Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

Absolutely not. IN FACT, the question on the paper.....and yes, the assignment paper is available on line for people to see....states "There is a God". I know you think you are being clever, but you seem to forget that mooslims believe in a god too.....so that would apply to them also. They just call that god Allah....Arabic for god.

I could care less about mooslim special snowflakes or christian special snowflakes.......they (and you) are just looking to be offended. Special snowflakes aren't happy unless they can feel persecuted. Just like you "if that teacher had told a Muslim student that there was no Allah......." Classic persecution complex.

It is hilarious how you think yo are being clever with your stacked deck fallacies. The assingment was to rate the statement as factual or not. Stating it in the affirmative is irrelevant for the exercise.
Have you seen a copy of the paper?
Saw a pic, there were two.
I believe she also said the assignment was 40% of their grade.....it wasn't even graded.
YEah, and none of that could have changed after it turned into a controversy because no school district would do that, lolo..

But if a Mooslimbo makes a closed suit case clock, and the SD doesnt like it, IT'S a VAST RIGHTWING CONSPIRACY!
How can a teacher change something from a grade to NOT a grade without the students and/or the admin knowing? Answer that one for us, please.

And have you seen the assignment paper?
why? why should that not be allowed?
Because you assholes won't allow us to put teachers in place that teach children that there is a God.
which has absolutely nothing to do with the correct classification of the sentence "There is a God" as fact, opinion, or common assertion
It has everything to do with it, idiot.
how? classifying that statement as fact, opinion, or common assertion does not change the nature of god or even comment on it
It is the nature of Christians to maintain that the existence of God is a fact. That is "faith". To tell a child in a class that they "must" classify God as a myth, nope. Can't do it. But progressives are all about state dictated religion.
That actually is your desire, kg. A critical thinking exercise gives children, in fact, the opportunity to strengthen their faith in God.
Absolutely not. IN FACT, the question on the paper.....and yes, the assignment paper is available on line for people to see....states "There is a God". I know you think you are being clever, but you seem to forget that mooslims believe in a god too.....so that would apply to them also. They just call that god Allah....Arabic for god.

I could care less about mooslim special snowflakes or christian special snowflakes.......they (and you) are just looking to be offended. Special snowflakes aren't happy unless they can feel persecuted. Just like you "if that teacher had told a Muslim student that there was no Allah......." Classic persecution complex.

It is hilarious how you think yo are being clever with your stacked deck fallacies. The assingment was to rate the statement as factual or not. Stating it in the affirmative is irrelevant for the exercise.
Have you seen a copy of the paper?
Saw a pic, there were two.
Then you know what it REALLY said.
" note a lot of Christians are not Christian according the first chapter of Romans" is exactly why the social con Christians are either despised or simply ignored by the overwhelmingly majority of Christians. That is an excellent example why the social cons' religion, along with everyone else's theism and or atheism, cannot be taught in public school as if it were Sunday School.
Absolutely not. IN FACT, the question on the paper.....and yes, the assignment paper is available on line for people to see....states "There is a God". I know you think you are being clever, but you seem to forget that mooslims believe in a god too.....so that would apply to them also. They just call that god Allah....Arabic for god.

I could care less about mooslim special snowflakes or christian special snowflakes.......they (and you) are just looking to be offended. Special snowflakes aren't happy unless they can feel persecuted. Just like you "if that teacher had told a Muslim student that there was no Allah......." Classic persecution complex.

It is hilarious how you think yo are being clever with your stacked deck fallacies. The assingment was to rate the statement as factual or not. Stating it in the affirmative is irrelevant for the exercise.
Have you seen a copy of the paper?
Saw a pic, there were two.

There are two pics of the same paper. A close up and a longer shot.

Both contradict Jordan's account. Twice each.
why? why should that not be allowed?
Because you assholes won't allow us to put teachers in place that teach children that there is a God.
which has absolutely nothing to do with the correct classification of the sentence "There is a God" as fact, opinion, or common assertion
It has everything to do with it, idiot.
how? classifying that statement as fact, opinion, or common assertion does not change the nature of god or even comment on it
It is the nature of Christians to maintain that the existence of God is a fact. That is "faith". To tell a child in a class that they "must" classify God as a myth, nope. Can't do it.

But progressives are all about state dictated religion.

"Myth" was not an option in that exercise.
Because you assholes won't allow us to put teachers in place that teach children that there is a God.
which has absolutely nothing to do with the correct classification of the sentence "There is a God" as fact, opinion, or common assertion
It has everything to do with it, idiot.
how? classifying that statement as fact, opinion, or common assertion does not change the nature of god or even comment on it
It is the nature of Christians to maintain that the existence of God is a fact. That is "faith". To tell a child in a class that they "must" classify God as a myth, nope. Can't do it.

But progressives are all about state dictated religion.

"Myth" was not an option in that exercise.

Nor did the problem in question say 'There is no God' as Jordan claimed.

Her account is demonstratively false. Twice. On the most relevant points of her claims.
Sounds mildly akin to what the Roman government used to do with Christians: renounce Christ or else.
Sounds mildly akin to what the Roman government used to do with Christians: renounce Christ or else.

Depends on how you define 'mildly' and 'akin'. Because almost nothing about the kid's story checked out.
Because you assholes won't allow us to put teachers in place that teach children that there is a God.
which has absolutely nothing to do with the correct classification of the sentence "There is a God" as fact, opinion, or common assertion
It has everything to do with it, idiot.
how? classifying that statement as fact, opinion, or common assertion does not change the nature of god or even comment on it
It is the nature of Christians to maintain that the existence of God is a fact. That is "faith". To tell a child in a class that they "must" classify God as a myth, nope. Can't do it.

But progressives are all about state dictated religion.
no, faith precludes the existence of god from being a fact
No, it doesn't.
Sounds mildly akin to what the Roman government used to do with Christians: renounce Christ or else.

Depends on how you define 'mildly' and 'akin'. Because almost nothing about the kid's story checked out.

I was thinking of this: one way the Caesars went after the Christians was via the grammarians, philosophers, and rhetoricians, who often acted as imperial hatchet-men. It often came down to, say, a person in a public position, i.e. a school, being given an ultimatum when the empire was in a persecuting mode (which wasn't as often as the history books make it out; it largely depended on the whim of the emperor): denounce Christianity or else, which usually meant death.

As to the story itself- not surprising. Urban legends abound on the internet.
which has absolutely nothing to do with the correct classification of the sentence "There is a God" as fact, opinion, or common assertion
It has everything to do with it, idiot.
how? classifying that statement as fact, opinion, or common assertion does not change the nature of god or even comment on it
It is the nature of Christians to maintain that the existence of God is a fact. That is "faith". To tell a child in a class that they "must" classify God as a myth, nope. Can't do it.

But progressives are all about state dictated religion.
no, faith precludes the existence of god from being a fact
No, it doesn't.
You either have a poor understanding of what constitutes a fact or what constitutes faith
No, it doesn't.
You either have a poor understanding of what constitutes a fact or what constitutes faith[/QUOTE]
The existence of God can be proven, but no one can make you accept FACTS, dear.

Fucking atheists scumbags.
It has everything to do with it, idiot.
how? classifying that statement as fact, opinion, or common assertion does not change the nature of god or even comment on it
It is the nature of Christians to maintain that the existence of God is a fact. That is "faith". To tell a child in a class that they "must" classify God as a myth, nope. Can't do it.

But progressives are all about state dictated religion.
no, faith precludes the existence of god from being a fact
No, it doesn't.
You either have a poor understanding of what constitutes a fact or what constitutes faith
No, I don't.

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