Teacher Suing School District Over ‘Bibles, Prayer Circles, Ministering’ On Campus

Good. Keep your bible thumping at home and at church.

They have a right to bring their religion into the public square, to the same extent as others who wish to publicize their opinions and beliefs... A street preacher has the same right to give his speil at a public park as do them Occupy protestors. The Methodists have the same right to march in Skokie as do the Nazi's
No one's arguing otherwise.

But religion promoted or advanced by schools, or endorsed by schools, or members of the clergy proselytizing to public school students at the behest of the school is clearly un-Constitutional.

Wolf is...
Good. Keep your bible thumping at home and at church.

The school denies the factual allegations, but if they are as stated by the complaintant, then we do have a violation.
Rule of thumb: If you would have NO objections to Muslims or Satanists doing the same thing at the same time in the same place......it's ok. If you have serious issues with it, it's probably a violation of church and state.
You are the only one thus far stating that such would be a problem.
Rule of thumb: If you would have NO objections to Muslims or Satanists doing the same thing at the same time in the same place......it's ok. If you have serious issues with it, it's probably a violation of church and state.
You are the only one thus far stating that such would be a problem.
So...you would not have a problem with either Muslims or Satanists doing the same thing.
Good. Keep your bible thumping at home and at church.

They have a right to bring their religion into the public square, to the same extent as others who wish to publicize their opinions and beliefs... A street preacher has the same right to give his speil at a public park as do them Occupy protestors. The Methodists have the same right to march in Skokie as do the Nazi's
No one's arguing otherwise.

But religion promoted or advanced by schools, or endorsed by schools, or members of the clergy proselytizing to public school students at the behest of the school is clearly un-Constitutional.

Wolf is...
Good. Keep your bible thumping at home and at church.

The school denies the factual allegations, but if they are as stated by the complaintant, then we do have a violation.
I am not arguing that I am just saying that's to ME where it belongs...my personal opinion...constitutional no I would be wrong.
Rule of thumb: If you would have NO objections to Muslims or Satanists doing the same thing at the same time in the same place......it's ok. If you have serious issues with it, it's probably a violation of church and state.
You are the only one thus far stating that such would be a problem.
So...you would not have a problem with either Muslims or Satanists doing the same thing.
Of course not.

Your religion - your choice. There is nothing wrong with students gathering and praying or sharing religious scripts - no matter what they are.

I don't think that the staff should be participating in the exchanges though and I believe that is what is alleged in this case. there is a lot thrown in there as well - like children in prayer groups. Interfering in that (if they are not trying to do this during instruction time) is a direct violation, IMHO, of the constitution.
The first clearly states that the Government can NOT restrict religious freedom. That means schools can not restrict prayer or religious freedom either. If as a student someone wants to pray or quote scripture they are free to do it. But not according to you liberal dumb asses.

So you would be okay with Muslims being given time to pray towards Mecca during the school day, at school?
Remind me how you complained when New York not only allowed that while denying any use by Christians but also set up private rooms for Muslims to pray in during school hours while refusing to allow any other religion to even use the school after hours.
Time for the Satanists to drop in for a visit. That usually sends the Christians running for the hills. They hate fair play.
FLORENCE, Colo. (CBS4) – A Colorado teacher is suing a school district, claiming a school is not keeping church and state separate.

In the lawsuit former Florence High School teacher Robert Basevitz says he experienced religious discrimination at his school. When he formally complained about it, he says he was transferred to another school in the district, and that’s when things elevated to the lawsuit.

Why is it that just one sniveling troll can upset the daily routines of an entire school just because he's buthurt about religion? Furthermore, why does no one ever sue districts for promoting the cult of male chauvinism, slavery and death?

This country was founded on the idea of separation of church and state — that’s the very first sentence in the Bill or Rights before any other freedom is discussed,” Maxon said.

Ok... This assclown is supposed to be a lawyer? He's not even literate apparently:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The phrase "separation of church and state" is found NO WHERE in the COTUS, and nothing in the COTUS can be taken out of context enough to imply such. The First Amendment clearly places the restrictions solely on the CONGRESS, not some school district or even a state. How these imbeciles can graduate high school with such pitiful english comprehension skills baffles me, but the fact that they passed a bar exam give me cause to think I should go after some easy money, get a law degree, and sue fascist pig liberals for offending me.

