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Taxing the wealthy more will have little to no impact on your life or anyone around you

At least the libs waste money on helping Americans . Neocons waste money on building walls and more military bases around the world .

Shit, the GOP debates they all complained that we DONT spend enough on military . It's like 1/2 our budget !
That's because the dumbfuck in chief cut our military to record levels.

Pentagon spends more than ever .
We're at war. Derp.......

Did Obama bring home the troops from Afghanistan as promised? Oops...
We're at war.

And when have we not been, Weapons are always in search of another war and enemy , When were we at peace?
Clinton, Carter, now. Boots wise.
Clinton, Carter, now. Boots wise

Clinton: Serbia . My son was over their massive military presence in the air and sea and casualties. Massive amounts of money and weapons
No it's doesn't.

I suspect this is where we part ways in this discussion because you're going to take a talking points position. Tax receipts have proven this ridiculous position wrong.

Obviously it does.
Alright. Pull up government revenue from the years with tax cuts & prove it.

If you bothered to actually look you would see that you're wrong. I know that flies in the face of talking points but the proof is there for all to see.

Went down after Bush tax cuts.
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
Instead of being the typical hack faggot on this site let's look at bit deeper and see how much honesty you posess.


As the graph on your link also confirms, revenue went down with the Bush tax cuts.

Nothing but spin

9/11 and the cost to us is just a figment of my imagination right?

Come on man. I'm drunk watching the Royals kick ass and I'm still smart enough to figure it out.
Obviously it does.
Alright. Pull up government revenue from the years with tax cuts & prove it.

If you bothered to actually look you would see that you're wrong. I know that flies in the face of talking points but the proof is there for all to see.

Went down after Bush tax cuts.
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
Instead of being the typical hack faggot on this site let's look at bit deeper and see how much honesty you posess.


As the graph on your link also confirms, revenue went down with the Bush tax cuts.

Well when the government stops confiscating your money that should be expected.
It will come back when business feels comfortable about investing more money without fear of losing it to the tax man.
Which is the same thing the public feels about taxes.

Many businesses pay zero in taxes. That is not the problem. The problem is too many businesses sending jobs to other countries or bringing workers in from other countries.
Obviously it does.
Alright. Pull up government revenue from the years with tax cuts & prove it.

If you bothered to actually look you would see that you're wrong. I know that flies in the face of talking points but the proof is there for all to see.

Went down after Bush tax cuts.
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
Instead of being the typical hack faggot on this site let's look at bit deeper and see how much honesty you posess.


As the graph on your link also confirms, revenue went down with the Bush tax cuts.

Nothing but spin

9/11 and the cost to us is just a figment of my imagination right?

Come on man. I'm drunk watching the Royals kick ass and I'm still smart enough to figure it out.

Your link and my link both show it went down with the Bush tax cuts. What don't you understand?
Alright. Pull up government revenue from the years with tax cuts & prove it.

If you bothered to actually look you would see that you're wrong. I know that flies in the face of talking points but the proof is there for all to see.

Went down after Bush tax cuts.
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
Find ONE nation in modern history that has been able to tax itself into prosperity.

I'm not suggesting one tax into prosperity. But giving tax breaks with no strings increased the debt and did nothing for the economy.

Complete talking points bullshit

You can't give someone their own God damn money back & then tell them how to spend it

Yes and look at where we are now. Slow economy, stagnant wages, increasing debt, increasing inequality... Yes your way is very successful.

And you want to blame that on the general public?
I blame it on a government who does everything it can to quash investment and spending.
I know I wont spend a dime while a dipshit like obama is in office because I know damn well he's likely to hit me with some new tax that will fuck my future plans for retirement for the wife and I.
You think business is any different?
Alright. Pull up government revenue from the years with tax cuts & prove it.

If you bothered to actually look you would see that you're wrong. I know that flies in the face of talking points but the proof is there for all to see.

Went down after Bush tax cuts.
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
Instead of being the typical hack faggot on this site let's look at bit deeper and see how much honesty you posess.


As the graph on your link also confirms, revenue went down with the Bush tax cuts.

Well when the government stops confiscating your money that should be expected.
It will come back when business feels comfortable about investing more money without fear of losing it to the tax man.
Which is the same thing the public feels about taxes.

Many businesses pay zero in taxes. That is not the problem. The problem is too many businesses sending jobs to other countries or bringing workers in from other countries.

Like obamas buddies at GE?
What my link confirmed is that I was right but even a lower tax rate doesn't insulate us from a horrific terrorist attack.

But to the left all they see are George W Bushs initials.

Fucking trolls
Which is now about 1/30 of Koch etc money. They have PEOPLE to go door to door. You're with the a-hole BIG money liars.
STFU you stupid troll moron
Trolls don't give links and argue facts. They're all GOP too. And call people morons as argument.

