Tavis Smiley: Obama Blacks Have Lost Ground In Every Major Economic Category

Hillary wants Planned Parenthood to get an increase in taxpayer funding so they can build some more butcher shops in Black communities in order to further the Democrat Party's program of genocide upon the Black race.
What does that have to do with the topic at hand?
Tavis Smiley: In The Era of Obama Blacks Have Lost Ground In Every Major Economic Category

"Sadly, and it pains me to say this, over the last decade black folk, in the era of Obama have lost ground in every major economic category," Smiley said Friday in an interview with Huffington Post. "Not one, two or three [categories], but every major economic category, black americans have lost ground"

"We've been so caught up in the symbolism of the Obama presidency, we haven't pressed as hard as we should on the substance of this presidency," Smiley said. "Black people and black leaders have been too deferential to this president."



Tavis Smiley: In The Era of Obama Blacks Have Lost Ground In Every Major Economic Category
The wonders of supply side economics

Trickle down never trickles that low

Obama ran against supply side economics. In fact, he used the term 'trickle up'. You people have argued for years that Blacks have been getting fucked by supply side economic policies yet here we see otherwise.
Obama could care less for Black folks. Obama loves to wine and dine with the likes of George Clooney and the Hollywood elite.

Yep, he'll bring a poor person up to the white house occasionally to use them as a prop. but otherwise he and Michelle see's themselves as better than them and everyone else in the country

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