Teacher in custody after Georgia police respond to report of shots fired

From heavy.com-

Records show Davidson has been charged with aggravated assault with a gun, terroristic threats and acts, carrying a weapon in school safety zones without a license to do so, reckless conduct, disrupting public school and possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. He is being held without bail at the Whitfield County Jail...

...Authorities said they are still investigating how the gun got onto campus. Bartoo said teachers are not allowed to have guns on campus.
That gun obviously escaped from his locked gun safe, hid in his car, and then snuck on campus without anyone knowing, and then fired in his classroom!
probably a liberal dem teacher putting on an anti gun show for the liberal media . Probably One of your ilk Nia .
Evidence of your assertion, please.
--------------------------------------------- as i said , its PROBABLY a liberal dem teacher . I doTHINKING and Speculation and Reasoning until PROOF is provided Bodecea .
And when a conservative says, "probably," everything that follows is bullshit.
probably a liberal dem teacher putting on an anti gun show for the liberal media . Probably One of your ilk Nia .
Evidence of your assertion, please.
9 times out of 10, what he said is true. The Florida shooting wouldn't of happened if it wasn't for an Obama policy that let schools not report to police the crimes chdren did at school.
You really go through life listening to one side?
probably a liberal dem teacher putting on an anti gun show for the liberal media . Probably One of your ilk Nia .
Evidence of your assertion, please.
--------------------------------------------- as i said , its PROBABLY a liberal dem teacher . I doTHINKING and Speculation and Reasoning until PROOF is provided Bodecea .
And when a conservative says, "probably," everything that follows is bullshit.

Do you know how we can tell when your post is bullshit? There are letters in it.
probably a liberal dem teacher putting on an anti gun show for the liberal media . Probably One of your ilk Nia .
Mentally ill whack job who should never have been allowed to be around children.

Shut down the schools to protect kids.
I am actually starting to agree with that idea Koshergrl, what the fuck are schools teaching the kids anyway, much less making them sitting ducks for lunatics that the gov does nothing to fucking stop even when warned...
Gee, what a shock. County gives teacher right to carry gun to class. Teacher turns out to be as crazy as the people he is suppose to guard against. Gun nuts blame Obama.
Funny the lefties/gun haters, and no doubt the media, will all proclaim this as "why teachers can't have guns in school"

Yet they'll completely fail to mention Alaska, where the vast majority of our school districts have armed teachers and a good deal of the teachers in the largest district CC.
lots of info on the TEACHERS if you just look for it and its easy . Everything from Teachers [mostly young female and some men] having sex with school kids students to doing drugs and selling drugs to kids in class rooms . Its pretty funny and then the anti Americanism that these young teachers teach . And then the feminazation of young boys . ------------------ Many teachers simply work for a paycheck and less responsibility and accountability . I'm just happy that my kids are in their 40s . Check it out , don;t take my words for it , check it out for yourself Ever Curious .
Sounds like a progressive ass hat who was pissed off that the anti gun rhetoric was losing gas, and arming teachers was, so decided to "make a statement".
lots of info on the TEACHERS if you just look for it and its easy . Everything from Teachers [mostly young female and some men] having sex with school kids students to doing drugs and selling drugs to kids in class rooms . Its pretty funny and then the anti Americanism that these young teachers teach . And then the feminazation of young boys . ------------------ Many teachers simply work for a paycheck and less responsibility and accountability . I'm just happy that my kids are in their 40s . Check it out , don;t take my words for it , check it out for yourself Ever Curious .

My youngest is 19 now, I'm through this shit, but I worry about my grandkids - damned straight they'll be going to private school, not even just because of that stuff you mention, but because I actually want them to be successful in life, which means learning skills that will actually benefit them in their adult life - conflict resolution, dealing with opinions one doesn't like, dealing with others in an "American" way (open minded,) etc.

Public schools are pretty despicable these days...
best of luck , best wishes but i see everything from education and law enforcement falling down and going to heck as i look at recent events concerning poiice and 'fbi' and other institutions . And yep , i agree about Grandkids and other young Americans but what good is a good education if all the American Institutions are torn down or modified into uselessness ECurious ??
Funny the lefties/gun haters, and no doubt the media, will all proclaim this as "why teachers can't have guns in school"

Yet they'll completely fail to mention Alaska, where the vast majority of our school districts have armed teachers and a good deal of the teachers in the largest district CC.

Right, and if teachers in Washington DC had guns, they could stop worrying about grizzly bear attacks....
Gee, what a shock. County gives teacher right to carry gun to class. Teacher turns out to be as crazy as the people he is suppose to guard against. Gun nuts blame Obama.

Where did you get that from?

In view of the fact that the entire gun lobby, as well as President trump want teachers everywhere to carry guns, I think that you miss the point if he did not have specific permission to do so in this case.
Gee, what a shock. County gives teacher right to carry gun to class. Teacher turns out to be as crazy as the people he is suppose to guard against. Gun nuts blame Obama.

Where did you get that from?

In view of the fact that the entire gun lobby, as well as President trump want teachers everywhere to carry guns, I think that you miss the point if he did not have specific permission to do so in this case.

You need to learn to write without lying!
Come to find out this teacher was the favorite of the student body. He was hugely popular and widely loved.

Nobody gave him permission to bring a gun to class. He was charged with possession of a firearm on school grounds.
Give guns only to conservative teachers......

Demrat teachers are too vaporous......total idiots in other words.
[From 2013] - Guns already allowed in schools with little restriction in many states
Here are the 18 states that allow adults to carry loaded weapons onto school grounds with few or minor conditions:

  • Alabama (which bans possessing a weapon on school grounds only if the carrier has "intent to do bodily harm")
  • California (with approval of the superintendent)
  • Connecticut (with approval of "school officials")
  • Hawaii (no specific law)
  • Idaho (with school trustees' approval)
  • Iowa (with "authorization")
  • Kentucky (with school board approval)
  • Massachusetts (with approval of the school board or principal)
  • Mississippi (with school board approval)
  • Montana (with school trustees' permission)
  • New Hampshire (ban applies only to pupils, not adults)
  • New Jersey (with approval from the school's "governing officer")
  • New York (with the school's approval)
  • Oregon (with school board approval)
  • Rhode Island (with a state concealed weapons permit)
  • Texas (with the school's permission)
  • Utah (with approval of the "responsible school administrator")
  • Wyoming (as long as it's not concealed)

So how about we look at the stats on school shootings in these states since 2013?

How about we look at the /reality/ that only 3% of mass shootings involve an AR-15 at all and if one really "cared" about the gun doing the most mass shootings, they'd be talking about handguns not "scary looking" "assault rifles"?

And that's the reality, they know damn well they'll never get enough public support for banning handguns so they have to make some shit up to try and underhandedly get "semi-automatic guns" aka what 90% of guns. Fuck you gun control nuts, the more you people talk about this shit, the more I am inclined to stand up with the "gun nutters" and scream NOT ONE FUCKING INCH.

You will lose this battle, again. Just like you did after Sandy Hook, because you (and/or your handlers) are not actually interested in doing stuff to save kids, just in banning guns - so fuck you all.
Grow up and acknowledge
the more than patterning insanity
of further MILITARY Ordinance Sale$,

...masssacre apathetic (bigoted inbred) traitors to country and humanity
Give guns only to conservative teachers......
Demrat teachers are too vaporous......total idiots in other words.
Jeeeez it demonstrably takes no herdable intelligence
(particularly for self-embarrassing, fake 'Reaity' $how sorority members)
to imagine the world in videogame (,...because it's apathetically stupid duh)
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