Tarmac mtg. Bill offered Lynch AG job if Hillary presidency

that may have happened, I think its more likely that Lynch gave Bill the number of her swiss bank account so he could send some Clinton foundation money to it and in exchange Lynch would instruct Comey to downplay the e-mail felonies and refer to them as "matters". then refuse to turn it over for prosecution saying that Hillary didn't mean to do it and was too dumb to realize that she did.
who knows what they talked about. given the resistance and advice to NOT meet they were given it had to be something more than golf and grandkids or they'd just pick up the phone and talk.

also - we were told it was a coincidence and now we find out it was planned.

trump got pulled into RUSSIA investigations with less suspicion and "lies" on his part.

but what they talked about? who knows. we likely are not ever going to know and even if someone did say what happened, if one side didn't like it, he would be dismissed anyway.

yes, whatever deal they made, they got away with it--------------------------for now.

The IG report does not say that Lynch was offered the AG job by Bill. So the title of your thread is a lie and your thread is just more fake news.

You may want to re-read the title of this thread. You can read, right?
OP is wrong. They only arranged their secret meeting on a remote Tarmac to talk about grandkids and exchange recipes.
No, this is just you putting aside all pretenses of being unbiased and rational. This tells the story you want to be told so you are ok with it.

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except i'm not going one way or the other with it.

you said the headline claimed lynch was offered a job as stated in the IG.

i said there are (2) separate discussions going on - and you are mixing them so you have something to bitch at.

The title of the stinking thread says that Lynch was offered the job...did you somehow miss that? Did you not read the title?

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yes, but the title of the thread does not say it was in the IG report as you are assuming he said.

Tarmac mtg. Bill offered Lynch AG job if Hillary presidency

in specific you said:
The IG report does not say that Lynch was offered the AG job by Bill. So the title of your thread is a lie and your thread is just more fake news.

does the title of the thread say it was in the IG report?

One more time for the partisans....

The title is FAKE NEWS

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never said it wasn't - i said the headline didn't say shit about the IG report offering her a job like you were assuming the OP was going with it.

you said:
The IG report does not say that Lynch was offered the AG job by Bill. So the title of your thread is a lie and your thread is just more fake news.

once again for the terminally slow - the headline says nothing of the IG report making this claim now does it?

here's the title:

Tarmac mtg. Bill offered Lynch AG job if Hillary presidency

i see no IG in there, do you???

ergo - the title is *not* a lie based on the reasons you're upset. could still be total bullshit and i said so in my 1st post and many times since then. but it doesn't change the fact what you said was incorrect.

In you zeal to pretend to be neutral you still ignore that this is the very SOP of fake news. Start with misleading headlines and then ignore the headline in the article...these people know that the majority of people do not read past the headline or maybe first paragraph.

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except i'm not going one way or the other with it.

you said the headline claimed lynch was offered a job as stated in the IG.

i said there are (2) separate discussions going on - and you are mixing them so you have something to bitch at.

The title of the stinking thread says that Lynch was offered the job...did you somehow miss that? Did you not read the title?

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yes, but the title of the thread does not say it was in the IG report as you are assuming he said.

Tarmac mtg. Bill offered Lynch AG job if Hillary presidency

in specific you said:
The IG report does not say that Lynch was offered the AG job by Bill. So the title of your thread is a lie and your thread is just more fake news.

does the title of the thread say it was in the IG report?

One more time for the partisans....

The title is FAKE NEWS

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never said it wasn't - i said the headline didn't say shit about the IG report offering her a job like you were assuming the OP was going with it.

you said:
The IG report does not say that Lynch was offered the AG job by Bill. So the title of your thread is a lie and your thread is just more fake news.

once again for the terminally slow - the headline says nothing of the IG report making this claim now does it?

here's the title:

Tarmac mtg. Bill offered Lynch AG job if Hillary presidency

i see no IG in there, do you???

ergo - the title is *not* a lie based on the reasons you're upset. could still be total bullshit and i said so in my 1st post and many times since then. but it doesn't change the fact what you said was incorrect.

In you zeal to pretend to be neutral you still ignore that this is the very SOP of fake news. Start with misleading headlines and then ignore the headline in the article...these people know that the majority of people do not read past the headline or maybe first paragraph.

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in your zeal to pretend you are whatever it is you are pretending to be today - you miss again the fact the ONLY stance i've taken on the title itself is that it is 100% speculation and not in the IG report.

so it would seem we agree on that part.

we get a bit crazy when you say the title contained a link to the IG report saying she was offered a job - OF WHICH - the title does not do.

so in your effort to rush and correct someone, aka, be a dick, you didn't even hear what i was saying.
Snowflake sheep would rather believe:

During a flight to the west coast Bill Clinton Hears the woman in charge of his wife's multiple FBI investigations and who holds her entire fate in her hands, is several states over and suddenly has the irresistible desire to MEET face-to-face with her to talk about GRANDKIDS.

