Teachers Attend 'LGGBDTTTIQQAAP' Sensitivity Training

Indeed, why are the teachers telling the boys that they are girls, and viewing the boys as damaged girls who need to be corrected by emasculating them so much that they think they are gay.
What in the name of the Gods and Goddesses are you blathering about?

The public school practice seems to be that, if a boy wants to be a boy, it's time to drug him up.

Horrific torture facilities. Think about it, a redneck who can't tell the difference between his ass and ground teaches their kids better than these public school losers.
THis is how people like Progressivepatriot see the the government:

It's a hoax....Elementary Teachers' Federation Of Ontario

That link is to the The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO). Nothing about all those letters, just the usual LGBTQ. You haters are such stupid suckers...

So you are opposed to teaching sexual orientation to elementary age children.

Good for you. Many Progs are not opposed to it.

So, you support sensible gun control legislation and a women's right to choose?

You took something I said and completely misinterpreted it...I reckon I can too, right? I said you're stupid for falling for a hoax. What does that have to do with sex education?
Indeed, why are the teachers telling the boys that they are girls, and viewing the boys as damaged girls who need to be corrected by emasculating them so much that they think they are gay.
What in the name of the Gods and Goddesses are you blathering about?

The public school practice seems to be that, if a boy wants to be a boy, it's time to drug him up.

Horrific torture facilities. Think about it, a redneck who can't tell the difference between his ass and ground teaches their kids better than these public school losers.
You're still not making a lick of sense . You're either just making shit up or listing to the voices in your head.
Funny how the pendulum swings...

Back when I was in school there was a huge push by LGBT supporters that schools were teaching religious moral values upon kids (that contrary to their parents values, homosexuality is a sin)

The LGBT's are now aghast that there is blowback by religious parents who don't feel their kids should be taught moral values in schools (that contrary to their parents values, homosexuality isn't a sin)...

Come on gravity - find the middle where teaching moral values are left to the parents...
The only moral values that public schools are teaching is that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity

Funny how the pendulum swings...

Back when I was in school there was a huge push by LGBT supporters that schools were teaching religious moral values upon kids (that contrary to their parents values, homosexuality is a sin)

The LGBT's are now aghast that there is blowback by religious parents who don't feel their kids should be taught moral values in schools (that contrary to their parents values, homosexuality isn't a sin)...

Come on gravity - find the middle where teaching moral values are left to the parents...
The only moral values that public schools are teaching is that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity

And that is the only one that matters. Schools shouldn't favor one religion over the other because we're a nation with every single religion imaginable.

What is so wrong with respect and treated people with respect?

The truth is, good parents teach their children moral boundaries....they teach normal behavioral traits. Good parents don't want schools and faculty to normalize or sometimes even glamorize things that good parents believe to be abnormal or outside the moral boundary.
This can't be all that hard to understand...right?
You do realize that MOST sane, legit, normal people believe that trannies are bat shit crazy degenerates...right?
It's a hoax....Elementary Teachers' Federation Of Ontario

That link is to the The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO). Nothing about all those letters, just the usual LGBTQ. You haters are such stupid suckers...
/----/ LGGBDTTTIQQAAP - Google Search

Thanks for showing us where you got your misinformation, but that doesn't make it any more true. Any of those links go to the Elementary Teacher's Federation of Ontario?
Indeed, why are the teachers telling the boys that they are girls, and viewing the boys as damaged girls who need to be corrected by emasculating them so much that they think they are gay.
What in the name of the Gods and Goddesses are you blathering about?

The public school practice seems to be that, if a boy wants to be a boy, it's time to drug him up.

Horrific torture facilities. Think about it, a redneck who can't tell the difference between his ass and ground teaches their kids better than these public school losers.
You're still not making a lick of sense . You're either just making shit up or listing to the voices in your head.

Stating facts.

