Talent on loan from god!

You do know looser that states not uncommonly have higher set minium wages than do the Feds? You do know that in general states with a highr minimum wage have higher unemployment rates?
explain that one
how would that make him a false prophet?
he never even talks about religion, at least not back when i listened to him

He claims his talent is on loan from God, which is normally harmless, and then he knowingly lies, all the while claiming to be a voice of truth. Maybe false profit was a little harsh, what would you call him?
prove he knowingly lies
you might THINK he is lying
but he might truely believe what he is saying and only be wrong

I truly believe you are a liar with no talent on loan. Where is your proof?
July 13, 2009
RUSH: I did not want 10% unemployment and going higher. I did not want people losing jobs. I did not want the economy stagnating. I wanted Obama to fail.

I hope Obama fails in all his radical moves to destroy The United Staes too
July 13, 2009
RUSH: I did not want 10% unemployment and going higher. I did not want people losing jobs. I did not want the economy stagnating. I wanted Obama to fail.

I hope Obama fails in all his radical moves to destroy The United Staes too

It sucks when a half black guy saves your dumb ass doesn't it? You might have to give a half white guy credit some day soon. Humbling? :lol:
July 13, 2009
RUSH: I did not want 10% unemployment and going higher. I did not want people losing jobs. I did not want the economy stagnating. I wanted Obama to fail.

I hope Obama fails in all his radical moves to destroy The United Staes too

It sucks when a half black guy saves your dumb ass doesn't it? You might have to give a half white guy credit some day soon. Humbling? :lol:

The "guy" is not going to save me. I would like to make choices to "save" myself.

Good grief some of you people are dumb as a box of rocks :cuckoo:
Your dealing with huggy here. You'll hear more intelligent things coming out of some with a severe case of intestinal flu as he does the ole sit and spin on the cammode.
I hope Obama fails in all his radical moves to destroy The United Staes too

It sucks when a half black guy saves your dumb ass doesn't it? You might have to give a half white guy credit some day soon. Humbling? :lol:

The "guy" is not going to save me. I would like to make choices to "save" myself.

Good grief some of you people are dumb as a box of rocks :cuckoo:

What a bunch of dumb motherfuckers that they didn't look up "pixiie stix" to pull our asses from the brink of total financial collapse. How on earth did the country overlook your spunky "can do" attitude? :lol:

Well...if a house nigga like Obama can do it ...hell they didn't really need an expert like you anyway did they?
It sucks when a half black guy saves your dumb ass doesn't it? You might have to give a half white guy credit some day soon. Humbling? :lol:

The "guy" is not going to save me. I would like to make choices to "save" myself.

Good grief some of you people are dumb as a box of rocks :cuckoo:

What a bunch of dumb motherfuckers that they didn't look up "pixiie stix" to pull our asses from the brink of total financial collapse. How on earth did the country overlook your spunky "can do" attitude? :lol:

Well...if a house nigga like Obama can do it ...hell they didn't really need an expert like you anyway did they?

When you have one of your moments of clarity Huggy, could you come back and explain your post to me? :lol:
The "guy" is not going to save me. I would like to make choices to "save" myself.

Good grief some of you people are dumb as a box of rocks :cuckoo:

What a bunch of dumb motherfuckers that they didn't look up "pixiie stix" to pull our asses from the brink of total financial collapse. How on earth did the country overlook your spunky "can do" attitude? :lol:

Well...if a house nigga like Obama can do it ...hell they didn't really need an expert like you anyway did they?

When you have one of your moments of clarity Huggy, could you come back and explain your post to me? :lol:

I just thought it amusing that "Pixi Stix" was gonna save herself and therefore the world....being not seperate from the world in what effect financial collapse would have.

The "guy" is not going to save me. I would like to make choices to "save" myself.
What a bunch of dumb motherfuckers that they didn't look up "pixiie stix" to pull our asses from the brink of total financial collapse. How on earth did the country overlook your spunky "can do" attitude? :lol:

Well...if a house nigga like Obama can do it ...hell they didn't really need an expert like you anyway did they?

When you have one of your moments of clarity Huggy, could you come back and explain your post to me? :lol:

I just thought it amusing that "Pixi Stix" was gonna save herself and therefore the world....being not seperate from the world in what effect financial collapse would have.

The "guy" is not going to save me. I would like to make choices to "save" myself.

