Tea Party=The New Nazi Party?

No, I want proof independent from yourself, if you're going to state these things. I'm saying you're wrong. You can't prove a negative, so you must prove your assertion. I suspect you will find none.
No, I want proof independent from yourself, if you're going to state these things. I'm saying you're wrong. You can't prove a negative, so you must prove your assertion. I suspect you will find none.
Standard Oil was broken up into 33 separate corporations. Rockefeller maintained control of each of them the same way he maintained control of Standard Oil. He had the same monopoly control after divestiture as before, just in a more roundabout way. Just because you refuse to see it doesn't change the fact that nothing changed as far as his monopoly CONTROL of oil is concerned after divestiture.

I already showed how he maintained CONTROL of Standard Oil. I don't have to prove he did the same thing he did with Standard Oil to the other 32, you have to prove the anti-trust laws somehow prevented him from doing the same thing to the other 32 since they couldn't prevent him from maintaining control of Standard Oil.
The onus is on YOU to show what is different about the other 32.
No, I want proof independent from yourself, if you're going to state these things. I'm saying you're wrong. You can't prove a negative, so you must prove your assertion. I suspect you will find none.
Standard Oil was broken up into 33 separate corporations. Rockefeller maintained control of each of them the same way he maintained control of Standard Oil. He had the same monopoly control after divestiture as before, just in a more roundabout way. Just because you refuse to see it doesn't change the fact that nothing changed as far as his monopoly CONTROL of oil is concerned after divestiture.

I already showed how he maintained CONTROL of Standard Oil. I don't have to prove he did the same thing he did with Standard Oil to the other 32, you have to prove the anti-trust laws somehow prevented him from doing the same thing to the other 32 since they couldn't prevent him from maintaining control of Standard Oil.
The onus is on YOU to show what is different about the other 32.
Funny. I don't SEE any links here to prove your assertion.

BUT, I went out and did a little Wikepedia searching just to humor myself.

I find it interesting that you're only partially correct in Rockefeller's ownership.

from wikipedia said:
On May 15, 1911, the US Supreme Court upheld the lower court judgment and declared the Standard Oil group to be an "unreasonable" monopoly under the Sherman Antitrust Act. It ordered Standard to break up into 34 independent companies with different boards of directors.[17]

Standard's president, John Rockefeller, had long since retired from any management role. But, as he owned a quarter of the shares of the resultant companies, and those share values mostly doubled, he emerged from the dissolution as the richest man in the world.[18]

Not 60%, 25%. And since I know you're going to focus on 'the value doubled', that's irrelevant. Rockefeller's hold on the activity of the oil MARKET had been broken. What you've ignored is that the Standard Oil Holding Company had had it's back broken from when it used to directly control 91% of the market in 1909. And that's a quarter of the shares of the resultant companies, plural. Not 25% of all the companies. So, it's probably it's even less.

So, you're still spouting bullshit, focusing on a narrow slice of history when the Sherman Anti trust act only started the ball rolling in 1890, and ignore the final result in 1911.

So, you're still wrong.

Also, I want to point something out as a difference between government and corporate monopolies.

A government monopoly is supported by taxes taken from you by force, a private company cannot.
A private monopoly cannot stop you from trying to supply yourself, a government can imprison you.
A government monopoly is beholden to the electorate to do in it's best interest, a private monopoly has to obey the market forces AND government law.
A private monopoly cannot make you a criminal by refusing to buy or use their products and services, the government can.

So, can we now get back to what the subject of this thread is? Debunking the lies about the Tea Party as given by the left?
No, I want proof independent from yourself, if you're going to state these things. I'm saying you're wrong. You can't prove a negative, so you must prove your assertion. I suspect you will find none.
Standard Oil was broken up into 33 separate corporations. Rockefeller maintained control of each of them the same way he maintained control of Standard Oil. He had the same monopoly control after divestiture as before, just in a more roundabout way. Just because you refuse to see it doesn't change the fact that nothing changed as far as his monopoly CONTROL of oil is concerned after divestiture.

