Teacher suspended for making fun of lgbt group, students support teacher

Yep, I did read the entire article and DOES NOT give the suggestion of the OP.

There is more to the story that the OP.
I just now read/scanned the write up and it didn't say what the teacher said exactly unless I over looked it by accident. Whatever was said could very well have been misconstrued.

God bless you and the teacher always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. To me, at least one person is always going to misinterpret something that is said by another person.
Yep, I did read the entire article and DOES NOT give the suggestion of the OP.

There is more to the story that the OP.


I don't suppose you'd like to enlighten us as to where "more to the story" might be found?

Otherwise, the OP very accurately describes the link.
He looks like your average good christian republican (hate to stereotype but I just get the vibe). And what kind of science is a guy like this teaching, intelligent design?
Mar 20, 2014 at 7:31 pm · [MENTION=22946]REP[/MENTION]lyReply to this comment ·

Full story here: http://www.queerty.com/west-virginia-teacher-suspended-for-mocking-his-schools-gaystraight-alliance-20140320/$West Virginia Teacher Suspended For Mocking His School?s Gay/Straight Alliance / Queerty
Oh, and I've told my kids to never get stuck in bathrooms with weirdos. If there's one in there, get your ass out and hold it until they're gone.

There's a weird older girl at school that, although she got my daughter in trouble by LYING about her...seems to really like her! This girl (who has extremely bright pink hair, btw) has no friends. She is always sitting near my daughter, she talks to her as if they are buddies (and talks to me too) and everytime I look up she's looking at my girl, or at me. Not in any malicious or scary way...she's just looking.

I think she admires my daughter.

It does't matter, she lie about my girl and my girl is in no way immune to saying shitty things in bathrooms given the opportunity...

So I told her not to use the bathroom at practice. She goes when she gets there, with me, and if she goes some other time she either goes with me or with another adult.

My point is, my daughter is the one who is allegedly *the bully* in this case. Because she was targeted by a weirdo (her mom is weird too, omg) who happens to ALSO seems to want to be close to my daughter...

Where am I going with this? Two places....don't make your kid a target. Don't encourage your child to posture and make him or herself some sort of controversial symbol at school.

#2, the whole bullying fad is today's *hate speech* movement. The goal is to make it illegal to in any way, shape or form criticize fyor even identify immorality or depraved behavior....and to make it illegal to defend yourself from attack (including physical attack) from any person who identifies with any of the favoried groups (queers, trannies, felons, blacks).

I have made it clear to my daughter's teachers and to others that I am not interesting in hearing *bullying* accusations leveled against my daughter, because what is I see is that the term *bullying* is used to justify *bullying* others. You push them around, they respond, and you run to the authorities adn whine "so and so is bullying me and made me feel REALLY uncomfortable". Automatically, the kid who defended herself is labeled a bully, and everybody handles the psycho who started the mess is some sort of angelic creature who now must be elevated to almost divine status.

It's ridiculous Teach respect, expect respect, and quit encouraging kids to act out the sexual fantasies of their parents in school. The world would immediately change for the better.

This is why bullying isn't a simple thing to stop for schools...parents either in denial or even encouraging of the bullying behavior.
It might be useful if NEWSAND SENTINEL.COM had given us the EXACT WORDS that the man is in such trouble for having posted.

Instead here's ALL WE KNOW

... the suspension of teacher David Foggin for making a post which seemingly made fun of the student organization has created an atmosphere of bullying directed at GSA members and perceived gay students.

That tells us exactly nothing.

This is what I found:

The newspaper reported Monday that Foggin had posted an image on Facebook on Friday of a poster advertising the student club's meetings, along with a comment, “Club meeting at PSHS!! Rally around them and show ur support. We are also considering a drunks-t totaller club, drugged/sober club, smokeless tobacco vs smokes club, street racing, and deer poaching clubs. Please donate and support us. Thank u!!! I think I hear the drag already zinging.”

Parkersburg teacher suspended over Facebook post* - News - The Charleston Gazette - West Virginia News and Sports -

If this is true - and it appears to be - the man is in deep trouble.

Yes. Let's hope he's fired. Next question. When will these dumbass teabagger teachers ever realize that a. Facebook isn't private, and b. You don't friend your fucking students on Facebook!