It is called be independent. Not waiting for gumbit to take from me what i can do for myself. I am not hip on the "collective" as you are.

Government intervention on a private citizens choice, is good for 2 things. And that is stealing hopes and taking the innate quality of the human spirit and crushing it to pieces
Last edited:
We are noticing the economy is ever so slightly beginning to get traction. Remember in a recession that jobs are the last things to come back, and that should be happening in growing numbers by early summer next year. We can thank the neo-con Pubs for the recession, and the moderate and conservative democrats and moderate pubs for the recovery.

Bush, Cheney, Rush, Sean, Glenn etc have destroyed the post-Reagan party. They all have to leave the Party along with their supporters, and we have already begun in many communities across the nation fashioning the new Party. We will be able to compete by 2016.

Don't get downhearted, fellow pubs. Politics in America run in cycles and we will have to let this cycle finish. But always remember that we shot ourselves in the foot, and then only then did the Dems stomp on it. Get the revolversout of the neo-con/neo-econ fools' hands.

ps: you ever notice that when Ann C smiles, her mouth looks like a cat's anus.
We are noticing the economy is ever so slightly beginning to get traction. Remember in a recession that jobs are the last things to come back, and that should be happening in growing numbers by early summer next year. We can thank the neo-con Pubs for the recession, and the moderate and conservative democrats and moderate pubs for the recovery.

Bush, Cheney, Rush, Sean, Glenn etc have destroyed the post-Reagan party. They all have to leave the Party along with their supporters, and we have already begun in many communities across the nation fashioning the new Party. We will be able to compete by 2016.

Don't get downhearted, fellow pubs. Politics in America run in cycles and we will have to let this cycle finish. But always remember that we shot ourselves in the foot, and then only then did the Dems stomp on it. Get the revolversout of the neo-con/neo-econ fools' hands.

ps: you ever notice that when Ann C smiles, her mouth looks like a cat's anus.

ps: you ever notice that when Ann C smiles, her mouth looks like a cat's anus.

I try not to think about Ann the man or cats anuses. :eek:
Huggy you could have quit right after you said you try not to think. There was no need to add anything further. We already no that you don't think.

And Jake it is not necessary to spam every thread on the board with your mindless propaganda and WISHFUL THINKING.
Huggy you could have quit right after you said you try not to think. There was no need to add anything further. We already no that you don't think.

And Jake it is not necessary to spam every thread on the board with your mindless propaganda and WISHFUL THINKING.

Oh GAYry you are so clever...:clap2: What is it with you stupid neo con fucks and "we"?

There is also a difference between "no" and "know"...check it out.... Don't hurt yourself...the revalation might damage your little brain.
Huggy you could have quit right after you said you try not to think. There was no need to add anything further. We already no that you don't think.

And Jake it is not necessary to spam every thread on the board with your mindless propaganda and WISHFUL THINKING.

Oh GAYry you are so clever...:clap2: What is it with you stupid neo con fucks and "we"?

There is also a difference between "no" and "know"...check it out.... Don't hurt yourself...the revalation might damage your little brain.

Helpful hint for DRuggy: When pretending to be up to the task of correcting someone else's post for spelling and/or grammar, you might want to get a handle on the correct spelling of the words in your own posts.

There is Nothing Redeemable in the Democrats' Health Care Plan


RUSH: To Oklahoma, here is Dustin. Dustin, it's nice to have you, sir. He's 23 years old. Nice to have you on the EIB Network.

CALLER: Hey thank you, Rush. Hey, I've heard a little bit about what is wrong with the health care plan, but what is right with it, and can it be fixed?

RUSH: Now are you asking me what's right about the American health care system, or what's right about the health care reform plan that Obama's trying to pass?

CALLER: What's right with his plan, if anything. I mean, is there anything that can be taken from that and made into something good?


CALLER: (chuckles) Well, I'm sorry. I'm the ignorant American. I don't know what exactly he's talking about. I just hear a little bit here and there.

RUSH: Let me tell you why. That's a legitimate question. It's sort of a variation of the question, "Rush, is there anything good you can say about Obama?" Yeah. He's going to Martha's Vineyard and he rented a house owned by a Republican. See? I can say good things about Obama. The reason this plan is bad is because this plan has nothing to do with health care. This plan does not improve health care. It does not extend health care to people that have it. It doesn't do anything it's advertised. All it does is put the government in total control of every aspect of your life, Dustin.