I already showed how he maintained CONTROL of Standard Oil. I don't have to prove he did the same thing he did with Standard Oil to the other 32, you have to prove the anti-trust laws somehow prevented him from doing the same thing to the other 32 since they couldn't prevent him from maintaining control of Standard Oil.
The onus is on YOU to show what is different about the other 32.
Funny. I don't SEE any links here to prove your assertion.

BUT, I went out and did a little Wikepedia searching just to humor myself.

I find it interesting that you're only partially correct in Rockefeller's ownership.

from wikipedia said:
On May 15, 1911, the US Supreme Court upheld the lower court judgment and declared the Standard Oil group to be an "unreasonable" monopoly under the Sherman Antitrust Act. It ordered Standard to break up into 34 independent companies with different boards of directors.[17]

Standard's president, John Rockefeller, had long since retired from any management role. But, as he owned a quarter of the shares of the resultant companies, and those share values mostly doubled, he emerged from the dissolution as the richest man in the world.[18]

Not 60%, 25%. And since I know you're going to focus on 'the value doubled', that's irrelevant. Rockefeller's hold on the activity of the oil MARKET had been broken. What you've ignored is that the Standard Oil Holding Company had had it's back broken from when it used to directly control 91% of the market in 1909. And that's a quarter of the shares of the resultant companies, plural. Not 25% of all the companies. So, it's probably it's even less.

So, you're still spouting bullshit, focusing on a narrow slice of history when the Sherman Anti trust act only started the ball rolling in 1890, and ignore the final result in 1911.

So, you're still wrong.

Also, I want to point something out as a difference between government and corporate monopolies.

A government monopoly is supported by taxes taken from you by force, a private company cannot.
A private monopoly cannot stop you from trying to supply yourself, a government can imprison you.
A government monopoly is beholden to the electorate to do in it's best interest, a private monopoly has to obey the market forces AND government law.
A private monopoly cannot make you a criminal by refusing to buy or use their products and services, the government can.

So, can we now get back to what the subject of this thread is? Debunking the lies about the Tea Party as given by the left?
Don't you think you are milking the dumb act just a little too much???

What I actually said was that even though he OWNED on paper only 25% of the stock, he VOTED 60% of the PROXIES after divestiture, when some stockholders tried to oust him from the board. Again, I was trying to show you the subtle difference between OWNERSHIP and CONTROL, which is completely over your head and far beyond your comprehension. You don't have to own stock to vote the proxies using banks and charities as the vehicles of CONTROL.
Get it now???

But keep making a fool of yourself, I enjoy a good laugh. :rofl:
Thank you.
Okay, since you're desperate for it. Have the last (wrong) word. This thread's been dead for 3 pages.
We were on our way to that until we did the trust busting and put in anti-monopoly laws in place back in the early 1900's. That ended that, and the pendulum swung another direction. Gyrating and trying to build velocity. Today, it's goal is still the same... moving towards totalitarianism. the question is, which version of totalitarianism will succeed... unless we stop the pendulum once and for all.

Now we've got to do it again to bust up the monopoly of looters formed by politicians, unions and corporate management trying to create a new feudalism in THAT mould.

What you fail to notice is that the one thing these groups have in power is an unvarnished desire for permanent power over someone. They all believe them better than the common man. They're not. The Tea Parties represent a blow against this elitism and desire for corrupt control.

Power corrupts, and these people are no different. That is why laws must be crafted to prevent too much power from piling up in any one place and make it easily countered from multiples of sources. But we don't have this protection now. And that's what we need to get.
Again you show your gullibility by falling for the propaganda that anti-trust laws broke up the monopolies. They did not.

All they did was prevent the monopolists from OWNING their monopolies IN THEIR NAME. They still CONTROL their monopolies through vehicles like their phony charities that they CONTROL. They just "donate" the controlling interest of their monopolies to the "charities" they control and get a tax deduction for donating to themselves.

