Taxing the wealthy the most isn’t about what’s fair - it’s about what is realistic

We have not had unprecedented prosperity.
We haven't? Are you sure about that?
  • Record highs in the market (by definition, that is unprecedented prosperity)
  • Record low unemployment in the African-American community (by definition, that is unprecedented prosperity)
  • Record low unemployment in the Hispanic community (by definition, that is unprecedented prosperity)
Any one of those by themselves wouldn't really qualify as "unprecedented prosperity" but combined along with other data (such as 30 year high in manufacturing, wages up, etc.) unequivocally proves unprecedented prosperity under Donald Trump and the Republicans.

God I love exposing your ignorance to everyone.
So in your little world, unemployment data is the only indicator of prosperity.
Oh..and not for nothing snowflake...but I posed links for each and every fact proving we are experiencing unprecedented prosperity under Trump and the Republicans. We can all see that you've yet to add a single link.
Fair Taxation would encompass these principles.

1. Never use taxes to take money from the people that earned it and give it away to those that didn't earn it.

2. Never tax for anything that wasn't absolutely necessary like defense, courts police etc.

3. Make everybody pay equally.

4. Never have a tax that wasn't approved by 100% of the people that have to pay the tax.
So in your little world, unemployment data is the only indicator of prosperity. Okay. I believe you. You're just too darn smart for me.
Is that your way of admitting you're ignorant of the facts and you were wrong?

God I love exposing you for the ignorant partisan hack that you are! #UnprecedentedProsperity
Fair Taxation would encompass these principles.

1. Never use taxes to take money from the people that earned it and give it away to those that didn't earn it.

2. Never tax for anything that wasn't absolutely necessary like defense, courts police etc.

3. Make everybody pay equally.

4. Never have a tax that wasn't approved by 100% of the people that have to pay the tax.
:udaman: :udaman: :udaman:
A progressive tax system isn’t “punishing the rich” or being a freeloader poor person in comparison. It’s about what makes goddamn sense. Republicans can whine about Medicare/Medicaid I guess (until they need it and don’t admit it), but man do they love our defense budget. Bigger the better! Who cares if we have a shit load of tanks and airpower we’ll never use! It makes us look tough! Okay, sure, but guess what? That shit still has to be paid for. That revenue has to be generated realistically to match the high price tag. That revenue out of sheer necessity must come from the abundant wealth that rich people are hoarding because it’s not like the shrinking middle class or poor has the income to pay their fair share. Forget about a flat tax because it’s “fair”. That isn’t the point. It’s about what makes economic sense.
It is punishing success, and whether you erroneously call it pragmatic or not doesn't change that. It means that making a certain amount of money that is considered a large amount, for you and your family to live off of, you will be stolen from, or stolen from more.

As for "making sense", we've been over this. Due to the economic calculation problem, funneling money through the Government results in less money, so you would be making everyone poor.

Due to the law of diminishing returns, attempting to collect more taxes to cover the cost would only result in taking in less money.

Both of these problems apply to every Government program, whether you call it Socialism or not, the point is that it won't work.

That said, I like the idea of collapsing the Government.

As far as your complaints regarding the middle and lower class... people would have at least 300% more income if not for Government interference, so the solution is actually for the Government to stop making people poor.
Democrats are like 16 year old girls who max out their daddy’s credit card and cry about fairness because their daddy has cut them off or suggested that they reduce their spending.

The only time Democrats talk about spending cuts is if involves DoD or Intelligence cuts. Republicans do spend but the also propose cuts. One of the best cutting proposals I heard came from the Republican aisle during the Bush era where every program, Defense and Intel included, do an across the board 5 percent cut. Democrats and liberals fought it tooth and nail.

Democrats have no leg to stand on when it comes to “fairness” and they refuse to seriously include cuts as part of the conversation.
Since you immediately and completely changed the subject to the Democrats, I'll assume you don't disagree with my point.

The GOP had the White House, House and Senate, and it's STILL someone's else's fault. The buck always stops elsewhere.

