Taxing the wealthy the most isn’t about what’s fair - it’s about what is realistic

Where do you draw the line? Who do you consider "rich" and should pay a sigificantly higher rate?
I don't use the word "rich". That's one of the many terms that have been over-used to the point of dilution. It means very little.

I'm perfectly comfy with graduated tax margins. Since the range of individual income is now so profound, I'd be in favor of adding four new margins on the top end.

Do you believe the increased revenue would be used to pay down debt?
Why should top earners harbor the responsibility of our debt?

These Moon Bats are delusional.

They will tell you that increased taxes will be used to pay down debt but they are lying to you.

Already these Democrat clowns are all running on a platform to increase taxes but their list of free stuff is astronomical. Free medical, free college, $1000 to every household, free everything for Illegals, you name it. Billions in increased taxes and trillions in increased spending. Same old Liberal shit.

When are you going to pony up and start paying for the wars and Trump's bail outs?

I still owe for the eight years of Obama's wars. You know, the three years of war in Iraq, the bombing of Libya and the escalation of the war in Afghanistan.

Absolutely. Obama deserved to rot in hell for what he did.

I didn't vote for Trump so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. I voted for a non interventionist.

I am also paying for all that welfare shit that the Democrats started to get the "neggras to vote Democrat for the next 150 years". You know, LBJ's Great Society failure. Well maybe not a total failure. The Neggras are voting for the filthy Democrats.

Never should have allowed them to vote, eh?
Go for it. Make it the cornerstone of Trump 2020. I think that will be great.
Again...if you would actually go read the constitution like I’ve told you to half a dozen times now, you would realize that the President of the United States cannot run on that because he cannot constitutionally repeal that. Only Congress can. :eusa_doh:

We are not going back to the 19th Century. I've read the Constitution. Trump most certainly can run on doing that. You just realize what that would mean and that you are full of crap.
I still owe for the eight years of Obama's wars. You know, the three years of war in Iraq, the bombing of Libya and the escalation of the war in Afghanistan.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg! Don’t forget the wars he started Libya, Egypt, and Syria. And don’t forget the billions he sent to Iran so they could fund terrorism.
We are not going back to the 19th Century. I've read the Constitution.
Bullshit. It’s obvious you have never read it. Not once. Not in its entirety. If so, you would have realized that Trump has absolutely no power to eliminate that spending.
We are not going back to the 19th Century. I've read the Constitution. Trump most certainly can run on doing that. You just realize what that would mean and that you are full of crap.
Bwahahaha! He can? How? How, snowflake? How can President Trump keep a campaign promise to eliminate Social Security, Medicaid, etc.?
I still owe for the eight years of Obama's wars. You know, the three years of war in Iraq, the bombing of Libya and the escalation of the war in Afghanistan.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg! Don’t forget the wars he started Libya, Egypt, and Syria. And don’t forget the billions he sent to Iran so they could fund terrorism.

That Boy knew how to spend taxpayer's money for worthless shit, didn't he?
We are not going back to the 19th Century. I've read the Constitution.
Bullshit. It’s obvious you have never read it. Not once. Not in its entirety. If so, you would have realized that Trump has absolutely no power to eliminate that spending.

He absolutely can run on doing that. He couldn't actually make Mexico pay for the wall either but he certainly ran on doing that.
We are not going back to the 19th Century. I've read the Constitution. Trump most certainly can run on doing that. You just realize what that would mean and that you are full of crap.
Bwahahaha! He can? How? How, snowflake? How can President Trump keep a campaign promise to eliminate Social Security, Medicaid, etc.?

Same way that Mexico paid for the wall.
That Boy knew how to spend taxpayer's money for worthless shit, didn't he?
When he took office, it had taken the United States 232 to amass $10 trillion in debt. It took that asshole just 8 years to march that. It’s mind-boggling.
He absolutely can run on doing that. He couldn't actually make Mexico pay for the wall either but he certainly ran on doing that.
Sure he could, dumb ass...

1. The U.S. Constitution does not prevent him from having Mexico pay for the wall.

2. All he has to do is withhold aid and they will absolutely pay for the wall. He just used that threat to get them to put their military on their side of the border to help prevent the invasion.