His undeniable urge to do this is so great he:

- Has his pilot contact FAA and modify flight plans in air, coordinate with the airport that he is coming, coordinate for a nice, quiets pad away from the main terminal, and have airport security alerted to begin taking their necessary actions....

- Has his Secret Security detail lead contact the lead for lynch's security detail to inform them that Clinton is coming to 'chat' with the US AG, get the approval from / mesh schedules with the US AG, coordinate the 2 Security detail's actions, work out the details of where the meeting will happen, who will be allowed on the plane, etc...

Lynch hears Slick Willey is on his way, clears her schedule for the husband of one-half of the greatest scandal-plagued political couples in US history - whose wife's investigations she is currently over-seeing - to 'pop-in' and talk about 'GRANDCHILDREN', completely ignoring the fact that taking such a meeting will DEFINITELY present the appearance of a massive conflict of interest / ethical dilemma which numerous former Federal and State Attorney Generals would rebuke her for...

...but it is OK because it was a spontaneous spur-of-the-moment tax-dollar-burning yen to talk about grandkids....that could not have been done on phone or video-chat/conferencing....



'Duuuuuuuuude.....I would buy that $hit!'
Snowflake sheep would rather believe:

During a flight to the west coast Bill Clinton Hears the woman in charge of his wife's multiple FBI investigations and who holds her entire fate in her hands, is several states over and suddenly has the irresistible desire to MEET face-to-face with her to talk about GRANDKIDS.

His undeniable urge to do this is so great he:

- Has his pilot contact FAA and modify flight plans in air, coordinate with the airport that he is coming, coordinate for a nice, quiets pad away from the main terminal, and have airport security alerted to begin taking their necessary actions....

- Has his Secret Security detail lead contact the lead for lynch's security detail to inform them that Clinton is coming to 'chat' with the US AG, get the approval from / mesh schedules with the US AG, coordinate the 2 Security detail's actions, work out the details of where the meeting will happen, who will be allowed on the plane, etc...

Lynch hears Slick Willey is on his way, clears her schedule for the husband of one-half of the greatest scandal-plagued political couples in US history - whose wife's investigations she is currently over-seeing - to 'pop-in' and talk about 'GRANDCHILDREN', completely ignoring the fact that taking such a meeting will DEFINITELY present the appearance of a massive conflict of interest / ethical dilemma which numerous former Federal and State Attorney Generals would rebuke her for...

...but it is OK because it was a spontaneous spur-of-the-moment tax-dollar-burning yen to talk about grandkids....that could not have been done on phone or video-chat/conferencing....


View attachment 203069
'Duuuuuuuuude.....I would buy that $hit!'

and to top it off, Lynch has no grandkids.

if so you should be able to easily prove it fake. go ahead, we'll wait.

Ok, I will list below all the proof that Bill offered her a job...


Yep, that is all there is, so it is FAKE NEWS.

if so you should be able to easily prove it fake. go ahead, we'll wait.

Ok, I will list below all the proof that Bill offered her a job...


Yep, that is all there is, so it is FAKE NEWS.

so, you were in the plane with them? you know what they talked about? How do you explain that a few days after this so-called "chance" meeting, Lynch told Comey to refer to the Clinton e-mail investigation as a "matter"? and shortly after that Comey testified (lied under oath) that Hillary should not be prosecuted because she didn't "intend' to violate the law and was too ignorant to realize that she had?

A deal was made, face it. There is no other explanation.
Fake news

Except......it wasn't fake news.
Actually, the topic title is totally fake news.

if so you should be able to easily prove it fake. go ahead, we'll wait.

Ok, I will list below all the proof that Bill offered her a job...


Yep, that is all there is, so it is FAKE NEWS.

so, you were in the plane with them? you know what they talked about?
Nope, and neither were you.

So the topic title is pure unadulterated horseshit.
Except......it wasn't fake news.
Actually, the topic title is totally fake news.

if so you should be able to easily prove it fake. go ahead, we'll wait.

Ok, I will list below all the proof that Bill offered her a job...


Yep, that is all there is, so it is FAKE NEWS.

so, you were in the plane with them? you know what they talked about?
Nope, and neither were you.

So the topic title is pure unadulterated horseshit.

convenient that you ignored the rest of my post. try again.
Actually, the topic title is totally fake news.

if so you should be able to easily prove it fake. go ahead, we'll wait.

Ok, I will list below all the proof that Bill offered her a job...


Yep, that is all there is, so it is FAKE NEWS.

so, you were in the plane with them? you know what they talked about?
Nope, and neither were you.

