Talent on loan from god!

Originally Posted by DiveCon prove he knowingly lies
you might THINK he is lying
but he might truely believe what he is saying and only be wrong
again, the onus is on your to PROVE HE KNOWS THEY ARE FALSE(if they even are)

So your defense of your MessishRushie is he's TOO STUPID to know he telling a lie. :rofl:
He's a STUPID liar rather than a PREMEDITATED liar. :rofl:
you are a fucking moron
even that other guy was smart enough to understand what i was telling him

So you are too STUPID to know what you said!! :rofl:
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Originally Posted by DiveCon prove he knowingly lies
you might THINK he is lying
but he might truely believe what he is saying and only be wrong

So your defense of your MessishRushie is he's TOO STUPID to know he telling a lie. :rofl:
He's a STUPID liar rather than a PREMEDITATED liar. :rofl:
you are a fucking moron
even that other guy was smart enough to understand what i was telling him

So you are too STUPID to know what you said!! :rofl:
i know exactly what i said asshole
you are a fucking moron
again, the onus is on your to PROVE HE KNOWS THEY ARE FALSE(if they even are)

Ok you got me.

I can't prove that Rush does not believe that the stuff he pulls out of his ass, is a lie, and instead really does believe that the stuff he makes up as he goes along really is the truth, and that the world conforms to that truth the moment he makes it up.

So while I can't prove he is knowingly lying, the only other option is that he is a few muffins short of a baker's dozen, and his "truth" should be regarded as such.
again, you are assuming he makes it up
you cant PROVE IT

LIMBAUGH: There aren't families living on the minimum wage anyway; it's a teenage entry level job for 75% of the people earning minimum wage.

Several minutes later, Limbaugh said:

LIMBAUGH: The people that get the minimum wage are not the people Democrats portray them as being -- heads of households supporting families of four. It's not the case. Let's get real.

The truth is that only 32 percent of minimum wage earners are teens ages 16 - 19, according to the Economic Policy Institute's analysis of 2000 U.S. Census Bureau data.

He was only off by %43, and since googling "75% minimum wage" didn't bring up anything that Rush might have read to suggest other wise, and in fact brought up many articles that made reference to Rush's %75 number, I'm willing to bet that he did in fact make that number up on the spot just like this.

LIMBAUGH: The minimum wage has gotten so high that it's paying people that are not skilled to do anything. ... It's -- whatever it is, six and a quarter, seven bucks an hour, an hour

No that's not him trying to make up his mind on what the truth is while just that morning he probably walked by a federal minimum wage poster like the one below, that's required to be posted in areas where all employs gather or walk by such as cafeterias, break rooms, or employee entrances. Nope can't prove a damn thing.

Ok you got me.

I can't prove that Rush does not believe that the stuff he pulls out of his ass, is a lie, and instead really does believe that the stuff he makes up as he goes along really is the truth, and that the world conforms to that truth the moment he makes it up.

So while I can't prove he is knowingly lying, the only other option is that he is a few muffins short of a baker's dozen, and his "truth" should be regarded as such.
again, you are assuming he makes it up
you cant PROVE IT

LIMBAUGH: There aren't families living on the minimum wage anyway; it's a teenage entry level job for 75% of the people earning minimum wage.

Several minutes later, Limbaugh said:

LIMBAUGH: The people that get the minimum wage are not the people Democrats portray them as being -- heads of households supporting families of four. It's not the case. Let's get real.

The truth is that only 32 percent of minimum wage earners are teens ages 16 - 19, according to the Economic Policy Institute's analysis of 2000 U.S. Census Bureau data.

He was only off by %43, and since googling "75% minimum wage" didn't bring up anything that Rush might have read to suggest other wise, and in fact brought up many articles that made reference to Rush's %75 number, I'm willing to bet that he did in fact make that number up on the spot just like this.

