Teacher in Ireland arrested and put in prison for not using woke pronouns

Yes, I saw that in the op. He tried to go do his job, earning a living and he was arrested for it. Becasue since he did not bow to the demands of you lefties he was not allowed to work his job.

And you think that is a good thing?
No trespass laws in the US ?
Referring to his suspension, Mr Burke said: 'It is extraordinary and reprehensible that someone's religious beliefs on this matter could ever be taken as grounds for an allegation of misconduct.

'My religious beliefs are not misconduct. They are not gross misconduct. They never will be. They are dear to me. I will never deny them and never betray them, and I will never bow to an order that would require me to do so. It is just not possible for me to do that.'"

The School Board accused him of "Gross Misconduct". That was a nefarious LIE!!! It was an attempt to intimidate him and frankly for a teacher it is death to his good name. The Board is not only in the wrong but when Judge Quinn finds out that the Board has done this in their initial application to the Court then frankly he should have the bastards arrested!!!


What is Gross Misconduct under Irish Law?​

""Section 8 of the Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Act 1973 saves an employer from liability for minimum notice where the dismissal is for misconduct. We have always held that this exemption applies only to cases of very bad behaviour of such a kind that no reasonable employer could be expected to tolerate the continuance of the relationship for a minute longer; we believe the legislature had in mind such things as violent assault or larceny or behaviour in the same sort of serious category. If the legislature had intended to exempt an employer from giving notice in such cases where the behaviour fell short of being able to fairly be called by the dirty word ‘misconduct’ we have always felt that they would have said so by adding such words (after the word misconduct) as negligence, slovenly workmanship, bad timekeeping, etc. They did not do so.""

By suspending Burke for "Gross Misconduct" then frankly they have dealt a calumny to him that is extreme!! Burke is frankly overtaken by "Righteous anger" at the destruction of his good name by The Board. Where can I donate to his cause??

Nutters need to be weeded out of teaching.
And Rosa should have just sat in the back of the bus.
Where did I say that? He should have the same rights granted to him that the students have, freedom to speak. The school disagreed, now he is in jail, he was willing to put himself out for a cause, then he accepts the price.
Should Rosa Parks have done that instead of refusing to take a seat in back of the bus?
There is no comparison to Rosa Parks.

This was a privately owned school
He was most likely under contact with this school and if he violated his contract by refusing to follow policy then the school has every right to fire him and bar him from the property. If he felt he was unjustly fired then he has legal recourse

The bus Rosa was on was public property and she was not prohibited from riding on that bus and she was protesting the actual discrimination and denial of services to Blacks
Shit like this is in the US as well. It's stupid there as well as here.
In Europe they have it far worse

They have no Constitution to protect their rights, and their woke climate cult will destroy them financially with energy costs this winter.

Not only do they have no rights in Europe, many will probably freeze to death.
Where did I say that? He should have the same rights granted to him that the students have, freedom to speak. The school disagreed, now he is in jail, he was willing to put himself out for a cause, then he accepts the price.
There is no freedom of speech as we know it in Europe.

Their laws are different get over it already.
There is no comparison to Rosa Parks.

This was a privately owned school
He was most likely under contact with this school and if he violated his contract by refusing to follow policy then the school has every right to fire him and bar him from the property. If he felt he was unjustly fired then he has legal recourse

The bus Rosa was on was public property and she was not prohibited from riding on that bus and she was protesting the actual discrimination and denial of services to Blacks
Could the private school have fired him after saying they did not want a "Ni##er" to work there?
Don't think so.
Another Left wing lie.
Then post on the US incidences and stop whining about what happens in a fucking foreign country

It's a preview of what you twats want to bring here.

Also going with the "well it's different there so shut up" retort just shows you lost.
I am stating a fact and since I am not a citizen of that country I realize that what I might think of their laws is utterly meaningless to them

Nah, you are cheering the lack of protections and wish them to be here. I can smell it.

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