So the topic title is pure unadulterated horseshit.

convenient that you ignored the rest of my post. try again.
You weren't there. The topic title is purse horseshit. The rest of your post is just more bullshit built on a false premise.
Fake news

Except......it wasn't fake news.
Actually, the topic title is totally fake news.

if so you should be able to easily prove it fake. go ahead, we'll wait.

Ok, I will list below all the proof that Bill offered her a job...


Yep, that is all there is, so it is FAKE NEWS.

so, you were in the plane with them? you know what they talked about? How do you explain that a few days after this so-called "chance" meeting, Lynch told Comey to refer to the Clinton e-mail investigation as a "matter"? and shortly after that Comey testified (lied under oath) that Hillary should not be prosecuted because she didn't "intend' to violate the law and was too ignorant to realize that she had?

A deal was made, face it. There is no other explanation.

I was not, I am just presenting all of the proof that is available.

If you have some proof I have missed, please feel free to share it with us.
Except......it wasn't fake news.
Actually, the topic title is totally fake news.

if so you should be able to easily prove it fake. go ahead, we'll wait.

Ok, I will list below all the proof that Bill offered her a job...


Yep, that is all there is, so it is FAKE NEWS.

so, you were in the plane with them? you know what they talked about? How do you explain that a few days after this so-called "chance" meeting, Lynch told Comey to refer to the Clinton e-mail investigation as a "matter"? and shortly after that Comey testified (lied under oath) that Hillary should not be prosecuted because she didn't "intend' to violate the law and was too ignorant to realize that she had?

A deal was made, face it. There is no other explanation.

I was not, I am just presenting all of the proof that is available.

If you have some proof I have missed, please feel free to share it with us.
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
And then the link says “IG report....”. This is how fake news operates, they word things to give an impression that does not really exist.

If this had been CNN vice one of your alt-right propaganda sources you would be crying foul all day long.

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um...buckwheat - the link says:

IG Report: FBI, Secret Service Planned Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Meeting - Big League Politics

says nothing about a job offer. the job offer *is* mentioned in the article. while i agree that part is speculation in as much as i've seen so far it wouldn't be surprising and par for the clinton playbook. but yes - speculation.

this is you just being you thinking you need to correct shit so you can look back and go LOOK - I CORECTUD STUFZ!!! and feel superior to people even though you didn't correct a thing because everything you said was incorrect.

No, this is just you putting aside all pretenses of being unbiased and rational. This tells the story you want to be told so you are ok with it.

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except i'm not going one way or the other with it.

you said the headline claimed lynch was offered a job as stated in the IG.

i said there are (2) separate discussions going on - and you are mixing them so you have something to bitch at.

The title of the stinking thread says that Lynch was offered the job...did you somehow miss that? Did you not read the title?

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Er..ummm.. the story the OP Linked says:

"In April, Big League Politics exclusively confirmed that Clinton offered Lynch the Attorney General job in what would have been his wife’s administration during the tarmac meeting."

So there's nothing wrong with the thread title


"Big League Politics exclusively confirmed...." is essentially the same thing as saying "We talked to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer via psychic medium and he told us.... "

Thus while there's no problem with the label on the package , what's inside is utter bullshit.

No, not really.
Snowflake sheep would rather believe:

During a flight to the west coast Bill Clinton Hears the woman in charge of his wife's multiple FBI investigations and who holds her entire fate in her hands, is several states over and suddenly has the irresistible desire to MEET face-to-face with her to talk about GRANDKIDS.

His undeniable urge to do this is so great he:

- Has his pilot contact FAA and modify flight plans in air, coordinate with the airport that he is coming, coordinate for a nice, quiets pad away from the main terminal, and have airport security alerted to begin taking their necessary actions....

- Has his Secret Security detail lead contact the lead for lynch's security detail to inform them that Clinton is coming to 'chat' with the US AG, get the approval from / mesh schedules with the US AG, coordinate the 2 Security detail's actions, work out the details of where the meeting will happen, who will be allowed on the plane, etc...

Lynch hears Slick Willey is on his way, clears her schedule for the husband of one-half of the greatest scandal-plagued political couples in US history - whose wife's investigations she is currently over-seeing - to 'pop-in' and talk about 'GRANDCHILDREN', completely ignoring the fact that taking such a meeting will DEFINITELY present the appearance of a massive conflict of interest / ethical dilemma which numerous former Federal and State Attorney Generals would rebuke her for...

...but it is OK because it was a spontaneous spur-of-the-moment tax-dollar-burning yen to talk about grandkids....that could not have been done on phone or video-chat/conferencing....


View attachment 203069
'Duuuuuuuuude.....I would buy that $hit!'

Yeah, it is too bad that Lynch doesn't have any grandkids.

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