Taliban Wake 'Woke' Biden and His Generals To The Fact Global Warming & White Supremacy Are NOT Their Biggest Threats

We are either going to be interventionalists or we aren't. If we aren't then remove troops from around the world and see how that goes. If we recognize the fact that we must maintain a presence in some areas for peace and to protect certain groups then Afghanistan certainly qualified. A small presence was enough to keep the Taliban and the terrorists groups they shelter at bay. Even if you want to make the argument that we should have left, the fact that we pulled out leaving people, equipment and bases behind is even more stupefying. It was dumb no matter how it is spun.
That's quite the false dichotomy there. All or nothing is a silly way to go.

We don't have troops engaged in combat zones around the world. Chilling in Ramstein isn't exactly the same as the ongoing and unending civil war in Afghanistan. We aren't propping up the South Korean government like we are propping up the Afghan "government".

As for a small presence, we don't really know that. We only reduced our troop levels from 13,000 (which I don't consider a "small presence") to 2,500 (which could be described as a small presence I guess) during which time the Taliban were making gains in the outer areas of Afghanistan.

The equipment left behind belong to the Afghan military.

The bases left behind, wait, how do we take a base with us?

The Americans "left behind" weren't really "left behind" since they're in Afghanistan on their own anyway. We didn't put them there. Leaving them behind implies we brought them there in the first place.
I think the "stay forever" argument just doesn't sway a lot of people.

If it's a threat, we need to learn to deal with it without having to have thousands of US service members propping up an entire government.
Cruise missiles or the equivalent.
GW and WS are diversions so we will pearl clutch over them and not the real issues.
That's quite the false dichotomy there. All or nothing is a silly way to go.

We don't have troops engaged in combat zones around the world. Chilling in Ramstein isn't exactly the same as the ongoing and unending civil war in Afghanistan. We aren't propping up the South Korean government like we are propping up the Afghan "government".

Our purpose in Afghanistan was very much the same as our purpose in other countries...to protect against potential threats to the US. It wasn't as much about propping up the Afghan government as it was not allowing for a radical group that supports terrorism to take over the country. Whether or not each area is an active war zone or not is irrelevant to the goal.

As for a small presence, we don't really know that. We only reduced our troop levels from 13,000 (which I don't consider a "small presence") to 2,500 (which could be described as a small presence I guess) during which time the Taliban were making gains in the outer areas of Afghanistan.

They have been making gains for years. A final assault on US and Afghan forces into Kabul would have been a much more difficult fight. Even still, if we made the decision to leave, we should have left in a much more organized fashion.

The equipment left behind belong to the Afghan military.

Do you mean the US equipment we left behind for the Afghans to use to fight the Taliban? No, that gift was retracted when they laid down their weapons and walked away. We should have had to foresight to know this was a possibility and destroyed the equipment if/when this happened. Another alternative would have been to listen to the military when they said that the Afghan security forces weren't likely to put up much of a fight and destroy or move the equipment out before we left. All too much for the Biden administration to handle I guess.

The bases left behind, wait, how do we take a base with us?

I don't know, blow them up on the way out? I mean, that is what militaries around the world have always done when leaving bases behind which they do not want to be utilized by their adversaries.
The Americans "left behind" weren't really "left behind" since they're in Afghanistan on their own anyway. We didn't put them there. Leaving them behind implies we brought them there in the first place.

Do you think a warning to leave is too much to ask? We didn't need to be sneaking out of the country. It could have been done intelligently. It wasn't. I didn't expect anything intelligent or pro-US to come out of this administration so it is of little surprise to me.
WS is another liberal conjured fake. There probably are 2,000 WS nutcases scattered all over the country. Libbies are selling this as a coordinated, National, millions strong effort sweeping the country.
You need to remember that fear is used to supplant facts when facts don’t stir up any valid fearful emotions
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Our purpose in Afghanistan was very much the same as our purpose in other countries...to protect against potential threats to the US. It wasn't as much about propping up the Afghan government as it was not allowing for a radical group that supports terrorism to take over the country. Whether or not each area is an active war zone or not is irrelevant to the goal.

They have been making gains for years. A final assault on US and Afghan forces into Kabul would have been a much more difficult fight. Even still, if we made the decision to leave, we should have left in a much more organized fashion.

Do you mean the US equipment we left behind for the Afghans to use to fight the Taliban? No, that gift was retracted when they laid down their weapons and walked away. We should have had to foresight to know this was a possibility and destroyed the equipment if/when this happened. Another alternative would have been to listen to the military when they said that the Afghan security forces weren't likely to put up much of a fight and destroy or move the equipment out before we left. All too much for the Biden administration to handle I guess.

I don't know, blow them up on the way out? I mean, that is what militaries around the world have always done when leaving bases behind which they do not want to be utilized by their adversaries.

Do you think a warning to leave is too much to ask? We didn't need to be sneaking out of the country. It could have been done intelligently. It wasn't. I didn't expect anything intelligent or pro-US to come out of this administration so it is of little surprise to me.
This might sound nice in a message board post, but what would this look like in reality?

Bomb the bases that the Afghan military is using? Or maybe bomb them after we've pulled out and the Taliban takes them. Either way, who gives a damn? These bases really don't have any effect on our safety and security.