All I can say is Hallelujah!
And whoever said that the country was founded on the separation of church and state is wrong. One of the founding principles Freedom OF Religion, not FROM Religion. .
You can't have freedom OF religion without freedom FROM religion. Whenever I hear this particular piece of BS, it's usually from the same people that complain about sharia law. Aren't we constantly told we need to be protected FROM that?
And whoever said that the country was founded on the separation of church and state is wrong. One of the founding principles Freedom OF Religion, not FROM Religion. .
You can't have freedom OF religion without freedom FROM religion. Whenever I hear this particular piece of BS, it's usually from the same people that complain about sharia law. Aren't we constantly told we need to be protected FROM that?
The 1st Amendment specifically defends MY right to believe in any religion I chose, to pray anywhere anytime I want, to quote passages and homilies from my religion where and when I want.It does not protect YOUR right to prevent me from doing so because you are offended by religion.
The 1st Amendment specifically defends MY right to believe in any religion I chose, to pray anywhere anytime I want, to quote passages and homilies from my religion where and when I want.It does not protect YOUR right to prevent me from doing so because you are offended by religion.
The OP was about schools, NOT the general public. Children should be protected FROM religion being imposed by anyone other than their parents. If you want them to be able to pray whenever they want, send them to a religious school and don't free load off the rest of us.
And whoever said that the country was founded on the separation of church and state is wrong. One of the founding principles Freedom OF Religion, not FROM Religion. .
You can't have freedom OF religion without freedom FROM religion. Whenever I hear this particular piece of BS, it's usually from the same people that complain about sharia law. Aren't we constantly told we need to be protected FROM that?
The 1st Amendment specifically defends MY right to believe in any religion I chose, to pray anywhere anytime I want, to quote passages and homilies from my religion where and when I want.It does not protect YOUR right to prevent me from doing so because you are offended by religion.

The First Amendment prohibits government from seeking to disadvantage your right to religious expression (Free Exercise Clause), and it protects citizens from religion by prohibiting the codification of religious dogma into secular law all must obey (Establishment Clause).

The First Amendment concerns the relationship between government and those governed only – having nothing whatsoever to do with the interaction between and among private persons.

Indeed, you have no right at all to engage in religious expression on private property if the property owner doesn't wish you to do so – consequently, you do not have the right to pray anywhere, anytime you want, or to quote passages and homilies from your religion where and when you want.

And if your religious expression is disruptive and disorderly, you can also be compelled to discontinue that expression on public property as well.
As usual, too much input from the Democratic and Republican strategists.

This for me is simple.

The first amendment allows you free exercise of religion and I don't care if it's in school, congress, the military, or wherever.

If practicing your religion outside of your church, or your home, isn't illegal, let it all hang out, and nobody should stop you

However...if the free exercise thereof causes additional fiscal expenditures, by the state or federal government, spent to facilitate your exercise, I have a problem with it, and so should we all.

So, you want a Nativity Scene at city hall? Don't make the city pay for it. Make the Christians who want it, pay for it's installation and any other expenses

You want a prayer meeting in the gym at a public school...teachers involved should not be paid during that time, and if any additional electricity, or security is needed, the school should be reimbursed for that.

Freely exercise your religion like there's no tomorrow, just don't make people who are not of your faith pay for it.
Thats funny, someone complains about Christian activities going on in school, but pagen activities, such as homosexuality, etc are freely expressed. If we are going to seperate the church frrom the state, tell me why state agencies have defamed my character within my church. This seperation of church and state only applies when someone is "butt hurt" because they are being driven by satanic forces. Think about it, no other religion is attacked as heavily as Christianity in America. There was a time when this nation was proud to be Christian and there fruits shown when they helped other nations. Now America exports porn, has gay marriage, and has kicked out the very Entity that has kept it protected all these years.. I feel sorry for those leaders who have turned there back on God,. May the Lord save them before its too late.
Thats funny, someone complains about Christian activities going on in school, but pagen activities, such as homosexuality, etc are freely expressed. If we are going to seperate the church frrom the state, tell me why state agencies have defamed my character within my church. This seperation of church and state only applies when someone is "butt hurt" because they are being driven by satanic forces. Think about it, no other religion is attacked as heavily as Christianity in America. There was a time when this nation was proud to be Christian and there fruits shown when they helped other nations. Now America exports porn, has gay marriage, and has kicked out the very Entity that has kept it protected all these years.. I feel sorry for those leaders who have turned there back on God,. May the Lord save them before its too late.
This is secular nation. Your child's fantasy of a God hasn't done jack shit.
Unfortunately you are correct but they do NOT have the right to bring it to school. Which is what happened.


You have the right to bring your religion and your gun to any place you're allowed to go. Governments love to restrict gun possession, which they do out of "public (their own) safety" concerns, but no lucid person can argue that a bible threatens their safety.

Weapons restrictions need to go. In TX you can carry in the Capitol building because our governors have no reason to fear the public. The same can't be said in commiefornia and new yuck.


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