Tea Party Group Banned from Town Hall Because of Maryland Democrats' Smear

You guys would kill your perceived opponents if you could: all this talk about guns, and ammos, and threats to the country, etc.

You are a bunch of abnormal mutant reactionaries.

hey dicklicker. Carroll county is 2 counties over from my residence

funny how all the violence from those grannies never even made the local news

You unnatural mutants rise up and you will be squashed.

Don't you realize the xmen always prevail?

Unless they are fighting the Avengers.
Carroll County is rural and predominantly, 93% white.

so yes, you fear and hate white people

you heard it here folks

Tea Party is here to protect the White race correct squeeze? What other group said that?

The Tea Party exists to protect the civil rights of all races.

Why do you pick and choose whose civil rights you'll support?

I support all sides as long as they assemble peacefully and protest peacefully.

Screaming and shouting is not peaceful.
I am on record in preserving the 1st Amendment. Everybody gets their say, not just idiot fascist who scream and shit in the corner while trying to silence the other side.

Try suppressing speech at a tax-supported government meeting and you will be in the cells.

You just did suppress speech by banning a group of people from attending and asking questions based solely on you thinking they would be violent despite no evidence to support the claim.

I did no such thing. The group in GA did. I allowed the TPM to speak in the summer of 2009, telling them to peacefully assemble and have their say peacefully. I let them know what would happen if they screamed and shouted. Three of them paid the price. Their peace bonds finally expired last summer.

Does Bill O'Reilly know about this?
WE DON'T tolerate...see how jakie speaks...

the fascist is you dear...wear it proud little comrade

We don't, let me say it again, let you abnormal mutants violate others free speech. We protect the 1st Amendment for everyone, including you.

You, however, don't get to scream and yell.

Im dumbfounded on how you can honestly try to claim you protect everyone's first amendment rights in a thread where you are actively justifying DENYING those rights.
daveman does not support lawful regulation of unlawful behavior.

d-boy, you don't get to go into a governmental meeting and scream and shout and go shit in the corner.

Try it, see what happens.

You're on record as supporting the suppression of the First Amendment Rights of your political enemies.

I am on record in preserving the 1st Amendment. Everybody gets their say, not just idiot fascist who scream and shit in the corner while trying to silence the other side.

Try suppressing speech at a tax-supported government meeting and you will be in the cells.
You are on record as supporting fascist Democrats using lies to get local law enforcement to suppress TEA Partiers' First Amendment rights.

So quit lying, kid.
They are denied their rights because of their past behavior.

You would do the same thing.
You're on record as supporting the suppression of the First Amendment Rights of your political enemies.

I am on record in preserving the 1st Amendment. Everybody gets their say, not just idiot fascist who scream and shit in the corner while trying to silence the other side.

Try suppressing speech at a tax-supported government meeting and you will be in the cells.
You are on record as supporting fascist Democrats using lies to get local law enforcement to suppress TEA Partiers' First Amendment rights. So quit lying, kid.

You sound just like . . . Roo. Your are lying. Dismissed.
this should make some of you happy who have done nothing but spread hate about the Tea Party...hope you all are denied your rights, NEXT..

by Matthew Boyle 22 Jun 2013 373 post a comment

Democrats in Maryland accused local Tea Partiers of having “violent tendencies,” resulting in them being banned by local law enforcement from attending an upcoming town hall event with their Congressman, Breitbart News has learned.

Local Maryland bloggers at Front Line State broke the story on Saturday morning, noting that “Carroll County Maryland Democrats have reportedly attempted to use the Sheriff’s department to keep members of a local Tea Party activist group from attending a ‘meet and greet’ with their congressional representative, Chris Van Hollen, on Monday June 24 at Caroll County Community College (CCCC).”

Van Hollen is the ranking member of the House Budget Committee

Michelle Jefferson of We The People (WTP), a local Tea Party group in the area, told Front Line State that she had spoken with Major Tom Long of the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department when she returned home on Wednesday after the “Audit The IRS” rally in Washington, D.C.

