Teacher in custody after Georgia police respond to report of shots fired

For all you whackadoodles who want to arm the teachers.

Georgia teacher arrested after firing gun in school, police say - CNN

A north Georgia high school teacher was arrested on Wednesday after he barricaded himself in a classroom and fired a shot from his handgun out of a window, police said.

No one was injured in the incident at Dalton High School, except for a female student who injured an ankle running through the school, police spokesman Bruce Frazier said.

The shooting about 85 miles north of Atlanta heightened the already tense debate around guns in schools in the wake of the deadly mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, two weeks ago.

The incident began about 11:30 a.m. when Randal Davidson, a 53-year-old social studies teacher, refused to let students into his classroom while he was in his planning period, Frazier said. When the principal put a key in the door in an attempt to enter, Davidson fired a shot from a handgun through an exterior window of the classroom, Frazier said.

The school went into lockdown, and police quickly arrived and evacuated the immediate area around his classroom. After about 30 to 45 minutes, Davidson agreed to surrender and was taken into custody without further incident, Frazier said.
Yeah. A leftist teacher sacrificing himself in order to counter trumps idea of arming teachers. Countless threads on this already...
For all you whackadoodles who want to arm the teachers.

Georgia teacher arrested after firing gun in school, police say - CNN

A north Georgia high school teacher was arrested on Wednesday after he barricaded himself in a classroom and fired a shot from his handgun out of a window, police said.

No one was injured in the incident at Dalton High School, except for a female student who injured an ankle running through the school, police spokesman Bruce Frazier said.

The shooting about 85 miles north of Atlanta heightened the already tense debate around guns in schools in the wake of the deadly mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, two weeks ago.

The incident began about 11:30 a.m. when Randal Davidson, a 53-year-old social studies teacher, refused to let students into his classroom while he was in his planning period, Frazier said. When the principal put a key in the door in an attempt to enter, Davidson fired a shot from a handgun through an exterior window of the classroom, Frazier said.

The school went into lockdown, and police quickly arrived and evacuated the immediate area around his classroom. After about 30 to 45 minutes, Davidson agreed to surrender and was taken into custody without further incident, Frazier said.

Yes, we need to arm competent, trained, and willing teachers.

Yeah. A leftist teacher sacrificing himself in order to counter trumps idea of arming teachers. Countless threads on this already...

I looked before i posted and didn't see any... but never mind.

To the point, though. This teacher freaked out, for whatever reason, and started shooting.

Let's put a whole bunch of guns in classrooms. That can't possibly turn out badly.
Yeah. A leftist teacher sacrificing himself in order to counter trumps idea of arming teachers. Countless threads on this already...

I looked before i posted and didn't see any... but never mind.

To the point, though. This teacher freaked out, for whatever reason, and started shooting.

Let's put a whole bunch of guns in classrooms. That can't possibly turn out badly.

It didn't. The dude has obvious mental issues and good thing no kids were present in the room. Under the proposed plans, I'm confident this loon would have never made the cut

Yeah. A leftist teacher sacrificing himself in order to counter trumps idea of arming teachers. Countless threads on this already...

I looked before i posted and didn't see any... but never mind.

To the point, though. This teacher freaked out, for whatever reason, and started shooting.

Let's put a whole bunch of guns in classrooms. That can't possibly turn out badly.
--------------------------------------- the azzwipe lefty school teacher planned it out , premeditated as the school was a GUN FREE Zone JoeB .
Yeah. A leftist teacher sacrificing himself in order to counter trumps idea of arming teachers. Countless threads on this already...

I looked before i posted and didn't see any... but never mind.

To the point, though. This teacher freaked out, for whatever reason, and started shooting.

Let's put a whole bunch of guns in classrooms. That can't possibly turn out badly.
--------------------------------------- the azzwipe lefty school teacher planned it out , premeditated as the school was a GUN FREE Zone JoeB .

Who said he’s a “lefty?”

Oh, wait... no one but you.

Never mind. :lmao:
some things are simply obvious plus the ranks of Taxpayer paid public school teachers is full of lefty [deviant] teacher union members Faun .
some things are simply obvious plus the ranks of Taxpayer paid public school teachers is full of lefty [deviant] teacher union members Faun .
What’s obvious is that you’re guided by your imagination.
probably a liberal dem teacher putting on an anti gun show for the liberal media . Probably One of your ilk Nia .
Evidence of your assertion, please.
--------------------------------------------- as i said , its PROBABLY a liberal dem teacher . I doTHINKING and Speculation and Reasoning until PROOF is provided Bodecea .

