Tea Party=The New Nazi Party?

Poor Dante, I think his mission in life right now is to see just how many ways he can smear a large part of the American people.

Independents and Democrat Tea Party members, TAKE NOTE.:lol:

smear? what about mock?

note: see Dante's signature/Tina Fey quote.

" USEFUL IDIOTS " by mona charen

" ribbentrop in the U.S.S.R. -( i feel like im among my nazi friends ) " p. 16

communist demokrats always call republicans nazis to make people look the other way as they do treason against america

during wars you will always find demokrat leaders overseas insulting amerika !
From Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels' Diary

April 13, 1926

"Hitler was there. Tall healthy and vigorous." "I like him. He puts us to shame with his kindness." "We met. We asked questions. He gave brilliant replies." "I love him."

"The social issue, completely new insights. He has it all thought out." Hitler's ideal: "a mixture of collectivism and individualism. Production must remain a matter for individuals, big corporations, trusts, etc, all to be nationalized. This is what we discuss."


I'm watching the documentary: The Goebbels Experiment. I got to thinking about the correlations between the Nazi's in Germany and the Conservatives in America.

Before using the Tea Party name, as a name for a movement, took hold in the imagination of the popular right wing nutso-sphere---Dale Robertson was using Tea Party dot org, as a name in September of 2004 (as far as I can tell).

Who is Dale and what why do I and others call him a leader and founder of the Tea Party movement?


There is no denying Dale was using the name Tea Party, and calling for conservatives to take back the GOP. Dale is a lair, and a propagandist. There is no denying Dale Robertson was involved with starting and helping tom organize Tea Party rallies in Texas, before they got scared with him and his racist ideology. There is no denying the right is distancing themselves from Robertson with deceit and deception as to how he is connected to them. Dale is at Tea Party events in 2009.
In a brief bio on his website, he lies about his military career. According to the website,

Dale served his nation first as a U.S. Marine. After completing his duties with the Corps, he reenlisted into the U.S. Navy and became a U.S. Naval Officer. During his distinguished time of service, Dale’s Battle Group was first to the scene on 9/11 as well as first to launch an offensive in Afghanistan. He was stationed on the USS Sacramento which was the life blood of the Battle Group. He faithfully served our nation with Honor and Integrity, retiring after 22 years.

But a Freedom of Information Act request by blogger Jonn Lilyea at This Ain't Hell reveals that Robertson was discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves after serving less than a year. That is quite an embellishment from the record he claims on his website. Robertson's statement is, in fact, riddled with falsehoods.

Read more: STORY RETRACTED | Fake Tea Partier Also a Phony Soldier | NewsBusters.org

I post a few links from the right wing blowhardo-sphere and others.

‘N-Word’ Sign Dogs Would-Be Tea Party Leader The Washington Independent

STORY RETRACTED | Fake Tea Partier Also a Phony Soldier | NewsBusters.org

'Warning: Tea Party In Danger': Leader Slams Palin As 'Wolf In Sheep's Clothing' | TPMMuckraker

Tea Partier Tells Mediaite Racist Sign Was Forged; We Have Him On Record Defending Its Use Alan Colmes' Liberaland


back to the Nazi Party/Tea Party correlations.

Bush was the GOP and conservative pick to lead the nation. What did Bush do in 2008? He all but nationalized the banks as he called for individual responsibilities, etc.
Sound familiar? What did Hitler call for? (see above quote from the diary of Joseph Goebbels)

We have Tea Party people speaking about how they view the nation. How they view fellow citizens as outsiders. We have Tea Party rallies where people speak openly about challenging the will of the Republic (the vote) with armed insurrection.

there's lots more...

I'll be back.


I still think this is deserving of serious consideration.
The Tea Party is the new Nazi party? Then what about the current Nazi party?

American Nazi Party

Dante, this is silly. It is painfully clear that the Tea Party has the primary goals of reducing government, at least in the economic sphere. Demeaning them as the new Nazis is shameless demagoguery.
The Tea Party is the new Nazi party? Then what about the current Nazi party?

American Nazi Party

Dante, this is silly. It is painfully clear that the Tea Party has the primary goals of reducing government, at least in the economic sphere. Demeaning them as the new Nazis is shameless demagoguery.

Obviously they are the old Nazi party. :eusa_shhh:

The Tea Party is the new Nazi party? Then what about the current Nazi party?

American Nazi Party

Dante, this is silly. It is painfully clear that the Tea Party has the primary goals of reducing government, at least in the economic sphere. Demeaning them as the new Nazis is shameless demagoguery.

Obviously they are the old Nazi party. :eusa_shhh:

They still exist. If you would like to explain why members of the Tea Party felt that the current Nazi party needed reforming to necessitate a new one, by all means do so.
The Tea Party is the new Nazi party? Then what about the current Nazi party?

