Taunted for being Black, a student fought back, civil rights complaint says. The 30-second fight derailed her life.


So ... By your estimation, however flawed it may be ...
400 years under Democrats is far better than 60 years dealing with Republicans.
Using that logic is going to seriously reduce your possible returns in Reparations.

See dumbass when black folks came to these shores in chains there was no Democrats or Republicans. How many Southern Republicans voted for the CRA or VRA?
You told me that African sold black folks into slavery, I can prove that they did or didn't. With that being said I know what you have done and in some cases continue to do today
Get to it then, prove something. Otherwise you are just whining. You folks need to get over it. Blacks have been free in the US almost twice as long as they were enslaved. How long do plan on whining about it?
Get to it then, prove something. Otherwise you are just whining. You folks need to get over it. Blacks have been free in the US almost twice as long as they were enslaved. How long do plan on whining about it?
That's easy for a racist to say, when you have enjoyed nothing but white privilege.
Reports of racist bullying at Slaton High School are part of a pattern of discrimination in and around Lubbock, Texas, civil rights groups say. They’re filing complaints and calling on the federal government to investigate.

SLATON, Texas — The Black girl’s hands were shaking as she approached a white classmate in gym class.

“I told you,” Autumn Roberson-Manahan said, her voice quivering, “to stop using that word.”

Autumn, a 17-year-old senior at Slaton High School, said she’d asked the boy four days in a row to stop saying the N-word in class. And for four consecutive days, according to Autumn and a half-dozen other students later interviewed by the school principal, the boy had disregarded her pleas.

He’d said the slur while talking trash on the basketball court, Autumn recalled: “Oh! I’m ballin’ on y’all n----s.” And while cleaning up at the end of class: “These dumb n----s left the balls out again.” That day, Oct. 27, he’d said it again, smirking after having dribbled past a student and hitting a jump shot, Autumn said.

By then, Autumn, a straight-A student and one of only two dozen Black students at her small-town high school outside Lubbock, had been complaining about racial harassment involving three other classmates since the second week of school, according to interviews with Autumn and her family, messages they sent to administrators and a civil rights complaint filed Monday with the U.S. Department of Education. In September, she’d secretly recorded two boys in class calling her the N-word. When the alleged harassment continued, Autumn told administrators she was struggling to focus on her schoolwork. Her parents tried to intervene, demanding to speak with the principal and writing to the superintendent.

But the racist comments didn’t stop, according to the federal complaint.

This is in 2022, unbelievable.

Keep telling us though there is no racism in America anymore, all of that ended in the 60s.

Struth what do you think about this story?
So, she believes she can assault another person because she doesn't like what he says?

Grow the fuck up. You aren't the word police.

This girl should have ignored it and moved on.
There you go trying to think again. If that is the case you and Ray would be the ones giving them money and plenty of it.

2010 Census results reveal that Planned Parenthood is targeting minority neighborhoods. 79% of its surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.
  • The national map shows Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities that are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.
None is the correct answer.

Yet they passed just the same.

If "none" is the answer that makes all the difference you desire to identify ...
Then that would only mean your efforts resulted in nothing of actual value.

Hence why you are still bitching about what was supposed to be solved with the legislation passed ... :thup:
If you need someone to blame for it all ... It is of no consequence to me.

I personally have no ill intent towards anyone on the basis of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
I am always more interested in what someone can do ... Than any excuse for why they cannot.


Yet they passed just the same.

If "none" is the answer that makes all the difference you desire to identify ...
Then that would only mean your efforts resulted in nothing of actual value.

Hence why you are still bitching about what was supposed to be solved with the legislation passed ... :thup:
If you need someone to blame for it all ... It is of no consequence to me.

I personally have no ill intent towards anyone on the basis of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
I am always more interested in what someone can do ... Than any excuse for why they cannot.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.
2010 Census results reveal that Planned Parenthood is targeting minority neighborhoods. 79% of its surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.
  • The national map shows Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities that are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods.
Probably one close by the slums you own.
Exactly. And don't forget the Popeye's or Churches just far enough to avoid the convenience gas station

You will find one next to every daycare center we seem to have every five blocks in this suburb. Gotta love those government subsidies for these single-parent families.

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