For example, when Rockefeller was forced to divest his OWNERSHIP of Standard Oil he owned on paper only 25% afterwards. So some stockholders tried to oust him from the board. Rockefeller VOTED 60% of the proxies!!!!! The Rockefeller family still controls the oil monopoly to this day.

This is why the Corporate Feudalists see you and your fellow travelers as "useful idiots." They know you can't understand the subtle difference between "ownership" and "control."

Standard Oil was broken up into 33 separate corporations. Rockefeller maintained control of each of them the same way he maintained control of Standard Oil. He had the same monopoly control after divestiture as before, just in a more roundabout way. Just because you refuse to see it doesn't change the fact that nothing changed as far as his monopoly CONTROL of oil is concerned after divestiture.

I already showed how he maintained CONTROL of Standard Oil. I don't have to prove he did the same thing he did with Standard Oil to the other 32, you have to prove the anti-trust laws somehow prevented him from doing the same thing to the other 32 since they couldn't prevent him from maintaining control of Standard Oil.
The onus is on YOU to show what is different about the other 32.
Funny. I don't SEE any links here to prove your assertion.

BUT, I went out and did a little Wikepedia searching just to humor myself.

I find it interesting that you're only partially correct in Rockefeller's ownership.

from wikipedia said:
On May 15, 1911, the US Supreme Court upheld the lower court judgment and declared the Standard Oil group to be an "unreasonable" monopoly under the Sherman Antitrust Act. It ordered Standard to break up into 34 independent companies with different boards of directors.[17]

Standard's president, John Rockefeller, had long since retired from any management role. But, as he owned a quarter of the shares of the resultant companies, and those share values mostly doubled, he emerged from the dissolution as the richest man in the world.[18]

Not 60%, 25%. And since I know you're going to focus on 'the value doubled', that's irrelevant. Rockefeller's hold on the activity of the oil MARKET had been broken. What you've ignored is that the Standard Oil Holding Company had had it's back broken from when it used to directly control 91% of the market in 1909. And that's a quarter of the shares of the resultant companies, plural. Not 25% of all the companies. So, it's probably it's even less.

So, you're still spouting bullshit, focusing on a narrow slice of history when the Sherman Anti trust act only started the ball rolling in 1890, and ignore the final result in 1911.

So, you're still wrong.

Also, I want to point something out as a difference between government and corporate monopolies.

A government monopoly is supported by taxes taken from you by force, a private company cannot.
A private monopoly cannot stop you from trying to supply yourself, a government can imprison you.
A government monopoly is beholden to the electorate to do in it's best interest, a private monopoly has to obey the market forces AND government law.
A private monopoly cannot make you a criminal by refusing to buy or use their products and services, the government can.

So, can we now get back to what the subject of this thread is? Debunking the lies about the Tea Party as given by the left?
Don't you think you are milking the dumb act just a little too much???

What I actually said was that even though he OWNED on paper only 25% of the stock, he VOTED 60% of the PROXIES after divestiture, when some stockholders tried to oust him from the board. Again, I was trying to show you the subtle difference between OWNERSHIP and CONTROL, which is completely over your head and far beyond your comprehension. You don't have to own stock to vote the proxies using banks and charities as the vehicles of CONTROL.
Get it now???

But keep making a fool of yourself, I enjoy a good laugh. :rofl:
Thank you.

Okay, since you're desperate for it. Have the last (wrong) word. This thread's been dead for 3 pages.
You are a perfect example of why CON$ make perfect contrarian indicators.
Rofl, this is utterly funny, although the background of this debate is obviously dead serious.

What is used here, we call in Germany the "Fascism-Club".
Just connect any idea of your political opponent with Nazism and, even better, with Auschwitz and there is no further need for any argumentation.

National Healthcare ? Nazis invented it.
Disarmament of the people ? Nazis as well !

