Teacher in custody after Georgia police respond to report of shots fired

Tell that to the bakers, the photographers, the Bread and Breakfast owners......dumb ass......if they have to serve gay weddings then Delta has to serve one of the first Civil Rights groups in the country...

The NRA received a privilege from Delta. That privilege is now gone, meaning the NRA members are now treated like everyone else.

So your comparison falls flat.

No.....The NRA is a Civil Rights group and Delta is refusing a service to them....just like the Bakers made cakes, cookies and pastries for the gay couple, for many, many years for all of their parties and events....and then, when the bakers said they couldn't make one cake, a wedding cake, the gay couple destroyed them....

Delta....they need to learn that if you want those rules....you get to get hurt by those rules too...
Wow.....I bet you thought that was pretty clever.....you left wingers are so fucking stupid.....

You're just some Russian troll, aren't you? Your profile was created exactly right when Russia began their impersonation of Americans on social media.

Thank you.....I always appreciate guys like you who think I am paid for what I do.......I wish I was......
The NRA is a Civil Rights group and Delta is refusing a service to them


Delta isn't refusing service to NRA members at all. What Delta did was eliminate the special privileges NRA members received.

Any NRA member can go and book a flight on Delta.

But now we have to ask the question; WHY ARE YOU LYING SO OPENLY AND BRAZENLY? The only answer is that you're a propagandist.
Delta is refusing a service to them


All you do is lie.

But that's the job of a propagandist; to lie.

Delta isn't denying service to NRA members; Delta is eliminating the special privileges NRA members got.

You know this is the reality, yet you lie anyway.

So you are a lying sack of crap. A typical Russian propagandist, pretending to be American for the sole purpose of sowing discontent and division through open, bald-faced lies like this one.
Gun ownership has zero to do with rape or car theft.

The reason Alaska has a high sexual assault rate is the same reason that S. Dakota is right behind us (and in fact we're both nearly double the rest of the US,) because of the natives. - Why Rape Is Much More Common In Alaska

Laws /we/ make (at least in Alaska, not 100% sure about S.Dakota) can't really change that because the Native Council deals with their own crime, they only call in the US Gov when they're tired of/unable to deal with the problem - and frankly their opinions on how native women are treated are not exactly up to "modern standards" and especially when you add alcohol abuse, which affects, sorry to say, the majority of natives - though at least there the villages attempt to do something about it by going "dry."

This is a legit "consequence" of accepting 'multi-culturism' frankly, when you don't demand/require other cultures to adapt to American moral standards, then they stick with their own cultural values, which includes how they perceive and treat women differently in this case. You'll also find that most native women are essentially not allowed to work in native villages. You'll find that they, and the children as well, are still kind of considered "property." IE May wants a "divorce" from her alcoholic husband due to domestic violence, Joe will beat the shit out of her for it and half the village shrugs and figures she "deserved" it because she wanted a divorce in the first place.

Its like... how many times have ya'll lower 48ers had to detain natives because they took down a moose with knives and gutted it in central park, alarming/grossing out the commuters? In the village, violence as a whole is actually considered a "good" trait. After all a native man who can take out a moose with a knife would be desirable there. In the city though, his capability for violence is a nuisance. In the village a woman's place, children's place, is listening to their husband/father, and that's actually a survival thing; when dad says get the fuck inside, you don't cop an attitude asking 'why' without consequence - usually along the lines of a predator dragging you into the woods as a snack.