RUSH: The government is going to determine what diseases are treated, how much is spent treating them, who gets treated. There's nothing in this that is redeemable at all. You know, you've heard probably that there are 47 million uninsured Americans, and "That's just horrible! In a country like ours have that many uninsured Americans," right?

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Okay. The House bill has been analyzed by the Washington Post and the Congressional Budget Office. This monstrous, 1,017 page bill, after it passes -- ten years after it passes -- there's still 17 million uninsured Americans! It does even accomplish its primary, advertised objective. But the reason it's bad and the reason there's nothing in it that's good is because the government is going to be totally in charge of it. There's nobody in government that understands health. Obama's never been a doctor. Obama's not a businessman. It's none of his business what you eat, what kind of car you drive. It's none of his business where you go to the school. It's none of his business, period, how you live. It's none of his business if you choose to smoke.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: If you're not breaking the law, it's nobody's business what you do.


RUSH: These people have the power, if this plan passes, to regulate behavior based on the impact your behavior will have on our health care system. I guarantee you there's nothing about it that's any good. But socialism. It is liberalism. It expands the government at the expense of your liberty. I'm not interested in cherry-picking what might be a page or two in here to have some good ideas, because the whole thing has gotta be stopped.

CALLER: Okay. You know, I do building maintenance, and if they run a building like they run the health care system, it's just going to be a mess.

RUSH: Well, did you hear the president the other day? He was out doing a town hall meeting, and one of the falsehoods that he's telling people, he says -- and I want you to understand the logic of this. There's two parts here. The president says first thing, "Our health care system is broken. It's gotta be fixed. It's just immoral and unjust! We've got to do something about it," right?

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Then he says, "If you like your insurance plan and like your doctor, you get to keep it." Well, now, wait a minute, Dustin. I just thought he said the whole system is broken, yet if you like yours, you can keep it?

CALLER: (laughs)

RUSH: Those two don't go together. The second thing is he said that he wants a government option in insurance to compete with all the private insurance options that people have, to keep the insurance companies honest. Now, to people who were objecting to this, he said, "Hey, look, UPS and FedEx are doing fine. It's the Post Office that's in trouble." Now, this was one of the most unfortunate things for him he's ever said. He just told the American people that a federal agency, the Post Office, is in debt. It's not doing well. It's a mess.

Private sector companies delivering packages are doing much better than the government plan, and yet he went ahead and made that comparison. The reason he did it is because he's trying to convince people that their private insurance plan will remain intact. It will not. Eighty-three percent of people who currently like their health care plans through their employer will lose it and have to go to the government option within five years of the program passing, by design. The president himself has said numerous times since 2003 that he's for a single-payer system, which is government-controlled health care. So just in a philosophical sense, Dustin, your instincts are right on the money, your analogy is. You do building maintenance, and you say, "If they run a building like they run the health care system, it will be a disaster."

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: Your instincts are right on the money. There is nothing redeemable in this plan. This is nothing redeemable of putting Barney Frank or Henry Waxman or Nancy Pelosi in charge of your life.

CALLER: Well, they wouldn't be on the same health care plan themselves, would they?


CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: They will exempt themselves. There will be no government-run health care for them. Their health care insurance and doctors will remain private sector as they are now. They've got great health care options, as elected officials. But the big mistake is people think that that's a government-run plan. It's not! It's government paid for, us, taxpayer.


RUSH: Senator Kennedy didn't go to some government doctor.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Senator Kennedy went to a private hospital, private doctor.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: The government doesn't run any of those health care plans, but they're going to run ours if this thing passes. So, you got a good head on your shoulders. You follow your instincts out there.

CALLER: All right. Thank you, Rush.

RUSH: All right. I like that question: "Is there anything good in the health care plan?" See, you know what that question does? Is it illustrates the desire that a lot of Americans have: "Can't we just get along? Can't you find something to say good?" In this case, bottom of my heart honest, there is nothing in this bill worth having if we have to take everything else along with it. There may be a couple good ideas, I don't know, but they're not worth having if all 1,016 other pages are filled with the garbage that they are filled with. No, no. This has to be stopped. You don't compromise with socialists. You beat them. You don't compromise with people who want to take your freedom away. You beat them.

