Tea Party Darling Nikki Haley rains on Trump Parade as noose tightens

How quickly we lost sight of Obama's fucking around with Israel's election and with Britain's vote on departing the failing European Union. Remember his flying to London to tell The British that if they dared go against Him and vote "leave" he'd make them suck hind tit on trade?

Of course you forgot....you were told to, right little liberal?

What goes around comes around - maybe 'bama should have thought it through before screwing around with other nations elections.

"What goes around comes around -"

The system runs on partisanshit, so yeah, they certainly hope so, round and round and round and round.
Sen. Charles Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has sent a letter to FBI Director James Comey demanding the story behind the FBI's reported plan to pay the author of a lurid and unsubstantiated dossier on candidate Donald Trump. In particular, Grassley appears to be zeroing in on the FBI's deputy director, Andrew McCabe, indicating Senate investigators want to learn more about McCabe's role in a key aspect of the Trump-Russia affair. Byron York: Senate committee targets FBI No. 2 in Trump dossier probe
That stupid asshole proved she was a piece of shit when she removed the Confederate flag. Piss on her.
That woman is a crazy towelhead Sick (Sikh) who also has a f*cked up jaw! She ATTACKED Trump repeatedly during the primaries so she has NO business being in his cabinet! Trump should've picked an African-American or Hispanic for the U.N ambassador position instead.

And of course I VOTED for Trump! :salute: :iagree: :bye1:

Hahaha...McCain, the traitor who is technically a democrat? Anyone see the Clinton News Network bit of Axelrod interviewing traitor McCain? Traitor McCain could not express his profound love for Crooked Hillary more. What a neocon, fake, phony, fraud, piece of shit McCain is.
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Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, on Sunday said that there is "no question" Russia interfered with the 2016 election.

"Russia was involved in the election. There's no question about that," Haley said on ABC's "This Week."

"We don't want any country involved in our elections, ever. And so once that information comes out, I expect that that will be handled accordingly," she said.

Haley said that President Donald Trump "is not stopping" her "from beating up on Russia."

"There's no love or anything going on with Russia right now," she said.

As for Trump's equivocation when it comes to criticizing Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Haley said: "He's got a lot of things he's doing."

Only a mentally challenged liberal could post that thread title.
The men in clean white coats will soon be stopping by the whitehouse to haul president trump off to the funny farm, with trees and flowers & chirping birds. Ha, ha, ho, ho, hee, hee.
The men in clean white coats will soon be stopping by the whitehouse to haul president trump off to the funny farm, with trees and flowers & chirping birds. Ha, ha, ho, ho, hee, hee.

That will be their second stop after picking up about 100 million liberals.

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