Teachers Attend 'LGGBDTTTIQQAAP' Sensitivity Training

slapping down gay training in the 1st grade isn't going to resolve this and is only going to continue to divide people who strongly feel it's out of place.
Where is their “gay training “ in the first grade and what the hell is gay training anyway? Seem that you have turned out to be one of those chicken little hysterical types that I spoke about
seems to me you put anyone who doesn't agree with you in this category.

as for "what is gay training" - what is the topic of this thread again and where is it happening? telling the teachers what to teach is what again?

to be honest i'm not paying a whole lot of attention to this thread other than the LBG???????????????????????????????????? is forcing their views on people again. i'm pretty sure if i forced my views on them they'd have a cow and a few other farm animals.
The topic of the thread is a training for staff that a bunch of idiots are getting all flustered about. I guess that you really aren't paying attention
So who's teaching the teachers of this training course?:dunno:

Dammit, kids at that age don't even know what 'sexual orientation' is yet, much less if & how they fit into it........dumbasses :blowup:
Funny how the pendulum swings...

Back when I was in school there was a huge push by LGBT supporters that schools were teaching religious moral values upon kids (that contrary to their parents values, homosexuality is a sin)

The LGBT's are now aghast that there is blowback by religious parents who don't feel their kids should be taught moral values in schools (that contrary to their parents values, homosexuality isn't a sin)...

Come on gravity - find the middle where teaching moral values are left to the parents...
In reality about 1/3rd of the student body considers themselves somekind of gay or bi based on a news report I heard a few years ago.

Why not teach the teachers how to act around their students?
Is the obama effect is becoming progressively patriotic, or what?
In reality about 1/3rd of the student body considers themselves somekind of gay or bi based on a news report I heard a few years ago.

Why not teach the teachers how to act around their students?

Indeed, why are the teachers telling the boys that they are girls, and viewing the boys as damaged girls who need to be corrected by emasculating them so much that they think they are gay.

Because there is no way that 30% of the population is gay. That's your leftist delusions talking.

Why are the teachers not doing what the parents want? Why are public schools cancer?
In reality about 1/3rd of the student body considers themselves somekind of gay or bi based on a news report I heard a few years ago.

Why not teach the teachers how to act around their students?
Why not teach students there are only two genders, and that this is all made up bullshit by demented liberals who want to destroy Americans.
Funny how the pendulum swings...

Back when I was in school there was a huge push by LGBT supporters that schools were teaching religious moral values upon kids (that contrary to their parents values, homosexuality is a sin)

The LGBT's are now aghast that there is blowback by religious parents who don't feel their kids should be taught moral values in schools (that contrary to their parents values, homosexuality isn't a sin)...

Come on gravity - find the middle where teaching moral values are left to the parents...
The only moral values that public schools are teaching is that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity
Funny how the pendulum swings...

Back when I was in school there was a huge push by LGBT supporters that schools were teaching religious moral values upon kids (that contrary to their parents values, homosexuality is a sin)

The LGBT's are now aghast that there is blowback by religious parents who don't feel their kids should be taught moral values in schools (that contrary to their parents values, homosexuality isn't a sin)...

Come on gravity - find the middle where teaching moral values are left to the parents...
The only moral values that public schools are teaching is that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity

And that is the only one that matters. Schools shouldn't favor one religion over the other because we're a nation with every single religion imaginable.

What is so wrong with respect and treated people with respect?
In reality about 1/3rd of the student body considers themselves somekind of gay or bi based on a news report I heard a few years ago.

Why not teach the teachers how to act around their students?

What if Salmon fought raging rivers, climbed waterfalls, and braved bears just to get upstream and ghey off?

No salmon and no bears
The mascot...

Seems like a weird training for teachers of prepubescent children.

Progs are fucking weird.

Teachers Attend 'LGGBDTTTIQQAAP' Sensitivity Training (WTF?)

Teachers Attend 'LGGBDTTTIQQAAP' Sensitivity Training (WTF?)
Megan Fox

11-26-2017 10:39:27 PM
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/——/ The PP crowd is upset they are listed last and want to know why the Lesbos got top billing.
I almost fear asking but what is pp? Lol
/-----/ Wait a minute - the PP crowd isn't listed. Just the P's. Well wait till the Perverted Progs get wind of this.

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