Take back the weapons? Given that the Afghan military turned them over to the Taliban, we'd literally have to reinvade to take them back. Call me crazy but as an American, I don't feel too threatened about the Taliban having access to Blackhawk helicopters they can't use or maintain. I don't feel too threatened about them having Humvees or MRAPs. As for the firearms, sure, I guess that could theoretically pose a risk to us. But it's not like you can easily bomb thousands of rifles from afar. It's not like they're all on a pile that we can see. We'd have to go back and take them. And for what? To reduce the number of weapons in the world by a negligible amount?

As for a warning, I guess you haven't been paying attention to Biden saying that we were leaving. It's not a secret.

The military and government left in a very organized fashion. No one was killed or as far as I've heard even hurt in any hostilities. Maybe I'm wrong, but I haven't heard of it and I have a feeling that conservatives would have been beating us over the head with it had it been happening.

If your purpose was to prevent against potential threats, letting the Taliban control half the country with your "small" force wasn't really achieving that goal. The involvement of our military in Afghanistan is simply not comparable to any other long term deployment of forces given the active ongoing hostilities and that we are the only thing propping up what is universally regarded as an ineffectual and corrupt Afghan government.
every american, the world, is less safe today then they were before xiden and the dems took office
This might sound nice in a message board post, but what would this look like in reality?

Bomb the bases that the Afghan military is using? Or maybe bomb them after we've pulled out and the Taliban takes them. Either way, who gives a damn? These bases really don't have any effect on our safety and security.

Take back the weapons? Given that the Afghan military turned them over to the Taliban, we'd literally have to reinvade to take them back. Call me crazy but as an American, I don't feel too threatened about the Taliban having access to Blackhawk helicopters they can't use or maintain. I don't feel too threatened about them having Humvees or MRAPs. As for the firearms, sure, I guess that could theoretically pose a risk to us. But it's not like you can easily bomb thousands of rifles from afar. It's not like they're all on a pile that we can see. We'd have to go back and take them. And for what? To reduce the number of weapons in the world by a negligible amount?

As for a warning, I guess you haven't been paying attention to Biden saying that we were leaving. It's not a secret.

The military and government left in a very organized fashion. No one was killed or as far as I've heard even hurt in any hostilities. Maybe I'm wrong, but I haven't heard of it and I have a feeling that conservatives would have been beating us over the head with it had it been happening.

If your purpose was to prevent against potential threats, letting the Taliban control half the country with your "small" force wasn't really achieving that goal. The involvement of our military in Afghanistan is simply not comparable to any other long term deployment of forces given the active ongoing hostilities and that we are the only thing propping up what is universally regarded as an ineffectual and corrupt Afghan government.

We simply do not agree. You seem to miss the bigger picture with regards to the weapons left behind. The fact that the Taliban now has many millions of dollars worth of our equipment and the fact that they shelter terrorists makes me believe that at the very least we helped to fund the Taliban regime and in turn get weapons to terrorist organizations. These weapons will undoubtedly be used against us at some point in the near future, perhaps in Syria.
We simply do not agree. You seem to miss the bigger picture with regards to the weapons left behind. The fact that the Taliban now has many millions of dollars worth of our equipment and the fact that they shelter terrorists makes me believe that at the very least we helped to fund the Taliban regime and in turn get weapons to terrorist organizations. These weapons will undoubtedly be used against us at some point in the near future, perhaps in Syria.
Other than completely disarming the Afghan military prior to our leaving, there was no way to prevent the equipment we bought them from falling into the hands of the Taliban given it was inevitable that the Taliban was going to take over Afghanistan after we left.

In the real world, there is no perfection.
Other than completely disarming the Afghan military prior to our leaving, there was no way to prevent the equipment we bought them from falling into the hands of the Taliban given it was inevitable that the Taliban was going to take over Afghanistan after we left.

In the real world, there is no perfection.

This withdrawal is not even close to perfection. It will go down in history as one of the biggest bumbles of foreign policy since WWII, that is, unless the left can spin history somehow, which I don't doubt.
This withdrawal is not even close to perfection. It will go down in history as one of the biggest bumbles of foreign policy since WWII, that is, unless the left can spin history somehow, which I don't doubt.
Again, the idea that we would take back the weapons we gave the Afghan army is beyond absurd.

When everyone calms down and stops hyperventilating, this will be an interesting story but hardly "biggest bumble" since WW2. The Afghan war itself will be seen as one of the biggest bumbles. Leaving? A necessary end to a tragic mistake.
You realize that the Taliban is in Afghanistan and that's like a whole 'nother country?

Lot more white supremacists in this country than Taliban.
How many terrorists did it take, who was trained in Afghanistan. did it take to bring down the World Trade Center Twin Towers, crash an airliner into the Pentagon, and crash another airliner in Shanksville, Pennsylvania?
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Stealth drones with some hellfire missiles will be fine.
For that, we NEED intelligence ON THE GROUND. There is no place near where we can house drones or a base for intelligence.

When the time comes, and it will, I hope you are as eager to take credit for the blood of Americans spilled because of terrorist attacks.

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