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Tea Party Is Recycled John Birch Society Hate Rhetoric


Apr 20, 2010
Cleveland. Feel mah pain.
Who is behind the Glenn Beck Revision Of American History?


The John Birch Society was one of the decade’s most controversial right-wing organizations. Founded in 1958 by Robert Welch, a candy manufacturer from Massachusetts, the society took its name from a Baptist missionary and military-intelligence officer killed by Communist Chinese forces in 1945, whom Welch called the first American casualty of the Cold War. The group was founded at a propitious time. After Senator Joseph McCarthy’s fall, in 1954, many of McCarthy’s followers felt bereft of a voice, and Welch seemed to speak for them; by the mid-sixties, his society’s membership was estimated to be as high as a hundred thousand. Welch, exploiting fears of what McCarthy had called an “immense” domestic conspiracy, declared that the federal government had already fallen into the Communists’ clutches. In a tract titled “The Politician,” he attacked President Dwight D. Eisenhower as “a dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy” who had been serving the plot “all of his adult life.” Late in 1961, after the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion, he accused the Kennedy Administration of “helping the Communists everywhere in the world while pretending to do the opposite.”

Wherever he looked, Welch saw Communist forces manipulating American economic and foreign policy

Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, and the Republicans : The New Yorker

You Tea Party people are drinking some rancid -- but old -- kool aid. Wake the Fuck Up, people.
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For the fractious Tea Party movement, Beck—a former drive-time radio jockey, a recovering alcoholic, and a Mormon convert—has emerged as both a unifying figure and an intellectual guide. One opinion poll, released in July by Democracy Corps, showed that he is “the most highly regarded individual among Tea Party supporters,” seen not merely as an entertainer, like Rush Limbaugh, but as an “educator.” And in the past few months Beck has established his own institute of learning: the online, for-profit Beck University. Enrollees can take courses like Faith 102, which contends with “revisionists and secular progressives” about the separation of church and state; Hope 102, an attack on the activist federal government; and the combined Charity 101/102/103, a highly restrictive interpretation of rights, federalism, and the division of powers.

Beck himself often acts as a professor, a slightly jocular one, on his Fox News program. Surrounded by charts and figures, he offers explanations of current politics and history lessons about the country’s long march to Obama-era totalitarianism. The decline, he says, began with the Progressive era of the early twentieth century, in particular with the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson, when both the Federal Reserve System and the graduated federal income tax came into existence. “Wilson,” Beck told his radio audience in August, “just despised what America was.”

Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, and the Republicans : The New Yorker
Oh come on Madeline..... you cant really be serious.

Everything I have heard on his show can be backed up with facts.... I've checked. Sure he is over the top sometimes, but that is how you keep an audience interested. But I believe he is sincere in his approach and will be looked at as a man who woke up alot of folks who were in the dark.
If you dont like what he is saying just tune it out, and watch Chris Mathews or Anderson Cooper... they could really use an audience according to their ratings, or maybe tune into watch the Yentas on The View :lol:

I dont like old rancid kool-aid. Thats what the libs have been trotting out for a long time.

You need to go back and read up on American history and stop believing what you are being fed by the left.
"So far, Rove, an unlikely dissident, is the only prominent Republican leader to so much as gesture at stepping forward, as Buckley and his allies did. Even strong conservatives like Inglis have been pushed aside, as have such former G.O.P. stalwarts as Charlie Crist, in Florida, and Mike Castle, in Delaware, both beaten in the primaries by Tea Party candidates; Crist is now running a long-shot campaign as an Independent. Desperate for gains in the midterm elections, the Republicans are neglecting the struggle it took to make politics safe for Reagan."

Read more Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, and the Republicans : The New Yorker

Those guys are what is wrong with the GOP....
Who is behind the Glen Beck Revision Of American History?


