Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

Sounds mildly akin to what the Roman government used to do with Christians: renounce Christ or else.
Sure...if you stick your fingers in your ears, squint your eyes, and ignore what really went on. Then it might sound mildly akin to pretty much anything.
No, it doesn't.
You either have a poor understanding of what constitutes a fact or what constitutes faith
The existence of God can be proven, but no one can make you accept FACTS, dear.

Fucking atheists scumbags.

Spoken like a True Phony Christian. But then again what can one expect from someone who'll post such a lie in the title in the first place. Keep up the good work.
how? classifying that statement as fact, opinion, or common assertion does not change the nature of god or even comment on it
It is the nature of Christians to maintain that the existence of God is a fact. That is "faith". To tell a child in a class that they "must" classify God as a myth, nope. Can't do it.

But progressives are all about state dictated religion.
no, faith precludes the existence of god from being a fact
No, it doesn't.
You either have a poor understanding of what constitutes a fact or what constitutes faith
No, I don't.
Facts are things in evidence, not unknown or even unknowable. And this is faith:

Hebrews 11:1
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Reading other accounts makes it appear that the young lady may have misunderstood the lesson and the grade. It appears that the students were asked to identify a list of items, determining whether each statement was fact, a common assertion, or an opinion.
I haven't read any other accounts.

The girl was really specific about what the assignment was. She said they were to choose if a statement was a fact, opinion, or myth. And if they stated that God was a fact or opinion, it was wrong.

The persecution of Christianity is on. All Nations will rise against Israel. The temple will be built,

and every knee shall bow - and every tongue shall confess


It will be so awesome when even the atheist knees bow and the tongues confess. It's all good

Reading other accounts makes it appear that the young lady may have misunderstood the lesson and the grade. It appears that the students were asked to identify a list of items, determining whether each statement was fact, a common assertion, or an opinion.
I haven't read any other accounts.

The girl was really specific about what the assignment was. She said they were to choose if a statement was a fact, opinion, or myth. And if they stated that God was a fact or opinion, it was wrong.

The persecution of Christianity is on. All Nations will rise against Israel. The temple will be built,

and every knee shall bow - and every tongue shall confess


It will be so awesome when even the atheist knees bow and the tongues confess. It's all good


Wow. Your entire narrative is gloriously self sustaining. Apparently, none of us even need to be here.
Link to a source if you can.
Snopes is poopooing the story since the school district 'investigated' talking to 8 students of a class of around 30, IIRC. What was the observation of the other 20ish students?

No one knows, but the Christ hating bastards are trying to make it out like this little 12 year old girl is lying, meanwhile they all rush to defend the feral thug that assaulted a cop in SC.
12 year old girls NEVER lie. You should ALWAYS take their word against paper physical evidence, witness evidence of 8 others, teacher evidence, and district research of what happened. You should especially ALWAYS take that girl's word for it when the parents go right to the school board without checking in with the teacher or school administration to find out what's up.
The physical evidence proves what? The student used a synonym when describing the incident? Have you talked to the "witnesses"? Isn't this hearsay? How do you know the investigators were honest when choosing which students to talk to? How do you know the investigators were honest when describing the students' testimony? What has the teacher said?
The fact that the teacher is a devout Christian is just another major hole in the girl's story. Making it more and more unlikely.
Evidence for your assertion?

.....clinging to a story told by a 12 year old, backed by nothing. That's irrational.
You are clinging to the story of some bureaucrats who may have lied about what the other children said. Bureaucrats who may just want to protect their jobs.
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The fact that the teacher is a devout Christian is just another major hole in the girl's story. Making it more and more unlikely.
Evidence for your assertion?

.....clinging to a story told by a 12 year old, backed by nothing. That's irrational.
You are clinging to the story of some bureaucrats who may have lied about what the other children said. Bureaucrats who may just want to protect their jobs.

Oh please. Read the goddam thread and the multitudinous links from actual legitimate sources. This troll fantasy was debunked days ago. Catch up already.
The memory of other students isn't predicated on whatever story she makes up.

You are really going to keep pretending that only 8 kids of all that class could remember what happened?

They interviewed 8 of the 22 students. EVERY student they interviewed contradicted Jordan's account. Without exception. The assignment didn't say what Jordan claimed it did. The teacher contradicts her. The district investigation contradicts her.

Its not a grand and spontaneous conspiracy among the district, the teacher, the paper of the assignment, and her classmates, all to facilitate a devout Christian telling a 12 year old that god is a myth.

The kid just made it up.

Then you are a fucking fool.

End of conversation ass hole.'

Sigh.....and now you're going from stubborn to pointlessly belligerent.

Its kind of your tell. When your argument doesn't work you start spewing personal insults. Just man up and admit you backed the wrong horse.
Some of us called it very early.
Me? Post #7.

I had to do some research on the topic first. And Jordan's story didn't hold up. She misrepresented the assignment, was contradicted by every student in her class that the school interviewed on the topic, she was contradicted by the teacher, she was contradicted by the district investigation.

What I find so fascinating is how doggedly her proponents are in clinging to her account despite the overwhelming contradictory evidence.
Because they want it to be true so...so...much!

Also, bringing out the outrage at the start paints them into a corner.
It happens so regularly you'd think some lessons would be learned...even by accident!

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