
Oh, ya just gotta love this sort of irony!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I know what I said. I don't need your recap. I'm tired of letting things go. You and the rest of the lunatic fringe have got it coming and you're going to get it.

Ever since I came on here I have been insulted, cussed out, and belittled, because I like Obama. I didn't start this. So buzz off.
Your posts would have brought out the same results from Mother Teresa.
You deserve everything that you get, Rinata. Quit your damn whining, or put all the conservatives on ignore. Or, find a left wing loon board where you will fit in nicely.

yeah, doesnt Huffingtonpost have a messageboard?
I know what I said. I don't need your recap. I'm tired of letting things go. You and the rest of the lunatic fringe have got it coming and you're going to get it.

Ever since I came on here I have been insulted, cussed out, and belittled, because I like Obama. I didn't start this. So buzz off.
Your posts would have brought out the same results from Mother Teresa.
You deserve everything that you get, Rinata. Quit your damn whining, or put all the conservatives on ignore. Or, find a left wing loon board where you will fit in nicely.

yeah, doesnt Huffingtonpost have a messageboard?

She thinks it's just because she likes barry. :lol:
Oh, ya just gotta love this sort of irony!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I know what I said. I don't need your recap. I'm tired of letting things go. You and the rest of the lunatic fringe have got it coming and you're going to get it.

Ever since I came on here I have been insulted, cussed out, and belittled, because I like Obama. I didn't start this. So buzz off.
You can't get enough of that motherfucker called Irony, can you?

Don't talk to me and try to engage me in a war of words. You have nothing of any value to say to me.
Oh, ya just gotta love this sort of irony!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I know what I said. I don't need your recap. I'm tired of letting things go. You and the rest of the lunatic fringe have got it coming and you're going to get it.

Ever since I came on here I have been insulted, cussed out, and belittled, because I like Obama. I didn't start this. So buzz off.
So, you know what you said, eh? You are proud or your hypocrisy, then. You should be as that is an obvious talent of yours.

Now, I'm interested in seeing what I am going to 'get' from you. A pony?

You are the hypocrite, not I. You had no valid reason for acting like such an ass towards me. I am not allowing you to engage me anymore either. Keep talking and you'll just be talking to yourself, like the Elvis wannabe.
I know what I said. I don't need your recap. I'm tired of letting things go. You and the rest of the lunatic fringe have got it coming and you're going to get it.

Ever since I came on here I have been insulted, cussed out, and belittled, because I like Obama. I didn't start this. So buzz off.
You can't get enough of that motherfucker called Irony, can you?

Don't talk to me and try to engage me in a war of words. You have nothing of any value to say to me.

That's funny, considering you continue to respond to my posts. More of that motherfucker.
Oh, ya just gotta love this sort of irony!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I know what I said. I don't need your recap. I'm tired of letting things go. You and the rest of the lunatic fringe have got it coming and you're going to get it.

Ever since I came on here I have been insulted, cussed out, and belittled, because I like Obama. I didn't start this. So buzz off.
Your posts would have brought out the same results from Mother Teresa.
You deserve everything that you get, Rinata. Quit your damn whining, or put all the conservatives on ignore. Or, find a left wing loon board where you will fit in nicely.

All I am doing is telling the truth. I don't whine, buster. Do you think I care about what low life people like you and your friends say?? And you're a liar.

You all started the name calling and cussing because I don't agree with you. I don't have to agree with you, got it?? And you do the same thing to everybody that dares to give a real opinion about the current president. So own your behavior. Don't try to give the impression that I came in here and started giving you all a hard time. Jerk.
"He's a racist" That's all you guys ever say. As if just because you accuse someone of racism you can totally dismiss any arguments they have against you.

If your ideas are so good, why dont you ever bother actually debating them rather than trying to label anyone you dont like and pretending they make no argument?
"He's a racist" That's all you guys ever say. As if just because you accuse someone of racism you can totally dismiss any arguments they have against you.

If your ideas are so good, why dont you ever bother actually debating them rather than trying to label anyone you dont like and pretending they make no argument?

It is not that simple. This is about people refusing to accept a black president. It has nothing to do with the issues really. It's about people that will accept nothing associated with President Obama because he is different, he doesn't look like American presidents usually look. So everything he does is subject to criticism and nothing he does is deemed good.

A friend sent me this article and it explains it better than I can:

I'm going to be very blunt. The real issue here is vile, racist, and largely unspoken. In the view of most of the birthers, "Barack Obama is a n*****, and n****** should be butlers and maids at the White House, not the commander-in-chief." That's what's going on here, plain and simple.

These people hate the fact that the manager at their neighborhood Safeway is black, so how could they possibly accept an African-American president? They can't and they never will.

Their problem is that Barack Obama was elected (an inconvenient truth) by a large enough margin, and carried enough red states, that unlike Florida in 2000, the outcome can't be disputed.

Their hope to "Keep The White House White," rests on an absurd conspiracy fantasy that has zero chance of being true, but their hopes will live on in their double-digit IQ brains, as long as their seething exists.

Racist "Birthers" Refuse To Accept A Black President. - Roger Fallihee - Open Salon
Oh, now the trash mouth comes out with all the filth. Just because Zona got the best of you. Are you ever going to grow up and act like a man???

what the fuck?.....Zona got the best of him.....Tancreado speaks out against Illegal immigration and to Zona thats being a Bigot.....how do both of you get your heads into the same rectum....isnt it crowded?....

If anything that you and your idiot friends said had any substance, it would not have to be peppered with the name calling and obscene little remarks.

