Taxing the wealthy the most isn’t about what’s fair - it’s about what is realistic

Trump added 54 billion to defense spending. Don't bitch to me about cutting spending.
Defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government and a major necessity. Studying shrimp jogging on underwater treadmills is not. :eusa_doh:
So that means we do not have to pay for it?
No...that means it is illegal to pay for it. Study the constitution and then come back.
LOL.....OK. Always with the excuses for corporate welfare.
Uh...what?!? The U.S. Constitution makes "corporate welfare" illegal as well. Like I said, go study it first and THEN come back.

I've long stated that I am not interested in theories only what is actually happening.
Hey, if I had known that all I had to do to learn this stuff was listen to talk radio, I wouldn't have wasted all that time and effort getting all those freaking credentials and working with all those clients!
Like all leftists... Mac1958 here is soooooo impressed with himself and his little tiny pieces of paper that someone handed him. :rolleyes:

I just can't believe how much the left tries to convince themselves of how smart they are - especially in the face of overwhelming evidence that proves they are ignorant as hell.

Come on Mr. Wall Street - explain to the class how this is inaccurate:

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Hey, if I had known that all I had to do to learn this stuff was listen to talk radio, I wouldn't have wasted all that time and effort getting all those freaking credentials and working with all those clients!
Like all leftists... @Mac1958 here is soooooo impressed with himself and his little tiny pieces of paper that someone handed him. :rolleyes:

I just can't believe how much the left tries to convince themselves of how smart they are - especially in the face of overwhelming evidence that proves they are ignorant as hell.

Come on Mr. Wall Street - explain to the class how this is inaccurate:

Why don't you put that video into your own words for me, with real world applications?

Show me your brilliance on this stuff! I can't wait to learn!
Finding the proper equilibrium between taxing and spending.
There is nothing to “find”, snowflake. It’s pretty easy. Spend less than you take in. So simple, only a leftist is baffled by it.

The concept of fiscal responsibility is completely alien to these Moon Bats.

We vote for Republicans with the hope they will be fiscally responsible and we are usually disappointed.

These stupid Moon Bats vote for Democrats knowing that they will be irresponsible as hell but they don't care.
Hey, if I had known that all I had to do to learn this stuff was listen to talk radio, I wouldn't have wasted all that time and effort getting all those freaking credentials and working with all those clients!
Like all leftists... @Mac1958 here is soooooo impressed with himself and his little tiny pieces of paper that someone handed him. :rolleyes:

I just can't believe how much the left tries to convince themselves of how smart they are - especially in the face of overwhelming evidence that proves they are ignorant as hell.

Come on Mr. Wall Street - explain to the class how this is inaccurate:

Why don't you put that video into your own words for me, with real world applications?

Show me your brilliance on this stuff! I can't wait to learn!

Bwahahahaha! In other words, Mac1958 absolutely cannot dispute one single thing in that video! :lmao:
Hey, if I had known that all I had to do to learn this stuff was listen to talk radio, I wouldn't have wasted all that time and effort getting all those freaking credentials and working with all those clients!
Like all leftists... @Mac1958 here is soooooo impressed with himself and his little tiny pieces of paper that someone handed him. :rolleyes:

I just can't believe how much the left tries to convince themselves of how smart they are - especially in the face of overwhelming evidence that proves they are ignorant as hell.

Come on Mr. Wall Street - explain to the class how this is inaccurate:

Why don't you put that video into your own words for me, with real world applications?

Show me your brilliance on this stuff! I can't wait to learn!

Bwahahahaha! In other words, Mac1958 absolutely cannot dispute one single thing in that video! :lmao:

Yeah, I didn't think you would.
Why don't you put that video into your own words for me, with real world applications?
In the real world - the asinine and idiotic left-wing ideology does not work. At all. Ask Venezuela. Ask Cuba. Ask the former U.S.S.R.

Meanwhile, after Republicans took control of this United States coast-to-coast (thanks to MaObama), we have experienced unprecedented prosperity. And only leftists like you are upset about that.
Why don't you put that video into your own words for me, with real world applications?
It's quite simple, snowflake. Keynesian economics does not work. Ever. If it did, all Obama would have had to do is pay people to dig a hole in their backyard every other day and then fill it back in on the days they aren't digging.

I guarantee this dolt isn't a financial advisor at all. There is simply no way. Can you imagine the financial advice? "Mr. and Mrs. Smith - just go home and break one of your windows. When you do, pay someone to come fix it. That will "stimulate" the economy and the wealth will come back around to you". Bwahahahaha!
Why don't you put that video into your own words for me, with real world applications?
In the real world - the asinine and idiotic left-wing ideology does not work. At all. Ask Venezuela. Ask Cuba. Ask the former U.S.S.R.