More fun facts to help you non-thinking types with this concept of how stats aren't everything, lets look at some of the reasons why Anchorage itself has such high "violent crime" rates? So our worst year ever; 28 murders, 580 sexual assaults. If you stayed out of two areas of town (slums) and weren't around the "dirty" (scummy) bars at closing time, you probably didn't have any problems with 'violent crime' (Outliers being domestic violence, usually involving drugs/drunkenness and not the first time Sally got slapped around by Jason...) Anyway, chance of getting killed is 1 in 100+ but that's really only if you're dealing drugs. What's funny, to me anyway, is that they include "arson" as a violent crime in many figures; arson... which includes the homeless in Anchorage starting a fire to stay warm. Yeah, LOTS of homeless folks are lighting "illegal" fires all over the place all the damn time, it's called survival - duh. But crime stats don't pay attention to the reality that 'arson' in those cases isn't really a threat to anyone, they just write it down and the stat mappers have no clue so they include it in the stats.

Folks really only bring up this shit when they're losing..., more precisely, folks on this particular site, when talking about the gun control debate, bring it up when losing - most other sites lefties have more intellectual honesty surprisingly. Real Alaskan's know what the problems are, they know who the problems are, and they know where to stay away from - and what time of day to stay away from problem areas, and other "common sense" things like don't leave your running car unlocked (or ya know, park in the fucking garage so you don't have to do that at all) and have a dog to deter house robbers. It's like my chance of getting harmed in Anchorage, even without my bodyguard or husband, is basically zero - I don't go to places where I know the natives hang out (the native hospital, beans cafe, and the areas they make their homeless camps) I also don't go where the drug dealers and gangs claim is their "turf" (dense apartment areas where their stupid clientele live - Fairview and Mtn. View.) I don't go to the malls that don't provide armed security; Northway Mall and the Sears Mall (Diamond Mall used to be on there but they stepped up their game so they didn't lose business.) I'm not running around out there in the middle of the night, I'm not hanging out on the streets after the bars let out at 3am, I don't get drunk and get into bad situations. Common sense is far, far more reliable indicator of if you're going to have trouble in a place than the stats portrayal. ~shrug~ I suppose people visiting who don't know any better might stumble into a homeless camp and get raped/sexually assaulted, but if they stick within walking distance of the tourist areas and stick around the tourist parks our officers patrol them heavily all summer; we do our best to protect "foreigners" to the state heh
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Tell that to the bakers, the photographers, the Bread and Breakfast owners......dumb ass......if they have to serve gay weddings then Delta has to serve one of the first Civil Rights groups in the country...

Um, no, being a gun nut isn't a covered position. It's a lifestyle choice.

A damned scary lifestyle choice.
No.....The NRA is a Civil Rights group and Delta is refusing a service to them....just like the Bakers made cakes, cookies and pastries for the gay couple, for many, many years for all of their parties and events....and then, when the bakers said they couldn't make one cake, a wedding cake, the gay couple destroyed them....

Well, then it was pretty dumb of them to act that way, wasn't it?

The reason Alaska has a high sexual assault rate is the same reason that S. Dakota is right behind us (and in fact we're both nearly double the rest of the US,) because of the natives. -

Oh, look, EC brought the racism. That's usually Ray from Cleveland's job.
Hating guns and having guns are two different things.I went to South Africa. I hate guns, but if I had to live there, there's no way I'd live without a gun in a place that makes America look safe.

Let's stay on topic; we're talking about gun control in America. Your experience in South Africa has nothing to do with this.

Fucking hell.

You didn't get the point, did you? Try looking at the DAMN FUCKING POINT of what I was saying instead of shouting your mouth off that it's off point because it happens to mention South Africa.

Jeez, it's not that fucking difficult, is it? I mean, I think a 12 year old could get this point.

What point were you trying to make if not using South Africa and your "experience" there as support for your awful gun position in America?

Can you not see it?

I said I hated guns, but that if I lived in a place like South Africa I'd have to have a gun.

I used South Africa as an extreme example of a place which has high crime and lots of violent crime and murder.

The argument from some on the right goes that if you hate guns, you shouldn't have guns. This is a ridiculous argument.

Sometimes you have to adapt to the environment around you, whether you like that environment or not.

In my case, if I live in a safe place, I won't have a gun, because I get a choice.
If I live in a dangerous place, I don't see that I have a choice.

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