Now go read the U.S. Constitution, son :laugh:
He absolutely can run on doing that. He couldn't actually make Mexico pay for the wall either but he certainly ran on doing that.
Sure he could, dumb ass...

1. The U.S. Constitution does not prevent him from having Mexico pay for the wall.

2. All he has to do is withhold aid and they will absolutely pay for the wall. He just used that threat to get them to put their military on their side of the border to help prevent the invasion.

Now go read the U.S. Constitution, son :laugh:

You need to explain your position to Trump.

Trump pledged to protect Medicare and Medicaid, but his 2020 budget calls for major spending cuts
You have never studied Economics, have you? That is understandable because all you Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Economics as you are of History, Biology, Ethics, Climate Science and the Constitution.
I'm an investment advisor. CFP, ChFC, CLU, 7/65/63. This is my profession and my life.

You are just another talk radio winger. You only "know" what you are fed. Play with someone else, you're out of your league here, and I no longer have the requisite patience.


As an investment adviser, do you shame your clients into paying more of their fair share?
I work with them to mitigate tax law as it stands at any given time.

I have very few wealthy clients who bitch and moan about taxes anywhere near as frequently as the rank & file GOP does.

Where do you draw the line? Who do you consider "rich" and should pay a sigificantly higher rate?
I don't use the word "rich". That's one of the many terms that have been over-used to the point of dilution. It means very little.

I'm perfectly comfy with graduated tax margins. Since the range of individual income is now so profound, I'd be in favor of adding four new margins on the top end.

Ok, define “the top end”.
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A progressive tax system isn’t “punishing the rich” or being a freeloader poor person in comparison. It’s about what makes goddamn sense. Republicans can whine about Medicare/Medicaid I guess (until they need it and don’t admit it), but man do they love our defense budget. Bigger the better! Who cares if we have a shit load of tanks and airpower we’ll never use! It makes us look tough! Okay, sure, but guess what? That shit still has to be paid for. That revenue has to be generated realistically to match the high price tag. That revenue out of sheer necessity must come from the abundant wealth that rich people are hoarding because it’s not like the shrinking middle class or poor has the income to pay their fair share. Forget about a flat tax because it’s “fair”. That isn’t the point. It’s about what makes economic sense.

So the plan is to have the wealthy people write the law to tax the wealthy people.

What could possibly go wrong?
Allow me to explain it to you first. Each President creates a budget for the Executive branch (the branch they have constitutional responsibility for and authority over).

Where does the budget go once it is created? Congress. Why? Because they control the “purse strings”. Congress can reject his budget.

But more importantly, cutting money to it is not the same thing as eliminating it. Only Congress can do that.
Allow me to explain it to you first. Each President creates a budget for the Executive branch (the branch they have constitutional responsibility for and authority over).

Where does the budget go once it is created? Congress. Why? Because they control the “purse strings”. Congress can reject his budget.

But more importantly, cutting money to it is not the same thing as eliminating it. Only Congress can do that.

He can run on exactly what he proposed in his budget. Run on cutting it. Run on "Elect Republican's so we can cut S.S. and Medicaid". I 100% support him running on that. Heck I might even contribute to the campaign.
Allow me to explain it to you first. Each President creates a budget for the Executive branch (the branch they have constitutional responsibility for and authority over).

Where does the budget go once it is created? Congress. Why? Because they control the “purse strings”. Congress can reject his budget.

But more importantly, cutting money to it is not the same thing as eliminating it. Only Congress can do that.

He can run on exactly what he proposed in his budget. Run on cutting it. Run on "Elect Republican's so we can cut S.S. and Medicaid". I 100% support him running on that. Heck I might even contribute to the campaign.

You are confused Moon Bat

Trump is a big government Liberal. He supports a $4.8 trillion Federal budget, debt and all the filthy ass welfare shit that you Moon Bats love so much. He even increased the size of the Federal budget. He has curtailed some right to keep and bear arms rights and is even talking about more. He is one of you but your TDS mental illness prevents your from pulling your head out of your ass..

It would be nice if we actually had political leaders that would do the right thing and really do away with dumbass shit like SS and Medicare and al that other destructive crap but we haven't seen one lately.

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