It is not a change of subject. You fired off by trying to blame the Country’s budget woes as if this happened over night by the GOP. You blame the GOP solely and imply that Democrats are the fiscally responsible ones. While I agree that the GOP could cut their spending tendencies, AT LEAST the GOP comes up with some spending cuts. What are the Democrats doing in the line of spending cuts, whether they are a majority or minority ?
I enjoy using wingers' words against them, although sometimes it does get a bit too easy.

If you're going to blame the Dems for something, then you have to take responsibility for the same thing.

Of course, neither party ever does, and I don't expect it.

You are looking to blame or share blame. I am simply asking why Democrats oppose spending cuts? Running up spending and keep hitting up people to pay more out of “fairness” is not a scalable solution.... eventually, the money runs out.
Because that's who they are. They're currently in a contest to see which nominee can promise more, without any remorse whatsoever.

Those in the party with the most influence right now are straight up nuts. The problem is, their counterparts in the GOP are also unreasonable.
They are 1000 times more reasonable than the Democrat kookburgers.
You have never studied Economics, have you? That is understandable because all you Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Economics as you are of History, Biology, Ethics, Climate Science and the Constitution.
I'm an investment advisor. CFP, ChFC, CLU, 7/65/63. This is my profession and my life.

You are just another talk radio winger. You only "know" what you are fed. Play with someone else, you're out of your league here, and I no longer have the requisite patience.


As an investment adviser, do you shame your clients into paying more of their fair share?
I work with them to mitigate tax law as it stands at any given time.

I have very few wealthy clients who bitch and moan about taxes anywhere near as frequently as the rank & file GOP does.
Why would they bitch to you about the tax rate they pay?
Sound economic theory doesn't depend on what Republican politicians do
Yes, theory, as I said.
What is that supposed to mean? Unless Republicans walk the plank and cut spending on social programs, we should spend like there is no tomorrow?

That's your conception of rational?
I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Those who lack the ability to communicate, collaborate and innovate will, at some point, be left on the sidelines to scream their shallow platitudes while the rest of us work to move this country along.
Move it along to what, spending us into bankruptcy? What's the alternative to controlling spending?
Finding the proper equilibrium between taxing and spending.

But since we no longer collaborate and innovate, there's no reason to think that will happen any time soon.
The proper equilibrium is about 80% less than we pay now.
You have never studied Economics, have you? That is understandable because all you Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Economics as you are of History, Biology, Ethics, Climate Science and the Constitution.
I'm an investment advisor. CFP, ChFC, CLU, 7/65/63. This is my profession and my life.

You are just another talk radio winger. You only "know" what you are fed. Play with someone else, you're out of your league here, and I no longer have the requisite patience.


As an investment adviser, do you shame your clients into paying more of their fair share?
I work with them to mitigate tax law as it stands at any given time.

I have very few wealthy clients who bitch and moan about taxes anywhere near as frequently as the rank & file GOP does.
Why would they bitch to you about the tax rate they pay?
Most of them have a better understanding of things than to do that.
Yes, theory, as I said.
What is that supposed to mean? Unless Republicans walk the plank and cut spending on social programs, we should spend like there is no tomorrow?

That's your conception of rational?
I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Those who lack the ability to communicate, collaborate and innovate will, at some point, be left on the sidelines to scream their shallow platitudes while the rest of us work to move this country along.
Move it along to what, spending us into bankruptcy? What's the alternative to controlling spending?
Finding the proper equilibrium between taxing and spending.

But since we no longer collaborate and innovate, there's no reason to think that will happen any time soon.
The proper equilibrium is about 80% less than we pay now.
Okay, got it. That's good to know.
You have never studied Economics, have you? That is understandable because all you Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Economics as you are of History, Biology, Ethics, Climate Science and the Constitution.
I'm an investment advisor. CFP, ChFC, CLU, 7/65/63. This is my profession and my life.

You are just another talk radio winger. You only "know" what you are fed. Play with someone else, you're out of your league here, and I no longer have the requisite patience.


As an investment adviser, do you shame your clients into paying more of their fair share?
I work with them to mitigate tax law as it stands at any given time.