Meanwhile, after Republicans took control of this United States coast-to-coast (thanks to MaObama), we have experienced unprecedented prosperity. And only leftists like you are upset about that.
We have not had unprecedented prosperity.

GDP is at only 2.1%. Yields on 10-year Treasuries have crashed, down over FORTY percent. Economic activity is not pushing inflation. The markets are pissed the Fed dropped rates ONLY 25bps instead of 50.

I know you don't understand any of that, and I know talk radio doesn't cover it. I know none of it matters to you. And I sure as HELL know you can't explain it under your bizarre "unprecedented prosperity" context.

You're simply delusional. You're a good and obedient Trumpster.
Why don't you put that video into your own words for me, with real world applications?
It's quite simple, snowflake. Keynesian economics does not work. Ever. If it did, all Obama would have had to do is pay people to dig a hole in their backyard every other day and then fill it back in on the days they aren't digging.

I guarantee this dolt isn't a financial advisor at all. There is simply no way. Can you imagine the financial advice? "Mr. and Mrs. Smith - just go home and break one of your windows. When you do, pay someone to come fix it. That will "stimulate" the economy and the wealth will come back around to you". Bwahahahaha!
Okay, you got me. I'm unemployed and I live in a van down by the river. I'm typing this on a computer at the downtown library. You're just too smart for me.

We can move on now.
Why don't you put that video into your own words for me, with real world applications?
In the real world - the asinine and idiotic left-wing ideology does not work. At all. Ask Venezuela. Ask Cuba. Ask the former U.S.S.R.

Meanwhile, after Republicans took control of this United States coast-to-coast (thanks to MaObama), we have experienced unprecedented prosperity. And only leftists like you are upset about that.
We have not had unprecedented prosperity.

GDP is at only 2.1%. Yields on 10-year Treasuries have crashed, down over FORTY percent. Economic activity is not pushing inflation. The markets are pissed the Fed dropped rates ONLY 25bps instead of 50.

I know you don't understand any of that, and I know talk radio doesn't cover it. I know none of it matters to you. And I sure as HELL know you can't explain it under your bizarre "unprecedented prosperity" context.

You're simply delusional. You're a good and obedient Trumpster.

What cash/bond levels are you recommending for your clients?
Why don't you put that video into your own words for me, with real world applications?
In the real world - the asinine and idiotic left-wing ideology does not work. At all. Ask Venezuela. Ask Cuba. Ask the former U.S.S.R.

Meanwhile, after Republicans took control of this United States coast-to-coast (thanks to MaObama), we have experienced unprecedented prosperity. And only leftists like you are upset about that.
We have not had unprecedented prosperity.

GDP is at only 2.1%. Yields on 10-year Treasuries have crashed, down over FORTY percent. Economic activity is not pushing inflation. The markets are pissed the Fed dropped rates ONLY 25bps instead of 50.

I know you don't understand any of that, and I know talk radio doesn't cover it. I know none of it matters to you. And I sure as HELL know you can't explain it under your bizarre "unprecedented prosperity" context.

You're simply delusional. You're a good and obedient Trumpster.

What cash/bond levels are you recommending for your clients?
Depends on the allocations. We run 12 models.
A progressive tax system isn’t “punishing the rich” or being a freeloader poor person in comparison. It’s about what makes goddamn sense. Republicans can whine about Medicare/Medicaid I guess (until they need it and don’t admit it), but man do they love our defense budget. Bigger the better! Who cares if we have a shit load of tanks and airpower we’ll never use! It makes us look tough! Okay, sure, but guess what? That shit still has to be paid for. That revenue has to be generated realistically to match the high price tag. That revenue out of sheer necessity must come from the abundant wealth that rich people are hoarding because it’s not like the shrinking middle class or poor has the income to pay their fair share. Forget about a flat tax because it’s “fair”. That isn’t the point. It’s about what makes economic sense.

Maintaining a national defense is actually one of the primary jobs the government is actually supposed to do. Believe it or not, we are really not an aggressive nation. take away our military and you will see real aggressors pop up and imposing their will much more than they are now. Like China for one.

That revenue out of sheer necessity must come from the abundant wealth that rich people are hoarding

your choice of words are pretty telling. how do you know they are hoarding it? or maybe they are saving it? and maybe thats how they became rich in the first place by having more discipline? or maybe they have $$$$ on paper because a lot of that is invested in businesses or real estate which might generate more tax on their own and create jobs which then generates more tax.