LIMBAUGH: The minimum wage has gotten so high that it's paying people that are not skilled to do anything. ... It's -- whatever it is, six and a quarter, seven bucks an hour, an hour

No that's not him trying to make up his mind on what the truth is while just that morning he probably walked by a federal minimum wage poster like the one below, that's required to be posted in areas where all employs gather or walk by such as cafeterias, break rooms, or employee entrances. Nope can't prove a damn thing.

uh, thats a little OLD
Originally Posted by DiveCon prove he knowingly lies
you might THINK he is lying
but he might truely believe what he is saying and only be wrong
you are a fucking moron
even that other guy was smart enough to understand what i was telling him

So you are too STUPID to know what you said!! :rofl:
i know exactly what i said asshole
you are a fucking moron

You are saying that if LimpBoy reads a GOP lie from his script, he's not a liar if he believes the lie he just told. This is a CON$ervative rationalization for their lying which goes hand in hand with their perpetual Dumb Act.

But a liar is someone who tells a lie. If someone believes the lie they just told then they are a STUPID liar and if they know they just told a lie then thay are a PREMEDITATED liar, but either way they told a lie and are therefore a liar.

liar - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

  • Main Entry: li·ar
  • Pronunciation: \ˈlī(-ə)r\
  • Function: noun
  • Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lēogere, from lēogan to lie — more at lie
  • Date: before 12th century
: a person who tells lies
So you are too STUPID to know what you said!! :rofl:
i know exactly what i said asshole
you are a fucking moron

You are saying that if LimpBoy reads a GOP lie from his script, he's not a liar if he believes the lie he just told. This is a CON$ervative rationalization for their lying which goes hand in hand with their perpetual Dumb Act.

But a liar is someone who tells a lie. If someone believes the lie they just told then they are a STUPID liar and if they know they just told a lie then thay are a PREMEDITATED liar, but either way they told a lie and are therefore a liar.

liar - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

  • Main Entry: li·ar
  • Pronunciation: \ˈlī(-ə)r\
  • Function: noun
  • Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lēogere, from lēogan to lie — more at lie
  • Date: before 12th century
: a person who tells lies
do you need the definition of "lie"

lie - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
i know exactly what i said asshole
you are a fucking moron

You are saying that if LimpBoy reads a GOP lie from his script, he's not a liar if he believes the lie he just told. This is a CON$ervative rationalization for their lying which goes hand in hand with their perpetual Dumb Act.

But a liar is someone who tells a lie. If someone believes the lie they just told then they are a STUPID liar and if they know they just told a lie then thay are a PREMEDITATED liar, but either way they told a lie and are therefore a liar.

liar - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

  • Main Entry: li·ar
  • Pronunciation: \ˈlī(-ə)r\
  • Function: noun
  • Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lēogere, from lēogan to lie — more at lie
  • Date: before 12th century
: a person who tells lies
do you need the definition of "lie"

lie - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Still the dumb act!!!
Just because he might not have made up the lie but was STUPID enough to read it from his script doesn't change the fact that it was a lie that he told.
A STUPID liar is still a liar. The GOP think tank that gave him the lie to tell are the PREMEDITATED liars.
You are saying that if LimpBoy reads a GOP lie from his script, he's not a liar if he believes the lie he just told. This is a CON$ervative rationalization for their lying which goes hand in hand with their perpetual Dumb Act.

But a liar is someone who tells a lie. If someone believes the lie they just told then they are a STUPID liar and if they know they just told a lie then thay are a PREMEDITATED liar, but either way they told a lie and are therefore a liar.

liar - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

  • Main Entry: li·ar
  • Pronunciation: \ˈlī(-ə)r\
  • Function: noun
  • Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lēogere, from lēogan to lie — more at lie
  • Date: before 12th century
: a person who tells lies
do you need the definition of "lie"

lie - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Still the dumb act!!!
Just because he might not have made up the lie but was STUPID enough to read it from his script doesn't change the fact that it was a lie that he told.
A STUPID liar is still a liar. The GOP think tank that gave him the lie to tell are the PREMEDITATED liars.
you are a fucking idiot
get over your obsession with Rush, he isnt into morons like you

actually seek out professional help
you really need it

Still the dumb act!!!
Just because he might not have made up the lie but was STUPID enough to read it from his script doesn't change the fact that it was a lie that he told.
A STUPID liar is still a liar. The GOP think tank that gave him the lie to tell are the PREMEDITATED liars.
you are a fucking idiot
get over your obsession with Rush, he isnt into morons like you