I have very few wealthy clients who bitch and moan about taxes anywhere near as frequently as the rank & file GOP does.
Why would they bitch to you about the tax rate they pay?
Most of them have a better understanding of things than to do that.
You mean they know it's a waste of time to whine to someone who may disagree with them.
I'm an investment advisor. CFP, ChFC, CLU, 7/65/63. This is my profession and my life.

You are just another talk radio winger. You only "know" what you are fed. Play with someone else, you're out of your league here, and I no longer have the requisite patience.


As an investment adviser, do you shame your clients into paying more of their fair share?
I work with them to mitigate tax law as it stands at any given time.

I have very few wealthy clients who bitch and moan about taxes anywhere near as frequently as the rank & file GOP does.
Why would they bitch to you about the tax rate they pay?
Most of them have a better understanding of things than to do that.
You mean they know it's a waste of time to whine to someone who may disagree with them.
Sure, okay.
For all of his bravado about being a "professional" in the world of economics - lets take a look at some of Mac1958's responses to very reasonable, very informed, very well crafted posts:
Okay, got it. That's good to know.
Sure, okay.
Okay, you got me.
Why don't you put that video into your own words for me, with real world applications? Show me your brilliance on this stuff! I can't wait to learn!
Yeah, I didn't think you would.
Hey, if I had known that all I had to do to learn this stuff was listen to talk radio, I wouldn't have wasted all that time and effort getting all those freaking credentials and working with all those clients!
Not a single intelligent response. Not one. At best, I see nothing but trolling here. At worst, someone who knows they are defeated but are far too arrogant to admit they were wrong. But either way, absolutely nothing of substance from someone who claims to be a "professional". I don't even see an adult here. Not even a one link to back up his progressive tax position.

Re-posted for truth's sake:

A progressive tax system isn’t “punishing the rich”........

Yes it is you ignorant sack of shit. Your entire post is sheer ignorance. "Fair" is everybody chipping in their fair share.

I say, fair is 12%.
If you make Ten thousand then you chip in $1,200.
If you make Ten billion then you chip in $1,200,000,000.

That's called "Fair" you ignoramus. What YOU want is for a few people to pay all the taxes, and most people to pay none, which is actually what is happening right now.

Shut your stupid cock gobbler you idiot. You obviously haven't got a clue.
Billy after he's been on some weird stuff late at night, cranking up about rich people, GOP, yadda yadda:

Same old socialist song ... "Eat The Rich" by Marx & Engels.
Nah, as usual, my logic is undeniable.
I suppose there is something to be said for being delusional but damn if I know what it is. Enjoy.
For all of his bravado about being a "professional" in the world of economics - lets take a look at some of Mac1958's responses to very reasonable, very informed, very well crafted posts:
Okay, got it. That's good to know.
Sure, okay.
Okay, you got me.
Why don't you put that video into your own words for me, with real world applications? Show me your brilliance on this stuff! I can't wait to learn!
Yeah, I didn't think you would.
Hey, if I had known that all I had to do to learn this stuff was listen to talk radio, I wouldn't have wasted all that time and effort getting all those freaking credentials and working with all those clients!
Not a single intelligent response. Not one. At best, I see nothing but trolling here. At worst, someone who knows they are defeated but are far too arrogant to admit they were wrong. But either way, absolutely nothing of substance from someone who claims to be a "professional". I don't even see an adult here. Not even a one link to back up his progressive tax position.
Holy crap, I'm really up in your head. You're still going.

I don't know what you want. I've already provided a complete capitulation. You Trumpsters have shown beyond any shadow of a doubt that you have a vice-like intellectual grip on not only macroeconomics and microeconomics, but on socioeconomics as well. You really are the total package. You really see it all. My assumption is that this because you have The Truth on your side alone.

In fact, I have decided to eschew the traditional resources I have historically accessed for market & economic research and analysis and will in the future focus my attention on the comprehensive data and analysis provided by talk radio, right wing websites and USMB Trumpsters. It's also possible that, before I make any significant investment moves for clients in the future, I will first consult with you personally.