But it works both ways.

Tea Party ? Nazis !

That in Germany the national healthcare was introduced 50 years before the Nazis came to power (which was 1933) is overlooked. Also that it was the declared intention of the then ultra-conservative Chancellor von Bismarck to draw away the workers from the Social Democrats (Left/Liberals). Funny - huh ?

Also, that the people were disarmed is also untrue. They were not heavily armed before 1933, so there was no need to do so in 1933.

That the Tea Party is (at least seen from the other side of the Pond) a movement for all the homeless conservatives, which are unhappy with the way the country is taking.

To me it is the irritated and frustrated middle-class, in big fear of what they have and what might be. This might be the only parallel to the Nazis and it´s followers before 1933.
Those were not the Left, but the lower middle-class, frustrated by the lost war, the loss of wealth in the inflation and the fear of the Big Red Bear in the East - the Bolshevists.

Seen from here, the Tea Party Movement seems to have certain parallels to this, but I would never take them too far.

Anyway, what I see and feel here is a bigger political and ideological divide than I would have thought.
You should start to accept again, that the GOP is "Her Majesties loyal opposition" and that Obama is President and is trying his best to get things done. You do not like what he does, well next election the people can tell. But then the verdict is to be accepted.

ze germanguy
i've had domain names registered since the early 90s. wanna buy one?

how the hell does registering a domain name become part of some nazi conspiracy?

I'll lay it out in simpleton terms for you...

follow the thread.

Tea Party ideals and propaganda/Hitler's ideals and propaganda.

We have Tea Party people speaking about how they view the nation (substitute Nazi for Tea). How they view fellow citizens as outsiders. We have Tea Party (Nazi/Tea) rallies where people speak openly about challenging the will of the Republic (the vote) with armed insurrection.

there's lots more...

Nazi Party/Tea Party correlations.

The Tea Party is a front for a takeover of the government by conservative radicals who are stoking public discontent. Like the Nazis, the GOP conservative radical movement today has been shown to be bankrupt---all about power over nation---and even over ideology, when it comes to keeping power.

Bush was the GOP and conservative pick to lead the nation. What did Bush do in 2008? He all but nationalized the banks as he called for individual responsibilities, etc.
Sound familiar? What did Hitler call for? (see above quote(s) from the diary of Joseph Goebbels)

Can you clarify your parallel a little more? When you say "Tea Party people viewing fellow citizens as outsides and wanting to challenge the legally elected government with armed insurrection" are you referring to

1) Certain individuals who are principally associated with the tea party movement
2) Certain individual speakers at certain tea party rallies
3) All attendees of tea party rallies
4) All tea party supporters, whether they have attended rallies or not

It sounds like you're equating the ostensible leaders of the tea party movement with the early leaders of the Nazi party, and the rally attendees with the brown shirts / S.A. Is that a reasonable paraphrase or am I reading you wrongly?
i've had domain names registered since the early 90s. wanna buy one?

how the hell does registering a domain name become part of some nazi conspiracy?

I'll lay it out in simpleton terms for you...

follow the thread.

Tea Party ideals and propaganda/Hitler's ideals and propaganda.

We have Tea Party people speaking about how they view the nation (substitute Nazi for Tea). How they view fellow citizens as outsiders. We have Tea Party (Nazi/Tea) rallies where people speak openly about challenging the will of the Republic (the vote) with armed insurrection.

there's lots more...

Nazi Party/Tea Party correlations.

The Tea Party is a front for a takeover of the government by conservative radicals who are stoking public discontent. Like the Nazis, the GOP conservative radical movement today has been shown to be bankrupt---all about power over nation---and even over ideology, when it comes to keeping power.