Thats hilarious coming from someone who uses hater dupe as a standard means of rebuttal.
You ARE DUPES, I didn't say you were stupid, just duped- that's politics, not stupid namecalling. It's proved every day- it's the basis of the GOP now. "Obama had control for 2 years, Barney and F+F caused the meltdown, 47% pay no taxes, skyrocketing premiums, Dems want Welfare, giving Iran the bomb, Iraq was working on nukes, e-mails, IRS, UNIONS!!!!", and on and on. Total bs.
Can you all believe this shit?!

Obama has been president for near 7 years but this stupidfuck only accounts for 2 because that's when he had a super majority
One of the standard Republican talking points is that the Democrats had afilibuster-proof, super majority for two years between 2008 and 2010. This talking point is usually trotted out when liberals complain that the Republicans filibustered virtually every piece of legislation proposed by Obama or the Democrats during Obama’s presidency. The implication is that Democrats had ample opportunity to pass legislation and that the reason they didn’t pass more legislation doesn’t have anything to do with the Republicans.

It is also used to counter any argument that Republican legislation, (passed during the six years of total Republican control,) has anything to do with today’s problems. They claim that the Democrats had a super majority for two years and passed all kinds of legislation, (over Republican objection and filibuster,) that completely undid all Republican policies and legislation, and this absolves them from today’s problems.

The Truth is that the Democrats only had a filibuster-proof majority for 60 working days during that period, insufficient time to undo even a small portion of the legislation passed during six years of Republican control. Here are the details:

To define terms, a Filibuster-Proof Majority or Super Majority is the number of votes required to overcome a filibuster in the Senate. According to current Senate rules, 60 votes are required to overcome a filibuster.

Here is a time-line of the events after the 2008 election:

1. BALANCE BEFORE THE ELECTION. In 2007 – 2008 the balance in the Senate was 51-49 in favor of the Democrats. On top of that, there was a Republican president who would likely veto any legislation the Republicans didn’t like. Not exactly a super majority.

2. BIG GAIN IN 2008, BUT STILL NO SUPER MAJORITY. Coming out the 2008 election, the Democrats made big gains, but they didn’t immediately get a Super Majority. The Minnesota Senate race required a recount and was not undecided for more than six months. During that time, Norm Coleman was still sitting in the Senate and the Balance 59-41, still not a Super Majority.

3. KENNEDY GRAVELY ILL. Teddy Kennedy casthis last vote in April and left Washington for good around the first of May. Technically he could come back to Washington vote on a pressing issue, but in actual fact, he never returned, even to vote on the Sotomayor confirmation. That left the balance in the Senate 58-41,two votes away from a super majority.

4. STILL NO SUPER MAJORITY. In July, Al Frankin was finally declared the winner and was sworn in on July 7th, 2009, so the Democrats finally had a Super Majority of 60-40 six and one-half months into the year. However, by this point, Kennedy was unable to return to Washington even to participate in the Health Care debate, so it was only a technical super majority because Kennedy could no longer vote and the Senate does not allow proxies. Now the actual actual balance of voting members was 59-40 not enough to overcome a Republican filibuster.

5. SENATE IS IN RECESS. Even if Kennedy were able to vote, the Senate went into summer recess three weeks later, from August 7th to September 8th.

6. KENNEDY DIES. Six weeks later, on Aug 26, 2009 Teddy Kennedy died, putting the balance at 59-40.Now the Democrats don’t even have technical super majority.

7. FINALLY, A SUPER MAJORITY! Kennedy’s replacement was sworn in on September 25, 2009, finally making the majority 60-40, just enough for a super majority.

8. SENATE ADJOURNS. However the Senate adjourned for the year on October 9th, only providing 11 working days of super majority, from September 25th to October 9th.

9. SPECIAL SESSIONS. During October, November and December, the Senate had several special sessions to deal with final passage of ACA and Budget appropriations.

October = 13th – 15th, 20th – 22nd, 27th, 29th = 8 days
November = 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th 16th, 17th, 19th, 21st = 8 days
December = 1st, 3rd - 8th, 10th – 13th, 15th – 18th, 19th, 21st – 24th = 20 days

Total Special Session Days = 36.

8. SCOTT BROWN ELECTED. Scott Brown was elected on January 19th 2010. The Senate was in session for 10 days in January, but Scott Brown wasn’t sworn into office on February 4th, so the Democrats only had 13 days of super majority in 2010.

Regular Session: 11 working days
Special Session: 36 working days
Lame Duck Session: 13 working days

The Democrats only had 60 days of Super Majority between 2008 and 2010.

Discussion: One of the central themes of the Republican argument is that the Democrats had a super majority for two full years and so they had plenty of time pass new legislation or undo any problems that were caused by six years of Republican control of all three branches of government. This is argument is used by the Republicans immunize themselves against any responsibility for ongoing problems that might have been caused by their policies.

