Tax Cuts Steal Democracy

"Tax Cuts Steal Democracy"
Note to the OP.... We ARE a Republic. North Korea IS a Democracy.

We were a Republic. Now we are a crypto-fascist plutocratic serfdom. Not unlike Putin's Russia.
any cost an employer incurs comes out of wages and prices. If employer didn't have to pay SS competition would force them to lower prices or raise wages. Do you understand?

So how come wages didn't grow when Obama cut payroll taxes from 2010-2012?
it was tiny and temporary and enacted in middle of huge recession with many major cross currents so that it would be impossible to segregate out effects of temporary payroll tax cuts on prices especially when most were expecting huge inflation then. Do you understand?

As a newbe you just need to remember that a jet plane costs more than an potato because its costs more to make. When you raise costs you raise prices. Do you understand?
The government takes 12.4% of your earnings.
Is English your second language?

That is not what you said before. I'm not going to keep chasing you around those goalposts you keep moving. Grow up.

When the government siphons off 12.4% of your lifetime earnings, that makes it harder to fund a 401K.

So exactly how much of your lifetime earnings does the government take for SS?

Pretend my earnings are $100,000 per year, how much does the government currently get annually?
Tax Cuts do a lot of things; increase deficits, explode debts, hurt wage growth...but in concert with unlimited campaign contributions, they actually steal our democracy. The average politician spends about 80% of their time raising money. And from whom are they generally raising the most money? From wealthy donors. And what benefits wealthy donors? Tax cuts. Here are some handy charts showing the extent of the theft of wealth and democracy by the 1% and their Conservative and Neo-Liberal enablers. Since the Reagan tax cuts, working people’s share of the benefits from increased productivity took a sudden turn down:


This resulted in intense concentration of wealth at the top:


And forced working people to spend down savings to get by:


Which forced working people to go into debt: (total household debt as percentage of GDP)


None of which has helped economic growth much: (12-quarter rolling average nominal GDP growth.):


So the conclusion? Trump and the Conservatives' "tax reform" is just more of the same we've heard from them since 1980, and is just a thinly veiled attempt to redistribute wealth from the middle and bottom to the top.

You need to check with SNL or Comedy Central and see if they have any writing jobs open.
The government takes 12.4% of your earnings.
Is English your second language?

That is not what you said before. I'm not going to keep chasing you around those goalposts you keep moving. Grow up.

When the government siphons off 12.4% of your lifetime earnings, that makes it harder to fund a 401K.

So exactly how much of your lifetime earnings does the government take for SS?

Pretend my earnings are $100,000 per year, how much does the government currently get annually?
23k give or take a few bucks. NOT counting state if they have state income tax.
We ARE a republic. .

It's adorable that you think that. We're not a Republic for the simple fact that any wealthy person can either buy a politician or buy his/her way into political office to then personally benefit from that office. Like Trump making money off his resorts while being President. That is literally fascism. No exaggeration. He is using the power of his Presidency to benefit his personal corporate interests after promising he wouldn't. That's fascism, dude. That's why we aren't a Republic anymore. The plutocrats and fascists have control and have embedded a system in which they will maintain control until the populace either revolts, or they die. That system is all about money and it's use in advancing private (possibly foreign - we don't know with Trump) interests in our government.

So, in context, that pay ratio is probably correct. Because those S&P 500 companies probably employ the majority of workers in this country, no? So you chuckled about how there's 400,000 CEO's, but when asked of those 400,000, how many people work for the top 424, you have no idea. So what that says to me is that you are not secure in your argument or you understand the argument and are choosing to obfuscate.

So if the top 424 CEO's make 350x what their workers do, and those 424 companies those CEO's run total up to a majority of private-sector workers, then the pay-ratio gap is real, is that high, and you thought you could slip a distortion like that by me? I know I'm new here, but I've been around the block on MBs long enough to know a bullshitter when I see one.

Because those S&P 500 companies probably employ the majority of workers in this country, no?