Bush was the GOP and conservative pick to lead the nation. What did Bush do in 2008? He all but nationalized the banks as he called for individual responsibilities, etc.
Sound familiar? What did Hitler call for? (see above quote(s) from the diary of Joseph Goebbels)

Can you clarify your parallel a little more? When you say "Tea Party people viewing fellow citizens as outsides and wanting to challenge the legally elected government with armed insurrection" are you referring to

1) Certain individuals who are principally associated with the tea party movement
2) Certain individual speakers at certain tea party rallies
3) All attendees of tea party rallies
4) All tea party supporters, whether they have attended rallies or not

It sounds like you're equating the ostensible leaders of the tea party movement with the early leaders of the Nazi party, and the rally attendees with the brown shirts / S.A. Is that a reasonable paraphrase or am I reading you wrongly?

1 & 2 of course, but 3 & 4 are not really fair or honest choices, for I could believe 99.9% of a group are guilty of something or other, and my agreeing to the choices of 'all' would deceptively make my choices false.
I'll lay it out in simpleton terms for you...

follow the thread.

Tea Party ideals and propaganda/Hitler's ideals and propaganda.

We have Tea Party people speaking about how they view the nation (substitute Nazi for Tea). How they view fellow citizens as outsiders. We have Tea Party (Nazi/Tea) rallies where people speak openly about challenging the will of the Republic (the vote) with armed insurrection.

there's lots more...

Nazi Party/Tea Party correlations.

The Tea Party is a front for a takeover of the government by conservative radicals who are stoking public discontent. Like the Nazis, the GOP conservative radical movement today has been shown to be bankrupt---all about power over nation---and even over ideology, when it comes to keeping power.

Bush was the GOP and conservative pick to lead the nation. What did Bush do in 2008? He all but nationalized the banks as he called for individual responsibilities, etc.
Sound familiar? What did Hitler call for? (see above quote(s) from the diary of Joseph Goebbels)

Can you clarify your parallel a little more? When you say "Tea Party people viewing fellow citizens as outsides and wanting to challenge the legally elected government with armed insurrection" are you referring to

1) Certain individuals who are principally associated with the tea party movement
2) Certain individual speakers at certain tea party rallies
3) All attendees of tea party rallies
4) All tea party supporters, whether they have attended rallies or not

It sounds like you're equating the ostensible leaders of the tea party movement with the early leaders of the Nazi party, and the rally attendees with the brown shirts / S.A. Is that a reasonable paraphrase or am I reading you wrongly?

1 & 2 of course, but 3 & 4 are not really fair or honest choices, for I could believe 99.9% of a group are guilty of something or other, and my agreeing to the choices of 'all' would deceptively make my choices false.

OK, if not all for 3 or 4, would you care to offer a guess at what you think the figure may be (I'm supposing that 99.9% was just for the purpose if making a distinction).
Poor Dante, I think his mission in life right now is to see just how many ways he can smear a large part of the American people.

Independents and Democrat Tea Party members, TAKE NOTE.:lol:

Large part? More like kook fringe.
Anti-war protests had much higher attendance, and if those weren't mainstream, these people surely aren't.
From Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels' Diary

April 13, 1926

"Hitler was there. Tall healthy and vigorous." "I like him. He puts us to shame with his kindness." "We met. We asked questions. He gave brilliant replies." "I love him."

"The social issue, completely new insights. He has it all thought out." Hitler's ideal: "a mixture of collectivism and individualism. Production must remain a matter for individuals, big corporations, trusts, etc, all to be nationalized. This is what we discuss."


I'm watching the documentary: The Goebbels Experiment. I got to thinking about the correlations between the Nazi's in Germany and the Conservatives in America.

Before using the Tea Party name, as a name for a movement, took hold in the imagination of the popular right wing nutso-sphere---Dale Robertson was using Tea Party dot org, as a name in September of 2004 (as far as I can tell).

Who is Dale and what why do I and others call him a leader and founder of the Tea Party movement?