You can't do it because you are that small (thank God) part of the lunatic fringe. You're all worthless and very ignorant. You wouldn't recognize a newspaper if it kicked you in the ass. You probably don't even watch Fox news, which is better than nothing. All dummies.
How many people has Wright killed? man, so pathetic, you guys will say the dumbest shit to just keep your ignorant bashing of Obama going. you look like complete and utter idiots while doing it

there it is again...."YOU GUYS".....one person comments....and all of a sudden there are many....talk about idiots....

Does the truth hurt?? All of your posts sound exactly the same. Name calling and vulgarity. Did you like to think that your posts are somehow unique??? :lol::lol::lol:

yea like your posts are just mountains of wisdom.....you cry in every post you do....so yours are kinda the same also....here let me do this now so you dont have to...:(:(
And Wright himself studied under Samuel DeWitt Proctor who was a mentor to MLK Jr. Does that make MLK Jr. racist too or Samuel DeWitt Proctor? :eusa_eh:

Technically speaking, it's impossible for Obama to be racist unless he's racist against himself.

I remember when we having the discussions because people said back then that he wasn't "black enough." :lol:

obviously, he was black enough, considering he garnered 80 percent of the black vote during the primaries.
I said it wouldn't surprise me if he were racist. just like it wouldn't surprise you if someone who had been mentored by david duke for 20 years were racist.
David Duke, republican who was replaced by Vitter in Louisiana.
Duke used to dress up in a Nazi uniform and held parties on Hitler's birthday.

But, since he didn't attend a 'racist' church for 20 years, he is not racist.
"He's a racist" That's all you guys ever say. As if just because you accuse someone of racism you can totally dismiss any arguments they have against you.

If your ideas are so good, why dont you ever bother actually debating them rather than trying to label anyone you dont like and pretending they make no argument?

True Dat!

(Tho I don't think you and I are talking about the same person)
I know what I said. I don't need your recap. I'm tired of letting things go. You and the rest of the lunatic fringe have got it coming and you're going to get it.

Ever since I came on here I have been insulted, cussed out, and belittled, because I like Obama. I didn't start this. So buzz off.
Your posts would have brought out the same results from Mother Teresa.
You deserve everything that you get, Rinata. Quit your damn whining, or put all the conservatives on ignore. Or, find a left wing loon board where you will fit in nicely.

All I am doing is telling the truth. I don't whine, buster. Do you think I care about what low life people like you and your friends say?? And you're a liar.

You all started the name calling and cussing because I don't agree with you. I don't have to agree with you, got it?? And you do the same thing to everybody that dares to give a real opinion about the current president. So own your behavior. Don't try to give the impression that I came in here and started giving you all a hard time. Jerk.

Don't like the truth....too bad rinata, grow up mentally. You say that if you don't believe in this president everyone is a racist. What a stupid moronic statement to make.
This is the very reason why the people on the right cuss, belittle, and call you names. Your a moron...that's why.
You don't see the right attack all the people on the left do you? No you don't, I probably needed to answer that one for you, because your not honest enough. Just the buffoons like yourself, rinata.
Honesty is admitting that everyone doesn't cuss you out. I don't cuss at you, but you deserve the name calling, as you do a heck of a lot more in that dept.
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"He's a racist" That's all you guys ever say. As if just because you accuse someone of racism you can totally dismiss any arguments they have against you.

If your ideas are so good, why dont you ever bother actually debating them rather than trying to label anyone you dont like and pretending they make no argument?

The above is called playing the race card card.

Conservatives are now immune to any charges of racism because if you accuse them of racism they will just accuse you of playing the race card. That's THEIR card.
"He's a racist" That's all you guys ever say. As if just because you accuse someone of racism you can totally dismiss any arguments they have against you.

If your ideas are so good, why dont you ever bother actually debating them rather than trying to label anyone you dont like and pretending they make no argument?

The above is called playing the race card card.

Conservatives are now immune to any charges of racism because if you accuse them of racism they will just accuse you of playing the race card. That's THEIR card.
The way the looney left has morphed the word racist sure made it easy. the left should have just left the word alone as to it's meaning. Would have made it a lot easier with little wiggle room if they had.
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"He's a racist" That's all you guys ever say. As if just because you accuse someone of racism you can totally dismiss any arguments they have against you.

If your ideas are so good, why dont you ever bother actually debating them rather than trying to label anyone you dont like and pretending they make no argument?

It is not that simple. This is about people refusing to accept a black president. It has nothing to do with the issues really. It's about people that will accept nothing associated with President Obama because he is different, he doesn't look like American presidents usually look. So everything he does is subject to criticism and nothing he does is deemed good.

A friend sent me this article and it explains it better than I can:

I'm going to be very blunt. The real issue here is vile, racist, and largely unspoken. In the view of most of the birthers, "Barack Obama is a n*****, and n****** should be butlers and maids at the White House, not the commander-in-chief." That's what's going on here, plain and simple.

These people hate the fact that the manager at their neighborhood Safeway is black, so how could they possibly accept an African-American president? They can't and they never will.

Their problem is that Barack Obama was elected (an inconvenient truth) by a large enough margin, and carried enough red states, that unlike Florida in 2000, the outcome can't be disputed.

Their hope to "Keep The White House White," rests on an absurd conspiracy fantasy that has zero chance of being true, but their hopes will live on in their double-digit IQ brains, as long as their seething exists.

Racist "Birthers" Refuse To Accept A Black President. - Roger Fallihee - Open Salon

Oh horse shit. Most of us could care less what color the man is. What we do care about is his socialist agenda. And actually we appreciate his total inability to get that agenda passed with a majority in the house and a super majority in the Senate. He is an inexperienced idiot who is operating way above his pay grade. And 20 years of listening to the very un reverend Wright....yeah I would call him a racist

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