Anyone thought to ask why a high school even has a group solely about sexuality? If a straight version glorifying sex between minor boys and girls wouldn't be allowed, why an LGBT-oriented one? Especially if the local AoC makes sexual relationships involving the ages in the group illegal.

Where does it say the group has anything to do with sex?
Of course support groups for straight minors about their sexuality are allowed..such "rap groups" at High Schools have been happening across the country for some time...(at least in the North East where I live and practice). No support group organized to help youth deal with their issues should be held up to ridicule..Especially by a teacher.

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Agreed. The teacher knows better and should be a professional. He's supposed to be the adult in the room.

Anyone thought to ask why a high school even has a group solely about sexuality? If a straight version glorifying sex between minor boys and girls wouldn't be allowed, why an LGBT-oriented one? Especially if the local AoC makes sexual relationships involving the ages in the group illegal.

Where does it say the group has anything to do with sex?

It might be useful if NEWSAND SENTINEL.COM had given us the EXACT WORDS that the man is in such trouble for having posted.

Instead here's ALL WE KNOW

... the suspension of teacher David Foggin for making a post which seemingly made fun of the student organization has created an atmosphere of bullying directed at GSA members and perceived gay students.

That tells us exactly nothing.


Should an LGBT teacher be suspended for wishing on FB that the ban on gay male blood donations be ended? It will get people killed or infected with HIV. What's worse. being mean or wishing for something that will kill people?
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It might be useful if NEWSAND SENTINEL.COM had given us the EXACT WORDS that the man is in such trouble for having posted.

Instead here's ALL WE KNOW

... the suspension of teacher David Foggin for making a post which seemingly made fun of the student organization has created an atmosphere of bullying directed at GSA members and perceived gay students.
That tells us exactly nothing.

This is what I found:

The newspaper reported Monday that Foggin had posted an image on Facebook on Friday of a poster advertising the student club's meetings, along with a comment, “Club meeting at PSHS!! Rally around them and show ur support. We are also considering a drunks-t totaller club, drugged/sober club, smokeless tobacco vs smokes club, street racing, and deer poaching clubs. Please donate and support us. Thank u!!! I think I hear the drag already zinging.”

Parkersburg teacher suspended over Facebook post* - News - The Charleston Gazette - West Virginia News and Sports -

If this is true - and it appears to be - the man is in deep trouble.
:lol: It's funny.

Street racing and deer poaching club. Sounds awesome.
Should an LGBT teacher be suspended for wishing on FB that the ban on gay male blood donations be ended? It will get people killed or infected with HIV. What's worse. being mean or wishing for something that will kill people?

There's so much stupid in this little closetqueernovasteve* post I don't know where to start. Starting with the fact that blood donated by gays is no different than anyone else's today.

btw...gaynovasteve: I have B Negative blood. When I was stationed in Germany the only other guy on the base had B Negative blood. One night he was walking down the road drunk and was hit by a car. I had to go to the hospital and lay there for hours giving him my blood in a transfusion.

He would have died otherwise, but I guess that's ok with you, huh?

*I've decided closetqueernovasteve is the best name for the idiot. Let's all start using it.
Should an LGBT teacher be suspended for wishing on FB that the ban on gay male blood donations be ended? It will get people killed or infected with HIV. What's worse. being mean or wishing for something that will kill people?

There's so much stupid in this little closetqueernovasteve* post I don't know where to start. Starting with the fact that blood donated by gays is no different than anyone else's today.

btw...gaynovasteve: I have B Negative blood. When I was stationed in Germany the only other guy on the base had B Negative blood. One night he was walking down the road drunk and was hit by a car. I had to go to the hospital and lay there for hours giving him my blood in a transfusion.

He would have died otherwise, but I guess that's ok with you, huh?

*I've decided closetqueernovasteve is the best name for the idiot. Let's all start using it.

You are either ignorant or a liar. Which is it? Gay men are the highest at risk group. Them being allowed to donate blood will increase the risk, by a lot, that people get infected, because blood testing is not perfect, and it's not instant. It takes up to six months to show up in a test. Now why do you want to risk people's lives for politically correct purposes? If it was your loved one to get infected, you would think it was worth it?

Glad the man has the gonads to stand up and speak his mind. So much for "freedom of speech" though. If a queer made fun of a straight group he'd get a raise and a pat on the back.

Poor victims, these straights.

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