I thought liberals hated guns and didn't have any.

Hating guns and having guns are two different things.

I went to South Africa. I hate guns, but if I had to live there, there's no way I'd live without a gun in a place that makes America look safe.
Hating guns and having guns are two different things.I went to South Africa. I hate guns, but if I had to live there, there's no way I'd live without a gun in a place that makes America look safe.

Let's stay on topic; we're talking about gun control in America. Your experience in South Africa has nothing to do with this.
[From 2013] - Guns already allowed in schools with little restriction in many states
Here are the 18 states that allow adults to carry loaded weapons onto school grounds with few or minor conditions:

  • Alabama (which bans possessing a weapon on school grounds only if the carrier has "intent to do bodily harm")
  • California (with approval of the superintendent)
  • Connecticut (with approval of "school officials")
  • Hawaii (no specific law)
  • Idaho (with school trustees' approval)
  • Iowa (with "authorization")
  • Kentucky (with school board approval)
  • Massachusetts (with approval of the school board or principal)
  • Mississippi (with school board approval)
  • Montana (with school trustees' permission)
  • New Hampshire (ban applies only to pupils, not adults)
  • New Jersey (with approval from the school's "governing officer")
  • New York (with the school's approval)
  • Oregon (with school board approval)
  • Rhode Island (with a state concealed weapons permit)
  • Texas (with the school's permission)
  • Utah (with approval of the "responsible school administrator")
  • Wyoming (as long as it's not concealed)

So how about we look at the stats on school shootings in these states since 2013?

How about we look at the /reality/ that only 3% of mass shootings involve an AR-15 at all and if one really "cared" about the gun doing the most mass shootings, they'd be talking about handguns not "scary looking" "assault rifles"?

And that's the reality, they know damn well they'll never get enough public support for banning handguns so they have to make some shit up to try and underhandedly get "semi-automatic guns" aka what 90% of guns. Fuck you gun control nuts, the more you people talk about this shit, the more I am inclined to stand up with the "gun nutters" and scream NOT ONE FUCKING INCH.

You will lose this battle, again. Just like you did after Sandy Hook, because you (and/or your handlers) are not actually interested in doing stuff to save kids, just in banning guns - so fuck you all.

I get it. Guns are GOOD for you! In fact, guns are good for your kids, too!
[From 2013] - Guns already allowed in schools with little restriction in many states
Here are the 18 states that allow adults to carry loaded weapons onto school grounds with few or minor conditions:

  • Alabama (which bans possessing a weapon on school grounds only if the carrier has "intent to do bodily harm")
  • California (with approval of the superintendent)
  • Connecticut (with approval of "school officials")
  • Hawaii (no specific law)
  • Idaho (with school trustees' approval)
  • Iowa (with "authorization")
  • Kentucky (with school board approval)
  • Massachusetts (with approval of the school board or principal)
  • Mississippi (with school board approval)
  • Montana (with school trustees' permission)
  • New Hampshire (ban applies only to pupils, not adults)
  • New Jersey (with approval from the school's "governing officer")
  • New York (with the school's approval)
  • Oregon (with school board approval)
  • Rhode Island (with a state concealed weapons permit)
  • Texas (with the school's permission)
  • Utah (with approval of the "responsible school administrator")
  • Wyoming (as long as it's not concealed)

So how about we look at the stats on school shootings in these states since 2013?

How about we look at the /reality/ that only 3% of mass shootings involve an AR-15 at all and if one really "cared" about the gun doing the most mass shootings, they'd be talking about handguns not "scary looking" "assault rifles"?

And that's the reality, they know damn well they'll never get enough public support for banning handguns so they have to make some shit up to try and underhandedly get "semi-automatic guns" aka what 90% of guns. Fuck you gun control nuts, the more you people talk about this shit, the more I am inclined to stand up with the "gun nutters" and scream NOT ONE FUCKING INCH.

You will lose this battle, again. Just like you did after Sandy Hook, because you (and/or your handlers) are not actually interested in doing stuff to save kids, just in banning guns - so fuck you all.

I get it. Guns are GOOD for you! In fact, guns are good for your kids, too!

Do feel free to point out any schools up here that have been shot up. Hell up here we take kids away if they talk about harming other children. If there's gunfire anywhere /near/ a school our police go military and hunt the fuckers down. Our police have like a 90% ratio for catching bad guys, most are ex-military. Though admittedly a lot of the catch rate is private citizen's getting involved.

