Taliban attack Presidential Palace


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
Taliban fighters armed with fake papers and military-style uniforms attack presidential palace in Afghanistan* - NY Daily News
Taliban fighters armed with fake papers and military-style uniforms attack presidential palace in Afghanistan
The militants used the false documents to con their way into the large fortified area of downtown Kabul, which is also home to the U.S. Embassy and the NATO-led coalition forces headquarters. The brazen broad daylight attack occurred just one week after Afghan forces took control of country's security from NATO.

One US soldier killed -
California soldier killed in Afghanistan - San Jose Mercury News
Once US and NATO forces are gone the Taliban will ransack that Presidential Palace and Karzai will be on his way to his flat in London.
We should have packed up the minute we killed Bin Ladin. That IS why we went in there in the first palce isn't it?

Who cares what that hell hole is like after we leave?

Not our problem.
I am so sick of our military having their hands tied.
We should have packed up the minute we killed Bin Ladin. That IS why we went in there in the first palce isn't it?

Who cares what that hell hole is like after we leave?

Not our problem.

Right. And watch al-queda take off again.
obama wants peace talks with the "good" taliban.

No wonder Karzai walked out.
We should have packed up the minute we killed Bin Ladin. That IS why we went in there in the first palce isn't it?

Who cares what that hell hole is like after we leave?

Not our problem.

Right. And watch al-queda take off again.

So what? We punnished the Afghans enough for giving Bin Ladin safe haven. We can't kill every religious nut job on the planet. As long as they stay over there let the people there kill em. Obviously the stupid fucks are so brainwashed by Islam that they don't care... why should we? We can't make people smarter. If we could we wouldn't have so many brain washed morons here.
I guess Barry forget to send the Taliban a copy of his speech about the war on terror being over.

Or, maybe he did and they interpret it as meaning it's open season for all targets of opportunity?
This is the beginning of the end, the Afghans won't be able to hold when we leave.

We needed to get in-and-outta-there in the first six months, including killing OBL rather than letting him slip away from Tora-Bora.

And we didn't.

We really should'a had Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf running that show, too.

At least those two knew the dangers of a prolonged campaign without precise objectives.

Too bad they were otherwise engaged at the time.

Soon, we're likely to see an updated repeat of...

This is the beginning of the end, the Afghans won't be able to hold when we leave.

We needed to get in-and-outta-there in the first six months, including killing OBL rather than letting him slip away from Tora-Bora.

And we didn't.

We really should'a had Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf running that show, too.

At least those two knew the dangers of a prolonged campaign without precise objectives.

Too bad they were otherwise engaged at the time.

Soon, we're likely to see an updated repeat of...


good post.
obama wants peace talks with the "good" taliban.

No wonder Karzai walked out.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoppuJOJw1Q]Ronald Reagan Dedicates Space Shuttle Columbia To The Taliban - YouTube[/ame]

And let's look at Carter as well Dems-

In September 1979, Khalqist President Nur Muhammad Taraki was assassinated in a coup within the PDPA orchestrated by fellow Khalq member Hafizullah Amin, who assumed the presidency. Distrusted by the Soviets, Amin was assassinated by Soviet special forces in December 1979. A Soviet-organized government, led by Parcham's Babrak Karmal but inclusive of both factions, filled the vacuum. Soviet troops were deployed to stabilize Afghanistan under Karmal in more substantial numbers, although the Soviet government did not expect to do most of the fighting in Afghanistan. As a result, however, the Soviets were now directly involved in what had been a domestic war in Afghanistan.[100]

At the time some believed the Soviets were attempting to expand their borders southward in order to gain a foothold in the Middle East. The Soviet Union had long lacked a warm water port, and their movement south seemed to position them for further expansion toward Pakistan in the East, and Iran to the West. American politicians, Republicans and Democrats alike, feared the Soviets were positioning themselves for a takeover of Middle Eastern oil. Others believed that the Soviet Union was afraid Iran's Islamic Revolution and Afghanistan's Islamization would spread to the millions of Muslims in the USSR. The PDPA prohibited usury, made statements on women's rights by declaring equality of the sexes[101] and introducing women to political life.[101]

.After the invasion, President Jimmy Carter announced what became known as the Carter Doctrine: that the U.S. would not allow any other outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf.
Probably saw a Taylor Swift video on YouTube where she was wearing little short shorts and that
sent them over the edge...

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