It's from his Aug 12th 2004 show. The minimum wage was still 5.15 until 2006.

So yes, he was.
except Rush was talking about the NY State minimum wage


that was $6.75 and hour and raised to $7.15 in dec

since his show was out of NYC WABC radio, chance are thats what he was talking about
surprised you guys didnt know that

Still making excuses for your MessiahRushie. LimpBoy habitually complains about the audits he has to go through since he moved his show to Florida 12 YEARS ago!!!

Now are you a STUPID liar or a PREMEDITATED liar???

Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
July 20, 2009
I'm there 15 days a year perform I pay taxes when I'm in New York, and I have not been here this year and I'm not going this year. I'm sure I'll get audited for this year. I'll have to prove that I was never there. I have to prove 14 different ways... In fact, now we've come up with a couple of new ones. I have to prove it 16 different ways, including the lunch that is ordered here every day that we are in Florida for the staff. We have a bill, we get a statement from the little deli that brings it in here every day. We're going to submit that and they'll probably say, "Well, you could get them to say anything. Do you have the same kind of service in New York? We want to see those bills." So we're up to 16 different ways, 16 different ways I have to prove to the New York City and state tax authorities where I have been every day.

Not just work week, but every day for the past three years, but it's been this way for the past 12.

El Rushbo to New York: Drop Dead
March 30, 2009
I would love to tell this story. I don't think I should. I don't think I should get personal, but I would love to tell my tax audit story of New York State and New York City since 1997. It happens every year, but that's not the point. I have to prove 14 different ways where I am every day of the year. I have to prove 14 different ways, 'cause I pay New York state and city tax on a per diem.

When I am there working I pay whatever, you know, my rate is based on income for that day in New York. And I try to go as little as possible. If it weren't for hurricanes down here, I would never go up there. New York is the escape valve in case hurricanes are showing up in our area, because of the loss of electricity.
you're a fucking idiot
He claims his talent is on loan from God, which is normally harmless, and then he knowingly lies, all the while claiming to be a voice of truth. Maybe false profit was a little harsh, what would you call him?
prove he knowingly lies
you might THINK he is lying
but he might truely believe what he is saying and only be wrong

I truly believe you are a liar with no talent on loan. Where is your proof?
i dont have to prove anything to a fucking moron like you
except Rush was talking about the NY State minimum wage


that was $6.75 and hour and raised to $7.15 in dec

since his show was out of NYC WABC radio, chance are thats what he was talking about
surprised you guys didnt know that

Still making excuses for your MessiahRushie. LimpBoy habitually complains about the audits he has to go through since he moved his show to Florida 12 YEARS ago!!!

Now are you a STUPID liar or a PREMEDITATED liar???

Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page
July 20, 2009
I'm there 15 days a year perform I pay taxes when I'm in New York, and I have not been here this year and I'm not going this year. I'm sure I'll get audited for this year. I'll have to prove that I was never there. I have to prove 14 different ways... In fact, now we've come up with a couple of new ones. I have to prove it 16 different ways, including the lunch that is ordered here every day that we are in Florida for the staff. We have a bill, we get a statement from the little deli that brings it in here every day. We're going to submit that and they'll probably say, "Well, you could get them to say anything. Do you have the same kind of service in New York? We want to see those bills." So we're up to 16 different ways, 16 different ways I have to prove to the New York City and state tax authorities where I have been every day.

Not just work week, but every day for the past three years, but it's been this way for the past 12.

El Rushbo to New York: Drop Dead
March 30, 2009
I would love to tell this story. I don't think I should. I don't think I should get personal, but I would love to tell my tax audit story of New York State and New York City since 1997. It happens every year, but that's not the point. I have to prove 14 different ways where I am every day of the year. I have to prove 14 different ways, 'cause I pay New York state and city tax on a per diem.

When I am there working I pay whatever, you know, my rate is based on income for that day in New York. And I try to go as little as possible. If it weren't for hurricanes down here, I would never go up there. New York is the escape valve in case hurricanes are showing up in our area, because of the loss of electricity.
you're a fucking idiot

Think about, an "idiot" just exposed your lie that LimpBoy was doing his show from NYC! :rofl: :rofl:
You told a lie that an "idiot" knew was a lie, so what does that say about you??? To claim you didn't know you were telling a lie means you have to pretend to be dumber than an "idiot."
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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