However, the fact is that the Democrats had a super majority for a total of 60 days, which is no where near the two years that Republicans are always claiming. On top of that, the period of Super Majority was split into short sessions, none of which was longer than five days. In addition, the special session time was entirely devoted to budget issues and Republican amendments to the ACA.

Given the glacial pace that business takes place in the Senate, this was way too little time for the Democrats pass any meaningful legislation, let alone get bills through committees and past all the obstructionistic tactics the Republicans were using to block legislation. No one can seriously expect that the Democrats could undo in 60 days all the damage that Republicans created in six years.

Further, these Super Majorities count Joe Lieberman as a Democrat even though he was by this time an Independent. Even though he was Liberal on some legislation, he was very conservative on other issues and opposed many of the key pieces of legislation the Democrats and Obama wanted to pass. For example, he was adamantly opposed to “Single Payer” health care and vowed to support a Republican Filibuster if it ever came to the floor. He even threatened to caucus with the Republicans if legislation came to the floor that he didn’t like.


1. 1/07 – 12/08 – 51-49 – Ordinary Majority.
2. 1/09 – 7/14/09 – 59-41 – Ordinary Majority. (Coleman/Franklin Recount.)
3. 7/09 – 8/09 - 60-40 – Technical Super Majority, but since Kennedy is unable to vote, the Democrats can’t overcome a filibuster
4. 8/09 – 9/09 - 59-40 – Ordinary Majority. (Kennedy dies)
5. 9/09 – 12/24- 60-40 – Super Majority for 47 working days.
6. 1/10 – 2/10 – 60-40 – Super Majority for 13 working days

Total Time of the Democratic Super Majority: 60 Working days.

U.S. Senate: Roll Call Votes 111th Congress-1st session (2009)
United States Senate election in Minnesota, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
111th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Find ONE nation in modern history that has been able to tax itself into prosperity.

I'm not suggesting one tax into prosperity. But giving tax breaks with no strings increased the debt and did nothing for the economy.

Complete talking points bullshit

You can't give someone their own God damn money back & then tell them how to spend it

Yes and look at where we are now. Slow economy, stagnant wages, increasing debt, increasing inequality... Yes your way is very successful.

And you want to blame that on the general public?
I blame it on a government who does everything it can to quash investment and spending.
I know I wont spend a dime while a dipshit like obama is in office because I know damn well he's likely to hit me with some new tax that will fuck my future plans for retirement for the wife and I.
You think business is any different?

He is almost done being president. Just how many has he hit you with?
Why doesnt the gov tell em no?
It is after all in their power to do so.

Because the CEOs give them money to get reelected. We need campaign finance reform more than ever.
Which will accomplish WHAT?.....Do you think the electronic media will simply donate time to candidates?

The spending on elections is out of control. It will keep the very rich from being able to buy off politicians.

Neither side will ever learn.
Until we all realize the government is out only for themselves nothing will change.
We as citizens now work for the government,not the other way around as intended in the Constitution.

The people need to demand they do something. Instead as long as one side thinks the current laws work better for their party they let it continue.

So your against the free market and it's ability to create jobs?
Fuck off commie.
Instead of being the typical hack faggot on this site let's look at bit deeper and see how much honesty you posess.


As the graph on your link also confirms, revenue went down with the Bush tax cuts.

Well when the government stops confiscating your money that should be expected.
It will come back when business feels comfortable about investing more money without fear of losing it to the tax man.
Which is the same thing the public feels about taxes.

Many businesses pay zero in taxes. That is not the problem. The problem is too many businesses sending jobs to other countries or bringing workers in from other countries.

Like obamas buddies at GE?

What my link confirmed is that I was right but even a lower tax rate doesn't insulate us from a horrific terrorist attack.

But to the left all they see are George W Bushs initials.

Fucking trolls

No it showed that revenue went down with the Bush tax cuts like I said. That is a fact shown by both our links. They added to the debt and inequality, but didn't do much else.
Find ONE nation in modern history that has been able to tax itself into prosperity.

I'm not suggesting one tax into prosperity. But giving tax breaks with no strings increased the debt and did nothing for the economy.

Complete talking points bullshit

You can't give someone their own God damn money back & then tell them how to spend it

Yes and look at where we are now. Slow economy, stagnant wages, increasing debt, increasing inequality... Yes your way is very successful.

And you want to blame that on the general public?
I blame it on a government who does everything it can to quash investment and spending.
I know I wont spend a dime while a dipshit like obama is in office because I know damn well he's likely to hit me with some new tax that will fuck my future plans for retirement for the wife and I.
You think business is any different?

He is almost done being president. Just how many has he hit you with?

I just told you.
That you refuse to acknowledge my post is telling.
Alright. Pull up government revenue from the years with tax cuts & prove it.