Probably the biggest "deterant" up here is attitude about criminals; Alaskan's cheer when criminals get the shit beat out of them. Criminals up here are scared, they don't want to get caught because they know damn well that not only will the police hunt them down, but the citizen's are just as likely to. And woe the criminal dumbass that picks the wrong house, they've got a less than 50/50 chance of being shot dead while running away. We pretty much have /zero/ sympathy for nut jobs and criminals and we go ballistic if our police aren't throwing their asses in jail for a long time - look up the hubbub up here about SB91 - where they decided to play liberal games and lower penalties and time served. Anchorage threw a tantrum. This is Alaska mentality (related to rage about SB91 getting passed):

“I’m not going to call Anchorage Police Department if someone breaks into my house. I will not call them to stop the crime, I will not call them to deal with the people coming into my house. I will be calling them to pick up a corpse,” Evans said to wide applause from the audience. - Residents rail against SB91 at rare Anchorage meeting

(Alaskan's loudly said no to SB91 reforms forced on us - we made them repeal it. The Justice Reform SJW's decided that all the criminals getting dead wasn't exactly the outcome they were looking for as a way to reduce prison costs heh)
Hating guns and having guns are two different things.I went to South Africa. I hate guns, but if I had to live there, there's no way I'd live without a gun in a place that makes America look safe.

Let's stay on topic; we're talking about gun control in America. Your experience in South Africa has nothing to do with this.

Fucking hell.

You didn't get the point, did you? Try looking at the DAMN FUCKING POINT of what I was saying instead of shouting your mouth off that it's off point because it happens to mention South Africa.

Jeez, it's not that fucking difficult, is it? I mean, I think a 12 year old could get this point.
[From 2013] - Guns already allowed in schools with little restriction in many states
Here are the 18 states that allow adults to carry loaded weapons onto school grounds with few or minor conditions:

  • Alabama (which bans possessing a weapon on school grounds only if the carrier has "intent to do bodily harm")
  • California (with approval of the superintendent)
  • Connecticut (with approval of "school officials")
  • Hawaii (no specific law)
  • Idaho (with school trustees' approval)
  • Iowa (with "authorization")
  • Kentucky (with school board approval)
  • Massachusetts (with approval of the school board or principal)
  • Mississippi (with school board approval)
  • Montana (with school trustees' permission)
  • New Hampshire (ban applies only to pupils, not adults)
  • New Jersey (with approval from the school's "governing officer")
  • New York (with the school's approval)
  • Oregon (with school board approval)
  • Rhode Island (with a state concealed weapons permit)
  • Texas (with the school's permission)
  • Utah (with approval of the "responsible school administrator")
  • Wyoming (as long as it's not concealed)

So how about we look at the stats on school shootings in these states since 2013?

How about we look at the /reality/ that only 3% of mass shootings involve an AR-15 at all and if one really "cared" about the gun doing the most mass shootings, they'd be talking about handguns not "scary looking" "assault rifles"?

And that's the reality, they know damn well they'll never get enough public support for banning handguns so they have to make some shit up to try and underhandedly get "semi-automatic guns" aka what 90% of guns. Fuck you gun control nuts, the more you people talk about this shit, the more I am inclined to stand up with the "gun nutters" and scream NOT ONE FUCKING INCH.

You will lose this battle, again. Just like you did after Sandy Hook, because you (and/or your handlers) are not actually interested in doing stuff to save kids, just in banning guns - so fuck you all.

I get it. Guns are GOOD for you! In fact, guns are good for your kids, too!

Do feel free to point out any schools up here that have been shot up. Hell up here we take kids away if they talk about harming other children. If there's gunfire anywhere /near/ a school our police go military and hunt the fuckers down. Our police have like a 90% ratio for catching bad guys, most are ex-military. Though admittedly a lot of the catch rate is private citizen's getting involved.