actually seek out professional help
you really need it

The definition of LIAR says nothing about who made up the lie, only who TELLS it.
CON$ use their STUPIDITY as a license to lie. Whenever they are caught telling a lie, they play dumb.
Still the dumb act!!!
Just because he might not have made up the lie but was STUPID enough to read it from his script doesn't change the fact that it was a lie that he told.
A STUPID liar is still a liar. The GOP think tank that gave him the lie to tell are the PREMEDITATED liars.
you are a fucking idiot
get over your obsession with Rush, he isnt into morons like you

actually seek out professional help
you really need it

The definition of LIAR says nothing about who made up the lie, only who TELLS it.
CON$ use their STUPIDITY as a license to lie. Whenever they are caught telling a lie, they play dumb.
keep proving what a fucked up moron you are
again, you are assuming he makes it up
you cant PROVE IT

LIMBAUGH: There aren't families living on the minimum wage anyway; it's a teenage entry level job for 75% of the people earning minimum wage.

Several minutes later, Limbaugh said:

LIMBAUGH: The people that get the minimum wage are not the people Democrats portray them as being -- heads of households supporting families of four. It's not the case. Let's get real.

The truth is that only 32 percent of minimum wage earners are teens ages 16 - 19, according to the Economic Policy Institute's analysis of 2000 U.S. Census Bureau data.

He was only off by %43, and since googling "75% minimum wage" didn't bring up anything that Rush might have read to suggest other wise, and in fact brought up many articles that made reference to Rush's %75 number, I'm willing to bet that he did in fact make that number up on the spot just like this.

LIMBAUGH: The minimum wage has gotten so high that it's paying people that are not skilled to do anything. ... It's -- whatever it is, six and a quarter, seven bucks an hour, an hour

No that's not him trying to make up his mind on what the truth is while just that morning he probably walked by a federal minimum wage poster like the one below, that's required to be posted in areas where all employs gather or walk by such as cafeterias, break rooms, or employee entrances. Nope can't prove a damn thing.

uh, thats a little OLD

Uh, that is like totally what the minimum wage was when he was spouting off this bull shit.
LIMBAUGH: There aren't families living on the minimum wage anyway; it's a teenage entry level job for 75% of the people earning minimum wage.

Several minutes later, Limbaugh said:

LIMBAUGH: The people that get the minimum wage are not the people Democrats portray them as being -- heads of households supporting families of four. It's not the case. Let's get real.

The truth is that only 32 percent of minimum wage earners are teens ages 16 - 19, according to the Economic Policy Institute's analysis of 2000 U.S. Census Bureau data.

He was only off by %43, and since googling "75% minimum wage" didn't bring up anything that Rush might have read to suggest other wise, and in fact brought up many articles that made reference to Rush's %75 number, I'm willing to bet that he did in fact make that number up on the spot just like this.

LIMBAUGH: The minimum wage has gotten so high that it's paying people that are not skilled to do anything. ... It's -- whatever it is, six and a quarter, seven bucks an hour, an hour

No that's not him trying to make up his mind on what the truth is while just that morning he probably walked by a federal minimum wage poster like the one below, that's required to be posted in areas where all employs gather or walk by such as cafeterias, break rooms, or employee entrances. Nope can't prove a damn thing.

uh, thats a little OLD

Uh, that is like totally what the minimum wage was when he was spouting off this bull shit.
sure he was
Law Mandates White House Keep the E-mails Sent to Snitch Website


RUSH: Now to the audio sound bites. About these e-mails that you may get or have already received from David Axelrod in the White House. Yesterday on the Fox News Channel, Megyn Kelly interviewed Deputy White House Press Secretary Bill Burton, and she said to him, "Bill Hemmer complains about health care and he has a message and I forward you Bill Hemmer's e-mail to me, saying, 'You know, Bill is saying there are death panels.' So I forward Bill's e-mail to you, and you get my e-mail," Megyn Kelly's e-mail, "you get Bill Hemmer's e-mail. You're deleting Hemmer's e-mail address, right? Do you purge and delete the name of the complainant?"

