Tampons Aren't For Women Only

you better check.......some of those fuckers are sneaking in lap tops and getting on USMB !!!!! And a couple are mods!!!!!!
You just don't know how bad it gets in some prisons. You think you're joking, but it's kinda real. I've seen YouTube videos of inmates streaming from a confinement cell. "Hey, it's ya boi in the box again, etc etc."
I'd guess you use them for nosebleeds.
I don't keep any tampons, but I keep a couple of maxipads and some panty shields in the first travel/back country first aide kit, as they are individually wrapped sanitary. They go with the duct tape. Sometimes a Curad Band-aid just isn't enough.
I believe you Jack. I believe you'd be such an expert in an obscure cartoon that you would know this for sure.

You probably have every episode of SP on your DVD shelf.
As I reminded my family today, I was the one who said everything would eventually be streaming....and that was 10 years ago.
That they should stop buying DVD's and Blu-Ray discs.

Now that being said. Did my comments hit a bit too close to your wheelhouse? :auiqs.jpg:
As I reminded my family today, I was the one who said everything would eventually be streaming....and that was 10 years ago.
That they should stop buying DVD's and Blu-Ray discs.
Just the opposite, Jack. Everything isn't streaming, in fact, I have all of that streaming technology available to me and never even use it, rarely even the free stuff.
In fact, I'm looking to buy a 4K player soon and to start building a 4K library.
With DVDs and BluRay, you own the movie and can watch it any time you want totally 100% under YOUR control, commercial free. With a streaming service, you must watch it on their cloud, pay for it, sit through their commercials, limited by the crappy stop/pause/FF/Rewind features they have, all subject to their even carrying it (or deleting it).
And of course, by watching on the cloud, you allow them and others to totally monitor and track your activities and viewing habits.
But I'm sure streaming is OK for casual viewing, especially of stuff you just want to watch once to see if it is any good. And of course, it requires your internet to be up and working.

Now that being said. Did my comments hit a bit too close to your wheelhouse?
Wheelhouse--- I hear a lot of people using that term these days. Is that anywhere out next to your imaginary non-existent garage?

That's the way it usually goes. My state is full of right-wing voters.

Was just looking at tax structure stats, and my state was third best.

Your state is also 47th on the population count. And has a good amount of open space. And doesn't count native Americans in its voting roles...so...there's that.

I'm sorry, were you searching for relevance here?
Did you even read your own link? Here, the relevant points...

Vuokkoset, a Finnish company released the controversial new sanitary product earlier this month to coincide with Transgender Awareness week and International Men’s day.

Vuokkoset has said in a statement online that it launched the period product to “raise the issue of genderness of hygiene products and the anxiety related to menstruation in trans men”.

This is a private company trying to create a buzz for a product in Finland! You fucking hysterical idiots. Does fear help you jack off better?
LOL. Yes, we would want to celebrate International Men's day by making tampons for them.
You just don't know how bad it gets in some prisons. You think you're joking, but it's kinda real. I've seen YouTube videos of inmates streaming from a confinement cell. "Hey, it's ya boi in the box again, etc etc."
On a side note, I read today that the guy who stabbed Derek Chauvin admitted that he did it on purpose. And here I had thought Chauvin was stabbed 22 times by accident.

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