Long told her that Don West, the recording secretary for the Carroll County Democratic Central Committee, had contacted the Community College’s campus security, the State Police, and the county sheriff’s office asking that We The People be banned from attending Van Hollen’s upcoming town hall event. He claimed the Tea Party group engages in what he described as “violent tendencies.”

It was later discovered that West, the Democratic Party official, filed an “interim peace order” against WTP’s Jefferson.

Former U.S. Senate candidate Dan Bongino, who ran as the Republican nominee in Maryland in 2012 against Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin, denounced the tactics being used by the Maryland Democrats in a statement obtained by Breitbart News. “After a 2012 campaign marred by vehicle & property vandalism and a more recent, brazen display of government thuggery by the IRS, the Democrats are at it again,” Bongino said. “Now they are attempting to use law enforcement to intimidate and silence one of my former volunteers and a female Conservative activist in Carroll County, MD.”

all of it here
Tea Party Group Banned from Town Hall Because of Maryland Democrats' Smear

We the people are sick of being threatened by the tea party. Buying all that ammo. Screaming about second amendments solutions. Are you kidding me. The damn tea party is very dangerous to all but WASP Conservatives.
Y'know, it's rare you see someone so PROUD of being a pussy. :clap2:
Act violent (screaming, yelling, disrupting) and get banned.


I was unaware that screaming and yelling are violent, but then, considering there isnt any evidence that they've done any of that, how do you justify the ban?

We have a first amendent right to 1) Speak, 2) Peaceably assemble, and 3) Petition our government. Sounds like all three of those civil rights have been violated by preventing a peaceable group from attending a political press conference and asking questions.

Verbal violence is terroristic, Avatar, and a threat to free speech.

When TPM or any group violates the rights of others to be heard by screaming, yelling, threatening, etc, well, tough, buddy. You will pack it up and leave, peacefully or not, you will leave.

Verbal violence?

So you have the right to prohibit people's first amendment rights based on a claim that they are going to be verbally violent, before they actually ever are?

You will not stop me from going to events if I so choose, nor speaking, nor assembling with like minded individuals. Nor will you stop me from petitioning my representatives or asking them questions whether public or private.
Avatar4321, take it up with those who are doing it, not me.

If I was holding a meeting in the 15th precinct, and your group was coming with an avowed intention to disrupt, yes, I would get an injunction against you.

You would do the same.
Well, Comrade Steph, you are the one who wants a commie world with no opposition.

Anybody can attend meetings as long as they don't act like assholes. Hmmm.

Except this Tea Party group which you fully support oppressing despite no evidence to support your claims.

I fully support suppressing any group, TPM or NBPP or Eagle Forum, that threatens violence. The powers that be disagree with your opinion, Avatar.

Yes, screaming and yelling are violence. Tuff that.

No. They aren't.

and no. You are advocating suppressing any group that you think are going to threaten violence despite the fact that there is still no evidence of anyone doing so.
Except this Tea Party group which you fully support oppressing despite no evidence to support your claims.

I fully support suppressing any group, TPM or NBPP or Eagle Forum, that threatens violence. The powers that be disagree with your opinion, Avatar.

Yes, screaming and yelling are violence. Tuff that.

No. They aren't.

and no. You are advocating suppressing any group that you think are going to threaten violence despite the fact that there is still no evidence of anyone doing so.

Yes, they are. If you doubt it, try it in the next county convention. You will get your ass hauled off.
When people abuse their rights to suppress others' free speech, as the TPM as done several times since 2009 (witness the town hall meetings, etc), they get hammered.
You guys would kill your perceived opponents if you could: all this talk about guns, and ammos, and threats to the country, etc.

You are a bunch of abnormal mutant reactionaries.

And yet you are the one who is trying to prevent people from peaceably assembling.

I am doing no such thing.

Yes. Yes you are. When you ban people from assembling and prevent them from speaking because you THINK they are going to disrupt or be violent despite having zero evidence to the contrary that is exactly what you are doing.

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