Tea Party Lunacy Infects US Military

Should US Marine Sgt. Gary Stein get disability benefits when he gets discharged?

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Your second statement sounds more like a reversal of the first, that instead of working with Vets, you worked against them, when you judged them as lesser men than yourself, Dante.

That places you in the position of the righteous judge, ensuring their demise for anything that doesn't please you personally.

The military is not a personal place. It's an ethereal world operating on trust of each other and trust in officers above one's rank with the exception of Congressionally acceptable Geneva Convention declarations.

nope. I never signed anyone up for benefits. I worked with vets on other issues and NOT for the VA

I do not ever judge a vet as less than anyone else, myself included. But no vet gets an immediate pass from me just because they served.

Lots of criminals are vets too.

O.C. homeless slaying suspect aspired to kill 16, court records say - latimes.com

respect is earned. and volunteers get paid.

So you served when/where, asswipe??
And we're not talking serving blow jobs here, we're taking active duty in the armed forces.
Short of that...... STFU

Warrior102 has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

Enlisted 1973 / Basic Ft Dix 1974 / USAMPS Ft. Gordon GA - before it became all Signal School. the rest is none of your fucking business. I rarely post anything about this shit.

now stfu douchebagh
Your second statement sounds more like a reversal of the first, that instead of working with Vets, you worked against them, when you judged them as lesser men than yourself, Dante.

That places you in the position of the righteous judge, ensuring their demise for anything that doesn't please you personally.

The military is not a personal place. It's an ethereal world operating on trust of each other and trust in officers above one's rank with the exception of Congressionally acceptable Geneva Convention declarations.

nope. I never signed anyone up for benefits. I worked with vets on other issues and NOT for the VA

I do not ever judge a vet as less than anyone else, myself included. But no vet gets an immediate pass from me just because they served.

Lots of criminals are vets too.

O.C. homeless slaying suspect aspired to kill 16, court records say - latimes.com

respect is earned. and volunteers get paid.

So you served when/where, asswipe??
And we're not talking serving blow jobs here, we're taking active duty in the armed forces.
Short of that...... STFU

The only place he has "served" is a state prison.
This man has been in the military for about a decade. Where the fuck was he when another President was sending troops into battle without body armor? Did he start a blog about that?

gawd, politics before nation. The poisonous wing of conservative politics in America needs to be extinguished.

BRING IT mother fucker... we're just ITCHIN' for a fucking fight with you lilly livered, pansy assed little, sissie leftist pussy fucks anyway. Maybe then we could be rid of YOU, ya filthy shit stain.

You a funny guy. Make me laugh long time. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
So today, it's the 64-man mocking minute? :rolleyes:
nope. I never signed anyone up for benefits. I worked with vets on other issues and NOT for the VA

I do not ever judge a vet as less than anyone else, myself included. But no vet gets an immediate pass from me just because they served.

Lots of criminals are vets too.

O.C. homeless slaying suspect aspired to kill 16, court records say - latimes.com

respect is earned. and volunteers get paid.

So you served when/where, asswipe??
And we're not talking serving blow jobs here, we're taking active duty in the armed forces.
Short of that...... STFU

The only place he has "served" is a state prison.

truth is never. funny, eh? I volunteered for military service and never brag about being patriotic because of it. I never served time in a prison, military or civilian.

I'm just a better man than most. Honest and full of integrity. You should try IT some time.

You don't have to see combat to have PTSD.



non combat related PTSD. :lol: scam of the century. I am sure a few people are traumatized who never see combat. a few. but come on, what is so bad? :lol:

You don't think it's possible that all the people that were in NYC on 9-11, the police & firefighters, everyone that witnessed that horrible day wasn't affected somehow? The people that had to clean everything up, pick out body parts, that couldn't have affected any of them?
Warrior102 has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

I actually got a PM from Warrior too, and couldn't respond either.

@Warrior, isn't it a bit cowardly to send other people PM's, and then "protect" yourself from getting a response back?

(And to respond to your PM) I can care less about you giving me a negative rep; the only reason I gave you one was not in retaliation, but because you sounded like a 4th grade dipshit who hasn't fully grown up yet.
Last edited:
You don't have to see combat to have PTSD.



non combat related PTSD. :lol: scam of the century. I am sure a few people are traumatized who never see combat. a few. but come on, what is so bad? :lol:

You don't think it's possible that all the people that were in NYC on 9-11, the police & firefighters, everyone that witnessed that horrible day wasn't affected somehow? The people that had to clean everything up, pick out body parts, that couldn't have affected any of them?

actually, I know a few people,...

edited, I'll send PM reply instead. TMI
Enlisted 1973 / Basic Ft Dix 1974 / USAMPS Ft. Gordon GA - before it became all Signal School. the rest is none of your fucking business. I rarely post anything about this shit.

Well - you've just confirmed the age-old saying, "The Army's for Dummies."

Thanks assbreath.
So you served when/where, asswipe??
And we're not talking serving blow jobs here, we're taking active duty in the armed forces.
Short of that...... STFU

The only place he has "served" is a state prison.

truth is never. funny, eh? I volunteered for military service and never brag about being patriotic because of it. I never served time in a prison, military or civilian.

I'm just a better man than most. Honest and full of integrity. You should try IT some time.


:rofl: Thanks for the laugh. "I'm just a better man than most"

You're a freakin libtard, full of nothing but shit.
Warrior102 has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

I actually got a PM from Warrior too, and couldn't respond either.

@Warrior, isn't it a bit cowardly to send other people PM's, and then "protect" yourself from their response?

(And to respond to your PM) I can care less about you giving me a negative rep; the only reason I gave you one was not in retaliation, but because you sounded like a 4th grade dipshit who hasn't fully grown up yet.
really? :razz:
I actually got a PM from Warrior too, and couldn't respond either.

@Warrior, isn't it a bit cowardly to send other people PM's, and then "protect" yourself from their response?

I didn't send you a PM, asswipe.
I sent you a neg rep.
You're too fucking stupid to know the difference?

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