If you bothered to actually look you would see that you're wrong. I know that flies in the face of talking points but the proof is there for all to see.

Went down after Bush tax cuts.
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
Instead of being the typical hack faggot on this site let's look at bit deeper and see how much honesty you posess.


As the graph on your link also confirms, revenue went down with the Bush tax cuts.

Nothing but spin

9/11 and the cost to us is just a figment of my imagination right?

Come on man. I'm drunk watching the Royals kick ass and I'm still smart enough to figure it out.

Your link and my link both show it went down with the Bush tax cuts. What don't you understand?
Outlays went up. After the dust settled revenue continued to climb.
What I don't understand is your sheer ignorance.
Not to mention you cite ONE tax cut out of dozens. That in and of itself would get you a failing grade in math.
Because the CEOs give them money to get reelected. We need campaign finance reform more than ever.
Which will accomplish WHAT?.....Do you think the electronic media will simply donate time to candidates?

The spending on elections is out of control. It will keep the very rich from being able to buy off politicians.

Neither side will ever learn.
Until we all realize the government is out only for themselves nothing will change.
We as citizens now work for the government,not the other way around as intended in the Constitution.

The people need to demand they do something. Instead as long as one side thinks the current laws work better for their party they let it continue.

So your against the free market and it's ability to create jobs?
Fuck off commie.

How exactly did you conclude that? I was talking about needing campaign finance reform.
I'm not suggesting one tax into prosperity. But giving tax breaks with no strings increased the debt and did nothing for the economy.

Complete talking points bullshit

You can't give someone their own God damn money back & then tell them how to spend it

Yes and look at where we are now. Slow economy, stagnant wages, increasing debt, increasing inequality... Yes your way is very successful.

And you want to blame that on the general public?
I blame it on a government who does everything it can to quash investment and spending.
I know I wont spend a dime while a dipshit like obama is in office because I know damn well he's likely to hit me with some new tax that will fuck my future plans for retirement for the wife and I.
You think business is any different?

He is almost done being president. Just how many has he hit you with?

I just told you.
That you refuse to acknowledge my post is telling.

Specifically what did he hit you with?
Instead of being the typical hack faggot on this site let's look at bit deeper and see how much honesty you posess.


As the graph on your link also confirms, revenue went down with the Bush tax cuts.

Nothing but spin

9/11 and the cost to us is just a figment of my imagination right?

Come on man. I'm drunk watching the Royals kick ass and I'm still smart enough to figure it out.

Your link and my link both show it went down with the Bush tax cuts. What don't you understand?
Outlays went up. After the dust settled revenue continued to climb.
What I don't understand is your sheer ignorance.
Not to mention you cite ONE tax cut out of dozens. That in and of itself would get you a failing grade in math.

There are a lot of other factors and that is obviously the most recent. And as is clear from our links, revenue went down with the tax cuts. It's really simple math, why don't you get it?
What my link confirmed is that I was right but even a lower tax rate doesn't insulate us from a horrific terrorist attack.

But to the left all they see are George W Bushs initials.

Fucking trolls

No it showed that revenue went down with the Bush tax cuts like I said. That is a fact shown by both our links. They added to the debt and inequality, but didn't do much else.
Inequality is in your fucking education level. McDonald's is not a career path.
I'm as uneducated as they come yet I continue to make good money. Know why?
I don't sit around waiting for the magical mystery man to make my life better.

You get what you put into it. If you get shit wages that is your God damn problem.

Complete talking points bullshit

You can't give someone their own God damn money back & then tell them how to spend it

Yes and look at where we are now. Slow economy, stagnant wages, increasing debt, increasing inequality... Yes your way is very successful.

And you want to blame that on the general public?
I blame it on a government who does everything it can to quash investment and spending.
I know I wont spend a dime while a dipshit like obama is in office because I know damn well he's likely to hit me with some new tax that will fuck my future plans for retirement for the wife and I.
You think business is any different?

He is almost done being president. Just how many has he hit you with?

I just told you.
That you refuse to acknowledge my post is telling.

Specifically what did he hit you with?
I gave you specifics earlier and you promptly dismissed them.
Which will accomplish WHAT?.....Do you think the electronic media will simply donate time to candidates?

The spending on elections is out of control. It will keep the very rich from being able to buy off politicians.

Neither side will ever learn.
Until we all realize the government is out only for themselves nothing will change.
We as citizens now work for the government,not the other way around as intended in the Constitution.

The people need to demand they do something. Instead as long as one side thinks the current laws work better for their party they let it continue.

So your against the free market and it's ability to create jobs?
Fuck off commie.

How exactly did you conclude that? I was talking about needing campaign finance reform.

Finance reform is well and good.
But you brought up tax rates for the so called rich which also effects business and their willingness to invest in new ventures or spending that the general populace with a brain wont do under obamas political climate.

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