Target Tells China To Pound Sand

Walmart and its corporate fools are running hard left. They are running from firearms and ammunition and now they are doing everything they can to thwart Trumps Tariffs. Walmart is approaching the dust bins of history as they have just alienated 55% of the US. When people go to other stores to get their goods they will get the drift..

My local Walmart stopped selling firearms years ago since the barrio gangs were shooting up south Phoenix with them. They did still sell ammo but ran out of .22 rounds within an hour of you had to time when the trucks came in. The ammo was locked in glass cases and there was seldom anybody around to wait on you. The Wally World in north Scottsdale only sold the little plastic Mossberg plinker .22 which is more like a toy than a big loss.
It's about time a major American retailer stood behind the President on our trade war with China.

The letter, which was signed by Target’s Chief Merchandising Officer Mark Tritton, reportedly said the company “will not accept any new cost increases related to tariffs on goods imported from China.”
“Our expectation is that you will develop the appropriate contingency plans so that we don’t have to pass price increases along to our guests,” the letter reportedly said, according to The Journal.

Who might this mystery shopper be?


Target To Its Vendors: Drop Dead (And Absorb Tariff Price Increases)

Target is telling Trump to pound sand not China -


So, we agree then that Target did not tell China anything and that it is the American companies that will be covering the cost of the tariffs...right?

I took you off ignore because I kinda enjoy trashing your sorry ass. The tariffs cost ANYBODY importing chinese crap into the US...Chinese or're here almost 24/7 and have to ask that ya fucking mental case?
Target is a limp-wristed French company. I learned this before the year 2000.

Remember, they went ahead with gender-neutral bathrooms.

A friend of mine quit them because they suck balls.
It's about time a major American retailer stood behind the President on our trade war with China.

The letter, which was signed by Target’s Chief Merchandising Officer Mark Tritton, reportedly said the company “will not accept any new cost increases related to tariffs on goods imported from China.”
“Our expectation is that you will develop the appropriate contingency plans so that we don’t have to pass price increases along to our guests,” the letter reportedly said, according to The Journal.

Who might this mystery shopper be?


Target To Its Vendors: Drop Dead (And Absorb Tariff Price Increases)

Target is telling Trump to pound sand not China -




now theyre spinning over vender and suppliers ....cause twump
Vendor, supplier, all roads on some chains still lead back to chineee manufacturers ....and I guarantee Beijing noticed .
simpleton retards
It's about time a major American retailer stood behind the President on our trade war with China.

The letter, which was signed by Target’s Chief Merchandising Officer Mark Tritton, reportedly said the company “will not accept any new cost increases related to tariffs on goods imported from China.”
“Our expectation is that you will develop the appropriate contingency plans so that we don’t have to pass price increases along to our guests,” the letter reportedly said, according to The Journal.

Who might this mystery shopper be?


Target To Its Vendors: Drop Dead (And Absorb Tariff Price Increases)

Target is telling Trump to pound sand not China -




Glad we’re on the same page about your idiocy
Tell that to poor Americans who work hard and shop at Walmart so they can buy another loaf of bread for the same price

WTF are you talking about? I often buy groceries at Walmart....groceries don't come from china. BTW, my local Target store also sells groceries and at a competitive price with Wally World.
So you don't shop at Walmart, but you do shop at walmart. Do you think your computer or phone has no Chinese parts? Grow up kid you are babbling

Jesus you are stupid
So you don't shop at Walmart, but you do shop at walmart. Do you think your computer or phone has no Chinese parts? Grow up kid you are babbling

Jesus you are stupid

You calling ME stupid is like a badge of honor,'s as if trade with China began the day Trump took office with you nosebleeds. I'd go into the history of it and the WTO with you but it would be like talking to a parking meter.
So, we agree then that Target did not tell China anything and that it is the American companies that will be covering the cost of the tariffs...right?

I took you off ignore because I kinda enjoy trashing your sorry ass. The tariffs cost ANYBODY importing chinese crap into the US...Chinese or're here almost 24/7 and have to ask that ya fucking mental case?

Target refuses to pass price increases form Trump tariff's on to their customers -

now all you need to do is figure out the retail structure between Target and China -

which will never f'n happen ........ :abgg2q.jpg:
Glad we’re on the same page about your idiocy

Peyote buttons is my guess.....a few months back the fool threatened to shoot Trump and got a visit for it. He's laid off the tequila since and stuck to hallucinogenics.
Sure they are. Forcing US wholesaler to pay Donnies Tariff taxes.
China was allowed to do anything it wanted for years until Trump came along and put a stop to their BS. Over time the supply chain will shift to other countries.

Wally World will have to respond to the Target ultimatum and do the same or lose market share...this is BIG news.

What I cant figure out is why liberals are defending China over our President. China uses child labor, they still eat dogs, pollution is horrible, and their products are junk.

Walmart made their fortune taking advantage of everyone so I have no pity on them

What twisted bile. What liberals are defending China? This is why the left despises Trumpies....they just make shit up.

Something needs to be done about trade with China, but Trump is OBVIOUSLY not the right person to be doing it. Because we're still in a trade war, Trump isn't winning it, but the stock market is suffering and the jobs for August are way down, like down around 96,000 when you subtract the temp workers who will be conducting the census next year.

Trump should have worked with his top economic advisor, Gary Cohn, on a plan but obviously Trump thinks he knows more than the ex-CEO of Goldman Sachs, so Cohn quit.

So like:
1. the wall ("Mexico is going to pay for it!)
2. and the tax reform, which was a boon to billionaires and nothing for the middle class,
3. and repealing Obamacare,
4. Trump is just fucking up one more of his promises.
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Target refuses to pass price increases form Trump tariff's on to their customers -

now all you need to do is figure out the retail structure between Target and China -

which will never f'n happen ........ :abgg2q.jpg:

Just hanging incoherent words together again, eh? There is no "retail structure" between Target and China. Target buys from wholesalers and determines which vendors they'll use...from China or run're an idiot.
Sure they are. Forcing US wholesaler to pay Donnies Tariff taxes.

Fuckin A! So either pay the tariff or get your merchandise elsewhere....simple enough even for you to finally get.
Target is telling Trump to pound sand not China -



Okay, you're on ignore....why deal with mentally ill people if you don't have to?

putting people on ignore wont help your stupidity - ya f'n MORON.
It will eliminate Chinese Trolls from talking to you.

I knew Will was a Chinese Troll - I KNEW IT !!!

Nah, most of you Leftist directly work for China, Russia, Iran, willingly or you are just stupid dupes for them.
So you don't shop at Walmart, but you do shop at walmart. Do you think your computer or phone has no Chinese parts? Grow up kid you are babbling

Jesus you are stupid

You calling ME stupid is like a badge of honor,'s as if trade with China began the day Trump took office with you nosebleeds. I'd go into the history of it and the WTO with you but it would be like talking to a parking meter.
Says the weirdo who opposes Walmart's cheap Chinese wares but shops there anyway. Are you so fucking stupid that you think target doesn't buy from china?

Target is almost bankrupt anyway, their stores are all half empty at peak hour, just like Lowe's
Target refuses to pass price increases form Trump tariff's on to their customers -

now all you need to do is figure out the retail structure between Target and China -

which will never f'n happen ........ :abgg2q.jpg:

Just hanging incoherent words together again, eh? There is no "retail structure" between Target and China. Target buys from wholesalers and determines which vendors they'll use...from China or run're an idiot.

so tell the class how TARGET refusing vendor mark up's hurts China IDIOTBOI -

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