Truth is Welch and the Birchers were largely right about communist influence in the USA Government of their time, in particular if you take a close look at those around FDR. Ike a commie????? Maybe, maybe not, BUT......he does appear to have cooperated with the NKVD in the murder of General Patton and he certainly did NOTHING to stop Operation Keelhaul.. Kennedy???? Actually one of our better Presidents. I think he was aware that the USSR was rapidly falling prey to its own economic contridictions and wished to avoid the USA squandering its economic advantages on overarming for a Cold War which would end soon anyway. Soon enough the masks would be dropped and the men behind the curtain would reveal themselves openly- The Zionists. Of course Beck being one of their more vile golems misses that part.
For the fractious Tea Party movement, Beck—a former drive-time radio jockey, a recovering alcoholic, and a Mormon convert—has emerged as both a unifying figure and an intellectual guide. One opinion poll, released in July by Democracy Corps, showed that he is “the most highly regarded individual among Tea Party supporters,” seen not merely as an entertainer, like Rush Limbaugh, but as an “educator.” And in the past few months Beck has established his own institute of learning: the online, for-profit Beck University. Enrollees can take courses like Faith 102, which contends with “revisionists and secular progressives” about the separation of church and state; Hope 102, an attack on the activist federal government; and the combined Charity 101/102/103, a highly restrictive interpretation of rights, federalism, and the division of powers.

Beck himself often acts as a professor, a slightly jocular one, on his Fox News program. Surrounded by charts and figures, he offers explanations of current politics and history lessons about the country’s long march to Obama-era totalitarianism. The decline, he says, began with the Progressive era of the early twentieth century, in particular with the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson, when both the Federal Reserve System and the graduated federal income tax came into existence. “Wilson,” Beck told his radio audience in August, “just despised what America was.”

Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, and the Republicans : The New Yorker

A liberal publication finds a "conspiracy!"

Keep it up liberals. Keep smearing voters.

I want you to. That will only make voters more determined to send YOU a message November 2.

November is coming!

Oh come on Madeline..... you cant really be serious.

Everything I have heard on his show can be backed up with facts.... I've checked. Sure he is over the top sometimes, but that is how you keep an audience interested. But I believe he is sincere in his approach and will be looked at as a man who woke up alot of folks who were in the dark.
If you dont like what he is saying just tune it out, and watch Chris Mathews or Anderson Cooper... they could really use an audience according to their ratings, or maybe tune into watch the Yentas on The View :lol:

I dont like old rancid kool-aid. Thats what the libs have been trotting out for a long time.

You need to go back and read up on American history and stop believing what you are being fed by the left.

I LIVED this period in American History, The Infidel. If you truely believe the John Birch Society had a inside track on the Truth, you are sorely misguided.
Who is behind the Glen Beck Revision Of American History?


Truth is Welch and the Birchers were largely right about communist influence in the USA Government of their time, in particular if you take a close look at those around FDR. Ike a commie????? Maybe, maybe not, BUT......he does appear to have cooperated with the NKVD in the murder of General Patton and he certainly did NOTHING to stop Operation Keelhaul.. Kennedy???? Actually one of our better Presidents. I think he was aware that the USSR was rapidly falling prey to its own economic contridictions and wished to avoid the USA squandering its economic advantages on overarming for a Cold War which would end soon anyway. Soon enough the masks would be dropped and the men behind the curtain would reveal themselves openly- The Zionists. Of course Beck being one of their more vile golems misses that part.

No one is denying the USSR posed a grave threat to the US or to World peace. But positing FDR and Eisenhower as "commies" is appealing to paranoia and just plain hate. What threatened the well being of Americans in the 1930's was runaway capitalist greed; what threatened it in the 1950's was race hatred.

We never needed the USSR to fuck up our nation; we have done that all by ourselves and judging from your post, some of us are still quite willing to continue to do so.
Oh come on Madeline..... you cant really be serious.

Everything I have heard on his show can be backed up with facts.... I've checked. Sure he is over the top sometimes, but that is how you keep an audience interested. But I believe he is sincere in his approach and will be looked at as a man who woke up alot of folks who were in the dark.
If you dont like what he is saying just tune it out, and watch Chris Mathews or Anderson Cooper... they could really use an audience according to their ratings, or maybe tune into watch the Yentas on The View :lol:

I dont like old rancid kool-aid. Thats what the libs have been trotting out for a long time.

You need to go back and read up on American history and stop believing what you are being fed by the left.

I LIVED this period in American History, The Infidel. If you truely believe the John Birch Society had a inside track on the Truth, you are sorely misguided.

Where did he says he believed in the John Bircch Society?

That is your own closed mind, not his!

