Tea Party Group Banned from Town Hall Because of Maryland Democrats' Smear

"No is trying to scream and yell in a government meeting. They are trying to peacefully assemble and question/petition their representative."

Apparently they violated that procedure with yelling and disrupting the meeting, so, yes, they have had that right abridged, because of their own actions.

It's kind of difficult to violate procedure with yelling and disrupting a meeting when you are preemptively banned from attending the meeting because the government officials think you are going to yell and disrupt the meeting.

It would be like arresting you for rape, despite the fact that you haven't committed such a crime merely because your political opponents in charge of government "think" you are going to commit the crime.
Except this Tea Party group that you have complete come out in favor of suppressing despite no evidence of them screaming, shouting, or in any way being unpeaceful.

I don't know why you are having a hard time understanding this. You can't claim you are for all sides who peacefully assemble while banning a group of people for doing exactly that and claiming that you somehow know what they are going to do in the future.

Avatar, you have your opinion, uninformed as it is. Go study the case, come back, and report to us what you have learned.

So you can't provide any evidence of them trying to be violet, or even yelling, screaming or disrupting meetings. and I am uninformed?

You want to deny others their civil rights because you think they are going to abuse them and somehow think that is the intelligent position.

I really am dumbfounded by your attitude.

you can't be reasonable with someone who is insane..verbal violence is terroristic...my gawd
this should make some of you happy who have done nothing but spread hate about the Tea Party...hope you all are denied your rights, NEXT..

by Matthew Boyle 22 Jun 2013 373 post a comment

Democrats in Maryland accused local Tea Partiers of having “violent tendencies,” resulting in them being banned by local law enforcement from attending an upcoming town hall event with their Congressman, Breitbart News has learned.

Local Maryland bloggers at Front Line State broke the story on Saturday morning, noting that “Carroll County Maryland Democrats have reportedly attempted to use the Sheriff’s department to keep members of a local Tea Party activist group from attending a ‘meet and greet’ with their congressional representative, Chris Van Hollen, on Monday June 24 at Caroll County Community College (CCCC).”

Van Hollen is the ranking member of the House Budget Committee

Michelle Jefferson of We The People (WTP), a local Tea Party group in the area, told Front Line State that she had spoken with Major Tom Long of the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department when she returned home on Wednesday after the “Audit The IRS” rally in Washington, D.C.

Long told her that Don West, the recording secretary for the Carroll County Democratic Central Committee, had contacted the Community College’s campus security, the State Police, and the county sheriff’s office asking that We The People be banned from attending Van Hollen’s upcoming town hall event. He claimed the Tea Party group engages in what he described as “violent tendencies.”

It was later discovered that West, the Democratic Party official, filed an “interim peace order” against WTP’s Jefferson.

Former U.S. Senate candidate Dan Bongino, who ran as the Republican nominee in Maryland in 2012 against Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin, denounced the tactics being used by the Maryland Democrats in a statement obtained by Breitbart News. “After a 2012 campaign marred by vehicle & property vandalism and a more recent, brazen display of government thuggery by the IRS, the Democrats are at it again,” Bongino said. “Now they are attempting to use law enforcement to intimidate and silence one of my former volunteers and a female Conservative activist in Carroll County, MD.”

all of it here
Tea Party Group Banned from Town Hall Because of Maryland Democrats' Smear

Well they shouldn't be hootin and hollerin like a bunch of rednecks and they wouldn't get banned from townhalls.
this should make some of you happy who have done nothing but spread hate about the Tea Party...hope you all are denied your rights, NEXT..

by Matthew Boyle 22 Jun 2013 373 post a comment

Democrats in Maryland accused local Tea Partiers of having “violent tendencies,” resulting in them being banned by local law enforcement from attending an upcoming town hall event with their Congressman, Breitbart News has learned.

Local Maryland bloggers at Front Line State broke the story on Saturday morning, noting that “Carroll County Maryland Democrats have reportedly attempted to use the Sheriff’s department to keep members of a local Tea Party activist group from attending a ‘meet and greet’ with their congressional representative, Chris Van Hollen, on Monday June 24 at Caroll County Community College (CCCC).”

Van Hollen is the ranking member of the House Budget Committee

Michelle Jefferson of We The People (WTP), a local Tea Party group in the area, told Front Line State that she had spoken with Major Tom Long of the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department when she returned home on Wednesday after the “Audit The IRS” rally in Washington, D.C.

Long told her that Don West, the recording secretary for the Carroll County Democratic Central Committee, had contacted the Community College’s campus security, the State Police, and the county sheriff’s office asking that We The People be banned from attending Van Hollen’s upcoming town hall event. He claimed the Tea Party group engages in what he described as “violent tendencies.”

It was later discovered that West, the Democratic Party official, filed an “interim peace order” against WTP’s Jefferson.