Probably the biggest "deterant" up here is attitude about criminals; Alaskan's cheer when criminals get the shit beat out of them. Criminals up here are scared, they don't want to get caught because they know damn well that not only will the police hunt them down, but the citizen's are just as likely to. And woe the criminal dumbass that picks the wrong house, they've got a less than 50/50 chance of being shot dead while running away. We pretty much have /zero/ sympathy for nut jobs and criminals and we go ballistic if our police aren't throwing their asses in jail for a long time - look up the hubbub up here about SB91 - where they decided to play liberal games and lower penalties and time served. Anchorage threw a tantrum. This is Alaska mentality (related to rage about SB91 getting passed):

“I’m not going to call Anchorage Police Department if someone breaks into my house. I will not call them to stop the crime, I will not call them to deal with the people coming into my house. I will be calling them to pick up a corpse,” Evans said to wide applause from the audience. - Residents rail against SB91 at rare Anchorage meeting

(Alaskan's loudly said no to SB91 reforms forced on us - we made them repeal it. The Justice Reform SJW's decided that all the criminals getting dead wasn't exactly the outcome they were looking for as a way to reduce prison costs heh)

..and I bet that Juneau has the lowest car theft rate in America, seeing as there are no roads leading out of it, as I recall.....
[From 2013] - Guns already allowed in schools with little restriction in many states
Here are the 18 states that allow adults to carry loaded weapons onto school grounds with few or minor conditions:

  • Alabama (which bans possessing a weapon on school grounds only if the carrier has "intent to do bodily harm")
  • California (with approval of the superintendent)
  • Connecticut (with approval of "school officials")
  • Hawaii (no specific law)
  • Idaho (with school trustees' approval)
  • Iowa (with "authorization")
  • Kentucky (with school board approval)
  • Massachusetts (with approval of the school board or principal)
  • Mississippi (with school board approval)
  • Montana (with school trustees' permission)
  • New Hampshire (ban applies only to pupils, not adults)
  • New Jersey (with approval from the school's "governing officer")
  • New York (with the school's approval)
  • Oregon (with school board approval)
  • Rhode Island (with a state concealed weapons permit)
  • Texas (with the school's permission)
  • Utah (with approval of the "responsible school administrator")
  • Wyoming (as long as it's not concealed)

So how about we look at the stats on school shootings in these states since 2013?

How about we look at the /reality/ that only 3% of mass shootings involve an AR-15 at all and if one really "cared" about the gun doing the most mass shootings, they'd be talking about handguns not "scary looking" "assault rifles"?

And that's the reality, they know damn well they'll never get enough public support for banning handguns so they have to make some shit up to try and underhandedly get "semi-automatic guns" aka what 90% of guns. Fuck you gun control nuts, the more you people talk about this shit, the more I am inclined to stand up with the "gun nutters" and scream NOT ONE FUCKING INCH.

You will lose this battle, again. Just like you did after Sandy Hook, because you (and/or your handlers) are not actually interested in doing stuff to save kids, just in banning guns - so fuck you all.

I get it. Guns are GOOD for you! In fact, guns are good for your kids, too!

Do feel free to point out any schools up here that have been shot up. Hell up here we take kids away if they talk about harming other children. If there's gunfire anywhere /near/ a school our police go military and hunt the fuckers down. Our police have like a 90% ratio for catching bad guys, most are ex-military. Though admittedly a lot of the catch rate is private citizen's getting involved.

Probably the biggest "deterant" up here is attitude about criminals; Alaskan's cheer when criminals get the shit beat out of them. Criminals up here are scared, they don't want to get caught because they know damn well that not only will the police hunt them down, but the citizen's are just as likely to. And woe the criminal dumbass that picks the wrong house, they've got a less than 50/50 chance of being shot dead while running away. We pretty much have /zero/ sympathy for nut jobs and criminals and we go ballistic if our police aren't throwing their asses in jail for a long time - look up the hubbub up here about SB91 - where they decided to play liberal games and lower penalties and time served. Anchorage threw a tantrum. This is Alaska mentality (related to rage about SB91 getting passed):

“I’m not going to call Anchorage Police Department if someone breaks into my house. I will not call them to stop the crime, I will not call them to deal with the people coming into my house. I will be calling them to pick up a corpse,” Evans said to wide applause from the audience. - Residents rail against SB91 at rare Anchorage meeting

(Alaskan's loudly said no to SB91 reforms forced on us - we made them repeal it. The Justice Reform SJW's decided that all the criminals getting dead wasn't exactly the outcome they were looking for as a way to reduce prison costs heh)

..and I bet that Juneau has the lowest car theft rate in America, seeing as there are no roads leading out of it, as I recall.....

Might also be why Alaska has the highest rape rate in the US.
the azzwipe lefty school teacher planned it out , premeditated as the school was a GUN FREE Zone JoeB .

do you know he was a lefty school teacher/ Lefties don't normally own guns. Maybe he's a guy who just snapped.

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