There is no denying Dale was using the name Tea Party, and calling for conservatives to take back the GOP. Dale is a lair, and a propagandist. There is no denying Dale Robertson was involved with starting and helping tom organize Tea Party rallies in Texas, before they got scared with him and his racist ideology. There is no denying the right is distancing themselves from Robertson with deceit and deception as to how he is connected to them. Dale is at Tea Party events in 2009.
In a brief bio on his website, he lies about his military career. According to the website,

Dale served his nation first as a U.S. Marine. After completing his duties with the Corps, he reenlisted into the U.S. Navy and became a U.S. Naval Officer. During his distinguished time of service, Dale’s Battle Group was first to the scene on 9/11 as well as first to launch an offensive in Afghanistan. He was stationed on the USS Sacramento which was the life blood of the Battle Group. He faithfully served our nation with Honor and Integrity, retiring after 22 years.

But a Freedom of Information Act request by blogger Jonn Lilyea at This Ain't Hell reveals that Robertson was discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves after serving less than a year. That is quite an embellishment from the record he claims on his website. Robertson's statement is, in fact, riddled with falsehoods.

Read more: STORY RETRACTED | Fake Tea Partier Also a Phony Soldier | NewsBusters.org

I post a few links from the right wing blowhardo-sphere and others.

‘N-Word’ Sign Dogs Would-Be Tea Party Leader The Washington Independent

STORY RETRACTED | Fake Tea Partier Also a Phony Soldier | NewsBusters.org

'Warning: Tea Party In Danger': Leader Slams Palin As 'Wolf In Sheep's Clothing' | TPMMuckraker

Tea Partier Tells Mediaite Racist Sign Was Forged; We Have Him On Record Defending Its Use Alan Colmes' Liberaland


back to the Nazi Party/Tea Party correlations.

Bush was the GOP and conservative pick to lead the nation. What did Bush do in 2008? He all but nationalized the banks as he called for individual responsibilities, etc.
Sound familiar? What did Hitler call for? (see above quote from the diary of Joseph Goebbels)

We have Tea Party people speaking about how they view the nation. How they view fellow citizens as outsiders. We have Tea Party rallies where people speak openly about challenging the will of the Republic (the vote) with armed insurrection.

there's lots more...

I'll be back.


So where are we with this?

Tea Party=The New Nazi Party?

From Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels' Diary

April 13, 1926

"Hitler was there. Tall healthy and vigorous." "I like him. He puts us to shame with his kindness." "We met. We asked questions. He gave brilliant replies." "I love him."

"The social issue, completely new insights. He has it all thought out." Hitler's ideal: "a mixture of collectivism and individualism. Production must remain a matter for individuals, big corporations, trusts, etc, all to be nationalized. This is what we discuss."


I'm watching the documentary: The Goebbels Experiment. I got to thinking about the correlations between the Nazi's in Germany and the Conservatives in America.

Before using the Tea Party name, as a name for a movement, took hold in the imagination of the popular right wing nutso-sphere---Dale Robertson was using Tea Party dot org, as a name in September of 2004 (as far as I can tell).

Who is Dale and what why do I and others call him a leader and founder of the Tea Party movement?


There is no denying Dale was using the name Tea Party, and calling for conservatives to take back the GOP. Dale is a lair, and a propagandist. There is no denying Dale Robertson was involved with starting and helping tom organize Tea Party rallies in Texas, before they got scared with him and his racist ideology. There is no denying the right is distancing themselves from Robertson with deceit and deception as to how he is connected to them. Dale is at Tea Party events in 2009.
In a brief bio on his website, he lies about his military career. According to the website,

Dale served his nation first as a U.S. Marine. After completing his duties with the Corps, he reenlisted into the U.S. Navy and became a U.S. Naval Officer. During his distinguished time of service, Dale’s Battle Group was first to the scene on 9/11 as well as first to launch an offensive in Afghanistan. He was stationed on the USS Sacramento which was the life blood of the Battle Group. He faithfully served our nation with Honor and Integrity, retiring after 22 years.