No. Not even close.

So you chuckled about how there's 400,000 CEO's

Yes, when you claim that 400,000 CEOs now make 450 times what their employees make, I have to laugh.

So what that says to me is that you are not secure in your argument

My argument is that 400,000 CEOs do not make 450 times what their average employee makes.
If you can prove your claim was correct, for 400,000, not just for the top 0.1% of CEOs, then I'll apologize for calling you a moron.
o then vote Republican since they want to reduce the power the central govt monopoly has while Democrats want more like Obamacommiecare or Obamafascistcare. Do you understand?

Republicans don't want to reduce the power of the central authority; they want to transfer that power to the unaccountable wealthiest among us or the foreign agents that compromised them...not sure which with this current group of GOPers.
So if the top 424 CEO's make 350x what their workers do,

so you want a libfascist govt to steal some of their money at gunpoint so we'll be less competitive in the newly globalized marktplace?? You don't feel China is doing well enough?
The government takes 12.4% of your earnings.
Is English your second language?

That is not what you said before. I'm not going to keep chasing you around those goalposts you keep moving. Grow up.

When the government siphons off 12.4% of your lifetime earnings, that makes it harder to fund a 401K.

So exactly how much of your lifetime earnings does the government take for SS?

Pretend my earnings are $100,000 per year, how much does the government currently get annually?
23k give or take a few bucks. NOT counting state if they have state income tax.

Only concerned with Social Security at the moment.
We ARE a republic. .

It's adorable that you think that. We're not a Republic for the simple fact that any wealthy person can either buy a politician or buy his/her way into political office to then personally benefit from that office. Like Trump making money off his resorts while being President. That is literally fascism. No exaggeration. He is using the power of his Presidency to benefit his personal corporate interests after promising he wouldn't. That's fascism, dude. That's why we aren't a Republic anymore. The plutocrats and fascists have control and have embedded a system in which they will maintain control until the populace either revolts, or they die. That system is all about money and it's use in advancing private (possibly foreign - we don't know with Trump) interests in our government.
He OWNED the hotels BEFORE he was president so your argument is moot. What YOU claim would ONLY be relevant IF he took those AFTER he was president.
it was tiny and temporary and enacted in middle of huge recession with many major cross currents so that it would be impossible to segregate out effects of temporary payroll tax cuts on prices especially when most were expecting huge inflation then. Do you understand?

Ah, I this is another case of "take my word for it non-Conservatives, when I say something, it doesn't mean what it means." And no, most were not expecting huge inflation. "Hyperinflation" was something Conservatives predicted non-stop throughout Obama's terms. That prediction never came to pass. So that begs the question; if they were wrong about that, why would they be right about anything else tangentially related to it? It's like the sweater song...pull at a thread and watch it walk away.

As a newbe you just need to remember that a jet plane costs more than an potato because its costs more to make. When you raise costs you raise prices. Do you understand?

Ah, but the cost increase of say, raising wages, is not equally offset by an increase in goods. You all have tried to make that case for ages and it has never been true.
the unaccountable wealthiest among us.

Gates Jobs Brin Bezos are unaccountable??? Actually they are accountable to us
for their very survival. If they don't please us we drive them into bankruptcy. Why do you think Amazon sells us so much great stuff at a loss?? Thats unaccountable???
The government takes 12.4% of your earnings.
Is English your second language?

That is not what you said before. I'm not going to keep chasing you around those goalposts you keep moving. Grow up.

When the government siphons off 12.4% of your lifetime earnings, that makes it harder to fund a 401K.


So exactly how much of your lifetime earnings does the government take for SS?

Pretend my earnings are $100,000 per year, how much does the government currently get annually?
23k give or take a few bucks. NOT counting state if they have state income tax.

Only concerned with Social Security at the moment.

It depends how much you make. The Social Security tax rate in the United States is currently 12.4%. However, you only pay half of this amount, or 6.2%, out of your paycheck -- the other half is paid by your employer.

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