. So what I'm worried about is that the Americans don't appreciate what they have right now.

RUSH: You know, I am fascinated, Farrah, with people like you, who have lived under and are familiar with totalitarian statist regimes -- and there have been a number of them that have called this program over the years -- who cite fears that they see happening in this country what they fled in other countries. Now, we're not yet Iran. But I still find it fascinating that you, having lived under that -- well, you didn't live under the mullahs but you're very familiar with oppression and so forth, that you think by what you see here that it's on the verge of happening in the United States. I just find it interesting because it is the history of the world, folks. That kind of oppression, totalitarianism, that is the way most people in the history of the world have had to live. We're the exception. In fact, Farrah, thanks much for the call, I appreciate it.

A Duke Professor Explains What the Health Care Bill Actually Says

RUSH: "Pages 149-150, SEC. 313, EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS IN LIEU OF COVERAGE," and then the relevant passages from the bill. Here is the evaluation of those passages. Again, what we're talking about here is: "Will the PLAN destroy private health insurance?" "1. The bill does not prohibit a person from buying private insurance. 2. Small businesses -- with say 8-10 employees -- will either have to provide insurance to federal standards, or pay an 8% payroll tax. Business costs for health care are higher than this, especially considering administrative costs. Any competitive business that tries to stay with a private plan will face a payroll disadvantage against competitors who go with the government 'option.'" Now, let me explain this. Small businesses, say eight-to-ten employees, will either have to provide insurance up "to federal standards." If they don't, they will pay an additional 8% payroll tax.

"Business costs for health care are higher than [what will be charged], especially considering administrative costs. Any competitive business that tries to stay with a private plan will face a payroll disadvantage against competitors who go with the government 'option.'" If they go to the government option, they're fine. If you don't and you stay private, you're going to pay a penalty. The penalty will make it ridiculous and stupid business-wise to stay with your private plan. Therefore, you will -- your small business will -- be forced out of private insurance onto the government option. "3. The pressure for business owners to terminate the private plans will be enormous," the financial pressure, the business pressure. "4. With employers ending plans, millions of Americans will lose their private coverage, and fewer companies will offer it."
This is another example of the colossal stupidity CON$ try to pass off as "logic."
Right now businesses that have private health care plans are competing against businesses that have NO health care and therefore NO health care expenses. That sure seems like a financial disadvantage for the businesses that provide private health care plans, yet they have private plans!!!

So LimpBoy tries to convince the people, stupid enough to believe him, that requiring the businesses that do not provide health care to provide health care that meets the Gov standard or be fined, in other words increasing the costs of these businesses with NO plan, that this will make the businesses that already have private plans LESS competitive against businesses that didn't have these extra expenses before, unless the businesses that provide private plans leave their private plan. :cuckoo:
He then argues the businesses that have private plans will be forced by competition to leave their private plans thus causing the elimination of all private plans. :cuckoo:

If they are successfully competing against businesses with NO health care expenses now, how exactly will requiring their competition to take on the ADDED expense of health care or the expense of a fine put them at a greater competitive disadvantage??????

And there are people stupid enough to think LimpBoy is "brilliant." :rofl:

Nice try Ed you got it wrong as usual. Right now most if not all companies with 5 to 10 employees don't pay for their employees health coverage if they even offer it at all. They simply don't have sufficient money to do so. Under this plan they are all going to be required to furnish sonething or pay the fee most if not all of them will take the lower cost, assuming they don't simply go belly up because they simply don't have a the money to do either. The catch comes in with larger companies. If I'm running company xyz and I have a choice between furnishing private insurance for all my employees at 200k a year or putting them on the government plan for half that cost I'd have to be an idiot not to put them on the government plan.

Read it again, what you say isn't even close to what LimpBoy was saying.

He is undeniably saying that Companies of 8 to 10 employees with private plans will not be able to compete with similar sized companies who are forced to take on the added expense of a plan or fine. His moronic "logic" is, it was easier to compete with them when their health care expenses were ZERO. :cuckoo:

Rush didn't get it quite right either but your explanation of his error was even more off base than he was ed.

It's easy to pontificate, but try explaining what I got wrong.

His argument is, companies offering private plans who were successfully competing against companies who had no health care expenses will suddenly have a competitive disadvantage if their competition were forced to take on the added expense of health care or a fine.

I highlighted the argument in red, what do I have wrong?????
Bill Clinton Lashes Out at Nutroots


RUSH: Last night in Pittsburgh, Bill Clinton at the "Nutroots" national convention. And the blogger said, "Mr. President, will you call for an appeal of 'don't ask, don't tell' right now?"

CLINTON: You know, you ought to go to one of those congressional health care meetings. You'd do really well there.

AUDIENCE: (laughter)

CLINTON: You want to talk about "don't ask, don't tell," I'll tell you exactly what happened. You couldn't deliver me any support in the Congress, and they voted by a veto-proof majority in both houses against my attempt to let gays serve in the military, and the media supported them. They raised all kinds of devilment, and all most of you did was to attack me instead of getting me some support in the Congress! Now, that's the truth.