Truly, I am at once humiliated and energized by our valuable conversation today. In all candor, it was embarrassing to have my macroeconomic, microeconomic and socioeconomic opinions so completely and compelling debunked by you Trumpsters, yet I know that I have discovered a true Rosetta Stone of highly informed and experienced resource and analysis, right here on good ol' USMB. Who knew a three minute animated video with funny voices could be so powerful!

In short, I just want to thank you for being you. I am humbled yet excited about prospects for the future.
Last edited:
A progressive tax system isn’t “punishing the rich” or being a freeloader poor person in comparison. It’s about what makes goddamn sense. Republicans can whine about Medicare/Medicaid I guess (until they need it and don’t admit it), but man do they love our defense budget. Bigger the better! Who cares if we have a shit load of tanks and airpower we’ll never use! It makes us look tough! Okay, sure, but guess what? That shit still has to be paid for. That revenue has to be generated realistically to match the high price tag. That revenue out of sheer necessity must come from the abundant wealth that rich people are hoarding because it’s not like the shrinking middle class or poor has the income to pay their fair share. Forget about a flat tax because it’s “fair”. That isn’t the point. It’s about what makes economic sense.
/----/ "It’s about what makes goddamn sense."
Well, cut spending instead of the nonstop tax hikes on the producers and that would include the Middle Class. You're too young to remember but the deomocRATs have been playing this broken record since 1965. There is no end to it, just raise taxes on everyone directly or indirectly. That's what would make It’s about what makes goddamn sense.
Finding the proper equilibrium between taxing and spending.
There is nothing to “find”, snowflake. It’s pretty easy. Spend less than you take in. So simple, only a leftist is baffled by it.

The concept of fiscal responsibility is completely alien to these Moon Bats.

We vote for Republicans with the hope they will be fiscally responsible and we are usually disappointed.

These stupid Moon Bats vote for Democrats knowing that they will be irresponsible as hell but they don't care.

So the end result is the same. I've believed that overall for a long time.

Re-posted for truth's sake:

A progressive tax system isn’t “punishing the rich”........

Yes it is you ignorant sack of shit. Your entire post is sheer ignorance. "Fair" is everybody chipping in their fair share.

I say, fair is 12%.
If you make Ten thousand then you chip in $1,200.
If you make Ten billion then you chip in $1,200,000,000.

That's called "Fair" you ignoramus. What YOU want is for a few people to pay all the taxes, and most people to pay none, which is actually what is happening right now.

Shut your stupid cock gobbler you idiot. You obviously haven't got a clue.

Re-posted for truth's sake:

A progressive tax system isn’t “punishing the rich”........

Yes it is you ignorant sack of shit. Your entire post is sheer ignorance. "Fair" is everybody chipping in their fair share.

I say, fair is 12%.
If you make Ten thousand then you chip in $1,200.
If you make Ten billion then you chip in $1,200,000,000.

That's called "Fair" you ignoramus. What YOU want is for a few people to pay all the taxes, and most people to pay none, which is actually what is happening right now.

Shut your stupid cock gobbler you idiot. You obviously haven't got a clue.

How many people make Ten billion in net income per year...Mr. Financial genius!
Plus...should the person that makes $10 Billion also pay Medicare/SS?
Plus do they get deductions for their health insurance?
If you are such a financial wizard are you aware of these DEDUCTIONS that most middle class Americans get that according to your
simplistic stupid plan would be done away with?
What are the largest tax expenditures?
I'll explain the below if with your credentials YOU still don't understand that Top three affect more millions of Americans
than your "FAIR" plan! Dummy... what happens to the tax bill for them?
You have never studied Economics, have you? That is understandable because all you Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Economics as you are of History, Biology, Ethics, Climate Science and the Constitution.
I'm an investment advisor. CFP, ChFC, CLU, 7/65/63. This is my profession and my life.

You are just another talk radio winger. You only "know" what you are fed. Play with someone else, you're out of your league here, and I no longer have the requisite patience.


As an investment adviser, do you shame your clients into paying more of their fair share?
I work with them to mitigate tax law as it stands at any given time.

I have very few wealthy clients who bitch and moan about taxes anywhere near as frequently as the rank & file GOP does.

Where do you draw the line? Who do you consider "rich" and should pay a sigificantly higher rate?

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