I think we see who is sorely misquided. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

If that is the best you can do in a debate, then your sig should be pronouced Weiner, not Winner.

The origins of the Tea Party was with Rick Santelli. Leave it to a liberal publication to have to go back 50+ years to make up a history that does not exist.

If you libs really want to go there, I could show where the origins of liberalism reside with Stalin.

It makes about as much sense. Actually it makes more sense when it comes to liberals than your ridiculous screed.

Oh come on Madeline..... you cant really be serious.

Everything I have heard on his show can be backed up with facts.... I've checked. Sure he is over the top sometimes, but that is how you keep an audience interested. But I believe he is sincere in his approach and will be looked at as a man who woke up alot of folks who were in the dark.
If you dont like what he is saying just tune it out, and watch Chris Mathews or Anderson Cooper... they could really use an audience according to their ratings, or maybe tune into watch the Yentas on The View :lol:

I dont like old rancid kool-aid. Thats what the libs have been trotting out for a long time.

You need to go back and read up on American history and stop believing what you are being fed by the left.

I LIVED this period in American History, The Infidel. If you truely believe the John Birch Society had a inside track on the Truth, you are sorely misguided.

I hate to disappoint you, but the TEA Parties don't 'hate' anyone. Stop believing the moronic opinions of others and find out for yourself.
Who is behind the Glen Beck Revision Of American History?


Truth is Welch and the Birchers were largely right about communist influence in the USA Government of their time, in particular if you take a close look at those around FDR. Ike a commie????? Maybe, maybe not, BUT......he does appear to have cooperated with the NKVD in the murder of General Patton and he certainly did NOTHING to stop Operation Keelhaul.. Kennedy???? Actually one of our better Presidents. I think he was aware that the USSR was rapidly falling prey to its own economic contridictions and wished to avoid the USA squandering its economic advantages on overarming for a Cold War which would end soon anyway. Soon enough the masks would be dropped and the men behind the curtain would reveal themselves openly- The Zionists. Of course Beck being one of their more vile golems misses that part.

No one is denying the USSR posed a grave threat to the US or to World peace. But positing FDR and Eisenhower as "commies" is appealing to paranoia and just plain hate. What threatened the well being of Americans in the 1930's was runaway capitalist greed; what threatened it in the 1950's was race hatred.

We never needed the USSR to fuck up our nation; we have done that all by ourselves and judging from your post, some of us are still quite willing to continue to do so.

Alger Hiss was a close adviser to FDR and a proven commie spy. See the Verona Papers.

But for liberals to claim the Tea Party goes back to the roots of their own paranoia about that age, just reveals their own desperation.

They know they lost the argument of 2010 so they think they can win going back to the argument of the 1950s. Only problem is, they lost that argument, as well.

Oh come on Madeline..... you cant really be serious.

Everything I have heard on his show can be backed up with facts.... I've checked. Sure he is over the top sometimes, but that is how you keep an audience interested. But I believe he is sincere in his approach and will be looked at as a man who woke up alot of folks who were in the dark.
If you dont like what he is saying just tune it out, and watch Chris Mathews or Anderson Cooper... they could really use an audience according to their ratings, or maybe tune into watch the Yentas on The View :lol:

I dont like old rancid kool-aid. Thats what the libs have been trotting out for a long time.

You need to go back and read up on American history and stop believing what you are being fed by the left.

I LIVED this period in American History, The Infidel. If you truely believe the John Birch Society had a inside track on the Truth, you are sorely misguided.

So you are over 100 years old? :eek:

This has been brewing for way over 1oo yrs here in America, and its about time someone started telling the truth about it.
Its not always pretty, as he points out alot, but it is our history.

Anyway, I dont want to argue, I just think you should maybe watch his show more often and judge it for yourself rather than read someone elses opinion.

Oh, and Im old enough to remember the way things "used to be", and we are going the wrong way right now... big gov't is going to be the death of this great nation if we are'nt careful.

CNBC is the liberal media, now I'll post the that liberal media to show you where the idea for the republican tea party comes from. Republican ideas came from a liberal news org....And the Sky is Magenta!!

Isnt it Ironic....Dont you th...well

Pat Buchanan is also on CNN. Does that make him a liberal too?


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