Former U.S. Senate candidate Dan Bongino, who ran as the Republican nominee in Maryland in 2012 against Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin, denounced the tactics being used by the Maryland Democrats in a statement obtained by Breitbart News. “After a 2012 campaign marred by vehicle & property vandalism and a more recent, brazen display of government thuggery by the IRS, the Democrats are at it again,” Bongino said. “Now they are attempting to use law enforcement to intimidate and silence one of my former volunteers and a female Conservative activist in Carroll County, MD.”

all of it here
Tea Party Group Banned from Town Hall Because of Maryland Democrats' Smear

Well they shouldn't be hootin and hollerin like a bunch of rednecks and they wouldn't get banned from townhalls.

they aren't even being ALLOWED to attend because some Democrat wants them deemed to have violent tendencies...you see nothing wrong with this just because they might be rednecks?
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This isn't difficult guys:

People attending yelling and hollering, trying to disrupt, committing act of violence - alright you can remove them.

People being banned from attending just because you think they might do the above - violation of First amendment rights.
Don't have to prove anything to Steph, because her mind is rotten and swissed.

The officials apparently believe just what I claimed.

Your fascist comrades just got your ass kicked there at the court and here on the board.

I am the one that asked you - not Stephanie. You have nothing to back up there being any such behavior with this group. Go google it and see what you can find.

I don't have to answer to anybody, certainly not you, son.

The authorities in charge were convinced that the particular group were going to disrupt the meetings.

Hint: not allowed anywhere.

Jake, you are so full of bull. At least you exposed yourself.
This isn't difficult guys:

People attending yelling and hollering, trying to disrupt, committing act of violence - alright you can remove them.

People being banned from attending just because you think they might do the above - violation of First amendment rights.

Thank you, Avatar4321, for the common sense comment. deportoo would do well to emulate you.

However, if the people in charge had credible evidence that the conspiracy was to do just that (disrupting a meeting), then, yes, the right thing is to bar them.
This isn't difficult guys:

People attending yelling and hollering, trying to disrupt, committing act of violence - alright you can remove them.

People being banned from attending just because you think they might do the above - violation of First amendment rights.

Thank you, Avatar4321, for the common sense comment. deportoo would do well to emulate you.

However, if the people in charge had credible evidence that the conspiracy was to do just that (disrupting a meeting), then, yes, the right thing is to bar them.

and yet you miss Avatar's point completely.
I said they are the equivlanet when then they threaten, bully, carry arms, and so forth.

Is that not so?

Yes, Squeeze, the abnormal reactionary mutants have zero creditability.
a win for we the people..at least the tea party will STAND for people's rights in this country...not like some here who agreed with the fascist ways they were trying to keep people out of this meeting..

A Win for “We the People” in Maryland

June 24, 2013 at 8:13 pm in News by Kevin Mooneyhan 4 Comments


On Saturday night it came to our attention that a group of Democrat activists were working to ban members of the We the People Caroll County Tea Party group from a public town hall for Rep. Chris Van Hollen who represents the 8th Congressional District in Maryland. It was reported that these Democrat activists were threatening to use law enforcement to ban the Tea Party group from the town hall under the accusation that they have displayed “violent tendencies.” Anyone who has been around the Tea Party and has seen it first-hand knows that this is an outrageous accusation – and one that would only be believed by people who get their news from certain mainstream media outlets.
- See more at: A Win for "We the People" in Maryland | Tea Party PatriotsTea Party Patriots
a win for we the people..at least the tea party will STAND for people's rights in this country...not like some here who agreed with the fascist ways they were trying to keep people out of this meeting..

A Win for “We the People” in Maryland

June 24, 2013 at 8:13 pm in News by Kevin Mooneyhan 4 Comments


On Saturday night it came to our attention that a group of Democrat activists were working to ban members of the We the People Caroll County Tea Party group from a public town hall for Rep. Chris Van Hollen who represents the 8th Congressional District in Maryland. It was reported that these Democrat activists were threatening to use law enforcement to ban the Tea Party group from the town hall under the accusation that they have displayed “violent tendencies.” Anyone who has been around the Tea Party and has seen it first-hand knows that this is an outrageous accusation – and one that would only be believed by people who get their news from certain mainstream media outlets.
- See more at: A Win for "We the People" in Maryland | Tea Party PatriotsTea Party Patriots

If they can behave, they should be in the meeting, if that is the determination.

Any yelling, screaming, shouting, or disruption should earn a handcuffed visit to the magistrate and a $2000 peace bond.

We will see.
I said they are the equivlanet when then they threaten, bully, carry arms, and so forth.

Is that not so?

Yes, Squeeze, the abnormal reactionary mutants have zero creditability.

but look who thanked you :clap2:

Immaterial. You should have thanked me.
Good point. Thank you for proving you're an authoritarian progressive who hates the First Amendment and believes political enemies should be silenced by government force.

Thank me for being a constitutional republican who is not afraid to keep the reactionaries away from the power to create a state that would make Hitler's Germany like a children's playgournd.
Thank me for being a constitutional republican who is not afraid to keep the reactionaries away from the power to create a state that would make Hitler's Germany like a children's playgournd.

Why would I thank you when you support violating the civil rights of people.

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