But a Freedom of Information Act request by blogger Jonn Lilyea at This Ain't Hell reveals that Robertson was discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves after serving less than a year. That is quite an embellishment from the record he claims on his website. Robertson's statement is, in fact, riddled with falsehoods.

Read more: STORY RETRACTED | Fake Tea Partier Also a Phony Soldier | NewsBusters.org

I post a few links from the right wing blowhardo-sphere and others.

‘N-Word’ Sign Dogs Would-Be Tea Party Leader The Washington Independent

STORY RETRACTED | Fake Tea Partier Also a Phony Soldier | NewsBusters.org

'Warning: Tea Party In Danger': Leader Slams Palin As 'Wolf In Sheep's Clothing' | TPMMuckraker

Tea Partier Tells Mediaite Racist Sign Was Forged; We Have Him On Record Defending Its Use Alan Colmes' Liberaland


back to the Nazi Party/Tea Party correlations.

Bush was the GOP and conservative pick to lead the nation. What did Bush do in 2008? He all but nationalized the banks as he called for individual responsibilities, etc.
Sound familiar? What did Hitler call for? (see above quote from the diary of Joseph Goebbels)

We have Tea Party people speaking about how they view the nation. How they view fellow citizens as outsiders. We have Tea Party rallies where people speak openly about challenging the will of the Republic (the vote) with armed insurrection.

there's lots more...

I'll be back.


there will always b communist countries - as long as there is a communist demokrat party & useless republicans = republicans r too useless to even be nazis !
From Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels' Diary

April 13, 1926

"Hitler was there. Tall healthy and vigorous." "I like him. He puts us to shame with his kindness." "We met. We asked questions. He gave brilliant replies." "I love him."

"The social issue, completely new insights. He has it all thought out." Hitler's ideal: "a mixture of collectivism and individualism. Production must remain a matter for individuals, big corporations, trusts, etc, all to be nationalized. This is what we discuss."


I'm watching the documentary: The Goebbels Experiment. I got to thinking about the correlations between the Nazi's in Germany and the Conservatives in America.

Before using the Tea Party name, as a name for a movement, took hold in the imagination of the popular right wing nutso-sphere---Dale Robertson was using Tea Party dot org, as a name in September of 2004 (as far as I can tell).

Who is Dale and what why do I and others call him a leader and founder of the Tea Party movement?


There is no denying Dale was using the name Tea Party, and calling for conservatives to take back the GOP. Dale is a lair, and a propagandist. There is no denying Dale Robertson was involved with starting and helping tom organize Tea Party rallies in Texas, before they got scared with him and his racist ideology. There is no denying the right is distancing themselves from Robertson with deceit and deception as to how he is connected to them. Dale is at Tea Party events in 2009.
In a brief bio on his website, he lies about his military career. According to the website,

Dale served his nation first as a U.S. Marine. After completing his duties with the Corps, he reenlisted into the U.S. Navy and became a U.S. Naval Officer. During his distinguished time of service, Dale’s Battle Group was first to the scene on 9/11 as well as first to launch an offensive in Afghanistan. He was stationed on the USS Sacramento which was the life blood of the Battle Group. He faithfully served our nation with Honor and Integrity, retiring after 22 years.

But a Freedom of Information Act request by blogger Jonn Lilyea at This Ain't Hell reveals that Robertson was discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves after serving less than a year. That is quite an embellishment from the record he claims on his website. Robertson's statement is, in fact, riddled with falsehoods.

Read more: STORY RETRACTED | Fake Tea Partier Also a Phony Soldier | NewsBusters.org

I post a few links from the right wing blowhardo-sphere and others.

‘N-Word’ Sign Dogs Would-Be Tea Party Leader The Washington Independent

STORY RETRACTED | Fake Tea Partier Also a Phony Soldier | NewsBusters.org

'Warning: Tea Party In Danger': Leader Slams Palin As 'Wolf In Sheep's Clothing' | TPMMuckraker

Tea Partier Tells Mediaite Racist Sign Was Forged; We Have Him On Record Defending Its Use Alan Colmes' Liberaland


back to the Nazi Party/Tea Party correlations.