BURTON: I understand your question, but do not confuse your viewers into thinking that we are keeping a list of the opponents of reform.

KELLY: You've already said that three times, Bill.

BURTON: We're not. We're just trying to go out and answer the --

KELLY: Please just answer my question.

BURTON: I know, but it -- but --

KELLY: Are you purging and deleting those e-mails or aren't you?

BURTON: Apparently it is not clear to you.

KELLY: It's not, because you're not answering.

BURTON: If it's not clear to you, it's because you keep (sputtering). Megyn, you're flabbergasting, I gotta say. We're not keeping an enemies list. We're answering people's questions, and the fact that you guys keep talking about this so much is confusing people, I think, because we're not keeping any list.

RUSH: And the discussion continues.

KELLY: You're not keeping an enemies list, you said.

BURTON: About what's going on.

KELLY: I hear you. You've made that point three times. Now if you will just please answer my question. Are you purging --

BURTON: I think it was four times.

KELLY: -- or deleting --

BURTON: I think it was four times.

KELLY: -- the actual... Are you purging or deleting the e-mails of the citizens who have raised complaints?

BURTON: Right. I appreciate that question. We're not altering their e-mails in any way. We're just answering the person who e-mails us with the facts.

KELLY: I'm saying, do you delete --

BURTON: Megyn, I really want you to stop confusing your viewers --

KELLY: This is an important question, sir.

BURTON: -- because you're not doing a service to the American people you're not doing a service to the American people by confusing them about whether or not there's an enemies list.

KELLY: Bill, you're being unfair, because you and I both know --

BURTON: I'm not being unfair.

RUSH: He will not answer this question: Are you purging the e-mails? It's a very simple question. Are you purging the emails? He won't answer it. Now, Megyn Kelly finally says, "Listen, Bill, you're being unfair you and I both know there's a federal law and it's called the Presidential Records Act and it prohibits you from deleting the e-mails in the records that are received by the White House. So in the example I just gave you you're not deleting Bill Hemmer's e-mail because you will have it and you will maintain it for years and then at some point it will become publicly available and this is why some people say you requesting the people forward their neighbors' or other people's complaints, which will include e-mails in many instances, will have a chilling effect on free speech."

BURTON: I think the reason why people are confused is because journalists, not unlike you, are saying things like our knowing that the Presidential Records Act suggests that, uh, we keep records here. But none of that -- none of that information is made public for a very long time and we are not keeping a list because that is ludicrous. We are just answering questions that people have about, uh, legitimate concerns that they have and answering is some of the real myths that are out there that get, uh, propagated by leaders of anti-reform movement and are sometimes, uh, often talked about on cable news networks.

RUSH: And so finally Megyn Kelly says, "Look, you have the Speaker of the House referring to these people at swastika-wearing. You have another Democrat calling them Nazis. You have the president calling complaints about health care smears saying he's going to fight them. Then the White House comes out and says send us the e-mails those of us behind the e-mails may feel a little reluctant to engage in such speech in the future, and that's the complaint not just cable news has about it, Bill Burton, but the ACLU as come out and said: We have a serious problem with what you're doing."

BURTON: Well, for starters, I don't think Speaker Pelosi was just claiming that people were wearing swastikas. People are showing up at events with swastikas, dressed up as Hitler, with signs invoking Nazi Germany. So that's not something that's being made up.

RUSH: There's no photographic evidence, so here again the White House is out there they can't delete the e-mails. They have your e-mail address! The whole point of the snitch website was to get your e-mail address. The whole point was to have citizens snitching and ratting each other out. Like I just sent a note, "Snerdley told me a lie about health care and I want you to know that this is what needs to be corrected." Snerdley is going to get an e-mail from David Axelrod, and that's what's happening. They can't delete because of the Presidential Records Act, they cannot eliminate any of these e-mails or the addresses.