The reason we like to give rich people tax breaks is because it gives people incentive to save their money and try to do more with it.. it gives them incentive to take risks and start a business because they know they will be rewarded if they are successful.
The focus should be on how do you make the economy stronger, more successful, and making more people wealthy. in doing so tax revenues will increase. If people like you had complete control, you would raise taxes on the rich to a high level, then soon you would find out its still not enough, then you would raise taxes again and again.Then you would lower the definition of what it is to be rich and raise taxes on those people as well, and there still wouldn't be enough money. Your economic sense would crash the economy and drive away wealth, your tax base would disappear.
Dittos 'n MAGA 'n red hat 'n stuff.
And "funny" when your empty-headed statist codswallop gets called for the vapid bullshit that it is.
I know, I know. You guys are just too dang smart, informed and experienced for me.
I know, I know....You're really not a "winger", even though you can vomit up their lame-brained, economically illiterate, state worshiping boilerplate with equal aplomb.
Hey, if I had known that all I had to do to learn this stuff was listen to talk radio, I wouldn't have wasted all that time and effort getting all those freaking credentials and working with all those clients!

Holy crap! I must REALLY be dumb, you're so right! I'm gonna tell all my clients to just listen to Rush, Sean and Levin! Thank you for bestowing upon me The Truth!

You turned me off without even reading your garbage when you bragged about your "credentials"!
Now as far as listening to the biased Rush, Sean and Levin... I'd rather believe them as THEY admit they are biased.
But people like you and the BIASED MSM won't even admit that you leave out parts of the news.
Biden truly exemplified people like you when he said...
Huh? In Iowa Speech, Biden Confusingly Says Americans ‘Choose Truth Over Facts’
In Speech, Biden Says Americans 'Choose Truth Over Facts'
Dittos 'n MAGA 'n red hat 'n stuff.
And "funny" when your empty-headed statist codswallop gets called for the vapid bullshit that it is.
I know, I know. You guys are just too dang smart, informed and experienced for me.
I know, I know....You're really not a "winger", even though you can vomit up their lame-brained, economically illiterate, state worshiping boilerplate with equal aplomb.
Hey, if I had known that all I had to do to learn this stuff was listen to talk radio, I wouldn't have wasted all that time and effort getting all those freaking credentials and working with all those clients!

Holy crap! I must REALLY be dumb, you're so right! I'm gonna tell all my clients to just listen to Rush, Sean and Levin! Thank you for bestowing upon me The Truth!

You turned me off without even reading your garbage when you bragged about your "credentials"!
Now as far as listening to the biased Rush, Sean and Levin... I'd rather believe them as THEY admit they are biased.
But people like you and the BIASED MSM won't even admit that you leave out parts of the news.
Biden truly exemplified people like you when he said...
Huh? In Iowa Speech, Biden Confusingly Says Americans ‘Choose Truth Over Facts’
In Speech, Biden Says Americans 'Choose Truth Over Facts'
Okie dokie, dittos 'n stuff.
We have not had unprecedented prosperity.
We haven't? Are you sure about that?
  • Record highs in the market (by definition, that is unprecedented prosperity)
  • Record low unemployment in the African-American community (by definition, that is unprecedented prosperity)
  • Record low unemployment in the Hispanic community (by definition, that is unprecedented prosperity)
Any one of those by themselves wouldn't really qualify as "unprecedented prosperity" but combined along with other data (such as 30 year high in manufacturing, wages up, etc.) unequivocally proves unprecedented prosperity under Donald Trump and the Republicans.

God I love exposing your ignorance to everyone.
We have not had unprecedented prosperity.
We haven't? Are you sure about that?
  • Record highs in the market (by definition, that is unprecedented prosperity)
  • Record low unemployment in the African-American community (by definition, that is unprecedented prosperity)
  • Record low unemployment in the Hispanic community (by definition, that is unprecedented prosperity)
Any one of those by themselves wouldn't really qualify as "unprecedented prosperity" but combined along with other data (such as 30 year high in manufacturing, wages up, etc.) unequivocally proves unprecedented prosperity under Donald Trump and the Republicans.

God I love exposing your ignorance to everyone.
So in your little world, unemployment data is the only indicator of prosperity.

Okay. I believe you. You're just too darn smart for me.
Yields on 10-year Treasuries have crashed, down over FORTY percent.
Um...that's because assholes like you have destroyed the credit and faith in the United States by pushing debt over $21 trillion with failed left-wing socialism/marxism. That doesn't even remotely change the fact that we've experienced unprecedented prosperity under Trump with record highs in the stock market, record low unemployment in the African-American community, record low unemployment in the Hispanic community, 30-year highs in manufacturing, and wages are up.

You have one ridiculous example that you are responsible for. I have multiple examples of prosperity that has never been achieved before, along with additional examples that have been achieved but either not recently or which are a very positive indicator of prosperity (such as increased wages).

You're out of your league here. Get out of your mom's basement and get into the real world.

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