American Nazi Party

Dante, this is silly. It is painfully clear that the Tea Party has the primary goals of reducing government, at least in the economic sphere. Demeaning them as the new Nazis is shameless demagoguery.

Obviously they are the old Nazi party. :eusa_shhh:

They still exist. If you would like to explain why members of the Tea Party felt that the current Nazi party needed reforming to necessitate a new one, by all means do so.

I don't know. Maybe it's as simple as "Out with the old, in with the new"
no they are just foolish people fighting to make themselves poor. the "new nazi party" has been around for sometime. they are jews, at least the leaders of the jewish community are. they use nazi propaganda to control the public and they have been working (slower mind you than the german nazis) for a long time at destroying all that is christian.
25 years ago the same joke made about a kkk is told about a christian now. i expect in a few more years kids will learn how horrible christians are and how lucky we are to be rid of them.

truth be told the Jews certainly did leaarn a lot from the nazis and are using many of their methods now against another group. I always hear that nazis are bad but i guess what they did wasnt bad enough for jews not to want to do the same to christians.
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no they are just foolish people fighting to make themselves poor. the "new nazi party" has been around for sometime. they are jews, at least the leaders of the jewish community are. they use nazi propaganda to control the public and they have been working (slower mind you than the german nazis) for a long time at destroying all that is christian.

25 years ago the same joke made about a kkk is told about a christian now. i expect in a few more years kids will learn how horrible christians are and how lucky we are to be rid of them.


If I knew this I would have joined up with them ages ago.

thanks for the info

Sieg Heil
i know a couple of "Tea Party" members and they are anything but "Nazi's," but they do have legitimate concerns about where the U.S. is heading. Some points of their view are a bit misguided, but they have been co-opted by "big monies" and here in lyes the problem.
i know a couple of "Tea Party" members and they are anything but "Nazi's," but they do have legitimate concerns about where the U.S. is heading. Some of their point of view are a bit misguided, but they have been co-opted by "big monies" and here in lyes the problem; they are citizens and deserve to be heard, but so do opposing points of view and they are being silenced.
i know a couple of "Tea Party" members and they are anything but "Nazi's," but they do have legitimate concerns about where the U.S. is heading. Some of their point of view are a bit misguided, but they have been co-opted by "big monies" and here in lyes the problem; they are citizens and deserve to be heard, but so do opposing points of view and they are being silenced.

I've met sane, rational, well-meaning people who FOLLOW the Tea Party, but who ware not leaders/spokespeople.

I see and hear from leaders who are NUTS.

I am sure there were nice sane people in the Nazi Party of Germany
i know a couple of "Tea Party" members and they are anything but "Nazi's," but they do have legitimate concerns about where the U.S. is heading. Some points of their view are a bit misguided, but they have been co-opted by "big monies" and here in lyes the problem.

Big $$ latched onto those sheeple like a Shepard!
We have Tea Party people speaking about how they view the nation. How they view fellow citizens as outsiders. We have Tea Party rallies where people speak openly about challenging the will of the Republic (the vote) with armed insurrection.

Fear mongering, it's not just for republicans anymore. :thup:
We have Tea Party people speaking about how they view the nation. How they view fellow citizens as outsiders. We have Tea Party rallies where people speak openly about challenging the will of the Republic (the vote) with armed insurrection.

Fear mongering, it's not just for republicans anymore. :thup:

what you have referred to is NOT mongering of any sort, merely a statement of facts.

I assume you (as usual) read into things.

The mention of arms is not by itself meant as something to fear, it is the armed insurrection.

get with the program mani-pooh
Oops. Hit thanks instead of "quick reply".

I think is a massive stretch! I mean, I'm not a fan of the people I've seen in the TP thus far but to compare them to Nazi's???
Yeah, that's a comparison the ConservaRepubs make to Obama and just a credible. Not.
Oops. Hit thanks instead of "quick reply".

I think is a massive stretch! I mean, I'm not a fan of the people I've seen in the TP thus far but to compare them to Nazi's???
Yeah, that's a comparison the ConservaRepubs make to Obama and just a credible. Not.

does this happen often?

sounds kind of serious


Just the other day I meant to roll up the car window and accidentally ejected my wife from the passenger seat, while simultaneously launching two surface to air missiles...
We have Tea Party people speaking about how they view the nation. How they view fellow citizens as outsiders. We have Tea Party rallies where people speak openly about challenging the will of the Republic (the vote) with armed insurrection.

Fear mongering, it's not just for republicans anymore. :thup:

what you have referred to is NOT mongering of any sort, merely a statement of facts.

I assume you (as usual) read into things.

The mention of arms is not by itself meant as something to fear, it is the armed insurrection.

get with the program mani-pooh


You compare a modern political movement with the Nazi movement pre-WWII but that's not fear mongering.

Good one. :thup:

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