They have to keep 'em. And at some point they're going to be part of this guy's library, and everybody's e-mail address is going to be available to anybody who wants to see it. And if you get an e-mail from David Axelrod at the White House, and you're just an average, ordinary American, you say, 'What is this? I didn't e-mail them! How the hell did they get this?" That's scary. And now you've got this assistant press secretary running around, "Oh, yeah, there are people with swastikas out there!" So they're doubling down on this. There are people "showing up dressed as Hitler" and they're bringing pictures and so forth. There's no photographic evidence to support this, folks. I found one picture with somebody carrying a sign that had a swastika.

It had a line drawn through it! But this gets to the point that I raised the other day -- and Andy McCarthy has got a brilliant piece. I don't know if it's posted yet, but he's got a brilliant piece coming at National Review Online dealing with this whole notion that we can't somehow compare National Socialism in Germany to the Obama health care plan simply because at the end of the National Socialism we had a monstrous genocide? Nobody's calling Obama Hitler. Nobody's calling Pelosi Joseph Goebbels. We're just saying, "Socialism is socialism wherever you find it, and there are some damn close similarities between National Socialism health care in Germany and what this bunch is trying here." You can't mention that? Well, some people might be intimidated into not mentioning it, but not here. EIB remains a place where there is no fear of standing up for the United States of America.


RUSH: Earlier, Megyn Kelly talking to Bill Burton, the White House press spokesman, on these e-mails, the snitch website e-mails that are happening. People are getting e-mails from David Axelrod and they never sent a note to the White House. So yesterday afternoon at the White House press briefing, Major Garrett of Fox News said to the press secretary, Robert Gibbs, "I've received e-mails from people who have never signed up for anything related to this White House. Senator Obama's a candidate, and they're getting e-mails from David Axelrod. How can that be?"

GIBBS: I'd be interested to see who you got that e-mail from and whether or not they're on the list.

GARRETT: What you're telling me is, I need to give you these people's e-mails --

GIBBS: What -- what --

GARRETT: -- so you can check them on a list? I'm just asking.

GIBBS: Well, you're asking if they're on a list.

GARRETT: They're telling me their names can't be --

There -- It -- It's -- Apparently they're on a list.

GARRETT: -- on a list because they never asked for an e-mail from the White House.

GIBBS: Right, but w-what I'm saying is, I -- I -- I -- I'd have to look and see.

GARRETT: So you don't have an explanation for how someone who'd never signed up, never asked for anything from the White House, would get an e-mail from David Axelrod?

GIBBS: Well... (nervous laugh) I hesitate to give an answer because y-y-you might impugn the modus of the answer.

GARRETT: Why would you say that?

GIBBS: I -- I -- I -- Because of the way you phrased your follow-up! I appreciate the fact that I have omnipotent clarity, uhh, as to what you've received in your e-mail box, uh, today. I have --

GARRETT: You don't have to have omnipotent clarity. You don't have to "impugn" anything about it. I'm telling you what I've got.

GIBBS: Let me go someplace else that might be constructive.

RUSH: "Someplace else that might be constructive." I saw this morning Major Garrett interviewed on Fox, "Major, do you still have an answer to your question yet?" He said, "No. I still don't know how it is that people who never contacted the White House or Obama are getting e-mails from David Axelrod." It's the snitch website! We all know this. This was the express purpose of the snitch website.

Yesp, Rush projects when he lies. He is describing himself. All patriots know that.
Uh, that is like totally what the minimum wage was when he was spouting off this bull shit.
sure he was

It's from his Aug 12th 2004 show. The minimum wage was still 5.15 until 2006.

So yes, he was.
except Rush was talking about the NY State minimum wage


that was $6.75 and hour and raised to $7.15 in dec

since his show was out of NYC WABC radio, chance are thats what he was talking about
surprised you guys didnt know that
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sure he was

It's from his Aug 12th 2004 show. The minimum wage was still 5.15 until 2006.

So yes, he was.
except Rush was talking about the NY State minimum wage


that was $6.75 and hour and raised to $7.15 in dec

since his show was out of NYC WABC radio, chance are thats what he was talking about
surprised you guys didnt know that

The debate that was raging at the time was about the federal minimum wage, and how the democrats wanted to raise it, not NY's. Further more the federal wage poster is still required to be displayed, even if the state does have a higher minimum wage, the state poster is often right next to the federal one.

