Teachers Attend 'LGGBDTTTIQQAAP' Sensitivity Training

i don't even want to know what this will do to bathroom door signs.

I know.

People will just have to "proceed" on the spot :eek-52:...when nature calls, nature calls. No time too decipher stupid PC names on bathroom doors.

Idiotic snowflakes.:mad-61:
What bathrooms will we need? Just do like Oregon and California, pee and crap in the street or on the sidewalk.
no way man. then you wind up with these public service announcements.

We should educate 5 year olds on the mechanics behind an abortion. That would be educational.

Show them a video of an abortion and explain what it is. If they are old enough to be taught about hermaphroditism, they can surely handle abortion.
Indeed, why are the teachers telling the boys that they are girls, and viewing the boys as damaged girls who need to be corrected by emasculating them so much that they think they are gay.
What in the name of the Gods and Goddesses are you blathering about?

The public school practice seems to be that, if a boy wants to be a boy, it's time to drug him up.

Horrific torture facilities. Think about it, a redneck who can't tell the difference between his ass and ground teaches their kids better than these public school losers.
You're still not making a lick of sense . You're either just making shit up or listing to the voices in your head.

Stating facts.

"By the time they reach high school, nearly 20 percent of all American boys will be diagnosed with ADHD. Millions of those boys will be prescribed a powerful stimulant to "normalize" them. A great many of those boys will suffer serious side effects from those drugs. The shocking truth is that many of those diagnoses are wrong, and that most of those boys are being drugged for no good reason—simply for being boys. It's time we recognize this as a crisis."

The Drugging of the American Boy

The boys think public schools suck and are useless, and to top it utterly boring, facts that statistics show. They are not willing to sit idle as the teachers rape their eardrums. For this evildoing, they are viewed as damaged and drugged. Sounds like they are smarter than the teachers to be honest, who only seem to be good at siphoning tax money and almost nothing else.

Anyway you for sure would not oppose. For one, you don't have kids. But even if you did you would raise the boys as girls and then they would suicide themselves shortly after progressive style.
Logical fallacy- Moving the goal posts. The subject is transgender . You stupidly said that "The public school practice seems to be that, if a boy wants to be a boy, it's time to drug him up" and now you're running and hiding from it

Why do elementary school age children need to know about sexual orientation and hermaphroditis?
Indeed, why are the teachers telling the boys that they are girls, and viewing the boys as damaged girls who need to be corrected by emasculating them so much that they think they are gay.
What in the name of the Gods and Goddesses are you blathering about?

The public school practice seems to be that, if a boy wants to be a boy, it's time to drug him up.

Horrific torture facilities. Think about it, a redneck who can't tell the difference between his ass and ground teaches their kids better than these public school losers.
You're still not making a lick of sense . You're either just making shit up or listing to the voices in your head.

Stating facts.

"By the time they reach high school, nearly 20 percent of all American boys will be diagnosed with ADHD. Millions of those boys will be prescribed a powerful stimulant to "normalize" them. A great many of those boys will suffer serious side effects from those drugs. The shocking truth is that many of those diagnoses are wrong, and that most of those boys are being drugged for no good reason—simply for being boys. It's time we recognize this as a crisis."

The Drugging of the American Boy

The boys think public schools suck and are useless, and to top it utterly boring, facts that statistics show. They are not willing to sit idle as the teachers rape their eardrums. For this evildoing, they are viewed as damaged and drugged. Sounds like they are smarter than the teachers to be honest, who only seem to be good at siphoning tax money and almost nothing else.

Anyway you for sure would not oppose. For one, you don't have kids. But even if you did you would raise the boys as girls and then they would suicide themselves shortly after progressive style.
Logical fallacy- Moving the goal posts. The subject is transgender . You stupidly said that "The public school practice seems to be that, if a boy wants to be a boy, it's time to drug him up"

You also said "Indeed, why are the teachers telling the boys that they are girls, and viewing the boys as damaged girls who need to be corrected by emasculating them so much that they think they are gay." Now you are running from it and trying to make this about something else
Seems like a weird training for teachers of prepubescent children.

Progs are fucking weird.

Teachers Attend 'LGGBDTTTIQQAAP' Sensitivity Training (WTF?)

Teachers Attend 'LGGBDTTTIQQAAP' Sensitivity Training (WTF?)
Megan Fox

11-26-2017 10:39:27 PM
chat Comments

What do expect out of Canada? Half their government is probably falling into one or more of those categories.

Well, those categories basically include everyone.

L. Lesbian. Female like female.
G. Gay. Male like male
B. Bisexual. Male or female like both male and female.
T. Transgender. Male that feels like female and vice versa.
T. Transsexual. Male that got a sex change to a female and vice versa.
Q. Queer. Insult for gay people.
Q. Questioning. What are they?
I. Intersex. Both parts, mutated. EWW!
A. Asexual. Feels no attraction. Don"t know why its here, it's the opposite.
A. Allies. Honorary term for straight people that support this.
P. Pansexual. Likes Everybody. Also likes bread, Pan-American Airlines, Peter Pan. Etc.
In reality about 1/3rd of the student body considers themselves somekind of gay or bi based on a news report I heard a few years ago.

Why not teach the teachers how to act around their students?

If that is the case (which I seriously doubt), we are doomed as a society.

What is wrong with the way teachers act now?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
In reality about 1/3rd of the student body considers themselves somekind of gay or bi based on a news report I heard a few years ago.

Why not teach the teachers how to act around their students?
Exactly how should a teacher act differently around a queer kid than they do around a straight kid?

How about teaching kids things they need to know to succeed? Why don't teachers talk about how they are miserably failing at THAT?
Funny how the pendulum swings...

Back when I was in school there was a huge push by LGBT supporters that schools were teaching religious moral values upon kids (that contrary to their parents values, homosexuality is a sin)

The LGBT's are now aghast that there is blowback by religious parents who don't feel their kids should be taught moral values in schools (that contrary to their parents values, homosexuality isn't a sin)...

Come on gravity - find the middle where teaching moral values are left to the parents...
The only moral values that public schools are teaching is that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity

People who are mentally ill deserve neither respect or dignity. They need psychiatric care.
In reality about 1/3rd of the student body considers themselves somekind of gay or bi based on a news report I heard a few years ago.

Why not teach the teachers how to act around their students?
Exactly how should a teacher act differently around a queer kid than they do around a straight kid?

Treat them the same ;)

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