Bush was the GOP and conservative pick to lead the nation. What did Bush do in 2008? He all but nationalized the banks as he called for individual responsibilities, etc.
Sound familiar? What did Hitler call for? (see above quote from the diary of Joseph Goebbels)

We have Tea Party people speaking about how they view the nation. How they view fellow citizens as outsiders. We have Tea Party rallies where people speak openly about challenging the will of the Republic (the vote) with armed insurrection.

there's lots more...

I'll be back.


bush/mc cain destroyed the republican party
From Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels' Diary

April 13, 1926

"Hitler was there. Tall healthy and vigorous." "I like him. He puts us to shame with his kindness." "We met. We asked questions. He gave brilliant replies." "I love him."

"The social issue, completely new insights. He has it all thought out." Hitler's ideal: "a mixture of collectivism and individualism. Production must remain a matter for individuals, big corporations, trusts, etc, all to be nationalized. This is what we discuss."


I'm watching the documentary: The Goebbels Experiment. I got to thinking about the correlations between the Nazi's in Germany and the Conservatives in America.

Before using the Tea Party name, as a name for a movement, took hold in the imagination of the popular right wing nutso-sphere---Dale Robertson was using Tea Party dot org, as a name in September of 2004 (as far as I can tell).

Who is Dale and what why do I and others call him a leader and founder of the Tea Party movement?


There is no denying Dale was using the name Tea Party, and calling for conservatives to take back the GOP. Dale is a lair, and a propagandist. There is no denying Dale Robertson was involved with starting and helping tom organize Tea Party rallies in Texas, before they got scared with him and his racist ideology. There is no denying the right is distancing themselves from Robertson with deceit and deception as to how he is connected to them. Dale is at Tea Party events in 2009.
In a brief bio on his website, he lies about his military career. According to the website,

Dale served his nation first as a U.S. Marine. After completing his duties with the Corps, he reenlisted into the U.S. Navy and became a U.S. Naval Officer. During his distinguished time of service, Dale’s Battle Group was first to the scene on 9/11 as well as first to launch an offensive in Afghanistan. He was stationed on the USS Sacramento which was the life blood of the Battle Group. He faithfully served our nation with Honor and Integrity, retiring after 22 years.

But a Freedom of Information Act request by blogger Jonn Lilyea at This Ain't Hell reveals that Robertson was discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves after serving less than a year. That is quite an embellishment from the record he claims on his website. Robertson's statement is, in fact, riddled with falsehoods.

Read more: STORY RETRACTED | Fake Tea Partier Also a Phony Soldier | NewsBusters.org

I post a few links from the right wing blowhardo-sphere and others.

‘N-Word’ Sign Dogs Would-Be Tea Party Leader The Washington Independent

STORY RETRACTED | Fake Tea Partier Also a Phony Soldier | NewsBusters.org

'Warning: Tea Party In Danger': Leader Slams Palin As 'Wolf In Sheep's Clothing' | TPMMuckraker

Tea Partier Tells Mediaite Racist Sign Was Forged; We Have Him On Record Defending Its Use Alan Colmes' Liberaland


back to the Nazi Party/Tea Party correlations.

Bush was the GOP and conservative pick to lead the nation. What did Bush do in 2008? He all but nationalized the banks as he called for individual responsibilities, etc.
Sound familiar? What did Hitler call for? (see above quote from the diary of Joseph Goebbels)

We have Tea Party people speaking about how they view the nation. How they view fellow citizens as outsiders. We have Tea Party rallies where people speak openly about challenging the will of the Republic (the vote) with armed insurrection.

there's lots more...

I'll be back.


nazis were leftists !

old man kennedy loved nazism so much that roosevelt had to re-call him back home - kennedy was making a fool of himself ! communist demokrats love control !

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