"By the time they reach high school, nearly 20 percent of all American boys will be diagnosed with ADHD. Millions of those boys will be prescribed a powerful stimulant to "normalize" them. A great many of those boys will suffer serious side effects from those drugs. The shocking truth is that many of those diagnoses are wrong, and that most of those boys are being drugged for no good reason—simply for being boys. It's time we recognize this as a crisis."

The Drugging of the American Boy

The boys think public schools suck and are useless, and to top it utterly boring, facts that statistics show. They are not willing to sit idle as the teachers rape their eardrums. For this evildoing, they are viewed as damaged and drugged. Sounds like they are smarter than the teachers to be honest, who only seem to be good at siphoning tax money and almost nothing else.

Anyway you for sure would not oppose. For one, you don't have kids. But even if you did you would raise the boys as girls and then they would suicide themselves shortly after progressive style.
It's a hoax....Elementary Teachers' Federation Of Ontario

That link is to the The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO). Nothing about all those letters, just the usual LGBTQ. You haters are such stupid suckers...

So you are opposed to teaching sexual orientation to elementary age children.

Good for you. Many Progs are not opposed to it.

So, you support sensible gun control legislation and a women's right to choose?

You took something I said and completely misinterpreted it...I reckon I can too, right? I said you're stupid for falling for a hoax. What does that have to do with sex education?

You said the story was a hoax so everyone should stop complaining.

I took that as you being happy it’s not being taught to elementary school children.

Sorry, it figures you would want a 5 year old to be taugh what “I” means.....

...“I” for “Intersex,” referring to those sexually equipped as both genders. Formerly known as Hermaphrodites.

The children can learn how to make nouns plural, and then what it means to have a penis and a vagina.

Elementary age children.

Progs are fucking sick in the head...but then again, they refuse to condemn the slave owner and child fucker Muhammed.
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i don't even want to know what this will do to bathroom door signs.

I know.

People will just have to "proceed" on the spot :eek-52:...when nature calls, nature calls. No time too decipher stupid PC names on bathroom doors.

Idiotic snowflakes.:mad-61:
i don't even want to know what this will do to bathroom door signs.

I know.

People will just have to "proceed" on the spot :eek-52:...when nature calls, nature calls. No time too decipher stupid PC names on bathroom doors.

Idiotic snowflakes.:mad-61:
What bathrooms will we need? Just do like Oregon and California, pee and crap in the street or on the sidewalk.
In reality about 1/3rd of the student body considers themselves somekind of gay or bi based on a news report I heard a few years ago.

Why not teach the teachers how to act around their students?

1/3, that's really interesting since the last measured read of total LGBT population in the entire country is only 4%, that means the "new deal" of teaching kids it's okay to be gay over the past what 20 years has allegedly increased homosexuality by an astounding 30%... Frankly I'd say those folks, who believe that homosexuality is an endangerment to their children's immortal soul, voicing a complaint about it being "normalized" and "pushed" on their kids is completely fucking valid if that's the case...

To your point though, ya know back when I was in school 99% of kids were straight and yet teachers started pushing this "it's okay to be gay" agenda, even though /most/ of the kids weren't LGBT. You are literally arguing that "majority rules over moral values" kid, and worse, you're making the exact fucking argument that the religious folks did back when I was growing up.

I was all for the argument that moral values should not be taught in school because that's up to the kids family, kids should not be taught that being gay was a sin in schools, shouldn't be beat up or bullied for it either; I was totally cool with both those ideas - NOW, though, folks on the left have crossed that same line, trying to teach that it's /not/ a sin to be gay in schools - that if you don't "like" or "agree" with gayness you are Hitler and shit - that is a blatant violation of religious families rights to impart their moral values upon their own children, just as much as it was a violation of gay friendly families to teach their kids that homosexuality wasn't a sin. They are the exact same failures, one side to the other, and how it should be is that kids get that shit from their parents values - be that against or for homosexuality - and whichever the families decide is /none/ of the teachers, nor education boards, nor PTAs, nor governments business...
When I was in school we didn't have any queers we knew of.

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