Your point is a lie, your lying to cover a lair, your a bearer of false witness, a sinner, and attempting slide out of a debate you know you've lost. I know you won't admit defeat so I'll claim I win, you lose, and their is nothing you can do about except whine, and be outraged.

I'm going to bed.
It's from his Aug 12th 2004 show. The minimum wage was still 5.15 until 2006.

So yes, he was.
except Rush was talking about the NY State minimum wage


that was $6.75 and hour and raised to $7.15 in dec

since his show was out of NYC WABC radio, chance are thats what he was talking about
surprised you guys didnt know that

The debate that was raging at the time was about the federal minimum wage, and how the democrats wanted to raise it, not NY's. Further more the federal wage poster is still required to be displayed, even if the state does have a higher minimum wage, the state poster is often right next to the federal one.

Your point is a lie, your lying to cover a lair, your a bearer of false witness, a sinner, and attempting slide out of a debate you know you've lost. I know you won't admit defeat so I'll claim I win, you lose, and their is nothing you can do about except whine, and be outraged.

I'm going to bed.
no, its not a lie
i'm stating it was possibel he didnt KNOW what the federal minimum wage was because it was more in NY and that is possible

now, your trying to make it something it isnt
Yes, there is undoubtably something to the observation that things are getting so bad that even the advantaged are frightened by the state of the economy.

Certainly not all the well off are immune from the problems this economy is causing.

And, ironically, the more honestly that those well off actually served the people of this economy, the more likely they are to be hurt when it goes South, too.

At the super-weathy plane of existence the actual numbers (meaning the dollar values of their assets) are practically meaningless, however.

As long as they control the assets that society depends on outright, their intensic value remains high (relative to everything else).

Somewhat like those of us who own our homes (outright) who have no desire (or need) to sell them.

The house is the same, (hence it gives you the same "value in use") regardless of what the market might tell you it's worth.

I think the bigger problem is using the money from the rich to redistribute wealth, it's a bad idea not to mention it's socialism.
sure he was

It's from his Aug 12th 2004 show. The minimum wage was still 5.15 until 2006.

So yes, he was.
except Rush was talking about the NY State minimum wage


that was $6.75 and hour and raised to $7.15 in dec

since his show was out of NYC WABC radio, chance are thats what he was talking about
surprised you guys didnt know that

Still making excuses for your MessiahRushie. LimpBoy habitually complains about the audits he has to go through since he moved his show to Florida 12 YEARS ago!!!

Now are you a STUPID liar or a PREMEDITATED liar???

Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
July 20, 2009
I'm there 15 days a year perform I pay taxes when I'm in New York, and I have not been here this year and I'm not going this year. I'm sure I'll get audited for this year. I'll have to prove that I was never there. I have to prove 14 different ways... In fact, now we've come up with a couple of new ones. I have to prove it 16 different ways, including the lunch that is ordered here every day that we are in Florida for the staff. We have a bill, we get a statement from the little deli that brings it in here every day. We're going to submit that and they'll probably say, "Well, you could get them to say anything. Do you have the same kind of service in New York? We want to see those bills." So we're up to 16 different ways, 16 different ways I have to prove to the New York City and state tax authorities where I have been every day.

Not just work week, but every day for the past three years, but it's been this way for the past 12.

El Rushbo to New York: Drop Dead
March 30, 2009
I would love to tell this story. I don't think I should. I don't think I should get personal, but I would love to tell my tax audit story of New York State and New York City since 1997. It happens every year, but that's not the point. I have to prove 14 different ways where I am every day of the year. I have to prove 14 different ways, 'cause I pay New York state and city tax on a per diem.

When I am there working I pay whatever, you know, my rate is based on income for that day in New York. And I try to go as little as possible. If it weren't for hurricanes down here, I would never go up there. New York is the escape valve in case hurricanes are showing up in our area, because of the loss of electricity.
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