RUSH: This is amazing. This is amazing. The president of the United States, Bill Clinton, is attacking a hapless little blogger who wants to know about "don't ask, don't tell", called for a repeal of it, and Clinton said, "Hey, I tried to do it. I tried to do it. You guys weren't helping me get support in Congress. Everybody lined up against me. I tried to get it done." Right. I'm the president. Here's Clinton's message. You can sum up his answer very simply. "I'm the president! How dare you ask me that question? I'm the president and you're a blogger, and you're telling me it's my fault? No! I'm president, you're a blogger, and it's your fault that 'don't ask, don't tell' got all screwed up." That's the Bill Clinton mentality. Also last night in Pittsburgh at the nutroots convention, Clinton spoke before taking questions, and here's a portion of his remarks.

CLINTON: The Republicans are sitting around rooting for the president to fail. One of the reasons that people are so hysterical in all these health care town hall meetings is they know they have no chance to beat health care this time unless they can mortify with rigored (sic) fears some moderate and conservative Democrats.

RUSH: He's right about that. I mean, the Blue Dog Democrats are where the success or failure lays. But, you know, here's Clinton, "Republicans sitting around rooting for the president to fail!" (laughing) This guy still can't get me off his brain. None of them can! None of them can get me off of their minds, and we got another sound bite. I don't have time to squeeze it in here before the break, but he begs these nutroot bloggers here not to let Republicans kill health care again.


RUSH: Okay, we're back. Bill Clinton at the nutroots convention in Pittsburgh last night. We don't have this on tape, but one of the things that Clinton said, he's repeating this mantra that we spend more on health care than any other country in the world, and Obama said, "We spend more on health care than any other country in the world." Well, guess what, folks? We also spend more on public education than any other country in the world. And we spend more on food stamps than any other country in the world. We spend more on welfare than any other country in the world. We spend more on unemployment than any other country in the world. What is this mantra we spend more on health care than any other nation?

Bernie Sanders is out there talking about it; Clinton is talking about it. Bernie, you want us to cut spending? You want us to cut spending? Bernie, you want to cut health care spending? We're spending too much? Are we spending too much on unemployment, Bernie? Are we spending too much on public education? Are we spending too much on the school lunch program? Are we spending too much on the welfare state, Bernie? These people are nuts. They're fruitcakes. We're spending too much on health care, we gotta have health care reform? Well, we need welfare reform, and we need food stamp reform. These people are absolutely insane. Now, here's Clinton again, I got these two sound bites, first of two at the nutroots convention in Pittsburgh last night.

CLINTON: The Republicans are sitting around rooting for the president to fail. One of the reasons that people are so hysterical at all these health care town hall meetings is they know they have no chance to beat health care this time unless they can mortify with rigored (sic) fears some moderate and conservative Democrats.

RUSH: What is this, mortify with rigored fears? He's thinking rigor mortis and that's what sets in when you die. Mortify with rigored fears? He's thinking rigor mortis. I know he's thinking that's what's going to happen with the health care plan. Here's how he wrapped it up.

CLINTON: Do you want to go through that again? Of course you don't. I'm telling you, I don't care how low they drive support for this with misinformation, the minute the president signs a health care reform bill approval will go up. Secondly, within a year, when all those bad things they say are going to happen don't happen, and the good things do begin to happen, approval will explode.

RUSH: You see how the big lie works? You see how this works, folks? Clinton keeps talking about Republicans trying to kill government-run health care. Well, most of them surely oppose it but Obama is losing the independents big time on this. That's where he's losing. And he's going to lose some Blue Dog Democrats. It's not just Republicans. He can't even keep one-third of the Democrats aligned on this. He's got big problems all over the place. But notice it's the Republicans. At the end of the day, Republicans don't have the votes to stop anything. By the way, I don't know if you've seen this video of Clinton, but I would caution the president to behave better at these meetings. I mean here he is out there screaming, he's raising his voice, his arms are flailing around out there, waving around that long finger of his, he's pointing it at people, very provocative, very threatening gesture to get that big finger pointed at you. Now, I would suggest he become a little bit more civil, even at the nutroots convention, which is, you know, an assemblage of fruitcakes. But it's disruptive. I mean, it's disruptive and it's distracting. It's not presidential. Waving your arms around out there, pointing that big, long finger at people. I think he should behave better.

RUSH: By the way, I don't know if you've seen this video of Clinton, but I would caution the president to behave better at these meetings. I mean here he is out there screaming, he's raising his voice, his arms are flailing around out there, ... I mean, it's disruptive and it's distracting. It's not presidential. Waving your arms around out there, pointing that big, long finger at people. I think he should behave better.


LimpBoy always projects everything he hates about himself onto others. :rofl:


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